12/04/98 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 14/12/78

The easy way to remain free from obstacles.

BapDada is very pleased to see you beloved, long­lost and now­found children. He looks at you with love and sees you most elevated, multimillion­times fortunate souls, the one who are the crown on His head. You are the same ones of the previous kalpa who became separated and have now become worthy to claim such an elevated status. Every child’s worthiness and speciality are always very clear in front of Baba. BapDada knows the speciality of each of you children and considers each of you to be an invaluable jewel. You children are the constantly co­operative embodiments of Baba’s remembrance. BapDada always keeps His selection of invaluable jewels close to Him. BapDada has made you invaluable jewels into a necklace around His neck; He has seated you on His heart­throne; you are the star of His eyes, the crown of His head and worthy to be worshipped with Him. You are also the special deities of many devotees. Therefore, do you maintain such self­esteem? Are you constantly stable in the form that BapDada and people of the world see you?

Today, Bap and Dada were talking about the children. BapDada said: Sometimes, instead of moving quickly along, you co­operative, Raj Rishi children come to a halt. Why do you come to a halt? It is because you are unable to see clearly your future elevated destination. The test paper of the question: “What is going to happen in the future?” comes in front of you, and due to this, your fast speed or intense effort changes into just effort. You lack courage to remove the obstruction that’s come or to jump over the obstruction in your path. Therefore, you become tired of trying to progress. Some of you become tired and some of you become disheartened; you lose hope. At such a time, even though you have Baba’s support, you feel yourselves to have no support. You forget the one second’s easy method; the trick that BapDada has spoken of from time to time, to clear any obstacle away from yourself. To stabilise in your original form of a point of light in a second and become an instrument whilst doing anything is to become the form of double­light. Becoming this form in a second enables you to take a high jump. However, what do you children do? Instead of taking a high jump, you begin to try to break or remove the stone. The courage and enthusiasm you have at that time, according to your own capacity, is used up in just trying to do this, and so you become tired and disheartened. BapDada feels a lot of compassion when He sees you children labouring so much. You forget that you can go across it in a second by just taking a jump. So, this was the conversation taking place today between Bap and Dada about what the children do and what BapDada says. Because of forgetting this, you make an easy path so difficult that you become tired.

What else do you do? You create a storm of your own waste thoughts, and you make yourself shake in that storm. You shake the foundation of your own faith and the basis of your many types of attainment. You wonder whether destruction will take place or not; whether what God says is accurate or not; whether you should speak with faith to the people of the world; whether you should remain incognito or reveal yourself; whether you should accumulate everything or use it up in service; whether you should look after your family or engage yourself in service. You wonder what is eventually going to happen. The Father has become incorporeal and subtle, but you are the ones who have to face everything in the corporeal form. You create such a storm of waste thoughts that you make yourself shake. You shake the foundation of your faith. Just as a storm can blow you far away, so too, this storm of waste thoughts blows you away from the stage of making intense effort to the stage of just making effort. Do not get caught in such storms. BapDada asks you children: Are you still householders or have you become trustees? Since you are trustees, then who is responsible? Is it you or the Father? Then, if Baba is responsible, is it your responsibility or Baba’s responsibility as to whether something is going to happen or how it is going to happen? What is the first indication of an intellect that has faith? Someone with a faithful intellect means one who is constantly carefree. Since Baba has taken away all your worries, why should you worry? Why should you worry in your Brahmin life as to whether destruction will take place or not or when it will take place? Do you not enjoy your Brahmin life; the life as valuable as a diamond, the life of celebrating a meeting with Baba, the life of the stage of ascent, the life of becoming full of all treasures and the life filled with total experience? Do you wish to end this life quickly? Do you have any difficulty? On the path of bhakti, you called out that you wanted to multiply four times everything of your life of supersensuous joy. So, have you now become tired? BapDada is amused by those who have such thoughts. What do you still lack that you are made to create such thoughts? Since you speak of the benevolent Father and the benevolent life, then whatever God says must be filled with many types of benefit. In that case, why do you shake the foundation of your faithful intellect by having such thoughts as “why?” or “how?”? If your foundation is shaken by such a small storm, then how are you going to bear the storms of the great destruction? This storm is just of your waste thoughts, but the storms of the great destruction will be of many different types and come from all four directions. So what will you do then? You have been given extra time, companionship and many types of treasures to help you progress, so why are you so eager to finish everything because of a tiny matter? In your days of happiness, you should have patience and not become impatient thinking about when or why. Stop creating storms of your own waste thoughts. Become wealthy, become powerful , let your intellect constantly have faith, and take benefit at every moment from the benevolent Father and the benevolent time. These days of being the most wealthy and most fortunate ones; the days of having the companionship of the Bestower of Fortune, are not going to come again in the rest of the whole kalpa. At the time of destruction, you will remember this time of attainment. Therefore, according to the drama, whatever scenes take place in the drama, you souls have to remain courageous and enthusiastic; you yourselves have to remain powerful and also make the people of the world powerful. Do not wear yourself out trying to break the stones. Do not shake in the storms that you yourself create. Remain unshakeable. Do you understand what you should be doing and what you actually do? This was the heart­to­heart conversation of Bap and Dada about you children and the games you play. Now, play such powerful games that all of those games will stop. Instead of becoming disheartened, let your heart become constantly happy. Now, put the sacrificial offering of such thoughts into this great sacrificial fire. Do not take them back! Sacrifice them for all time! You have sacrificed yourself, so how can you have these thoughts? Therefore, before you leave, offer your sacrificial bhog. Offer bhog of the flowers of your powerful thoughts. Do you understand what bhog you should offer? Achcha.

