23-11-89         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

The easy way to please the Bestower of Blessings.

Today, the Father, the Bestower of Blessings, is pleased to see His children who are blessed. All the children of the Father, the Bestower of Blessings, are blessed, but they are numberwise. The Bestower of Blessings gives aprons full of blessings to all the children; so, why is there a number? The Bestower of Blessings does not make it numberwise in giving to everyone because He has such limitless blessings that since it is an open treasure you can take as many as you want. From such an open treasure, some children become full of all blessings whereas others become full according to their capacity. It is the form of the Innocent Lord, the Bestower of Blessings, who gives aprons full the most. You were told earlier too of the Bestower, the Bestower of Fortune and the Bestower of Blessings. Out of all these three, it is the form of the Bestower of Blessings that is said to be the form of the Innocent Lord because the Bestower of Blessings is very quickly pleased. Once you know the way to please the Lord, it is then very easy to achieve success, that is, to have your aprons filled with blessings. Do you know the easiest way to please the Bestower of Blessings? Whom does He love the most? He loves the word “one” the most. The children who are faithful to One from the beginning until now are deeply loved by the Bestower of blessings. To be faithful to One, that is, not just in terms of purity, but in terms of all relationships ­ not to have anyone else in your thoughts or even your dreams. To be faithful to One means always to have just the One in your attitude. Secondly, you have taken a firm vow, have you not, of always belonging to One and none other? Some children become very clever in being faithful to the One. Which cleverness? They relate sweet things to the Father: I have the main relationships of the Father, Teacher and Satguru with you, but because of being a bodily being, because of moving along in the corporeal world, I definitely need corporeal friends for their co­operation, for their service and for their advice in the corporeal form. The Father is Incorporeal and subtle and is therefore, a service companion. He isn’t anything else. In order to celebrate a meeting with the Incorporeal and the subtle, you yourself have to be in an incorporeal and subtle stage. You sometimes find that difficult. This is why, at that time, you need corporeal companions. What do you do when your head is filled with many things? You need someone to whom you can relate these things, do you not? Those souls who are faithful to One do not accumulate such burdensome things that they then have to relate them. On the one hand, you please the Father very much: Baba, it is just You who is always with me. The Father is always with me, He is my Companion and so where does He go at that time? Is it that the Father goes away or do you step away? Is He with you at every moment or for 6 to 8 hours? What was the promise you made? That you are with Him, that you will remain with Him and that you will go back home with Him. This promise is firm, is it not? You promised Father Brahma that you will play your part with him throughout the whole cycle. Since you have made such a promise, do you then still need a special companion in the physical form?

BapDada has everyone’s horoscope. In front of the Father, you would say: You alone are my Companion. When any situation arises, you then try to make the Father understand that these things will happen anyway, that you need that much anyway. Would you call this being faithful to One? If they are companions, then all are companions; there isn’t a particularly special companion. This is called being faithful to One. The Bestower of Blessings loves such children very much.

The Father, the Bestower of Blessings, takes upon Himself all the responsibilities of such children at every moment. Such blessed souls experience the stage of being full of the attainment of blessings at every moment and in every situation. They always easily overcome everything and pass with honours. Since the Bestower of Blessings is ever­ready to take all responsibilities, why do you keep the burden of responsibility on yourself? It is because you consider that to be your responsibility that you are therefore unable to pass with honours in the situation, but you pass by being pushed; you need the push of someone’s company. If the battery is not fully charged, the car has to be pushed, does it not? So, you would not push it by yourself, you would need someone’s company. This is why you become blessed numberwise. So, the Bestower of Blessings likes the one word “ek­vrata”, faithful to One. One Strength and one Support. It is not said: Strength of one and support of another one. It is remembered as one Strength and one Support. At the same time, “ek­mat” ­ you are following the directions of One, not the dictates of your own mind or those of others. “Ekras”(constant and stable) ­ there isn’t any interest in any other beings or possessions. In the same way, “ekta” – unity, and “ekantpriya” ­ one who has love for solitude. So, it is the word “ek” (one) that is loved, is it not? Find such other words too.

The Father is so innocent that He becomes pleased with just one thing. Do you find it difficult to please such an Innocent Lord, the Bestower of Blessings? Simply make the lesson of One firm. There is no need to go into 5 or 7. Those who please the Bestower of Blessings are sustained by blessings in every action of their timetable from amrit vela till night time. They move along and fly with these blessings. Such blessed souls never experience anything to be difficult either in their mind or in their relationships and connections. In every thought, every second, every action and at every step, they constantly experience the Bestower of Blessings and blessings constantly close and personally in front of them in the corporeal form. They experience it as though they are speaking to one another in the corporeal form. They do not experience anything to be hard work. Such blessed souls have attained the special blessing of experiencing the Incorporeal and subtle in the corporeal form. The Lord is always present in front of such blessed souls. Did you hear the method and success of pleasing the Bestower of Blessings? Are you able to do this in a second?

Simply do not let two become mixed into one, that is all. Baba will tell you about the expansion of the lesson of “ek” (one) at some other time.

BapDada has all the children’s divine activities as well as their games of cleverness. BapDada has all the results. Many things of your cleverness have also accumulated. You tell Baba new things. He continues to hear these things. BapDada is not mentioning any names, and so you think that BapDada isn’t aware of anything. Nevertheless, He continues to give you chances. The Father thinks that children are truly innocent in having real understanding. So, do not become so innocent. Achcha.

(Dadi Janki, Dr. Nirmala and Brother Jagdish have returned from their tours abroad). You have arrived here having toured abroad.

The result is good and there always has to be expansion in the success of service. There is also the UN connection in the special service. It is their name but your work that is being accomplished.

