29/07/96 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 31/10/75

Main Specialities of the Maharathi Children.

This is the group of those who have a planning intellect. As well as this, they are embodiments of success. Afterbecoming those with a planning intellect, they give time and make effort to become an embodiment of success inorder to achieve some result. Maharathis especially experience success in a particular aspect. What is that oneaspect? What is the speciality of the maharathis, on the basis of which they become maharathis? What is that? Theyhave the speciality of being a maharathi when they claim the certificate of contentment in service; only then can theybe called maharathis. Contentment is the greatest of all specialities. Subjects are also created on this basis. Soulswho have been made content would accept such a soul as a king: if you have enabled them to attain somethingthrough serving them or giving them co­operation, if you have enabled them to attain something through love, co­operation, courage, enthusiasm or by giving them all powers, then you can be a maharathi. So, if someone is amaharathi and has not made others content, then that soul is just a maharathi in namesake, but not one who is of anyuse. Senior brothers and sisters are like a father and mother. Parents make everyone content. So, maharathis shoulddefinitely pay attention to this first. For this, you have to transform yourself. You definitely have to claim thiscertificate of contentment. You should check to see how many souls are content with you and what you should do sothat everyone remains content with you.

A maharathi should have the power to mould the self. Only those who are able to mould themselves can becomegold. Those who cannot mould themselves are not real gold; they are mixed. To be of mixed quality means to be partof the cavalry. A maharathi (elephant rider) is able to mould the self. To create plans means to sow the seeds, and sothe seeds should be powerful. You definitely need everyone's blessings of love and their contentment; you need theblessings and the water of love. Otherwise, even though the seed of the plans may be powerful, because of notreceiving the water of love and co­operation, it does not grow. Sometimes, the seed grows, but it doesn't bear fruit.Or, sometimes, even if it does bear fruit, it is of second or third grade. The reason for this is that it hasn't receivedenough water. A maharathi is one who has everything, that is, one who is complete with all virtues, and has all thequalities and specialities. If one or two qualities are missing, they would not be called complete with all qualities. Ifthey don't have all virtues, they come out of the list of those who have this title. Is this a group of maharathis? Theinvitation was for maharathis.

In order to become an embodiment of success, you need two main specialities: one is purity and the other is unity. Ifsomeone is lacking purity, he would also be lacking in unity. Just observing celibacy is not purity, for there has to bepurity in one's thoughts, nature and sanskars. For instance, if you have thoughts of jealousy or dislike for oneanother, that is not purity; that is called impurity. Purity is defined as not having even a trace of any of the vices.There shouldn't be any type of impurity even in your thoughts. All of you children are instruments to accomplish avery elevated task. You have become instruments as maharathis, have you not? If you were to make a list, it wouldbe a list of those who are serviceable. That is, it is those Brahmin children who have become instruments for servicewho are in the list of maharathis. To what extent have you developed the specialities of a maharathi? Each one ofyou knows your self. Are those, who are in the list of maharathis, maharathis at the present time or will they becomemaharathis at some time in the future? Attention needs to be paid to both these aspects.

Unity means having harmony in nature and sanskars. Even if there isn't harmony between the nature and sanskars ofsome, try and bring them into harmony. This is unity. A gathering by itself is not unity.

Serviceable instrument souls cannot become instruments for unlimited service without these two things. They can beinstruments for limited service; however, in order to do unlimited service, both these things are needed. You weretold earlier also, that one only sings praise of a raas (dance) when there is harmony in everyone's clapping. So, too,to harmonise the steps means to harmonise oneself in the dance of sanskars. People who hear this knowledge say thateveryone who talks about this knowledge says the same thing; that they all speak on the same topic; they use the samewords. People say this, don't they? When everyone's sanskars and nature are in harmony with one another in thesame way, that would be called performing the dance of harmony. Have you made a plan for this? (The plans wererelated to BapDada.)