To such carefree souls who have a faithful intellect; to those who understand the meaning of these elevated versions; to those who remain trustees even of their thoughts; that is, whatever Baba thinks is also thought by the children; to the souls whose mind, intellect and sanskars are equal to the Father’s; to those who remain close to BapDada, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.

BapDada meeting groups:

 1.   The easy way to remain worthy of God’s love is to remain detached. Just as a lotus is always detached and yet loved by everyone, so too, do you always remain as detached as a lotus? Whilst living at home with your family and amidst the atmosphere of the world, you have to remain beyond that atmosphere. Those who remain detached become worthy of God’s love. To the extent that you remain detached, you are accordingly loved. You claim your number on the basis of your detachment. Those who are totally detached are totally loved.

2.    Automatic service through your worshipful form. Whilst seeing your memorials and hearing your praise of the previous kalpa, do you always have the intoxication that it is you who is being praised? Whenever you go to a memorial, do you become intoxicated knowing that it is your memorial? It is very wonderful that you, in the living form, are seeing your non­living image. On the one side, there are your non­living images, and on the other side you are in your incognito living form. So many of your devotees are calling out to you. By considering yourself worshipful, you will feel compassion for your devotees. Devotees are beggars whereas you are full. So, when you see your devotees, do you feel compassion and want to become an instrument to enable them to receive the fruit of their devotion? Do you constantly have the zeal and enthusiasm to serve them? By serving them, not only do many others benefit, but you also accumulate for your own future. You must definitely give even a little of something to every soul; none should return empty­handed. By keeping your worshipful form in your awareness you will constantly keep busy in serving them, even against your conscious wish.

3.    The sign of royal, beloved children is that they remain beyond the dirt of body consciousness.Multimillion­times fortunate souls always swing in the swing of happiness; the feet of their intellect never touch the ground. Beloved, long­lost and now­found children always remain in their parents’ lap; they never put their feet on the ground, they always tread on a carpet. So too, the foot of the intellect of you multimillion­ times fortunate souls should always remain beyond the consciousness of the body and the bodily world. Since BapDada has lifted you out of the dirt and seated you on His heart­throne, why do you get off the throne and go back into the dirt? To become body conscious means to play with dirt. The confluence age is the age of ascent. The time of descent has ended, and only a short time to ascend now remains. Therefore, instead of constantly remaining up above, why do you descend into that dirt? Achcha.

 Blessing: May you constantly be raazyukt (knowing all secrets), yuktiyukt (tactful and diplomatic) and yogyukt (accurately linked in yoga) and thereby please the Lord with your honest heart. One of BapDada’s titles is Dilwala, the One who has won everyone’s heart. Another title is Dilaram, the Comforter of Hearts. The Lord is pleased with the children who have a true heart. Those who keep Baba in their heart can easily stabilise in the point­form. They become worthy of Baba’s special blessings. With the power of truth, they are automatically able to perform a task correctly in a yuktiyukt and yogyukt manner. Because all their thoughts, words and deeds are accurate, they please God. Therefore, they become raazyukt, yuktiyukt and yogyukt.

Slogan: Constantly remain merged in Baba’s love and you will be saved from any type of deceit.

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