Avyakt BapDada 6th August 1970

Are you having the experience that you have stabilised yourself in the avyakt stage, and are observing everything with the support of the corporeal form? Just as you enter a physical place, in the same way, do you experience yourself entering a physical body to carry out a task? Do you enter it when you wish and become detached from it when you wish? Do you adopt it one second and shed it the next? Just as you can take other physical things when you want and leave them when you want?, is it just as easy to shed the awareness of this body and become soul conscious? Have you become the creators who can take the support of the creation when you wish and leave the support of the creation when you wish? Have you become free from bondage to the extent that you become detached when you want, and loving when you want?

The body is also a bondage, and it ties you in its bondage. It is easy to finish attachment with the bodily relations and physical things, but it takes effort to become free from the consciousness of the body. You now have to practise coming into the avyakt stage when you wish, with great force. In order to be loved by all, you first have to become detached.

For success in service, you have to be able to make all souls have love for the Father, be co- operative in the Father’s task, and powerful in their effort.

Be a detached observer. Then a task that at present takes one month will not take even one hour. The more you remain a detached observer the more you will become an image that grants visions. Take support one minute, and become detached the next: this will bring time and perfection close.

Give regard to everyone. “You first”. To give regard means to receive regard. Give it once, and you will receive it many times. The more you say “you first”, the more you will become equal to the Father.

Stop saying ‘sometime’ and start saying ‘now’. Those who leave everything for later are the subjects of a later period. ow you have to create the subjects of the first period.

Understand the significance of everything (raaz), and renounce being delicate (naaz).

Be regular in every aspect. The more regular you are, the more of a ruler you will become. Not even one word should be wasteful.

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