11-12-91         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

Manners of reality (truth) are real royalty.

Today, BapDada is seeing His elevated family, that is, He is seeing His royal family. Throughout the entire cycle, you elevated souls are the most royal souls. In your eternal form of the soul, you are the most elevated royal souls, and in your original form, in the form of the deity souls, you are also royal; the royal family who have a right to the royal kingdom. In your worship­worthy form, you deity souls are worshipped with so much royalty. None of the souls of other religions or political leaders are worshipped in such a royal way. In all three forms the eternal, the original and the worship­worthy form – no one is as royal as you because you souls have the royalty of purity. Neither has there been nor will there be such a completely pure soul in the entire cycle. This is the speciality of purity. This is why people only sing this praise in front of the deity souls: You are completely viceless. They do not sing this praise for the righteous souls of any other religion. People just sing praise of the elevated actions (kirti) of the deity souls, that is, they only praise their elevated purity. There is no singing of praise (kirtan – singing devotional songs) in any other religion. The system of the singing with the sound of music and instruments is just for the deity souls and the shaktis of the confluence age. This is the attainment of the method of complete purity. This is why no other soul has such spiritual royalty as yours. Check to what extent you have imbibed such royalty of purity. The most elevated sign of spiritual royalty, that is, reality, is truth, just as the original form of the soul is truth. Truth means imperishable as well as truth. You especially sing the praise of the Father as the Truth, the Benefactor and the Most Beautiful One. It is said: Shiva is the Truth, God is Truth. So the praise of the Father is the Truth, that of the truth. In the same way, royalty means reality. Truth is never made up or mixed up with anything. Whether in words, actions or relationships and connections, there is nothing made up or mixed. In ordinary language, BapDada calls this honesty. ‘Royal souls’ means that their attitude, vision, words and activities will be true. It isn't that they would have one thing in their attitude and some other intention in their words. That is not called the reality of royalty.

BapDada sees and hears the wonderful activities of the children nowadays. Many children are very clever in making up stories and mixing things. Why? Because they have heard many stories that have been made up and mixed up since the copper age. So they allow that sanskar to emerge even in their Brahmin life. They make up a story with such a beautiful form that they make something false completely true and they prove the truth to be false. This is called being one thing internally and something else externally. So, would you call this royalty? Is this reality? Is this royalty? It is not. The royalty of such purity is reality. This is the sign of royalty. If you do not have this sign, then understand that you do not have the royalty of purity yet, or that you only have it to a certain percentage, not fully.

The second sign of reality that BapDada constantly tells you about is that when there is truth, the soul continues to dance. True souls will constantly continue to dance in happiness. Their happiness will not be less at some times and greater at other times. Day by day, at every moment, their happiness continues to increase. The sign of reality is to constantly dance in happiness. You speak of the eyes and the features. So, then, the meaning of royalty is that you will be constantly cheerful in your heart and also in your features ­ not just external cheerfulness, but cheerfulness even in your heart. A cheerful heart and a cheerful face ­ both should be cheerful. It often happens that your heart is not cheerful, but at the time of having to be extroverted, you show a smiling face. This is called being cheerful temporarily, but you should have a permanently cheerful heart and a cheerful face.

The royalty and reality of purity means that the heart and face should both be cheerful eternally. Check yourself; do not begin to check others, but check yourself. Such royal souls are much loved by BapDada and the entire Brahmin family. What is the speciality of a really loved soul? According to the systems of today, you become attracted towards someone for whom you have a lot of love. In your language you call this attachment. Because you have love for that one there will be attachment, will there not? However, if someone is truly loved, the sign of such real and royal love is that the more love you have, the more detached you will be. Therefore, that one himself doesn't develop extra attachment and nor do others develop attachment for that one. This is known as real love, perfect love. That soul will be cheerful and will also attract others, but will not attract others in a limited way. So, what is the sign of one who is real and royal? Deep love and great detachment.

