20/11/72Avyakt BapDada Revised: 28/03/94

Do you constantly experience yourselves to be victorious? Since you are those who are victorious over the whole world and who then rule it, have you, yourselves, become victorious at this time? Do you consider yourselves to be those who have claimed the right to the world which you are going to rule? First of all, have you already claimed all rights over yourself, or do you still have to do that? Those who claim all rights over themselves become those who claim all rights to the world. So, ask yourself to what extent you have attained all rights over yourself. Do you know what all the rights are? The main powers of the soul that you speak of, that is, the mind, the intellect and sanskars:have you become victorious, that is, have you claimed all rights over these three powers? You do not become subservient to your own powers, do you? Those who have become instruments for world service would have this stage easily and naturally, would they not? Or, would they have to stabilise themselves in this stage by making effort? Are you experiencing this stage of making effort within yourselves, or is the confluence age the time for making effort and the stage a matter for the future? At the confluence age, do you experience the stage of being the embodiment of success and a master almighty authority or not? Are you going to experience this from now, or only for a little time at the end? Are you just going to remain the stars of hope? You should experience being the embodiment of success now. You will attain all success when you have claimed all rights over the self. You should be able to use your mind, intellect and sanskars as you want. Only if it is like this now will you be able to change the mind, intellect and sanskars of others. If you take time to change yourself, or if you are not constantly victorious, then you have to use greater time and energy in making others victorious. Service is a mirror of the stage of all of you. So, what can you see in the mirror? You effort­making souls have created your stage, but do those whom you serve experience this in the same way? Are you receiving visions of the extent to which you have created your stage through your service? What stage have you created? Where have you reached? You enjoy service, do you not? You experience happiness seeing the success of service, do you not: when other souls go having received the Father's introduction? In the majority of Brahmin souls, you see especially two virtues: purity and love. The majority of you have passed in these two aspects. In the same way, in the result of service, love and purity are also visible, that is, those who come here experience this. However, the newness and the speciality of the knowledge, the stage of being knowledge­full and a master almighty authority, the speciality of the practical task of the Father that should especially  be experienced is lacking. Do they experience the full introduction of the incarnation of Shakti, the name which hasto be glorified, the form of Shakti or the form of the Almighty Authority Father? They are impressed by your life, they are impressed by the love and co­operation, but are they also that much impressed with the elevated knowledge and your being so knowledge­full? Just as Brahmin instrument souls experience themselves to be the embodiment ofpower to a certain percentage, so too, in the mirror of service, the form of power is experienced less in comparison to that of love and co­operation. Whatever is happening and whatever you are doing is very good according to the drama. However, now, according to the time and according to the closeness, only when you become the embodiment of power and spread that influence on others will you be able to bring the final glorification close. Hoist the flag of power. Just as when a flag is hoisted, because it is high up, everyone's vision is automatically drawn towards it, in the same way, now hoist the flag of power, the flag of greatness and newness throughout the whole world. That which no soul can experience anywhere else: give this special experience to all souls. So, service is the mirror, is it not? Achcha.To those who give the introduction of the Almighty Authority Father with the form of all powers; to those who granta vision of all powers through their own power; to the loving, co­operative, elevated souls who are the embodiment of power, who hoist the flag over the entire world, love, remembrances and namaste from BapDada.

Avyakt BapDada meeting two groups personally on 18th January, 1994
In order to constantly be a destroyer of all obstacles, experience God's hand over your head.

Who is worshipped the most in Bombay? Ganesh. Ganesh is called the destroyer of obstacles. Are all of you thedestroyers of obstacles? You are not under the influence of obstacles, are you? Who become the destroyers ofobstacles? Those who have all the powers are the destroyers of obstacles. All the powers are your birthright.Constantly have the intoxication of being a master almighty authority and use all your powers according to the time.It should not be that you do not use them at the time of need, and that after the moment has passed by, you think thatyou should have done this. Are all of you the destroyers of obstacles? Say with intoxication that you are the masterdestroyers of all obstacles. No matter in how many forms Maya comes, you should be knowledge­full. You haveknowledge of Maya, do you not? Have you understood her very well, or do you sometimes become afraid? Do youunderstand her new form? Are you afraid of Maya? It is not that sometimes you are attacked by Maya andsometimes you are defeated by Maya, is it? Do you know how Maya takes birth? You are aware of how Maya takesbirth, but even then, you still give birth to Maya. Do you have love for Maya? A knowledge­full soul can never bedefeated by Maya. You have received the title of being a conqueror of Maya. You are not those who are going to bedefeated by Maya. You constantly have BapDada's hand and company and so you are constantly the conquerors ofMaya. So, do you have the company constantly or do you sometimes become alone? You remain combined, do younot? Constantly experience Baba's hand of blessings on your forehead. Those who have God's hand over themwould be the destroyers of obstacles, would they not? Those who constantly have the hand of blessings over themhave a guarantee and remain carefree. The tilak of victory is applied on each one's forehead. This is an imperishabletilak. To have the tilak of victory means to be a destroyer of obstacles. Every day at amrit vela, bring into yourawareness the tilak of victory. Bhagats would always apply a tilak each morning as they get ready. But you have animperishable tilak.

