22/11/72 Avyakt BapDada Revised: 18/04/94

Do you continue to have visions of your final stage? The closer you come, the more you will experience it as thoughit is almost in front of you. You will feel as though you are to become this just now. Just as those who are old havethe feeling that they are now old and will soon become a child again, so too, do you not only have the awareness ofyour final form, but do you have a clear vision of what you are at present and what you are to become? In thebeginning, you used to say that when you reach your destination, it will just be a question of taking one more step;that you have already placed one foot and that you now have to place the other foot; that is all the difference there is.So, do you experience your final stage to be as close? Do you see it clearly? Just as you can see your form veryclearly in a mirror, in the same way, your final form should be just as clearly visible in the mirror of knowledge.When a beautiful costume is in front of you and you are aware that that is what you will be wearing, as the time forwearing that costume comes close, your attention will be drawn to it because you can see the costume in front of you.In the same way, can you see your final form in front of you and is your attention drawn towards it? Call it the formof light or a costume, but you will only be able to see light. What is the form of angels? That of light. Those whosee them will feel the angels to be those who are wearing a costume of light; their crown is light, their costume is lightand their decoration is light. Wherever you look, you will only see light. When you look on their head, you will onlysee a crown of light. From their eyes, you will see rays of light emerging. So, can you see such a form in front ofyou? How will the part of the form of might, the form of power, be revealed? With the form of light. Anyone whocomes in front of you should become bodiless in one second: that will only happen with the form of light. If youbecome a lighthouse whilst walking and moving along, that body will not be visible to anyone. If you wish to passthe paper at the time of destruction, then in order to face all the situations, you have to become a lighthouse. Youshould experience this form of yours whilst moving along. You now have to practise this. You should completelyforget your body. Even when you have to do any work, if you have to walk or talk with someone, then also, adopt theangelic form of light to do it. When you have to play a part, you put on a costume, and when your part is finished,you take it off. You put it on in one second and become detached from it in the next. When this practice becomesfirm, the suffering of karma will finish, just as pain is removed by having an injection. Hatha yogis make youpractise trying to become detached from the body. So too, as soon as you have the injection of being the embodimentof remembrance, the awareness of the body will disappear. You will experience yourself to be the form of light, andothers will also experience this form of yours. This is the final service. Through this, all your business and activitywill be light, that is, there will be lightness. There is the saying: Even a mountain becomes like a mustard seed. Sotoo, by stabilising in the form of light, all your business will become light. You will not even need to use yourintellect very much. You do not have to use your intellect in anything that is light. By having this form of light, youdevelop the qualifications of being a master janijananhar and a master trikaldarshi. You will then not even have tothink about whether you should do something or not. You will only have those accurate thoughts in the intellectwhich you have to carry out. There will not be any feeling of the consequences of karma whilst in that stage. Whilstyou are under the influence of an injection, even though you speak and move about, you are not aware of it. You donot even have the awareness that you are doing anything; everything just continues to happen automatically. So too,the result of karma and the performing of actions will continue, but you will not have any awareness of it. It will notattract you towards itself. Such a stage is called the final stage. You have to have such a practice. How close is thisstage? Have you come in front of this stage? The stage where you become the form of light when you want andcome into the body when you want and do whatever you have to do?

