26-10-91         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

Happiness is the practical fruit of tapasya

Today, BapDada is seeing all His royal tapaswi children. You are tapaswis and you also have a right to the kingdom. Therefore, you are tapaswi­raj (tapaswi kings). Tapasya means to have a right to the kingdom. Tapasya makes you into kings. All of you have become kings, have you not? What fruit does the power of tapasya give? It changes you from being dependent into those who have a right, that is, it makes you into kings. This is why it has been remembered that you claim the fortune of the kingdom through tapasya. How elevated your fortune is! No one throughout the entire cycle can claim such fortune. Your fortune is so great that you have made the Bestower of Fortune belong to you. There is no need for each of you to ask for the different types of fortune individually. You have claimed all types of fortune from the Bestower of Fortune as an inheritance. An inheritance is never asked for. The Bestower of Fortune Himself has given you all fortune. Tapasya means that the soul says, “I am Yours and You are mine.” This is called tapasya. With the power of this tapasya, you have made the Bestower of Fortune belong to you. The Father, the Bestower of Fortune, also says: I am yours. So, how elevated your fortune is! Together with receiving fortune, you have now also received self­sovereignty. The future kingdom of the world depends on self­sovereignty. This is why you are tapaswi­raj. BapDada is also pleased seeing all His children who have a right to the kingdom. Do you remember what you said in devotion for many births in front of BapDada? Do you remember or have you forgotten? You said, again and again, “I am Your slave, I am Your slave.” The Father says: My children, and slaves! You are the children of the Almighty Authority, and so does it suit you to be slaves? This is why, instead of “I am Your slave”, what experience did the Father give you? He gave you the experience of “I am yours.” So, from slaves you became kings. You don't become slaves at any time, even now, do you? The old sanskars of being a slave don't ever emerge, do they? Do you become slaves of Maya? Do you become slaves? A king can never be a slave. Your slavery has finished. Has it finished, or do you sometimes enjoy it?

The power of tapasya is very elevated. And what tapasya do you do? Do you labour for tapasya? BapDada had told you what tapasya is: To celebrate with pleasure. Tapasya means to sing and dance very easily, that is all. Is singing and dancing difficult or easy? Is it entertainment or is it labour? It is entertainment, is it not? What do you do when doing tapasya? The instant fruit of tapasya is happiness. What happens in happiness? You dance, do you not? So tapasya means to dance in happiness, and to sing praise of the Father’s and your original and eternal form. How great this song is! And how easy it is! For this, you don’t need to worry about whether your throat is OK or not. You can constantly sing this song. Continue to dance in constant happiness. So what is the meaning of tapasya? To dance and sing. How easy it is! The head of those who make even tiny mistakes becomes heavy. No one's head should ever get heavy in Brahmin life. Did the heads of those who built the hospital become heavy? The trustees are sitting in front. Are your heads heavy? Since the Father is Karankaravanhar, what burden do you have? This is just creating a means of making your fortune by being an instrument. What responsibility do you have? It is when you consider it to be your responsibility, instead of the Father’s, that your head becomes heavy. If the Almighty Authority is your Companion, would there be heaviness? So you just make a small mistake. When you consider it to be your responsibility, your head becomes heavy. Brahmin life is to dance, sing and experience pleasure. Whether it is service through action or through words, service is a game. Service is not anything else. It is a game. Some games are played with the intellect and some are lighter games, but they are still games. Does your head become heavy with an intellectual game? So, you are playing all of these games. You are not working; you are playing games. No matter how great a task that requires thinking may be, or work that requires attention may be, for a soul who is a master almighty authority, everything is a game. Is it like this? Or, do you get tired just doing a little ? The majority of you are tireless, but sometimes, you get a little tired. Whether it is the treasure of time, thoughts, knowledge or physical wealth, if you use it with the method of experimentation of yoga, each treasure will continue to increase.

