19/08/96Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 18/01/76

The day of remembrance in the form of the day of power.

Today, BapDada, seeing all His children merged in love, gave the response of love: May you constantly be abestower of fortune and a bestower of blessings, the same as the Father. May you constantly be a world benefactorand one who has a right to the kingdom of the world. May you constantly be victorious over Maya, the elements andall situations. Today, BapDada was seeing a sparkling tilak of victory on the forehead of all the victorious children.He was seeing the flag of victory in the hands of all the children. Baba was hearing everyone's heart echoing:Victory is our birthright. Today, at amrit vela, Baba was listening to the invoking sounds of love of all the children.Gopikas completely lost in love, who had become distant physically and were far away, were merging into the Oceanof Love like a dried­up river. BapDada also became merged in the love of the children. The sweet pearls fromeveryone became the garland around Baba's neck and merged in His heart. Various thoughts from everyone's mindwere being heard like sweet music. Children from all around were garlanding BapDada with rosaries of remembrance.

As well as the day of remembrance, as a memorial of today, today is called the day of power. In the beginning,BapDada placed the urn of knowledge on the children, and through sakar Baba, willed the body, mind and wealth tothe Shaktis. In the same way, He also willed will­power. He himself became a resident of the subtle region and madethe children the corporeal instruments. This is why this is also known as the day of power.

Today, Baba was merging the love of the children within Himself beyond sound. At this time, the sound of complaintand invocation from everyone's mind is coming from all directions. Can all of you hear it? BapDada is especiallygiving the return of remembrance to the new children. Just as the older children received the lift of a double engine,in the same way, BapDada is giving the new children the gift of a special lift of incognito help; the experience ofattainment and the treasure of happiness. Through their service and experience of constant company, BapDada istransforming their complaints into zeal and enthusiasm. Just as new children have special attachment to the Fatherand service, so too, BapDada has His special co­ operative vision on the new children. Baba is also singing praise ofthe wonder of the new children. Achcha.

To the loving children who constantly remain absorbed in love for the one Father, those who reveal the one Father; tothe victorious souls who are instruments to become part of the rosary of victory by all souls; to those who are equal tothe Father and who reveal all the Father's virtues in a practical form; to those who use all their powers for service; tosuch world­benefactor children who have a right to BapDada's heart­throne, love, remembrance and namaste fromBapDada.

Speaking to Didiji and others:What is the special form of the children today? Together with love, they also give complaints. Baba is the Ocean ofLove, and so what is the speciality of an ocean? To the extent that there are waves, to the same extent there isstillness; it has both specialities at the same time. In the same way, the speciality of those who become equal to theFather is that, externally, they are an embodiment of remembrance and, internally, they are an embodiment of power.To the extent that they are an embodiment of remembrance in the corporeal form, to the same extent they are the formof power. There should be the balance of the two simultaneously. Do you have such a balance? According to thetime and whatever day it is, you automatically take that form. However, there is spirituality when both forms areclearly visible at the same time. You are playing your part and, at the same time, you also have the stage of being adetached observer. By having the stage of a detached observer, you will play your part accurately.

However, you will not become the form of your part, that is, you will not be influenced by the part. You will havewill­power.

When you are able to adopt the form you want whenever you want, that is called will­power. The form of powershould also be merged within the form of love. To simply merge yourself in love is being physical. Spirituality iswhen you remain an embodiment of power as well as an embodiment of love. This is why the final scene of the formof love is that of being a conqueror of attachment and an embodiment of remembrance. To the extent that there isgreat love, to the same extent, there should be detachment. So what was the final paper you saw? Whilst havinglove, Baba was the conqueror of attachment and the embodiment of remembrance. This final paper has beenremembered as a memorial; this was Baba's practical demonstration. Whilst having corporeal relationships, he hadthe power to accommodate as well as the power to tolerate; you saw the form of these two powers. On the one hand,to merge the love and on the other hand, to finish the final remaining karmic accounts with the power to tolerate. Yousaw the power to accommodate and the power to tolerate in the practical form. Does a father not have love for hischildren? Even whilst being an ocean of love, he was completely still. He was completely beyond the consciousnessof his body; this was the final stage. Baba demonstrated this practically. It was at just around this time (at night). Inthe final paper, he claimed the first number in a practical way. To put something into a practical form is easy, but tomerge it, you need will­power. You saw the entire part of how to merge. To merge the suffering of karma and also tomerge love. This is will­power. This is the will­power that Baba willed to the children at the end.