Your work of souls easily receiving a message is happening. So the programmes there were also good. Russia was still left, and they too had to come. BapDada had already given you love and remembrance for success. You went as the ambassadors of Bharat and so the name of Bharat was glorified. You enjoy touring around as rulers of the globe, do you not? You have returned having accumulated so many blessings. Nirmal ashram (Dr. Nirmala) also continues to tour around. In fact, all of you are engrossed in service, but special service takes place according to the time, and so Baba is congratulating you for special service. You cannot stay without doing service. London, America, Africa and Australia – you have created these four zones, have you not? And the fifth one is Bharat. Those from Bharat have been given the chance of meeting first. Whatever you have accomplished and whatever you will do in the future, everything is good and it will always remain good. Today, BapDada is giving special love and remembrance to all the double foreigners in all four zones. Russia is also included in Asia. You are getting a good response in service. You have good courage and so are also receiving help and will continue to receive help. In Bharat too, you are making plans to have a big programme. Congratulations and love and remembrance to each one for your individual speciality and for the deep love you have for service. Achcha.

Baba has told all of you children the easy method to keep moving easily and constantly. To the easy yogi children who constantly continue to experience this method and attain success easily, to the full and blessed children who constantly have blessings from the Bestower of Blessings, to those who always put the lesson of “Ek” into a corporeal form, to those who constantly experience the Lord to be present in the corporeal form with the constant company of the Incorporeal and subtle Father, to such constantly blessed children, love, remembrance and namaste from BapDada, the Bestower, the Bestower of Fortune and the Bestower of Blessings.

BapDada meeting Dadi Janki:

The more you share the Father’s love, accordingly your treasure­store of love continues to increase. It is as though you experience a shower of love at every moment, is it not? Give love at one step and in return, repeatedly receive love. Everyone just wants love. They have all heard knowledge, have they not? There are those children who want love and others who want power.

So, what service did you do? This was the service you did, was it not? You gave love to some through the Father and you enabled others to receive power from the Father. You already know the secrets of knowledge. Now, there just has to be constant zeal and enthusiasm in them as that keeps fluctuating. Nevertheless, BapDada is patting all the double foreign children on the back, because even though you had gone into different religions, different lands and different customs, you are still continuing here, and even some heirs have emerged. Achcha.

To the Maharashtra – Pune Group:

All of you have become great souls, have you not? Previously, you just used to be called residents of Maharashtra, whereas now you yourselves have become great. The Father has come and made each and every child great. Is there anyone in the world greater than you? The people of Bharat have fallen the most and in that too, the Brahmin souls who have been around the cycle have fallen down. To the extent that you fell down, accordingly you have now been uplifted. This is why it is said that Brahmins means the top­knot. The highest place is said to be the top. The highest point of a mountain is also said to be the peak and so you have the happiness of what you have now become from what you were. Do the Pandavas have greater happiness or do the Shaktis? (Shaktis). Because the Shaktis had been made to fall the lowest. From the copper age onwards, it was always the male bodies who attained a status. In religion too, it is only recently that women also become mahamandleshwars. Otherwise, it was just male mahamandleshwars who were remembered. Since the time that the Father put women at the front, they have also appointed 2 to 4 female mandleshwars. Otherwise, they never used to give a seat to women in a task of any religion. This is why the women have greater happiness. There is also the praise of the Pandavas. The Pandavas gained victory. It is the name of the Pandavas that is mentioned, but it is the Shaktis who are worshipped more. Previously, they worshipped the gurus whereas they now worship the Shaktis. They don’t stay awake through the night for Ganesh or for Hanuman, but for the Shaktis (goddesses) because the Shaktis have themselves now awakened. So, you Shaktis stay in your form of a shakti (power), do you not? Or, do you sometimes become weak? The attachment to bodily relations makes women weak. There is a little attachment to children and grandchildren.

However, what is it that makes the Pandavas weak? Because of ego, the Pandavas quickly get angry, but you have now become victorious, have you not? You have now become Pandavas who are embodiments of peace and you mothers have become free from attachment. The world says that women have attachment but you challenge them in that you women are free from attachment. In fact, Pandavas too are embodiments of peace, and anyone who comes should sing songs of wonder that all of you have become such embodiments of peace that not even a trace of anger is visible. It shouldn’t appear even in your eyes or in your features. Some say that they don’t get angry, but that they get heated up now and then. So, what is that? That is also a trace of anger, is it not? So, victorious Pandavas means to be completely peaceful, even in your thoughts – embodiments of peace in your words and actions. Mothers, show the whole world your form of being free from attachment. People think that this is impossible whereas you say that not only is it possible, but that it is also very easy. Keep this aim and you will develop the qualifications for it. As is your awareness, so your stage will become likewise. This land has received the water of love from the mother and Father and this is why the fruit is emerging easily. It is good. BapDada is pleased to see both service and self­progress, not just seeing service. Let there be just as much progress in self­progress as there is in service – both should be together. There are no desires.

When you automatically receive everything you want, why should you have any desires? Without saying anything, without asking for anything, you have received so much that there is no need to
ask for anything. So, are you content to this extent? Keep this title of yours in your awareness: You are content and you will make everyone content and make them into embodiments of attainment. So remain content and make others content – this is your special blessing. Let there be no name or trace of discontentment. Achcha.

Blessing: May you become a master creator who looks after the world with the vehicle of your divine intellect.

However divine one’s intellect is, accordingly, on the basis of its divinity it is just as fast. With the vehicle of a divine intellect, clearly travel around the world in one second and look after all souls. Make them content. The more you tour around as a ruler of the globe, the more the sound will emerge from everywhere that they have seen a light and angels moving around everywhere. For this, as well as being benevolent for the self, become a world benevolent master creator.

Slogan: To become a master bestower and give all souls the experience of attainments is to become equal to Father Brahma.

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