20-02-88         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

The means to finish tiredness of the mind and body is powerful remembrance.

Today, the Father, the Resident of the faraway land, has come to meet His children who are residents of the eternal land, residents of the original land as well as those who are living abroad for the sake of service. BapDada knows that you are My long­lost and now­found specially beloved children, and that you are residents of the eternal land, the supreme abode. And, together with the beginning of the world, when there was your original land, the land of Bharat, when it was your golden­aged sovereignty, your own kingdom, which everyone calls Bharat, you were the residents of that same Bharat. You ruled on this land of Bharat with Father Brahma. For many births, you lived a life filled with happiness and peace in your own kingdom. This is why, because of being residents of the original land, you have love in your heart for the land of Bharat. No matter how poor and dusty Bharat has now become, after all, your land is your own land. So, what is the land that belongs to all of you souls and what is the land that you belonged to when you were in deity bodies? It was Bharat, was it not? Do you remember how many births you have lived in Bharat? All of you have attained your inheritance for 21 births from the Father and you therefore have this guarantee for 21 births. Later, too, all of you souls took many other births in the land of Bharat because the souls who are close to Father Brahma, souls who are to become equal to him, will play their part of being the ones who are worthy of worship and worshippers with Father Brahma. It is you Brahmin souls who become the first devotees of the copper age. At the beginning of heaven, you were residents of this land, and you have been residents of the land of Bharat many times. This is why you have deep love for Madhuban, the alokik world of Brahmins. This Madhuban is the small world of Brahmins. So, you like this world very much, do you not? You don’t feel like going back from here, do you? If an order were to be given for you to become a resident of Madhuban right now, you would be happy, would you not? Or, would you have the thought: Who will do service? That you should go back for service? If BapDada were to tell you to sit down here, would you still remember your service then? Who is the One who inspires you to do service? To follow the Father’s directions or shrimat in the way that they are given means that you are a truly obedient child. BapDada knows whether to make you sit in Madhuban or to send you on service. Brahmin children have to remain ever­ready in every situation. Remain ever­ready for the direction you receive right now. The dictates of your own mind should not be mixed with even the slightest thought. This is known as being an elevated soul who follows shrimat.

You know that BapDada is responsible for service, do you not? Or, are you responsible? You are free from this responsibility, are you not? Or, do you have a little burden? “I have to do such a big programme. I have to do this.” You don’t consider all of that to be a burden, do you? Karavanhar is making you do it. Only the one Father is Karavanhar and He has been touching people’s intellect and carrying out the task of world service and will continue to do it. He simply makes the children the instruments because those who do something will receive the fruit of it. It is the children who will receive something; the Father doesn’t want to attain anything. It is souls who are to receive the reward and also experience the fruit of service. This is why He makes you children instruments. You saw the task of doing service in the corporeal form and, you are now also seeing how the Father, Karavanhar, is working through avyakt Brahma and getting the service done. The speed of avyakt service is very intense. The One who is inspiring is inspiring you and you are dancing like puppets. This service is also like a play. The One who is inspiring is inspiring you and you, as instruments, are creating a multimillionfold reward through each step. So, who has the burden? The One who is inspiring it to happen or the one who is doing it? The Father knows that even that is not really a burden. You refer to it as a burden and so the Father also uses the word “burden”. For the Father, everything is already accomplished. Everything is just like drawing a line. Does it feel like a big thing to draw a line? So BapDada enables service to take place in this way. Service is also just as easy as drawing a line. You are simply repeating everything; for the sake of this, you are simply playing a game.

Just as the obstacles of Maya are a game, so too, service is also not effort, but a game. By thinking in this way, you will constantly experience refreshment in service. Why do people play games? Not to get tired; they play games to feel refreshed. No matter how big the task is, you will experience it to be like a game and feel refreshed. No matter how tiring a game may be, by considering it to be a game, there isn’t any tiredness because you are playing that game out of your heart’s interest. No matter how hard you have to work in a game, you feel that it is enjoyment because you are doing it with your heart. Some mundane tasks feel like a burden, and you feel that you have to do that for the livelihood of your body. You do that considering it to be your duty. This is why it takes effort. Whether something is physical labour or labour of the intellect, when you consider it to be a duty, you experience tiredness because you are not doing that with happiness in your heart. Whatever task you carry out with enthusiasm in your mind and with happiness, you won’t feel tired in that; you won’t feel it to be a burden. Sometimes, children take on more tasks than is required for their service and they therefore sometimes feel tiredness. BapDada sees that some children maintain their enthusiasm and continue to do service tirelessly. Nevertheless, you maitained courage and are moving forward. Seeing this, BapDada is happy, but, nevertheless, you must definitely keep your intellect light. BapDada continues to see all the children’s plans and programmes while sitting in the subtle region. Each child’s record of remembrance and service is with BapDada at every moment. Just as in your world you have many ways to keep records, so the Father has even more refined methods than the scientific methods to keep your records, and these continue to work automatically. Whatever task the instruments of science carry out, they function only with light. The subtle region is of light. The facilities that function with light of the corporeal world are still facilities of matter, but the facilities of the subtle region are not of matter. Matter changes from sato to rajo to tamo. At this time, the elements of matter are tamoguni, and this is why those facilities work one day but don’t work the next day. However, the facilities of the subtle region are beyond that and this is why they do not change. Whenever you want and however you want, the subtle facilities constantly continue to carry out their task. This is why it is not a big thing for BapDada to see the records of all the children. It becomes difficult for all of you to look after the facilities. So BapDada is looking at the records of both remembrance and service because the balance of both brings you extra blessings.

