07/10/96 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 06/02/76

Baba's co­operative right and left hands.

Today, BapDada is especially seeing all His children in the form of those who co­operate with Him. Do youremember or have you seen the memorial of your form that co­operated with the Father? What is that form? That co­operation is shown in the form of arms. Just as the main limbs of the body are the arms, in the same way, all of youco­operative children are the main instruments in BapDada's task. Do you constantly co­operate with BapDada, thatis, do you carry out all your work whilst considering yourselves to be the arms? Included in the arms are the right andleft hands. In carrying out any task, someone who constantly fulfils his responsibility accurately in that task, or whois a helper, is said to be a right hand. One are the right hands and the other are the left hands, but both are co­operative. This is why the many arms of sakar Brahma are very famous. Whom would you call a right hand? All arehands. No task can be accomplished without a hand. This is why there are the sayings in the corporeal world; "Giveyour finger in this task"; "lend a hand". So the arms, the hands and the fingers are signs of co­operation. All are co­operative, but numberwise.

The sign of a right hand is to be constantly clean, that is, to be pure and elevated. Just as any auspicious task isperformed with the right hand, in the same way, BapDada's co­operative right hands remain elevated, that is, pure intheir words, deeds and connections. That is, they constantly move along whilst considering themselves to beinstruments for an elevated task. Just as it is the soul that powers the hands to do the work ­ the arms are the oneswho carry out the task and the soul inspires ­ in the same way, whilst constantly having the awareness of KaravanharBaba, the right hands consider themselves to be the ones who are karanhar (those who carry out a task). They do notconsider themselves to be karavanhar (the ones who inspire); this is why their actions are filled with the greatness ofbeing unique, egoless and humble for the construction of the new world. At every second, their every thought wouldbe completely clean, that is, pure, which, in other words, would be called having honesty and cleanliness. The righthands are especially powerful. In order to lift a particularly heavy object, it is generally the right hand that is used. Inthe same way, the co­operative right­hand souls are easily able to lift the burden, that is, the responsibility of the taskof world benefit and world transformation. They would experience themselves to be responsible; they wouldconstantly experience themselves in the stage of a master almighty authority. The speciality of a right hand is to havespeed in its task. The co­operative, right­hand souls would be fast effort­makers in putting everything into practiceand having dharna of every subject. They would always be ever­ready. These are the specialities of the right hands.

Left hands are also constantly co­operative. However, together with that cleanliness, there is sometimesuncleanliness, that is, there is some impurity in their thoughts, words or deeds. That is, they are not completely pureand clean. They are also less intense in their speed of effort. They will do something, they will think aboutsomething, but will be left, that is, they would do it a little late. They would co­operate and do everything, but wouldlack the courage to take the responsibility. They would constantly have zeal, enthusiasm and courage but would notbe independent. Their stage for a long period is like that of a lawyer. They would think of many rules andregulations but attain less benefit. They would not be able to become their own judge. They would feel the need of ajudge for the final judgment in every aspect. The right hands are lawful judges, but not lawyers.

Now check yourself as to whether you are a right hand or a left hand. Are you a lawyer or lawful? Both co­operatewith BapDada. By constantly considering yourself to be co­operative (sahyogi), you will become an easy yogi (sahajyogi). By considering yourself to be an instrument, karanhar of Karavanhar BapDada, you will remain carefree and cheerful.

So, today, BapDada was seeing His co­operative children. All of you are the arms, are you not? Do all of you havethe pure thought in your heart that you are the world transformers who are to transform the world. Beforetransforming the world, have you completely transformed yourself? The less transformation there is in yourself, theslower the speed of world transformation will be. Only with self­transformation will you be able to transform thetime. Look at yourself and you will automatically be able to tell the time. You are the clock for the time oftransformation. So look at the time in the clock of the self. The attention of all the souls of the world is now on youinstruments who are the clock to see what the time is at present. Therefore, consider yourself to be an instrument forbringing the period of this old world to an end and make yourself complete. Do you understand? Achcha.To such world transformers who change night into day and the old into new; to BapDada's elevated co­operative, thatis, constantly easy yogi children; to the world benefactor elevated souls, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

Blessing: May you be a master almighty authority who, with Godly authority, controls your thoughts and intellectaccording to the orders received.Just as you are very accurately able to use your hands and feet as you want, you use them to perform actions, in thesame way, you should be able to stabilise your thoughts and intellect wherever you want. This is known as Godlyauthority. Just as it is easy to come into sound, in the same way, it should be just as easy to go beyond sound.Through this practice, you will become an embodiment of remembrance. Now, make this practice easy and constantand you will then be called a master almighty authority.

Slogan: In order to finish the confusion of the mind, increase your decision­making power.

Question: By having the awareness of which praise of the Shaktis will you become a conqueror of Maya?

Answer: The praise of the Shaktis is that of Shaktis absorbed in the love of Shiva. Shiva and the Shaktis have as deep a connection as the soul and body. So, move along whilst considering yourself to be a Shakti absorbed in thelove of Shiva, and then Maya will never be able to create any obstacles between you and Shiva. It is said: Twoare equal to ten. So when Shiva and the Shaktis are combined, no one can do anything to you.

Question: What is the main effort to become part of the special eight?

Answer: In order to become part of the eight special deities, imbibe the eight powers. If you feel yourself lacking any particular power, it would be difficult to become part of the eight. Those who become one of the eight specialdeities are remembered and worshipped throughout the world.

Question: With which awareness will you never become afraid of any difficult situations or obstacles of Maya?

Answer: Whilst walking and moving along, have the awareness of Baba's hand and company. The company is the love of the intellect, and the hand is shrimat. When you have someone's protective hand over you, you are ableto accomplish any difficult task. In the same way, when you constantly experience the hand of shrimat overyourself, you will not be afraid of any difficult situation or obstacle of Maya. With the help of the hand and thecompany, and by having courage, you will find it easy to face anything.

Question: What are the signs of those who are able to face anything on the battlefield?

Answer: They never leave their weapons. Even whilst sleeping, they have their weapons with them. You should also consider yourself constantly to be a warrior on the field of action performing actions, that is, a maharathi. Evenwhilst sleeping, do not forget your eight powers, that is, sleep with your weapons. If you are constantly alertand ever­ready, Maya will not be able to deceive you.

Question: BapDada has made all the children the emperors of the land without sorrow, but, whilst you are moving along, why does that intoxication and happiness decrease?

Answer: When you come under the influence of bad company or are controlled by any of your physical senses, you lose your own power. Just as those emperors become bankrupt, in the same way, because of being under theinfluence of Maya, you lose your crown and become bankrupt. So, never forget the awareness that you are acarefree emperor who is an embodiment of power.

Question: When you perform any sinful or wasteful action, what is the reason for that?

Answer: When you let go of the company of your Companion and become alone and do not experience constant company, you then perform sinful or wasteful actions because any sin is committed when one is alone. Loneliness makes you unhappy. Therefore, constantly stay in the company of the Almighty Authority Father.O ur Backbone is very powerful so, constantly stay in this spiritual intoxication and happiness.

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