In this year of tapasya, you have been experimenting with yoga. What did you experiment with? Experiment with each one of these treasures. How can you experiment? There should be less usage of any treasure but greater attainment. Experiment using the method of less labour and greater success. For instance, take time, or take thoughts; these are elevated treasures. There should be less use of thoughts, but greater attainment. An ordinary person can experience success or attainment after two to four minutes of thinking, but you are able to do it in one or two seconds. In the sakar form, Brahma Baba also used to call this, ‘Less expenditure and greater glorification’. Let there be less expenditure, but there should be one hundredfold attainment. What will happen through this? Whatever saving there has been, whether in time or thoughts, you will be able to use the saving accumulated to serve others. Who is able to give donations and perform charity? Those who have saved wealth. If you use everything for yourself, if you use up everything that you earn, you cannot give donations or perform charity. This is the experiment of yoga: in less time, there are greater results; with fewer thoughts there should be greater experiences. Only then can you use all the treasures for others. In this way, use fewer words and actions and attain greater success; only then would it be called a wonder. What wonder did BapDada perform? What did Baba create in such a short space of time? This is why you say that it has been a wonder. In return of one, you experience multimillionfold attainment, and this is why you say, “Baba performed wonders.” Just as the treasures and attainments from BapDada give greater experiences, in the same way, all of you must experiment with yoga. It is not just a song: Baba, You have performed wonders! You are also those who perform wonders, and you do perform them. What was the result of the majority that was seen during tapasya?

The zeal and enthusiasm of tapasya is good, there is also attention and there is success, but you use the treasures more for yourself. To have experiences yourself is also a good thing, but the Year of Tapasya has been given for world service as well as for the self. Spread the vibrations of tapasya in the world at a faster speed. Increase the speed of the experiments of yoga in the laboratory of experiences. At the present time, all souls need to experience the transformation of the atmosphere through your powerful vibrations. This is why you must increase these experiments even more.

There are many co­operative children here. This co­operation will change into yoga. One variety of yogis is those who are loving and co­operative (sahyogi), and the second is those who are co­operative and yogi, and the third is those constant yogis who experiment (prayogi). Now ask yourself: Who am I? However, BapDada has love for all three varieties of children. Many children's vibrations reach BapDada. There are different varieties of vibrations. Do you know which kind has reached Baba? You are those who understand with a signal, are you not? What is the reason for everything that is happening during the Year of Tapasya? You are carrying out huge projects. What is the reason for this? Some think that this is the fruit of tapasya, whereas others wonder why all of this is being done during the Year of Tapasya. Baba receives both types of vibrations. However, this fast speed of time and the fulfillment of any needs through the vibrations of tapasya are the fruit of the power of tapasya. You will have to eat the fruit, will you not? The drama is showing that tapasya can fulfil all needs easily at the right time. Do you understand? There cannot be the question: Why is this happening? Tapasya means to experience success easily. As you go further, you will experience how the impossible becomes possible so easily. You will experience this more and more. Obstacles are fixed in the drama from the beginning to the end. Those obstacles also give the experience of making the impossible possible. And all of you have become experienced. Therefore, even an obstacle feels like a game. You play football, do you not? What do you do? Only when the ball comes to you do you kick it. If the ball didn't come to you, how could you kick it? How could there be a game? This too is a football game. You enjoy playing a game, do you not? Or do you get confused? You try to make the ball come to you so that you can kick it. This game will continue. It is nothing new. The drama shows games, and it also brings you complete success. This is the custom and system of the Brahmin clan. Achcha.

This group has had many chances. To become an instrument for any task, to become an instrument with any method means to become a chancellor who takes a chance.

In today's world, there are many people who have wealth, but what is the greatest wealth you have, that the people of the world do not have? And that is what is needed today, by those who are wealthy as well as by those who are poor. What wealth is that? (That of peace.) How can there be peace? The greatest wealth (sampatti) needed is sympathy. Whether rich or poor, today there is no sympathy. The greatest wealth of all is sympathy. Don't give them anything else, but you can make everyone content with sympathy. And your sympathy is real sympathy because of your relationship of the Godly family. It is not temporary sympathy. Sympathy with a family feeling is the greatest sympathy. Everyone is in need of this and you can give this to everyone. Spiritual sympathy brings fulfillment of body, mind and wealth. Baba will tell you more about this later. Achcha.

To the tapaswi­raj elevated souls everywhere, to those who constantly experience elevated success through the experiment of yoga and less expenditure, to those who constantly remain lost in the tapasya of, 'I am Yours and You are mine', to those who constantly dance in happiness through tapasya, and those who sing praise of Baba and the self, to such children from this land and abroad, who are embodiments of remembrance, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

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