You make time for service, but you sometimes use more time for service than for your general discipline. To use your time for service is a very good thing, and you also receive power from service and because of remaining busy in service, you are also protected from many small things. BapDada is pleased to see the children’s service and He surrenders Himself to your courage. However, the time for the service that becomes an instrument for the slightest obstruction in your remembrance and progress should be cut down. For instance, when you stay awake till midnight or 1.00 am, then amrit vela will not be fresh. You sit according to a discipline but if amrit vela is not powerful, a difference is created in the remembrance and service throughout the day. It takes time to make plans for service and to put those plans into a practical form. So, then, instead of going to sleep at midnight, cut that down and go to sleep at 11.00 pm. The one hour you cut down that gave rest to your body will enable you to have good amrit vela, and your intellect will also remain fresh. Otherwise, your conscience will bite you: that you are doing service, but that your chart of remembrance is not what it should be. When you repeatedly have the thought that something is not like it should be, that it is not happening in that way, then, because of that thought, the intellect doesn’t remain fresh. However, your intellect is fresh, then, with a fresh intellect, you can do two to three hours of work in one hour. You experience something taking longer because of a tired intellect, do you not? And the fresher your intellect remains – physically as well as spiritually – with double freshness – one hour’s work can be done in half an hour.

Therefore, always pay attention to your daily timetable so that you have a fresh intellect. Let there not be the habit of sleeping too much, but however much time you feel is necessary for your body, definitely pay attention to giving it that much rest. Sometimes, when there is the chance for a particular type of service and you have late nights two or four times in one month or two months, that is a different matter, but if your body is always tired, then that creates a difference in your remembrance. You make a programme for service, that you have to have four hours of it, and you make that time. In the same way, think that you definitely have to make time for remembrance too. Consider this to be essential and make your programme with this method. Don’t be lazy, but definitely give your body rest. Continue to move along with this method because, day by day, the time is coming when service will move at a fast speed. You might think: OK, let this one year’s project be completed and then we will take a rest and put everything right, that we will increase remembrance at that time. However, the projects for service are newer by the day and getting bigger day by day. Therefore, always keep a balance. Let your amrit vela be fresh. And then do that same work according to the time and you will receive extra blessings from the Father. And, because your intellect is fresh, you will be able to do the work very quickly and successfully. Do you understand?
BapDada is seeing that children have a lot of enthusiasm and this is why they don’t even think about their body. They are moving forward with zeal and enthusiasm. BapDada likes it when you make it move forward. Nevertheless a balance is definitely needed. You may continue to do it and continue to move along, but when you sometimes have a lot of work to do, then, because the intellect is already tired, you are unable to do as much as you want. Secondly, because you have a lot of work to do, when there is the slightest upheaval with anyone, due to any reason, then, because of tiredness, there is irritation and this reduces your happiness. Generally, you are fine internally, you are receiving the power of service, you are experiencing happiness, but yet your body is still old, is it not? Therefore, do not get into too much. Keep a balance. Your tiredness should not affect your chart of remembrance, no matter how busy you remain in service. No matter how busy you are, the special method to finish tiredness is definitely to make time for one minute of powerful remembrance every hour or every two hours. For instance, when someone is physically weak, then, in order to energise him physically, doctors give him medicine to boost his energy every two hours. You have to make time to take that medicine, do you not? So, every now and then, make time to have powerful remembrance for one or two minutes, because all the vitamins, A, B, C, are included in that. You were told why you are unable to have powerful remembrance constantly, were you not? Since you belong to the Father and the Father belongs to you, you have all relationships with Him, you have love for Him in your heart, you are knowledge­full, you have experienced attainment from Him, yet what is the reason for there not being powerful remembrance constantly? You do not maintain the link of your remembrance. The link breaks and it takes times to reconnect it. It takes effort so that instead of being powerful the remembrance becomes weak. There cannot be forgetfulness. You do have remembrance, but for there to be constantly powerful remembrance at all times automatically, this link should not break. Let the link of remembrance be forged with your intellect at every moment. This is the method for that. Consider this to be essential too. Just as you consider that work to be essential, that you have to get up from there having accomplished a plan, and you therefore give it your time and energy, in the same way, this too is essential. Do not give this a low priority, thinking that you will first finish your work and then have remembrance. No. First of all, add time for remembrance to your programme. Just as you fix a service plan for two hours – whether it is a meeting or doing something practically – then, together with those two hours, you also have to add this in between. Then, the plan that you would normally make in one hour, you will be able to do in half an hour. Just try it and see. For your eyes to automatically open with freshness at 2.00 am is a different matter. However, when you have to stay awake because of a task, your body is affected. Therefore, always pay attention to keeping a balance.

