16/10/95 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 29/08/75 (Spoken on Janamasthmi).

Now go beyond the stage of just using the method and become an embodiment of success.

What gathering has gathered today? Which form do you consider yourself to have at the present time? In fact, just asBapDada has many forms, so you too also have many forms. But which form have you adopted whilst seated here inthis gathering? Do you know whom this is a gathering of? Which form of you elevated souls are the people of theworld invoking at the present time? Are they invoking all of you elevated souls or just one soul? Which form ofyours are they invoking at the present time? What time is it at this moment? Whom are they invoking at thismoment? At the present time, they are invoking two forms. In fact, if you think about it, they are invoking you, andyou aren't even aware of it.

At the present time, the maximum invocation taking place is of all of you elevated souls in the form of bestowers ofblessings and world benefactors. This is because, on the path of bhakti, or on the basis of bhakti, whatever temporaryfacilities and material comforts people have attained, according to their capacity, and through their elevated actions,the throne of that temporary attainment has begun to shake. What do you remember when your throne of supportbegins to shake? At that time, you remember the One who enables you to have permanent attainment, the One whogives you happiness and comfort, and you also remember the Shiv Shaktis, the goddesses who are the great donorsand the bestowers of blessings. Because the hearts of the goddesses and mothers are very loving and merciful, at thepresent time, the maximum worship and invocation is for the mother­form. At present, there is maximum invocationof the souls who are the embodiments of success, that is, the ones who make all tasks successful.

Nowadays, weak souls who are distressed with all types of difficulties, souls who are searching for their destinationand souls who are thirsty for the attainment of peace and happiness, do not want a method for making effort. Insteadof a method, they want easy success. Only after seeing success will they be able to understand the importance of themethod. What form of you world­benefactor souls do those souls want to see at present? At the present time, youneed to be an embodiment of love; not to be lawful, but to be full of love. First of all, give them love and then presentthem with the law. After experiencing the love, they will experience the law to be the means of experiencing thatlove, because, the world only has an external sparkle. In the age of science, there are many facilities of science, butthe greater the variety of facilities they have for temporary attainments, the more that true love, that spiritual love, thatselfless love is diminishing. Their love for souls is diminishing and their love for the facilities is increasing. This iswhy, because they lack that love, even though they have many types of attainment, they are not content. In fact, dayby day, the discontentment will grow. You will feel that these facilities will take you away from your destination andthat they will make you wander. You will feel that they cause distress to the soul. It will be the same as the memorialof the previous kalpa, where the children of the blind, being blind, remained deprived of all attainments because ofonly seeing mirages. According to the time, people everywhere will have this type of experience.

At such a time, which souls will become instruments to fulfil everyone's desires and give the desired fruit? Thosewho themselves are the embodiments of success and who are not engaged in using different methods to finish theirown obstacles throughout the day and night. They will be souls who are an image of the blessings they themselveshave received, the ones who have attained the instant visible fruit of the blessings of supersensuous joy and allpowers.

Those souls will themselves not call out, saying: Baba, do this, do this. They will not have the slightest trace of royalbegging. They will never say: Baba, this is Your work, You will do it, will You not? They will not remind the Onewho does it anyway and make Him into a human being like themselves. If you have tell someone to do something,you make that person into a human being. One who does something without being asked is considered to be a deity.However, what do they make the Creator of the deities? Such souls who are master almighty authorities and whohave claimed all rights are easily able to make others into the embodiments of success.

Check yourselves; but let it not be ordinary checking. According to the time, your checking has to be of a very subtleform. According to the present time, you should check to what extent you are an embodiment of the method and towhat extent you are an embodiment of success. That is, how much time do you spend in using the method and forhow long do you experience the success of it? You have to check what stage you have reached in all four subjects, inyour thoughts, words and deeds.

For maharathis, now is not the time to be engaged in using the method, but it is the time to experience the self to be anembodiment of success. Otherwise, the many difficulties of the present time will easily take away the prestige ofsouls who are still engaged in using the method and will also create an influence of distress on them. There is praiseof the Pandavs, how, at the end, they melted away on the high mountains, that is, they stabilised themselves in anelevated stage away from body consciousness and the influence of the world of sorrow. Stabilise yourself in anelevated stage and observe everyone down below as a detached observer. Only those who stabilise themselves insuch a stage are able to be an embodiment of all solutions instead of being an embodiment of problems. And so, atthe present time, you need this type of stage. Do you have this? You don't fluctuate even slightly, do you? Youdon't have any questions, do you? "What will happen? How will it happen? What will become of me?" You areunshakeable, are you not? You should not have the slightest fluctuation from being unshakeable. Only those whohave such a stage can become victorious jewels. Today, BapDada is playing His part of being obedient to thechildren's orders; He hasn't come according to the programme. Therefore, you have to follow the Father. Tomorrowis the invocation of souls, not of the Father. All of you should remain stabilised in your world emperor form and yourchild­form of the master of the world. Through this, all your bhagats will be content because of receiving a glimpseof that even for a short time. Then, relate your experience as to how many souls you enabled to receive fruit from theFather throughout the day. You will please your own bhagats, will you not? The memorial is not of just the one; allof you are also with that one. So, tomorrow, we will celebrate the birthday of all of you. All of you will be in yourdeity form, like that of Krishna, will you not? Tomorrow is the day of all of you stabilising yourselves in theawareness of your deity form. People of the world will celebrate, and what will you do? They will celebrate and youwill be the great donors and bestowers of blessings for all those who are celebrating. Achcha.

