
Today, Baba is very pleased seeing all the effort­making souls, because He knows that these are the elevated souls who are instrumental in bringing about the transformation of the world. Each elevated soul is performing such wonders numberwise. Although, at the present time, there may be some weakness or defect, these are the souls who are going to change from one thing to something else. So, seeing the future and perfect stage of all of you, Baba is very happy. All of you are the greatest of all spiritual magicians, are you not? Just as magicians show very unique games in a very short time, in the same way, you spiritual magicians are the ones who will bring about the transformation of the world with the power of your spirituality. You are those who make the bankrupt double­crowned. However, you are those who carry out such a great task of changing the self and changing the world with just one determined thought. You transform yourselves with just one determined thought. What is that one determined thought through which the sanskars of forgetfulness of many births are emerged? It is a matter of just one second through which you changed yourselves. Just as in one second you had the one determined thought, "I am a soul", and you transformed everything about yourself, in the same way, you bring about transformation of the world with just one determined thought. What is that one determined thought?

"We are the images of support and the images of upliftment for the world, that is, we are the world benefactors." You constantly remain engaged in the task of transforming the world by imbibing just this one thought. So, you are such spiritual magicians that you transform yourselves and the world with just one thought. Those magicians demonstrate transforming things for a temporary period, but you spiritual magicians are those who have an imperishable attainment and also inspire others to attain an imperishable attainment. So, create every thought and perform every action whilst constantly keeping this elevated status and elevated task in front of you, and then none of your thoughts or actions will be wasted. Whilst moving along, whilst in the old body and in the old world, because of forgetting your elevated status and your elevated task, you make many types of mistake. To forget your own self is also a mistake. Those who forget themselves become instruments to make many mistakes. Therefore, constantly keep your elevated status in front of you. True bhagats stay very distant from those who are considered to be atheists, or who are ignorant and who perform sinful actions or who are under the influence of the vices in terms of the world. Why? What is the reason that the intense devotees, the true bhagats, constantly keep their special deity in front of themselves? Because of keeping them in front of themselves, they keep themselves safe from many things and they become more elevated than many other souls. Since bhagats can become more elevated than atheists or ignorant people by keeping their special deities in front of themselves, what will the knowledgeable souls who constantly keep their elevated status and task in front of themselves become? The most elevated of all souls. So ask yourself: Are your task and status constantly in front of you? You have had the sanskars of forgetting for a long period of time. And so, if even now, you imbibe the sanskars of forgetting, then when will you attain the intoxication and happiness that you should of being an embodiment of remembrance? Why are you not able to experience the happiness and joy of being an embodiment of remembrance? What is the main reason for that? You have not yet become a conqueror of attachment in all forms. If you are a conqueror of attachment, you will become an embodiment of remembrance. So, first of all, check yourself to see to what extent you have become a conqueror of attachment. To come into body consciousness again and again proves that you have not gone beyond having attachment to the body, or that you have not destroyed attachment to the body. Because of your not being a conqueror of attachment, the time and power that you are attaining from the Father as an inheritance are not being used for any task. Everyone receives power.

Since you have become the children, you claim a right to the property and the inheritance of the Father. So all souls have received the right to all powers, they claim a right to that. Therefore, all souls receive the inheritance of all powers. However, to use the inheritance of all those powers for a task and to bring about progress within yourself happens numberwise according to effort. Therefore, what would be said when you are the children of the unlimited Father and you only claim a limited inheritance?

Instead of an unlimited status, to claim a limited inheritance or status is not the task of the children of the unlimited One. So even now, make yourselves those who have a right to the unlimited inheritance. Those who have a right are never dependent on their creation. Would those who are dependent on their own creation be called those who have a right? By being forgetful again and again, you make yourself weak. Because of being weak, you are not able to face even little things. So now, bid farewell to the sanskars of half a kalpa of forgetfulness.

Today, BapDada is making all of you make a promise. Just as you people challenge the people of the world telling them that this old world is now about to be destroyed, in the same way, can you not bid farewell to the sanskars of forgetfulness? Can you not become the conquerors of Maya? When you can give courage to others and make them enthusiastic, can you not give courage to your own self and make yourself enthusiastic? So make a promise that from today you will not be defeated by Maya in any form or any situation, but that you will fight her and become victorious. So tie this bond on yourself. You tie a rakhi on those who do not have any knowledge or power and have them make a promise. And so, can you, who have attained knowledge and power and have been in relationship over a long period of time and are elevated, mahavir souls, the souls who are the embodiment of shakti, the Pandav army, can you not tie this rakhi of a promise? Do you wish to make the weaknesses and defects your companions till the end? Nowadays, through science, people are able to destroy anything in one second. So, can you, who are knowledge­full and master almighty authorities, not destroy your weaknesses with a determined thought or promise of one second? You give others these points with great intoxication and force. So, just as you tell others with this intoxication, in the same way, can you yourself not have the intoxication and sparkle of becoming victorious? So from today, bid farewell to the weaknesses for all time.