Blessing: May you be one who is sixteen celestial degress complete who, at the confluence age, performs every actionas an art.The confluence age is the special age to reveal your talents in action. There is praise of every action and virtue ofthose who perform every action as an art. To be sixteen celestial degrees complete means every activity should bevisible in the form of a perfect talent. This is the sign of the stage of perfection. You saw speciality in everythingBaba did; his way of speaking, his way of walking etc. was all an art. His way of sitting, standing, observing,walking etc. were all totally unique and special. So follow the father in the same way and become sixteen celestialdegrees complete.

Slogan: Instead of looking at one another, look at your own self and transform yourself.


Report of workshop conducted in Madhuban How to become free from attachment

  1. What are the different forms of attachments?There is attachment for the body, relations, physical objects, service, one's own specialities, one's own place, one'sown professional field, facilities, old sanskars, one's life, specialities of others, to one's creation or talents, physicalsenses and habits.

  2. What are the signs of attachment for other beings?Whomsoever you have attachment for, you will keep on remembering them again and again. You will be restlesswithout them; you will continually sing their praise; your yoga will be linked with them; you will make effort tosatisfy them and you will not notice their weaknesses. Due to attachment, you lose the power to realise, the power todiscriminate and the power to decide. Those who have attachment will be dependent on and subservient towhomsoever they are attached to. They will not have any rights over them. They have a weak heart. Theycontinually dream of whomsoever they are attached to. Those who have attachment continually disobedient. Theyare not bestowers, but beggars. They do not have a soul conscious vision or attitude. Those who have attachment will one moment be dancing in happiness and be upset and unhappy the next. Theirintellect will cause mischief and will not remain stable.

  3. What are the signs of attachment for phsical objects?You will have the consciousness of collecting these things. The soul, because of being influenced by the sanskar ofattachment, continually makes effort to attain that particular object. There will be something lacking in relationshipswith others. Because of this sanskar of wanting something, people in the world even kill their wife, son, brother,sister, mother or father. It is as though that particular object is everything for them. Such souls are filled with greed,discontentment, jealousy and fear etc. They will use their time, words, thoughts and everything in order to attain that. They are ready to do anything to attain it. They engage themselves in dirty politics, they are constantly distressed bytension, they are unhappy, upset and disheartened. Those who become an obstacle by trying to attain somethingphysical think negatively, constantly fluctuate and spoil the atmosphere.

  4. What are the things one is attracted to and tempted by?Because of temptation to food and drink, you steal and eat that, you keep it hidden away and become a slave to thesensation of the physical organs. Then, by becoming influenced by this weakness, there is fighting, telling lies, givingexcuses, creating an off­mood and crying.

  5. What methods has BapDada given to become free from attachment?To have all relationships with the Father.To have soul conscious vision and attitude.To practise soul consciousness and being bodiless.To come into relationship with others whilst considering yourself to be an angel.To remain engaged in karma and yoga.To experience the self to be combined with the Father.To churn the knowledge and to apply it in practical situations.To practise the seed stage.To consider yourself to be an instrument.To have an awakened (alert) conscience.To consider the self to be trustworthy, to be great, to be a guest and an incarnation.With the practice of self­respect, you will become free from attachment.Make the one Father your entire world; I sit with You, I talk to You...All this belongs to God and is entrusted to me. When someone has something, that is, if he has made effort to attain itfrom God as a boon, then I also have to make effort to take that directly from God. The creation cannot give aninheritance to the creation.

    With this awareness, you can become free from attachment and attraction.

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