10-01-88         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

The method of churning and the methods to increase churning power.

Today, the Jewel­Merchant Father has come to meet His invaluable jewels to see how many jewels of knowledge every elevated soul has accumulated, that is, how many jewels of knowledge you have imbibed in your practical life. Each and every jewel of knowledge is more valuable than multimillions. So, just think how many jewels of knowledge you have received from the beginning until now. The Jewel­Merchant Father has filled the apron of the intellect of every child with many jewels. He has given all the children equal jewels of knowledge at the same time. However, the more you use these jewels of knowledge for yourself and for others, the more these jewels continue to increase. BapDada was seeing that although the Father has given equally to all the children, some children have increased their jewels, whereas others have not. Some are full, overflowing, some have unlimited treasures, some are using them according to the time, some are using them for a task and are increasing them multimillionfold. Some are unable to use these jewels for a task as much as they should. This is why they are unable to understand the value of the jewels as much as they should. Your intellect has imbibed what you have received, but you are unable to experience the attainment of happiness, joy, power, peace and a stage free from obstacles that you should have by using them. The reason for this is lack of churning power, because to churn means to put into your life, to imbibe it. Not to churn means just to imbibe in your intellect. The former use these for every task and in every action of their life, whether it is for the self or for others. The latter simply remember these with their intellect, that is, they imbibe them in their intellect.

For instance, when you keep a physical treasure locked up in your safe and you don't use it at the right time or all the time, you don't have the experience of happiness, but you just have the reassurance in your heart that you have that treasure. Neither will it increase nor will you have an experience. In the same way, if you have just imbibed the jewels of knowledge in your intellect, if you just remember them and repeat them in words saying that the point is very good, then, for a short time you have good intoxication of that good point. However, you have to put these jewels of knowledge into your practical life and into every action because knowledge is not only jewels, but knowledge is enlightenment and knowledge is also power. Therefore, if you don't use them in action with this method, neither do they increase nor is there any experience. Knowledge is a study and it is also an elevated weapon for battling. This is the value of knowledge. To know their value means to use them for a task and the more you use them for a task, the more you continue to experience power. For instance, when you don't use a weapon according to the time, then that weapon becomes useless, that is, it no longer has that much value. Knowledge is also a weapon, but, if at the time of becoming a conqueror of Maya you don't use the weapon, then you reduce its value because you didn't take its benefit. To take the benefit of something means to keep its value. You all have jewels of knowledge because you all have a right, but you are numberwise in being full. You were told that the main reason is a lack of the power of churning.

Churning power is the basis to experience the Father's treasures to be your own. Just as physical food when digested becomes blood, because food is separate, but when you digest it, it then takes the form of blood. In the same way, with churning power, you experience the Father's treasures to be your own; you experience them as a right and as your treasure. Previously too, BapDada has been saying that only when you grind your own ingredients will you feel that intoxication. That is, by using the Father's treasures with your churning power, experience attainment and your intoxication will rise. At the time of listening to Baba you have intoxication, but why does it not remain all the time? The reason is that you have not made them your own with churning power. Churning power means to go to the bottom of the ocean, to be introverted and go into the depth of every jewel of knowledge. You mustn't just repeat them, but what is the significance of every point, and at what time and with what method must I use every point, and with what method must I use every point for the service of others. So listen to every point and think about these four things. Together with churning, also go into the sweetness of that secret, become lost in the experience of intoxication. Use these at the time of the different obstacles from Maya or when you have different problems of nature: according to the situations or according to the obstacles, whatever points I churned, will these jewels of knowledge make me or can they make me a conqueror of Maya? Did that happen practically? That is, did you become a conqueror of Maya? Or, is it that you thought that you would become a conqueror of Maya, but instead you had to labour or your time was wasted? This proves that the method was not accurate, and this is why you didn't experience success. You also need the method and practice to use these things. Just as scientists bring very powerful bombs. They believe that with those they will definitely be victorious. However, if the person using those bombs doesn't know how to use them, then even though they are powerful bombs, when they just fall here or there, then they are wasted. What was the reason? The method to use them was not accurate. In this way, every jewel of knowledge is extremely valuable. Situations and obstacles cannot remain when you have the jewels of knowledge and the power of knowledge. However, if you don't have victory, then understand that you don't know the method to use them accurately. Secondly, by not constantly having the practiceof churning, at the time of need, when you suddenly try to use them, then you are deceived. You then have the carelessness that you have the knowledge in your intellect anyway, and that you will use it at the right time. However, you need constant practice and practice over a long period of time. Otherwise, what title will those who just think about these things receive? A kumbhakarna. What carelessness did he have? He only thought: Let them come, and then I will be victorious. So the carelessness to think that it will happen when it is time deceives you. Therefore, continue to increase churning power every day.

Whether it is the revised course or the avyakt murli that you hear every day, in order to increase churning power, imbibe one special point in your intellect every day and practise with the method of the four things that Baba told you about. While moving along, while performing every action, whether it is for yourself or an action for service, let churning take place throughout the day. Whether you are in business or you go to the office or whether you serve at a centre, whenever your intellect is a little free, repeatedly increase the practice of churning. Some work is such that while you are doing that work, you can also think about these things at the same time. It is for a very little time that you have to do work in which your intellect has to pay full attention. Otherwise, your intellect can continue to work on both things. If you fix such time in your timetable, you can find a lot of time in between. It isn't that you have to find special time to use churning power. You can do it even while walking and moving around. If you have some time in solitude, that is very good. Go into the depth of the clarification of every point; go into its expansion and you will enjoy yourself very much. But, first of all stabilise yourself in the intoxication of that point, then you won't get bored. Otherwise, you just repeat the points and you then say, "This is now done; what should I now do?"