Seeing the children so busy, BapDada feels that their heads should be massaged. However, if you make time, BapDada will massage your heads in the subtle region. That too will be alokik. It will not be a physical massage. You will be completely refreshed. Even one second of powerful remembrance makes your body and mind fresh. Come to the Father’s world; whatever thought you have will be accomplished. Whether it is physical tiredness, tiredness of your brain or of your stage, the Father has come to remove your tiredness.

Today, BapDada is having a personal heart­to­heart conversation with the double foreigners. You have done very good service and will continue to do it. According to the drama, it is fixed for service to increase. No matter how much you think that it has now become too much, the destiny of the drama is also fixed. Therefore, you have to make plans for service and all of you have to become instruments and make it happen. No one can change this destiny. The Father may want to give you a rest from service for one year, but He cannot change this. Would you be able to sit without doing service? Just as remembrance is the nourishment of Brahmin life, similarly, service is also nourishment for this life. Can anyone live without nourishment? However, balance is essential. Do not do so much that there is pressure on your intellect and do not do so little that you become careless. Let there neither be any pressure nor any carelessness – this is called balance.

Double foreigners have good enthusiasm for service and this is why there is good growth in service. In fourteen years, there has been good expansion of service abroad. You are moving forward doing double work – both lokik and alokik. You use your time and also the energy of your intellect and your body in that double work. This too is a wonder of the intellect. While having a lokik job, to move forward in service is something that requires courage. BapDada always helps the children who have such courage. The more courage you have, the more the Father becomes your Helper multimillion times. Seeing that you are progressing while playing both parts, BapDada is continually pleased with you children. You are free from Maya, are you not? When you are yogyukt, you are naturally free from Maya. If you are not yogyukt, you are not free from Maya. Maya too loves Brahmin souls. Those who are strong and powerful enjoy themselves with other strong and powerful ones. Maya too is powerful. You are powerful, almighty authorities, and so Maya enjoys playing games with those who are almighty authorities. You now know Maya very well, do you not? Or, does she sometimes come in a new form? To be knowledge­full means to know the Father, to know the creation and also to know Maya. If you know the Creator and the creation, but do not know Maya, you are not knowledge­full.
In any situation, even if your body is weak or there is extra pressure of work, never become tired in your mind. Physical tiredness finishes through having happiness of the mind. However, tiredness of the mind increases tiredness of the body. Your mind should never become tired. When you become tired, come to the Father’s world in a second. If there is the habit of getting the mind tired, you won’t be able to experience the zeal and enthusiasm of Brahmin life. You will move along, but you won’t experience the One who is making everyone move make you move. You will move along with labour, and when there is labour involved, there will also be tiredness. Therefore, always think: Karavanhar is making me do it. The One who inspires everyone is making me do it.

Continue to do service according to your time and energy. Service will never be left out. If not today, it will get done tomorrow. If you do as much service as you can with an honest heart and with love in your heart, BapDada will never complain that you have done this much or not done that much. You will receive “well done” (Sabaash). When you do service with an honest heart according to the time and energy you have, the Lord is pleased. Whatever still remains to be done, BapDada will somehow enable that too to be completed. Whatever service has to take place at a particular time will definitely be done, it will not be left. BapDada will touch one soul or another and make him co­operate with the children. Yogi children receive all types of co­operation when they need it. However, who will receive it? The true servers who are serving with a true heart will receive it. So, are all of you children servers? You do experience that the Lord is pleased with you, do you not? Achcha.

To those who always have a right to blessings from the Father through keeping a balance of remembrance and service, to those who always remain double­light like the Father, to those who constantly keep the link of powerful remembrance forged, to those who constantly keep the body and soul refreshed, to those who perform every action with the right method, to those who always attain elevated success, to such elevated and close children, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.

Blessing: May you be truly loving and remain stable in your inner form and thereby reveal the incognito form of yourself and the Father.

The children who constantly remain in their inner stage, that is, who remain stable in their inner form and introverted cannot become engrossed in any situation. They cannot be deceived by the old world, its relationships, wealth or physical possessions which are temporary and superficial. By being stable in your inner form, your incognito Shakti form will be revealed and the Father will be revealed through this form. Only the children who carry out such an elevated task are truly loving.

Slogan: Maintain the prestige of your faith and your birthright and you will not become distressed.


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