01/07/96 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 23/10/75

Stop waiting and start making preparations.

Today, BapDada is seeing the image of the fortunate children who are creating the fortune of the whole world.Which lines of fortune are visible in which particular children, and which lines are still to be revealed? Each one'slines of fortune visible are his own. In the lines of fortune, four lines of the four main subjects are visible. There arevery few children in whom all four lines are very clear, that is, very few who have created an elevated fortune throughmaking effort in all four subjects. Therefore, only those whose all four lines of fortune are clear will pass withhonours, that is, only they will claim the number one; only they will come into the first class, the first division. Thelines of fortune of those who pass with honours are sparkling brightly and equally in all directions and are clearlyvisible; these are of the eight jewels. In the second number are the hundred jewels, those of the first division whosefour lines are visible, but are not all clearly visible to the same extent; some are brighter than others. The seconddivision is of the sixteen thousand. Out of those sixteen thousand, the first two to three thousand have passed withfifty per cent marks in three of the four subjects and twenty­ five per cent marks in one subject, that is, it is almost likenil marks in the fourth subject. BapDada saw the fortune of such fortunate children.

Today, BapDada was looking at the horoscope of the Brahmin children in all four directions. Whilst looking at thehoroscope, Baba saw that the majority of children have one particular thought. What is that thought? Baba saw thatthe souls who are the support for the world are also dependent upon some support. What is that support? Baba sawthe images of support standing on the support of looking at the instruments for the destruction of this world, or theyare wondering if, or when and where, there would be an upheaval of the elements. BapDada has a question for thosewho are standing on such a support: If those who are carrying out establishment are dependent upon destruction, thenwhat would be their future? Who would then be the image of support for igniting the flames of destruction? Whowould then transform the elements? Can those who are standing on the support of the elements or the destruction bethe highest amongst human beings, that is, can they be the most elevated beings? Or, is it that the instruments fordestruction and the elements will carry out their task on the orders of the elevated thoughts of the elevated humanbeings and on the basis of all the images of support becoming complete? Who will give the order? Who has allrights? The elements or the most elevated beings? Would you call the images of support, "Those with all rights", ifthey are dependent on some support? So what did Baba see? Those who are making preparations are waiting inanticipation. They are careless in making preparations and alert in waiting. Seeing this, BapDada was amused andalso felt mercy. Why? Children are even now not able to recognise the cleverness of Maya. Maya is putting you tosleep in the sweet sleep of waiting. And, because of being under the influence of the sanskar of sleeping for half akalpa, some doze off for a second then become conscious again and develop force in making preparations, whereasothers fall asleep for a few minutes, then become conscious and develop that force. The third type of children aresleeping comfortably, and, every now and then, open their eyes to see whether anything has yet happened or not.They think: We will think about it when it happens. Would you not be amused if you were to see this scene?

Even whilst having received the third eye, they are not able to recognise Maya. Therefore, in order to recognise Mayavery clearly, especially imbibe the power to discriminate within yourself. Do not count the time as to whether thereare two months or four months, but make yourself powerful. Instead of thinking about whether something willhappen or not, or when it will happen, stabilise yourself in the stage of being elevated.

Then, on the basis of having the thought of making the gathering perfect, become one who has all rights to give theorder to the elements. "It should happen, but I don't know what will happen. Perhaps, it may happen in two to fourmonths, even though, at present, nothing is visible. I don't know whether the confluence age is forty years or fiftyyears." These types of thoughts are an extremely subtle form of royal doubts; they create an obstacle to your havingcomplete faith in the Father and your task of establishment. Whilst you have these thoughts, you cannot becomecompletely victorious. The praise is: Those who have faith in the intellect are victorious. And so, victorious soulscan have no thoughts of the royal form of doubt.

Someone who has complete faith in the intellect will remain busy in his task of world transformation day and night.When someone has a responsibility for carrying out a particular task, he remains engaged in making preparations forthat day and night; he doesn't wait for anything, thinking that he will decorate the stage when it is time for it, or thathe will use those facilities then. Preparations are made in advance. The responsibility for world transformation, theceremony for this transformation, has to be celebrated at this time. All you souls have to participate in the unlimitedworld conference of making yourselves satopradhan and giving the Father's message. For this, will you makepreparations for creating your stage in advance or will you do it at that time? Just as without a physical stage, youcannot give a lecture or a message, in the same way, without having created the stage of your perfect stage, howwould you be able to give the message at the final moment to the unlimited world conference? How would you beable to reveal the Father? Will you prepare the stage in advance or will you prepare it at that time? Therefore, stopwaiting and start making preparations. This is also a wasteful thought. So transform this wasteful thought into apowerful one. Become those who have all rights. Create a powerful stage with which you can order the elements.Whilst all of you Brahmins do not collectively have in your heart feelings of mercy, world benefit and the goodwishes of liberating all souls from their sorrow, world transformation will still be waiting. At present, you arefluctuating; you are not unshakeable and firm in just one thought. To become as unshakeable as Angad means tobring about the final moment. Adopt one thought in a collective way, that is, all of you should together give a fingerof determined thought and this iron­aged mountain will be transformed and you will be able to bring about the goldenworld. Do you understand what preparations you have to make? Achcha.