When spinning the discus of self­realisation, some of you make me laugh: what should we think about? Our cycle finishes within five minutes! They don't know how to experience that stage and so they simply repeat the knowledge: the golden, silver, copper and iron ages, so many births, this much life­span, this much time, that is all, and it is completed. However, to become a spinner of the discus of self­realisation means to experience a knowledge­full and powerful stage. Now practise with every point to remain stable in the intoxication of that point and to become a knower of the significance of that point of knowledge. This was one aspect of the discus of self­realisation that the Father spoke. In the same way, churn each and every point of knowledge and every now and then, practise having an experience. It should not be that you just sit there for half an hour simply churning it. Whenever you have time, let the intellect have the practice of churning. With churning power, your intellect will remain busy and you will automatically and easily become a conqueror of Maya. When Maya sees that you are busy, she automatically steps away. If Maya comes and you then have to battle to chase her away, and sometimes there is victory and sometimes there is defeat, that is effort of the crawling stage. Now is the time to make intense effort; it is the time to fly. Therefore, keep your intellect busy churning. Through this churning power, you will remain absorbed in the power of remembrance. You will easily have that experience. Churning makes you a conqueror of Maya and free from all waste thoughts. Where there is no waste and no obstacles, you automatically have a powerful stage, the stage of remaining lost in love.

Some think that they have very little of the seed stage or the stage of powerful remembrance, or that they have an experience after paying a lot of attention. You were told the reason for this last time too, that there is some leakage. The power of your intellect goes to waste. Sometimes, you will have waste thoughts and at other times you will have ordinary thoughts. To keep your intellect busy with the work that you are doing is known as having ordinary thoughts. At that time, you don't have the power of remembrance or the churning power that you should have, and you satisfy yourself by saying: today, I didn't commit any sins, I haven't had any wastage and I didn't give anyone any sorrow. However, did you have powerful thoughts, a powerful stage and powerful remembrance? If you didn't have these, that is called ordinary thoughts. You performed actions, but karma and yoga were not together. You became one who performs actions, but not one who is a karma yogi. Therefore, while performing actions, there should always be the experience of either churning power or the power of being lost in that stage. Both these powers are the basis of doing powerful service. Because those who churn have that practice they are able to create whatever stage they want whenever they want. By having a link, the leakage will end and whatever experience you want ­ whether it is the seed stage, or the angelic stage ­ you will easily be able to experience whatever stage you want. When you have awareness of knowledge, then by remembering knowledge, you automatically remember the Bestower of that Knowledge. So, do you understand how you have to churn? You were told that Baba would tell you about churning at some point. So, today, Baba has told you the method to churn. The basis of always being victorious over the obstacles of Maya and always experiencing success in service is churning power. Do you understand? Achcha.

To all the knowledgeable children of the Ocean of Knowledge, to the elevated souls who always easily become conquerors of Maya with the power to churn, to those who increase their practice of churning power and who experience the stage of being lost in love, to those who always know the value of the jewels of knowledge, to those who use the power of knowledge in every action, to the special invaluable jewels who always remain stable in an elevated stage, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

Avyakt BapDada meeting groups:

Do you experience yourselves to be souls who are intense effort­makers? Time is moving ahead at a very fast speed. As time is moving forward, with what speed should those who are going to reach their destination on time move? There is little time and a lot to be attained. So, if you want to attain a lot in a short time, you have to do it fast. You are seeing the time and you also know the speed of your effort. So, if time is moving fast and your speed is not fast, then time, that is the creation, is faster than you, the creator. Is it a good thing for the creation to be faster than the creator? The creator should be ahead of the creation. It is now the time to become constant intense effort­making souls and move forward. If, whilst moving forward, you stop to see side­scenes, then those who stop don’t reach their destination on time. Any attraction of Maya is a side­scene. How would those who stop at side­scenes be able to reach their destination? Therefore, always be intense effort­makers and continue to move forward. Don't think that you will reach your destination anyway because there is still some time remaining. If you move at a slow speed thinking in this way, you will be deceived at that time. The sanskar of making effort over a long period of time will give you the experience of intense effort in the final moments. So, always be an intense effort­maker. Do not sometimes be intense and sometimes weak. Do not become weak when something trivial happens. In that case, you would not be called an intense effort­maker. An intense effort­maker never stops, but flies. So, become flying birds and continue to experience the flying stage. Give co­operation to one another and continue to make them intense effort­makers. The more you serve others, the more your zeal and enthusiasm will continue to increase.

At the time of farewell ­ Dadi Janki taking leave from BapDada when going abroad.

There is very good zeal and enthusiasm for service in this land and abroad. Where there is zeal and enthusiasm, there is success. Always pay attention that firstly, you always have zeal and enthusiasm and also the power of the gathering. When you have the power of love and the power of co­operation, you achieve success according to that. This is the field. When the field is good, the fruit it gives is accordingly. However, if you temporarily make the field good and sow seeds in that, you will receive fruit for a short time; you won't then receive fruit for all time. So, before receiving the fruit of success, always check the field. But anyway, whatever each one of you does, you accumulate that. You receive happiness now and you will have that in the future anyway. Achcha.

Blessing: May you be an image that attracts, giving everyone a right to their inheritance through your angelic form.

Wear such a sparkling dress of your angelic form that you attract souls from far away and liberate souls from being beggars and give them a right to their inheritance. For this, become an image of knowledge, an image of remembrance and an image of all divine virtues and continue to increase the practice of stablizing in the flying stage. Your flying stage will give all souls a vision of your mobile angelic and so deity form. This is the stage of being a bestower of fortune and a bestower of blessings.

Slogan: In order to know the feelings in the mind of others, always remain stable in the stage of manmanabhav.

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