Until you come to the point where you maintain this stage all the time, you should at least have this stage for sometime every now and again; only then will you be able to have this stage all the time. You used to experience the sakarform being in the angelic form. Even whilst he was living on earth, you used to experience him to be an angel. Youhave to develop such a stage. In the beginning, many used to have this vision. They used to see nothing but light.They also used to have a vision of their crown of light many times. Whatever sample you saw in the beginning, thatwill be the practical form at the end. You will see the result of the success in thoughts. Just as you give directionsthrough words, in the same way, you can carry out your entire business through thoughts. Scientists are able toreceive directions from Earth whilst up above, so too, are you not able to carry out your activities with elevatedthoughts? After all, it is silence that science has copied. So, for the sake of being an example, they are clearly infront of you already. You did this a kalpa ago. So then, there is no need to say anything. Just as you clarifysomething with words, in the same way, your entire activities should be carried out with thoughts. The more youexperience this and come close to one another, the more your thoughts will also be similar. Because of being theform of light, when your wasteful thoughts and wasting of time has finished, you will only have those thoughts whichare to take a practice form. You will only have that thought, and the person who has to carry it out in practice willalso have the thought that he has to do it. This is newness, is it not? When others see activity being carried out in thisway, they will understand that your activity is not being carried out by telling anyone anything, but through signals.You will look at someone, and from your eyes, that person will understand. The subtle region has to be created here.Do you make them practise this? Do you teach this to the teachers, or do you even now, only teach them how to givelectures? Your stage is your own, it is different; you have gone beyond that stage. It is numberwise. In the futurealso, you will adopt the crown and the throne, then you will leave it; only then will someone else adopt it. Here also,when you go beyond one stage, then others will reach your stage. The systems of the future will continue from here.You will develop such love for that stage that you will not feel good without it. Even against your conscious wish,you will continually be drawn towards it. Achcha.

Avyakt BapDada meeting groups personally on 9th December, 1993

Do you constantly have the intoxication that you are the children of the Bestower of Fortune? Once the Bestower ofFortune has become your Father, what more do you need? Have all your desires finished, or do you still have somedesires? Is your fortune constantly increasing, or is it sometimes increasing and sometimes decreasing? Does itdecrease when Maya comes? Maya will come till the end, because if Maya does not come, how will you be called theconquerors of Maya? So, it is Maya's duty to come and your duty to become the conquerors of Maya. Are you theconquerors of Maya or are you sometimes victorious and sometimes defeated? Now is the time to be the conquerorsof Maya over a long period of time: not to be defeated sometimes and victorious sometimes, but constantly to be theconquerors of Maya.

Are you those who constantly remain happy? Souls who remain happy are also loved by the Father. Since the Fatheris One who constantly remains happy and is the Ocean of Happiness, the children also constantly remain happy andthe Father also remains constantly happy. So, you have bid farewell to sorrow for all time, have you not? Or, do yousometimes invite it? You have now come away from the world of sorrow. Are you living in the world of sorrow?Where do you live? You are at the confluence age, not in the world of sorrow. People of the world are in the worldof sorrow, whereas you are at the confluence age, in the age of happiness, in the age of experiencing pleasure. Is itlike this? You do not go into the world of sorrow even by mistake, do you? Do you sometimes slightly have thisdesire? Do you have the intoxication that you are the elevated souls of the confluence age?

This is why Brahmins are always shown as the top­knot. Just as you are remembered as the highest­on­high, so too,you should also have an elevated stage; not an ordinary stage, but a constantly elevated stage. You do not sometimescome into an ordinary stage, do you? The awareness of having found the Father, and so having attained everything,enables you to create a constantly elevated stage. Do you remember this? This song is constantly playingautomatically. So you have attained everything so easily. Did you have to labour for it? Does it take a little effort?In fact, your title is that of an easy yogi. Does anyone call himself a difficult yogi? People of the world say that youcannot attain God without having to tolerate difficulties, but what do you say? That you have found the Father whilstsitting at home. You come to the Father's home later, but first you find the Father whilst sitting at home. You did noteven think that you would find Him this easily, but you found Him. So constantly remember that you are the childrenof the Bestower of Fortune. By constantly remembering your fortune, you will remain happy and will also distributehappiness.