Another specialty of royalty is that that soul will not have the sanskar of asking for anything, whether physical or subtle. Why is that? A royal soul is always complete, full. One is to be full externally, full with physical things, full with physical facilities, and the other is to be full in the mind. One who is full in the mind will never feel himself to be lacking anything, even if he is not full with physical things and facilities, because the mind is full. Even if something is not there, he will experience it to be there. But no matter how full a soul may be with physical things and facilities, if his mind is not full he will never consider himself to be full. Even though the soul has everything, he never considers himself to be full. Such a soul constantly sings the song, “I want, I want”, because of desires. At all times, that soul sings the song, “This should happen, that should be done, that should be received, this should change.” That soul constantly sings these songs, whereas a soul who is full in the mind constantly sings the song, “I have found; I have attained.” To say, “this should happen”, “this should be done”, are the sanskars of royal asking. One is to think for the sake of unlimited service, where
you think, "This should happen”, “this should be done". To think about wanting something for the unlimited, for the sake of service is a different matter, but to have the thought of wanting for a limited attainment of the self is royal asking. The desire for name, the desire for respect, the desire for honour, the desire for love, to want to be consulted; all these are limited matters. A royal soul does not even have a trace of the sanskar of asking. Do you understand what royalty is?

In your chart of tapasya, check all of this. Don't just check, “I did not insult anyone, I did not get angry”, but check all these things, and then claim the prize. The meaning of tapasya is to become completely pure. Check to what extent your personality of purity and the royalty of purity is practical. Such souls are known as tapaswi­raj (royal tapaswis). Do you understand what royalty is?

Both the face and the activity of a royal soul will give the experience of the manners of truth. In any case, royal souls are known as the goddesses of manners. Their speaking, their walking, their eating and drinking, sitting and standing, their every action will automatically reveal the manners (sabhyata) and the truth (satyata). It should not be that you prove the truth, and yet you do not have any manners. Many children say, “I don't normally get angry, but when someone tells lies, I get angry.” Someone tells lies and you speak with anger; who is right out of the two? Those who prove the truth will always have manners. Some are very clever and say: “I don't get angry, but my voice is loud, my voice is sharp.” With the instruments of science, one can reduce or increase the sound. So can you not, with the power of silence, reduce or raise your sound? Your tape recorder and mike are better than you in that their sound can be reduced or increased. So check this. Together with the truth, are there manners? If there aren't any manners, there is no truth. The royalty of purity should be constantly visible externally. It will not be that inside you have royalty and externally but it is not visible. If it is inside, it would definitely be visible outside. No one can hide the royalty of truth. Do not remain incognito in this. Some say that they remain incognito because they are incognito effort­makers. However, just as no one can hide the sun, so no one can hide the sun of truth, nor can any reason or individual hide it. The truth is always the truth. The power of truth is the greatest power of all. Truth cannot be proved by trying to prove it. The power of truth automatically has the attainment of being proved. If anyone tries to prove truth, then that proof becomes stubbornness. Therefore, truth is self­evident; there is no need to prove it. Do you understand? What do you have to show in the Year of Tapasya? The personality and the royalty of purity. Achcha.

The letters, the love and remembrance of effort, the service news and the spiritual conversations of the heart of all the children from this land and abroad have reached and are reaching BapDada. BapDada gives love and remembrance to all the children personally by name. Each of you should think that you have been remembered first, because BapDada gives the response of love and remembrance in the avyakt form at that same moment. However, with the corporeal method, you yourself write a letter in the corporeal, that is, you send love and remembrance. This is why BapDada gives love and remembrance in return through the corporeal method. BapDada knows that there is and there will be very good zeal and enthusiasm everywhere for tapasya and service through vibrations of the mind. Now, keep even deeper aspects filled with significance in front of you, and continue to make your efforts and service deeper and greater. All the children who are personally sitting in front of Baba now, or who are in front of the Father in the subtle form, all such children who are always in front of BapDada, that is, who are constantly with the Father, remain in His eyes, on His lips and in His mind, and the Father remains in their eyes, on their lips and in their mind.

To such elevated souls who are merged in remembrance, to the souls who constantly remain in the reality and royalty of purity, to the souls who always remain full and complete in their mind, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

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