One minute to be an effort­maker and the next minute to be an angel: can you not see your complete stage so close? Since the time is so close, the perfect stage should also be as close. It is through this that you will be able to put power into your effort. When someone knows that his destination is only a little distance away, he forgets everything else in the happiness of reaching the destination. When you become lazy as you move along, because of being tired whilst making effort or because of little problems, in order to finish all these, keep the time in front of you clearly, and together with the time, keep your attainment in front of you, and then the laziness and tiredness will finish. Just as you create service plans for every year, in the same way, make a plan for yourself for your stage of ascent, for becoming perfect and for having elevated thoughts and performing elevated karma. Together with keeping the plans in front of you, put them into a practical form at every moment. Achcha.

To those who make such a promise and reveal their perfect stage and the Father, namaste.

Speciality: Together with giving teachings, be a detached observer and have feelings of forgivenesss.

Dharna: At present, two weaknesses are visible in the effort­makers. 1) Arrogance and 2) Ignorance. Because of arrogance, they are not able to consider any teachings or signals given to them as a means of progress and merge them within themselves. In a subtle way, there is upheaval in their vision and attitude. They then think: "Why did this one say this? This is also an insult to me." And then, on the other side, in order to defend themselves, they become ignorant. This is why, if you want to give teachings to anyone, then instead of giving them directly, give them through your own form. First of all, have feelings of forgiveness. In the sakar form, Baba showed you the teachings through actions in a practical way at every step. In other words, this is called divine activities. In this way, follow the father.

Slogan: To control wastage is to apply a brake and the brake is the means of safety.

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Essence of workshops that took place in Madhuban:

  1. The Renunciation of the Consciousness of "I".

    1. When we remember the word "I", add the word "soul", that is, use the words "I the soul". Throughout the day, however many times you use the word "I", at that time, remember "who am I".

    2. Use the word "I" very little and instead say, "We".

    3. Do not think about what you have renounced, and don't let there be arrogance about it. Because, instead of renouncing anything, we have attained a great deal from Baba. Renounce the consciousness of having renounced anything.

    4. The knowledge I am relating is Baba's knowledge, not mine.

    5. Consider yourself to be a student, not a teacher. Always have the consciousness: I have to study till the end, I have to learn till the end.

    6. I have to imbibe everyone's virtues and specialities.

    7. On the basis of following Baba's shrimat, give regard to the seniors and love to the juniors.

    8. Whenever you want to carry out any service programmes, take advice from the seniors. Have everything verified and then do it. Then you will not have the consciousness of "I".

    9. Whenever service is successful because of the advice I gave, I should not say: It is because I advised it. It happened because I had said this.

    10. Always consider yourself to be little. We are so little that Baba is holding our finger and making us move along. Since Baba is making me move along as my Master, why should I be someone's master?

  2. Consciousness of being an instrument.

  1. Let the practice of soul consciousness be firm. I have come just to play a part, and it is Baba who is making me do everything.

  2. Whatever tasks I am carrying out are Baba's, not mine. I am just an instrument and Baba is enabling me to carry them out.

  3. Baba has made me responsible and therefore, Baba has made me an instrument and is carrying out service through me.

  4. Let there be the feeling of having surrendered. I just have to give advice, and not force anyone to do anything. I have to fulfil whatever instructions I receive for service. Give advice as a master and perform a task as a child.

  5. Previously, I did not have any qualities, but after belonging to Baba, Baba filled me with all these specialities.

  6. Consider yourself to be a server.

  7. I am responsible for performing elevated actions. All others will perform actions whilst seeing me. Therefore, I must only perform elevated actions.

  8. If, at any time, someone praises me, I should not pay attention to that praise. I have to consider Baba to be Karavanhar. I should only accept praise in order to surrender it to Baba instantly. If any task is accomplished, and someone gives me thanks for that, tell that one: The task was only accomplished because of your pure feelings and good wishes, and so thank you for this subtle service.

  9. Baba did everything and hid Himself away. Baba remained incognito on the path of bhakti and also at the confluence age. Baba placed Brahma Baba and the children in the front. In the same way, I should also place my companions in front of me, and keep myself at the back. I must not reveal myself.

  10. I am an instrument to give to others the treasures received from the Father, and therefore, there should never be any arrogance. I must always pay attention to remember that Baba has made me an instrument to create an elevated atmosphere through spreading elevated vibrations.

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