Group 2: Do you constantly experience yourselves to be the souls who have claimed all rights every kalpa? You haveclaimed this right many times and, for the future also, it is guaranteed that you will continue to claim these rightskalpa after kalpa. You have this firm faith, do you not; because faith is the foundation of Brahmin life. If thefoundation of faith is firm, you never fluctuate. No matter how many storms come, no matter how many earthquakestake place, because your foundation is strong, you will not fluctuate. Even now, when there is an earthquake, whichbuilding falls? That which is weak. The buildings that have a firm foundation do not fall. So how strong is yourfoundation? Is it one that will shake? Perhaps it will not shake, but there will be a slight crack. There shouldn't bethis even to the slightest degree. Some fall, whereas others do not fall, but they do crack. You are even stronger thanthose. The sign of faith is that you will easily be victorious in your thoughts, words, actions, connections andrelations. If you have to make effort, then understand that something is mixed. Even if there are no doubts,something wasteful is mixed, and you are therefore not able to attain victory easily. Otherwise, victory is constantlyever­ready for souls who have faith in the intellect. That is its place. Where there is faith, there will be victory. Itwill go to those who have faith. So, you need faith in every aspect; not just faith in the Father, but faith in the self,faith in the Brahmin family and faith in every scene of the drama; only then can it be said that you have completefaith in the intellect. If you have faith in the Father, but not in the self, if you sometimes become disheartened withyour own self, it is because you do not have faith. So that is also incomplete faith. If you have faith in the Father,faith in the self, but not in the family, and if you fluctuate because of the family, that is also incomplete faith. Therealso has to be full faith in the drama. Whatever happened is good. This is known as having faith in the drama. Doyou have such complete faith in the intellect? Or is it sometimes full and sometimes half­full? When you have thefaith of having been victorious many times, and that you will be victorious again, then it is simply a question ofrepeating it. You are not doing anything new; you are simply repeating it. It is easy to repeat something. Soconstantly have the awareness that you are the victorious ones who have faith in the intellect. You have faith and alsovictory. Have the intoxication that if you do not attain victory, then who does? You have victory and will constantlyhave it. So there should be such firm, unshakeable faith; not faith that fluctuates. It should not be faith that fluctuatesthe moment a little situation comes up. If there is unshakeable faith, there is unshakeable victory. The destiny ofvictory cannot fluctuate; it is fixed. Those who have such faith in the intellect will constantly remain happy and freefrom worry. Because, worry makes your happiness disappear, and if you are free from worry, then you remainconstantly happy. So the second sign of having faith in the intellect is to be free from any worry. Otherwise, if evena small situation comes up, you begin to worry and think: What has happened? Why did it happen like this? Becomefree from worrying about this why and what etc.

Why, what, how etc. are the waves of worry. Now, you will not have any big worries, but worries of this form: "Itshould not have happened like this, but it happened; it should be like this or like that, why, what and how, etc."; allthese words are changed. So, is it like that or do you sometimes have a question mark? Some ask: Why does thisonly come to me? Why does it only happen to me? To have this question of, "why", means to have the waves ofworry. To become free from even this type of worry means to be free from all worries. The slogan for a soul who isfree from worry is: Whatever happened is good, the present is good and whatever is to happen will be good. Theywill experience goodness in something that is bad also. They will learn their lesson from something that may be bad,and not see that bad situation as bad. This is known as being one who has faith in the intellect and is free from worry:to be completely ignorant of even the word, "worry". Just as it is said, "To be ignorant of even the knowledge of anydesires", so too, be ignorant of any type of worry. You should not even have the experience of what worry is. Such astage is called being free from worry. When any situation comes up, you will not have the question, "What willhappen?", but instantly it will enter the intellect, "Whatever happens will be good". It is good that it has passed by.Where you have the awareness of everything being good, you will be a carefree emperor. So, to be one who has faithin the intellect means to be a carefree emperor. Only such carefree emperors are equal to the Father. Does the Fatherhave any worry? Even whilst having such a huge family, does He have any worries? Whilst knowing and seeingeverything, He is still carefree. Become such carefree souls. Achcha.

Blessing: May you constantly be an image that attracts with your personality of spirituality.Just as your physical personality attracts others towards yourself, so too, your spiritual personality should beexperienced by others from a distance. For this, do not be one who is simply engaged in action, but one whoperforms every action whilst being yogyukt. There should not be anything ordinary in your words or actions, butthere should be uniqueness, and then, with the personality of spirituality, you will become an image that attracts.Slogan: Whilst performing every action, remain detached and unique, and the power of taking decisions will work atthe right time.

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