Do all of you constantly remain happy? Or, is it that your happiness sometimes increases and sometimes decreases?The nourishment of Brahmin life is happiness. Do you constantly have this nourishment or only sometimes? You arethose who have the fortune of happiness, those who eat the nourishment of happiness and distribute happiness toothers. Do you remember this? Does it emerge in your heart that no one else can have the fortune of happiness thatyou have? Is there anyone else in the entire world? Does the Queen in London or the President of America havethis? Is there anyone? If the Queen in London were to give you the crown and throne, would you take it? Wouldyou not take it? Take it now, and you also have to take it in the future. If you sit on the throne, you would giveorders, would you not? (We have received Baba's heart­throne and so there is no need for that throne.) That throneof today is not a throne, it is just a piece of hard wood. There is so much worry, whereas you are carefree emperors.It is such a carefree life that the carefree life you experience now cannot be experienced in any other age throughoutthe entire kalpa. You will be carefree in the golden age, but at this time, you have the knowledge of both havingworries and of being carefree. There, you will not have this knowledge.

Those from Bombay are doubly carefree, because those living in Bombay know that when Bombay is destroyed, theywill still remain safe. Whenever there is any upheaval, Brahmins remain safe. Yogyukt souls automatically remainsafe. Those from Bombay are not afraid of the ocean washing everything away, are they? You have become theconquerors of attachment in advance. Achcha, have those from Bombay created new plans? (They have prepared aplan for a car­rally.) Will "mikes" emerge through this? Bombay is number one in the whole world in terms ofbusiness.

So what number have you claimed in doing the business of knowledge? It is number one, is it not? Number twowould mean the moon dynasty. Number one is the sun dynasty. So, are you the sun dynasty or the moon dynasty? Ifyou are number one in everything else, how can you be a last number in this? Those from Bombay have also received sustenance from sakar Baba. This is also the fortune of Bombay. Even now, they are receiving sustenance frominstrument souls who are equal to the Father. So, you are number one in this also. Just be careful you don't fluctuate now: sometimes number two and sometimes number one. Constantly remain number one. Those from Bombay have good courage. You have courage in every task on the field of service. Those who maintain courage automatically receive incognito help from the Father. The sign of receiving help is that every task is accomplished easily. Do youfind everything easy, or do you sometimes find it difficult? You are those who make the difficult things easy and those who finish the difficulties of others. Only those who make the difficult become easy are the destroyers of obstacles. Achcha.

2. Are you those who constantly have the balance of both remembrance and service? The virtues and powersyou receive through remembrance have to be given to others through service. Do you check both of these very well?Or is it that, when you do a lot of service, yoga is lacking and when you have a lot of yoga, service is lacking? It is not like that, is it? By doing service, the treasures that you have received increase. You know the method to increase them, do you not? So, are you clever in service or clever in remembrance? The power of yoga means to be able tofocus your intellect wherever you want. Do you have such power? Are you able to focus your intellect when and where you want or does it take time? How much time does it take you to focus your intellect? No matter what the atmosphere is like, in how much time are you able to stabilise your mind and intellect? (In one second.)

Are you just saying this, or do you actually do it? It is easy to say this, but it is when the need for this arises that you can tell whether or not you have the power to stabilise yourself. At the time when the situation is of upheaval, the atmosphere is impure and Maya has courage in trying to make you belong to her, will you be able to stabilise yourself in one second, or will it take time? If you practise this constantly, you become able to use this power at the right time. This is known as being able to stabilise yourself as and when you want for as long as you want. No matter how many storms (toofan) of waste thoughts there are, the storms should become a gift (tohfa) to make you move forward within one second. When you have such controlling power, then such powerful souls will never even think that they didn't want something to happen, but that it happened. Only that which you think of should happen. It should not be that you think it should not happen, and yet it happens. Because, if any power is not useful at the time of need, the ninstead of experiencing attainment, you have to repent. So, become the embodiment of attainment. BapDada has given all souls all the powers as an inheritance. So, anything received as an inheritance is constantly remembered. You would then say with intoxication that these powers are your birthright.

Do you constantly stay in the experience of belonging to one Baba and none other? Do you belong to just the One, or, is there a second or third one? The one Father has become the whole world. There are no attractions and no karmic bondages. Do you not even have any bondages of your own weak sanskars? Do you have any weak sanskars? Do you still have any old sanskars? Do you sometimes experience a little bossiness? Do you become bossy with the younger ones? (There is anger.) Anger is even greater than bossiness. When there is anger, it means there are still karmic bondages. Pandavs have anger and mothers have attachment. Men also have the arrogance of being male. Do you ever have arrogance with the children or the mothers thinking that you are greater? Do you think you have a right over them and think, why did they do this? Do you think your wife belongs to you? In fact she is only your service companion, not someone over whom you have a right. It is only when you consider someone to be long to you that you have anger, arrogance or attachment.

When you do not consider someone to belong to you, there will not be any anger. Do the mothers become angry with the children? Do you not become angry when they are very mischievous?

When Baba is the whole world, and it is "My Baba", then everything else of "mine", is merged in the one Father. Sowhat enters your heart now? Mine or "Yours"? Do not do like the people in bhakti do: They say, "It is Yours", but they consider it to be theirs. The consciousness of, "mine", is a burden, and so it is a good thing to get rid of a burden. So, constantly remember that you are those who maintain the balance of remembrance and service, the souls who have claimed a right to blessings from the Father. Achcha.

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