To those who constantly remain unshakeable in one thought like Angad; to those who have complete faith in theintellect and who are victorious in every thought, word and deed; to such children who have all rights; love,remembrance and namaste from BapDada.

The power of the gathering means to have just one thought. (Speaking to Didiji) Spiritual pilgrims are those who come on the double pilgrimage. One is the pilgrimage to Madhuban and the other isthe special spiritual pilgrimage in Madhuban. So, do all the pilgrims who come on the double pilgrimage returnhaving made their pilgrimage comfortably and worthwhile? Do all of you remain content? It is sung: If your heart isbig, then the place is also big. Even though the place may be very small, if the hearts of those who come, of thosewho welcome them and of those who accommodate them are large, then there is no feeling of a lack of space. Then,the pilgrimage of the confluence age gives you much more facilities than the pilgrimages that you have been on forsixty­three births. The pilgrimages to the non­living images are so difficult. All of you also see to what extent yourgathering has become united with one thought. In the scriptures, it is remembered that Brahma had a thought tocreate the world and so the world was created.

Here, it is not a question of Brahma alone, but it is when all Brahmins, together with Brahma, have the same thoughtof all being ever­ready, and that the establishment of the new world has to happen or will happen; it is when such adetermined thought arises in all Brahmins, that the world can then be transformed, that is, only then can youpractically see the creation of the new world. In this also, you need to have the power of the gathering; not just thepower of one or two or of the eight, but everyone in the gathering has to have the same thought. The significance ofcreating the world through thought means that you would have a thought and within a second, the drums ofcompletion would beat.

On the one hand, the drums of completion would beat and on the other hand, you would see the scenes of the newworld. On the one hand, there would be the climax of destruction, and in the same place, amidst the flood anddestruction, there would be one quarter land and three quarters water. Many different countries have been created dueto the many religions that have been established towards the end. When the many religions finish, then all the manycountries will come together in a form of one big island. On the one hand, there would be the drums of the climax ofdestruction and on the other hand, the sound of the birth of Shri Krishna, the first prince, would be heard everywhere.He would not come floating on a pipal leaf. Shri Krishna has been portrayed floating on a leaf after the flood.Because three quarters of the land was covered with water, and one quarter was land, when Bharat became Paristhan,it has been portrayed as a flood. Amidst such a flood, the news of the birth of the first leaf, that is, the first soul,would be heard everywhere; the news that the first prince has now been revealed, that his birth has taken place. Thatwould also be in an extreme situation, that is, there would be scenes of water on three parts and the fourth part,Bharat, would emerge as Paristhan. The memorial shown of the Golden Dwaraka emerging from water is not reallyfrom water. Three parts would be covered with water and this is why Dwaraka has been shown in water. This is whyit is said that the Golden Dwaraka emerged from water. It is just that they have not been able to describe it fully. So,the cry of victory of the birth of the first soul would be heard at that time. When such scenes come in front of you,then the drums of the great destruction of the old world will be heard, and the scenes of the birth of the first princewill be visible at the same time! Before drums are beaten, the drums are first warmed; only then would the soundheard be very loud. Before the drums are beaten, you need to have made preparations with the fire of yoga. Onlythen would the sound of the drums heard be loud. You are all busy in making preparations, are you not? Let thosewho are waiting become engaged in making preparations and there will be victory.

When you know how to rule your body, you will know how to rule the kingdom. To rule the body means to rule akingdom. So, you have to fill yourselves with sanskars of ruling, do you not? You are called knowledge­full;therefore, full includes knowledge of everything: body, mind, wealth and people. If knowledge of even one aspect islacking, you would not be called knowledge­full. Do you understand? The basis of constantly being an embodimentof success is to be knowledge­full. If you are not knowledge­full, you cannot become an embodiment of success.According to the time, your speed of effort should be intense. If the speed of time is fast and the speed of thosemoving along is slow, then how would they be able to arrive on time? One strength and one support is the mainsubject. At this time, constantly stay in the remembrance of One. If you constantly remain successful in this effort,you will reach your destination. Those who maintain unbroken love receive co­operation automatically.

Murli is like a walking­stick, and if there are any weaknesses remaining, they will be removed with this stick. Thissupport, not just as a discipline but out of love, will enable you to reach your home and your kingdom. So, to listen toand study the murli with love means to be lost in the love of Murlidhar. The sign of love for Murlidhar is the murli.

The more love you have for the murli, the more love you will have for Murlidhar. The recognition of a true Brahminis from his love for the murli. To have love for the murli means to be a true Brahmin. To have less love for the murlimeans to be a half­caste Brahmin. Achcha.

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