25/03/96Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 22/9/75

To stabilise in your self­respect is the key to happiness and all treasures.

Today's gathering is of those who stabilise themselves in their self­respect, of those who look at all others witheternal feelings and of those who have good wishes for everyone. Do you constantly and easily have these threestages: of self­respect for your own self, of eternal feelings for others and of constant good wishes for others? Youalready know the difference between being able to stabilise yourself easily in this stage and doing it with effort, doyou not? At present, you should have this stage constantly, easily and naturally. Check yourself as to why you arenot constantly and naturally able to have this stage. The main reason is that you do not remain stable in self­respect.If you inculcate the word 'respect' into your practical life, you can easily attain perfection. By stabilising in your self­respect, you will be able to have eternal feelings and good wishes for everyone. To stabilise in your self­respect is the first lesson.

To stabilise in one's self­respect is the means to solve the puzzle of life. From the beginning up to now, you havebeen engaged in solving the puzzle of who am I? In the beginning when the task of establishment began, what didyou tell everyone? Who am I? You had this so firmly in your awareness that everyone was aware that all of you hadjust this one lesson very firm; and that was: Who am I? That same lesson is still continuing today. This is why it iscalled a puzzle. Such a small puzzle has defeated the highest­on­high Brahmins. It has them puzzled, that is, theyhaven't been able to solve it fully. If, instead of self­respect, you have a vision of body consciousness or of arrogancetowards others, what would you call this? Have you solved this puzzle, or are you still in the process of solving it?

The entire knowledge is merged in the answer to the question 'Who am I?' This one term is the key to all thetreasures of happiness, the treasures of all powers, the treasures of the wealth of knowledge and the treasures of breathand time. You have received the key, have you not? The day that you Brahmins are born, all of you receive abirthday gift, do you not? So constantly continue to use the birthday gift that you have received from the Father, andyou will be able to become complete with all treasures for all time. What is the sound of happiness that constantlyemerges from the heart of a soul who is complete with all treasures? What is the sound that emerges, not from thelips, but from the heart? It was also the sound that emerged from Brahma Baba in the beginning. What is that? It isthe wonder of 1? (Wah re me!) Just as you sing songs of the wonder of others, in the same way, you sing about yourown wonder. These are words of self­respect, not words of body consciousness.

You either don't know how to use the key of 'Who am I?' or you don't know how to look after it, and you aretherefore not able to remember it at the time of need. In order to steal this key, Maya is constantly hovering aroundyou. She is waiting for you to doze off in carelessness for even one second so that she can steal the key from you.Just as nowadays robbers make someone unconscious, in the same way, Maya also makes you unconscious bymaking you leave your awareness of self­respect. Therefore, constantly stay in the awareness of your self­respect. Atamrit vela, revise this lesson of 'Who am I?' by yourself. Use this key from amrit vela. Do not just create a bankbalance, but also put it to use and then your stage will automatically become according to your awareness.

In the memorials of the previous kalpa, the response to 'Who am I?' for the Father is written as the most elevated ofall. As is the praise of the Father, the highest­on­high God, so too, what praise does God the Father sing? That thechildren are the highest on high.

Constantly remember your elevated self­respect of being the children and the masters of the highest­on­high Father.The Father Himself turns the beads of the rosary of you elevated souls. Other souls sing praise of the Father, but theFather Himself sings praise of you elevated souls. Even the Father cannot do anything without the co­operation of themost elevated souls. You are souls with such elevated self­respect. You are the elevated souls who will reveal theFather through all relationships and who also give the Father's introduction to others. You are the ones who play thehighest­on­high part with the highest­on­high Father every kalpa. The greatest self­respect is that, at the confluenceage, you souls tie the Father with the string of your love and relationships. You are the ones who make the Fatherbecome corporeal the same as yourself. The Father makes you the same as He is in the incorporeal form, whereasyou make the Incorporeal the same as you in the corporeal form, and you become the same as the Father in all Hispraise. This is why, even the Father says: You are masters. So now, do you understand who you are? "Whatever Iam, however, I am"; by knowing yourself according to that, you will constantly be able to maintain your self­respectand automatically go beyond body consciousness.

Body consciousness cannot come where there is self­respect. So constantly keep your birthday gift with you and lookafter it very well. Do not forget it due to carelessness. Through this, you will naturally, easily and constantly haveeternal feelings and good wishes for everyone. Do you understand? It is an easy puzzle, is it not? It is easy for thosewho are sensible and very deep for those who are careless. All of you are children who are sensible in an unlimitedway, are you not? Not just those who are sensible, but those who are sensible in an unlimited way. Achcha.

To such souls who have a broad and unlimited intellect in every aspect; to those who have an unlimited intellectwhich enables all others to come out of all limitations; to those who are sensible in an unlimited way and have anattitude of unlimited disinterest; to the most elevated souls who constantly have an elevated stage and are always inthe unlimited, love, remembrance and namaste from the unlimited Father.

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