Madhuban Avyakt BapDada 01/11/70

 Methods to become equal to the Father.

Today, BapDada is seeing the practical proof of the children who receive help from the Father by maintaining courage. He is seeing the practical form of what has been remembered. Children take one step forward, and BapDada takes a thousand steps forward from a long distance and personally comes in front of you. How many miles have you travelled? From how far away has BapDada come? Who has greater love? The Father or the children? In this aspect too, the Father makes the children move forward.

Even now, is there anything in this old world that can attract you more than the Father? Since you know that this world is old, that all the relationships, all your wealth and possessions etc. are just temporary and showy, why are you still deceived by them all? Why do you become engrossed in them? Reveal your incognito form and the Father’s incognito form, and you will then be able to reveal the Father’s incognito task. Your shakti form will also be revealed. At present, it is still incognito. Simply remember one word and you will be able to put your incognito form into a practical form. What is that word? Just the word, “antar”. There are two meanings of this word. One is “contrast” , and secondly, it also means “within”, just as when you say, “introverted” (to turn within) or ‘Antaryami’ (the One who knows what is inside each of you). So the one word “antar” has two meanings. When you remember the word “antar”, firstly you are able to see the contrast of everything as to whether it is elevated or not, and secondly, when you remain in the introverted stage, that is, when you stabilise yourself in your inner consciousness, your incognito form will be revealed. By remembering just the one word you can change your life. 

Now, according to the speed of time your feet should not be on the ground. Which feet? Those with which you stay on the pilgrimage of remembrance. There is a saying that the feet of angels never touch the ground. So now, the intellects will go beyond the attraction of the earth, that is, of nature, and then nothing can bring them down. Then you will become those who control nature, not those who are subservient to nature. Just as scientists are now trying to go beyond the earth, in the same way, you can go, through the power of silence, beyond the attraction of the earth, and take the support of it whenever you wish. It should not be that nature makes you subservient whenever it wishes. So, to what extent has your stage become like this? At present, BapDada is carrying out His task in the subtle region, in order to go with you, but till when will this continue? After all, you have to return to your home, do you not?

Therefore, now try to stabilise yourself in your stage beyond, as quickly as possible. You have to go with Baba, stay with Baba and rule together. How will you be with Baba? By being equal. If you are not equal, how will you be with Baba? You now have to fly with Baba, and stay with Baba. Keep this in your consciousness and you will quickly be able to make yourself equal. Otherwise, you will remain distant.

You have made a promise: We will go with you, we will stay with you, and we will rule with you. It is just that, at the time of ruling, the Father becomes incognito. So, how will you remain with Baba? By being equal. How will you bring about equality? By being equal to sakar father. You now say, “BapDada”, do you not? How did Baba bring about that equality? He brought about equality within a second by surrendering. You need power to surrender in that way. When you have surrendered everything, you and everyone else lose any right to it. It is the same as when you give something to someone, you and others lose the right to it. If others still keep a right to it, what would you call that? “I have already surrendered this.” After surrendering everything in this way, how can you or anyone else have a right to it? While you or anyone else still has a right to something, it proves that there is a lack in surrendering it completely, and this is why there isn’t equality. The result of those who surrender themselves after thinking about it a great deal is that that thinking becomes an obstacle in the form of waste thoughts. Do you understand? Achcha.