To such souls who make the Ocean merge in the ocean of love; to those who are the embodiments of success, thesame as the Father; to those who are world benefactors and bestowers of blessings at every moment; to those whogive a vision of the Father through the self; to those who are themselves the practical image of the Father and whogrant visions; to the elevated souls who are constantly incorporeal and constantly virtuous, BapDada's love,remembrance and namaste.

Life in the foreign countries is very fast; is the speed of effort of you souls just as fast? There should be nothingexcept service; service as you wake up, service while you are asleep. And, even if you have dreams, they should takethe form of your being servers: are you servers to this extent?

Every second and every breath should be for service and not for the self. Not for your own rest, not for your owneffort, but together with making effort for the self, there should be effort on others. This is known as being a server.Have you stuck the label of being such a serviceable soul on your forehead? What would be the sign on the foreheadof a serviceable soul? The soul in the form of a jewel. The jewel on the forehead should be visibly sparkling: this isthe label of being serviceable. Achcha.

Personal meeting with group.Do all of you consider yourselves to be close to the karmateet stage? What are the signs of coming close to thekarmateet stage? The sign of being close is being equal. In which aspects? To come into sound and to go beyondsound; to be a karma yogi in the corporeal form and to go beyond the awareness of the corporeal and stabiliseyourself in the incorporeal stage; to listen and become an embodiment of that; to churn knowledge and remainabsorbed in that; to have a heart­to­heart conversation and to stabilise in the stage of spirituality; to think and to putinto practice; to use the physical organs, that is, to take support of the physical organs and to go beyond the pull of theorgans; to use the facilities provided by matter for one's own self and, from time to time, to be independent of thosesame facilities; to see others and have connection with them, but to see and not to see; whilst having connection withothers, to remain as detached as a lotus flower. To maintain equanimity in all these stages is known as being close tothe karmateet stage.

Have you adopted a stage of such depth and greatness? In the final paper, there will be upheaval in all fourdirections. On one side, there will be upheaval of the environment, on another side, there will be upheaval from otherpeople, on the third side, there will be upheaval through all relatives and on the fourth side, there will be upheavalthrough the lack of essential facilities. To be stable whilst in the midst of such upheaval on all sides is the final paper. If the effort in which you stabilise yourself in the stage of having all rights is on the basis of external supports, it willnot allow you to become an embodiment of success in the final paper. There will be the pilgrimage of remembrancewhen there is such an atmosphere. However, to have that stage when there are no other circumstances, that is, tocreate your stage on the basis of external situations or when you have a particular facility ­ to make effort on that levelwill make you fail the final paper. Therefore, now intensify your speed of becoming equal to the Father.

You feel that the final paper should take place very soon so that you can attain your reward of the sun dynasty. Butare you ready for the exams? Is it that you will have to be ready, or do you feel you'll be ready on time? If you thinkthat time will make you ready, then such thoughts of carelessness will not allow you to become powerful. In front ofpowerful thoughts, all these various wasteful and careless thoughts would finish. You don't have any carelessness, doyou? Are you cautious and clever? To be ever­ready means that if you receive an order in any situation oratmosphere, or if you receive shrimat, to become independent of the support of all your physical senses and becomethe conqueror of your physical senses and stabilise in one powerful thought, then as soon as you receive that shrimat,you should immediately be able to stabilise yourself in that stage. The moment the Father says something, thechildren should have that stage in that instant; this is known as being ever­ready. To what extent have you becomeequal in the points of being equal that you were given earlier through which you create the stage of being close? Youhave to check this. It should not be that, instead of one second, it takes you one minute to put that direction intopractice. If it takes one minute instead of one second, you will not pass in the first division. Whilst going up anddown and settling yourself, you will lose the seat of the first division. Therefore, always be ever­ready, not just ever­ ready, but always ever­ready.

What result is visible at the present time? Do you know that? Are the Pandavs or the Shaktis in the line of those whoare intense effort­makers? Who are the majority in the line of intense effort­makers? All Pandavs are voting for theShaktis as being the majority. But in terms of effort, even the Pandavs are Shaktis. You have all the powers of theAlmighty Authority. BapDada takes the side of the Pandavs. If the Pandavs were not kept at the front, how wouldthe prey be brought to the Shaktis? Therefore, especially in terms of being Brahma Baba's equals, Pandavs shouldfollow the father. Pandavs remain at the front in taking up lokik responsibilities also. But now, instead of just takinglokik responsibility, you have to take responsibility for unlimited world benefit. Just as you have deep concern toearn in a limited way, in the same way, now become absorbed in earning an unlimited income. You have experiencedrenouncing all facilities of happiness in earning an income, and so, in terms of earning an unlimited income, torenounce all consciousness of the body or to renounce the awareness of the body is not a big thing. And this is whyPandavs should claim number one in the line of intense effort­makers. Do you understand? Do not be left behind. Ifyou remain behind the Shaktis, you will not have maintained the prestige of being Brahma Baba's and the Father'sequal. Does this seem right? Therefore, in this year, do not wait for next year, you have to claim number one thisyear. The Shaktis are perhaps thinking that they will then be number two? However, even Father Shiva cannot doanything without the Shaktis. Can He do anything? Shaktis have to renounce this. The renunciation of the Shaktis isworshipped. Those who renounce something create their fortune automatically. Therefore, in terms of beingbrothers, both Shaktis and Pandavs have to make intense effort. Do not make effort on the basis of hearing the news.It is through your efforts that the news of destruction will spread everywhere. Let there be effort first and the newsafterwards, not that you hear the news first and make effort afterwards. Achcha.

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