28/08/95 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 29/01/75

Achieve success by experimenting with the power of discernment.

Today's gathering is the gathering of the Raj Rishis. Just as the word Madhuban proves two things: firstly, sweetnessand secondly, the attitude, of unlimited disinterest, so too, the meaning of a Raj Rishi is: one who rules a kingdom;from a beggar to a prince. To the extent that there is total renunciation, to that extent, you have all rights. To be onewho has total renunciation means to have claimed all rights over time, your thoughts, your nature and your sanskars.

To be able to transform your time, nature and sanskars as you wish means to be able to adopt a form and stageaccording to the time. Have you become a Raj Rishi who has claimed all rights by becoming a complete renunciate?As soon as you took birth, you received from BapDada the status of a Raj Rishi and an elevated stage of self­respectaccording to your actions, did you not? Have you become one with all rights or do you still have to become that?What do you think? What main slogan do you chant? Since it is your birthright, you attained it the moment you tookbirth; so you are one who has claimed all rights, are you not?

To be knowledge­full means to be a master ocean of knowledge. As you have become master knowledge­full, it iswith knowledge, that is, it is with understanding that you have claimed all rights. If you lack understanding andwisdom, you would have less rights. You are knowledge­full, are you not? Do you now know what the final stageis? What is the sign of having the karmateet stage? To constantly be an embodiment of success. Your time is used ina worthwhile way, your thoughts are successful and you have constant success in your connections and relations: thisis known as being an embodiment of success. In order to become such an embodiment of success in every way,which power do you need at the present time? Which power is that? You are receiving all powers, but even then,according to the present time, there is a special need for the power of discernment.

When your power of discernment is sharp, you would recognise in advance the variety of obstacles, which come tocause obstacles to your deep love, so that you would be able to finish them even before they actually attack. Becauseof this, instead of your time being wasted, it is accumulated in the account of powerful use. In the same way, in thefield of service, because of knowing the main desire and the main sanskar of each soul and because of enabling thosesouls to attain whatever they want, you are constantly successful in service. Thirdly, in the main subject of formingrelationships with others, whilst knowing the nature and sanskars of each soul, you will be able to make those soulsconstantly content. The fourth aspect is the speed of time. Because of recognising what the atmosphere andenvironment are, and what they should be according to the time, you will be able to bring about a fast speed inyourself and others and you will also be able to bring about the zeal and enthusiasm to adopt a form according to thetime. You will also be able to become knowledge­full, that is, lawful and loving according to the time and makeothers this also; and in this way, you will constantly remain successful. Because of being able to discern when yousometimes have to be lawful and you sometimes have to be loving, you will easily and constantly remain successful.

Even the elements and the circumstances become the servants of such souls who are the embodiment of success. Thatis, such souls are constantly victorious over the elements and the circumstances; they are not influenced by theelements or circumstances. Only such victorious souls are called constantly victorious souls. For this, rememberwhat the Father has told you through three different forms. The three forms means the incorporeal, the subtle and thecorporeal. Just as you keep the teachings of the three relationships in your awareness, that is, those of the true Father,the true Teacher and the true Guru, in the same way, keep in your awareness three main things of the three forms.

What are the three special blessings received from the three forms? What is the blessing of the special teachingsreceived from the incorporeal form? May you be karmateet. What blessing is received from the subtle form, that is,from the angelic form? May you be double­light. To be double­lightmeans to be light in all karmic bondages andalso to remain constantly stable in the stage of being the form of light. So the special blessing received from thesubtle form is to be double­light. It is through this that you will receive the double­crown. What special blessing isreceived from the sakar form? The special blessing received from the sakar form is to be egoless and viceless, thesame as sakar Baba. By constantly keeping these three blessings in your awareness, you will easily be able to becomean embodiment of success for all time. Do you understand?

Children are even more powerful than BapDada because they become instruments to reveal the Almighty Authority.So, are they not more powerful? You make the Almighty Authority belong to you in all relationships and you tie Himwith the string of your love. So are you not more powerful? Who are the instruments to make the AlmightyAuthority into a World Servant? The children who are close and co­operative.

To the most elevated souls who reveal BapDada through their every action and every step; to those who areinstruments to enable every soul to celebrate a meeting with the Father; to those who constantly remain absorbed inthe Father and service; to those who make the qualifications equal to the aim; to those who become like the Father inpractice and give a vision of Him; to such lawful and loving souls, BapDada's love, remembrances and namaste.

Avyakt BapDada meeting group personally.

Changing from vyakt to avyakt in the speed of one second.

What one deep desire or thought are all of you now sitting in? To invoke the Father and to celebrate the meeting ofthe Father with the children. Since you are able to invoke the Almighty Authority Father with love and determinedthought, are you not able to invoke any particular power that you feel you yourself may be lacking or weak in? Since,with the power of love, with the power of having claimed all rights, and with the power of a close relationship withHim, you are able to make Baba become vyakt from avyakt just through remembrance, in the same way, are you notable to invoke every power and make yourself avyakt from vyakt? Since it is easy to bring the Father into the vyaktfrom the avyakt, why is it difficult to make yourself avyakt?

The stories of the old days are very well known: as soon as you clap, everything or any person appears in front of youor the angels reveal themselves. This story of the angels is very well known. To whom do these stories refer? Whoare the angels of knowledge and the angels that fly in the three worlds? You consider yourselves to be these, do younot? You have both the wings of knowledge and remembrance, do you not? You are able to reach the incorporealworld from the corporeal world in one second with the power of knowledge and remembrance, that is, with thesewings, are you not? Do you angels know how to clap so that whatever power you need, the moment you have thethought or invoke it, you become the embodiment of that power? Have you become the angels whose memorial isremembered every kalpa?

The effort of the present time should be of one second. Only then would it be said that the speed of the self and oftime are the same. This is known as being fast or having the first stage. At the confluence age, you need all thepowers under your control. You should have all powers as your weapons so that you are able to use them wheneveryou want. Do you understand? Achcha.

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