You have kept the aim of revealing the task of establishment. The plans that you have made for revelation to takeplace are good. You have made plans for revelation to take place next year. However, for the time that still remainsthis year, according to the present atmosphere, it is now that you need people to come into contact with you. Thesuccess of the service that is to take place next year will depend on this year. In any propaganda, you definitely needthe co­operation of powerful co­operative souls through whom there can be less expenditure and greater success, thatis, through whom you have to work, but would still attain greater success. If you serve them only at that time, youwill not be able to receive their co­operation. However, by serving them now before time, you are able to influencethem to co­operate. All the plans are very good. According to all the plans that you told Baba about, everydepartment should definitely make contact with other people, just as when educators come into contact with you, youreceive a ready­made stage. In order to do fast service through any of the plans, this is essential. Through the pointsof the Gita, there would either be victory or cries of distress. However, first there is fluctuation and then there isvictory. In order to clarify such points, you need everyone's co­operation. You need the help of ministers, lawyersand judges. Doctors, lawyers etc. are coming, and so, for this also, you need to make contact with ministries andassociations etc. At present, everyone has a desire to hear something but they don't have the courage to follow thatpractically. They can be co­operative. First of all, prepare the land by serving them and then sow the seed of theunlimited task.

The plans are good. This year, something new definitely has to happen. You have to become instruments, buteverything has to happen according to the drama anyway. However, those who become instruments are glorifiedwithin the whole Brahmin family. There is this prize also. Each one of you should extract the results of the meetingsin your zone. Set your plans and then get the results of your meetings. Everyone says "yes" to the plans, but onlyfive emerge as a result, and so have a meeting for the result also. Also have the aim to increase enthusiasm. Keepeveryone busy so that they feel happy that they also gave their finger. Whether someone is a hard worker or has aplanning intellect, keep the younger ones at the front. Otherwise, whilst some do service with zeal and enthusiasm,the vibrations from others cause obstacles, and so you need everyone's help. Give a particular duty to each one. Justas you distribute prasad, in the same way, distribute service. When everyone has an atmosphere of enthusiasm, thenbecause of the influence of the atmosphere, no one will go out of this atmosphere, whether someone is a moth circlingaround the flame or whether someone completely surrenders the self. So, there should be this speciality this year.Just as everyone says, "My Baba", so too, they should say, "My service". No one should say, "The seniors have mademy programme, so I don't know whether this will happen or not." No, "my programme". When there is this soundfrom everyone, there will be success. Give everyone a chance to do service.

Avyakt BapDada speaking to Didiji

In order to finish any weakness, you need to have a special gathering of the Shaktis who are "Mahakalis" (the GreatDestroyers of Evil), the ones who, with the influence of their fire of yoga, can change the atmosphere. Now,according to the drama, the final result is going to be revealed in the mirror of each one's activities. As they progressfurther, the Maharathi children, with the power of knowledge, will be able to clearly see everyone's story of theirkarma on their face. Just as you can smell the odour of impure food, in the same way, your intellect will have a cleartouching of the vibrations of someone who has impure thoughts. The method for this is to have a clear line of theintellect. Those whose meter is powerful will be able to know all of of this very easily.

The speciality that has been portrayed in the images of the Shaktis and the deities is that no impure soul is able to hidetheir sin from the deities when they go in front of them. In fact, they themselves would say that they are like this orthat. This speciality of the Shaktis was revealed in the living form, and this is why there is their memorial. This is thestage of being a master janijananhar (one who knows all secrets), that is, it is the stage of being knowledge­full. Youwill experience this stage in a practical way; you are experiencing it now and will experience it in the future also.Have you created such a gathering? It has to be created. A gathering is needed of such moths through whose everystep the Father would be revealed.

In the eyes and from the lips, that is, from the words of those who are constantly absorbed in love for the Father, thatis, in those who are merged in Baba's remembrance, others would see the Almighty Authority instead of seeing theform of the Shakti. This is because the Father is merged in their every word. Just as in the beginning ofestablishment, others constantly saw Shri Krishna in Brahma Baba, in the same way, the Almighty Authority wouldbe visible in the Shaktis. Do you experience this? The Father will be visible through those who are constantly inBaba's remembrance and have renounced the consciousness of "I". Just as they themselves would have forgotten theconsciousness of "I", in the same way, others would not see their form, but would see the form of the AlmightyAuthority through them. Achcha.

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