31-12-91         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

The accurate meaning of a chart is progress and transformation.

Today, BapDada is seeing His children who are renewing the world. People all over the world celebrate the beginning of the New Year. But whereas they celebrate the New Year, you Brahmin souls consider every day of the new confluence age to be new, and so you celebrate it. They celebrate one day and you experience each day to be new. That is a cycle of a limited year, and this is the new confluence age of the unlimited world cycle. Out of all the ages, the confluence age is the age to bring about all types of newness. All of you experience the Brahmin life of the confluence age to be a new life. Through new knowledge, you have now developed a new attitude, a new vision and have come into a new world. Day and night, every second and every moment seem new. Your relationships have also become new. There is so much difference between the old relationships and the Brahmin relationships. Make a list in your consciousness of the old relationships. How long is the list? But how many new relationships are there in the new confluence age? Is it a long list? Just BapDada and the brothers and sisters; is there any other relationship? And it is a relationship of such altruistic love! Those others are relationships of many selfish motives. A new age, anew Brahmin world, a small world is very lovely.

People of the world give greetings to one another on one day, and what do you do? What does BapDada do? You have greetings of good wishes and pure thoughts for every soul at every second and every moment. When people give greetings on any festival, what do they say as a greeting? 'May you remain happy, may you remain joyful, may you be powerful and may you remain wealthy.' They say this, do they not? So what service do you do at all times? You give new life to souls. BapDada has given all of you a new life, has He not? And you receive all these greetings for the new life for all time. You have received them, have you not? Can anyone else be as fortunate, and as full with the treasures of happiness and as constantly happy as you are? Even in your deity life, you do not have the speciality of this newness. So you automatically receive congratulations and greetings from BapDada at every moment. You will celebrate the New Year. What else will you do? People of the world sing, dance and eat something. And what do you do? You continually sing and dance, do you not? You sing and dance at every second, and you eat Brahma bhojan every day. People specially arrange parties, and you constantly have a party of gatherings. What happens at the parties? You celebrate a meeting. A party for you Brahmins begins at amrit vela. First of all, you celebrate with BapDada. Within the one, you celebrate with many different relationships and forms. What happens when you Brahmins have class? You celebrate a meeting, do you not? There is a gathering, is there not? And what do you do whilst you listen to the murli? You sing and dance, and you fly at every second in the life that is filled with enthusiasm. The breath of Brahmin life is enthusiasm. If enthusiasm is lacking, there is no pleasure in living a Brahmin life. When the rate of breathing of someone is accurate, it is said that that person is healthy, and when someone's breathing is sometimes very fast and sometimes slow, what would you call that? That person would not be called healthy. A Brahmin life means enthusiasm, not being disheartened. When you belong to the Father who fulfills all your desires, how can you be disheartened? Your occupation is to put hope into those who have become disheartened. This is service, is it not? So will you simply celebrate today as the New Year, or will it constantly remain new? According to the limited cycle of the world, you give importance to this day, but in fact, for all you Brahmin souls, the confluence age is the age of newness. You create the new world at this time. You have the knowledge of the new world at this time. There, in the new world, you will not have knowledge of the old and the new. You are establishing the new world in the new age.

Have all of you brought about spiritual newness within yourself through tapasya in the Year of Tapasya? Or, is it that the same behaviour still continues? Do you know what the same old behaviour is? The old behaviour is when you say, 'My yoga is good, I have good experiences, I am moving forward, there is a lot of difference in my dharna, I am paying attention well, there is progress in service too, but sometimes.' You also attach the tail of 'sometimes'. What is that? 'Sometimes, it is like this, and sometimes like that..'. When will you finish the tail of 'sometimes'? Bring about this newness in the Year of Tapasya. Bring about the newness of a constantly high percentage in the percentage of success in your effort and service. It is sometimes very high and sometimes low. What do the doctors nowadays, check a great deal? The doctors from the hospital are also sitting here, are they not? So what do you check? Nowadays, they check blood pressure a great deal. What happens if the blood pressure is sometimes high and sometimes low? Would it be considered good? So BapDada sees the pressure of your effort, not your blood pressure. It is generally very good, but it sometimes jumps. Finish the word, 'sometimes'. Now, all of you are making preparations to claim a prize, are you not? So who, in this entire gathering, thinks that he is worthy to claim a prize? Is there anyone who can claim a prize for the six months? Those who think that they are worthy to claim a prize, raise your hand. Would those of 'sometimes' claim a prize?

Before you claim a prize, check whether you have attained three types of contentment in the last six months. First of all, be a detached observer and check your own self. Are you yourself content with your own chart with a true mind and a true heart? Secondly, according to the percentage in the accurate method of remembrance that BapDada wishes you to have, did your chart remain according to that method in your thoughts, words, actions and relationships? That is, Baba should also be content. Thirdly, is the Brahmin family content with your elevated yogi life? To experience all three types of contentment means to be worthy to claim a prize. If you follow the instruction of keeping an accurate chart, then such obedient ones receive marks. However, those obedient ones, who together with keeping a chart and claiming marks will through the accurate method of effort and progress, claim full marks. Those who have followed this discipline and have accurately maintained their chart are worthy to receive congratulations from BapDada and the family. But only those who are worthy to receive congratulations for the contentment of everyone are worthy to claim the prize. The sign of accurate tapasya is that you yourself and others also experience the speciality of newness in your actions, relationships and sanskars. An accurate chart means that you experience progress in every subject, you experience transformation. Whilst in Brahmin life, there will be situations that come up through other people, through nature or through Maya. But the power of the stage of the original self finishes the influence of any situation as though it were just an entertaining scene that appeared in front of you and went away. You should not experience any upheaval of the situations in your thoughts. The pilgrimage of remembrance should be easy and powerful. Powerful remembrance gives you a double experience at any one time. On the one side, remembrance becomes a fire and does the work of burning something, of transforming something, and on the other side, it gives you the experience of happiness and lightness. Such powerful remembrance, according to the right method, is called accurate remembrance. BapDada is happy to see the enthusiasm and deep love of the children. The majority of you very clearly have the aim in your awareness. You have claimed a good number in having it in your awareness. However, as well as maintaining awareness you are numberwise in being powerful. To maintain the awareness as well as being powerful is known as being worthy to claim the number one prize. If the awareness is constant, but the power is only sometimes or only to a certain percentage, it means to be part of the list of 'numberwise'. Do you understand? There will be the rosary of the names of those who kept an accurate chart. What will you do in the future? If not a lot, a little time still remains. If during this short period of time, you increase your effort according to the right method and make your mind, intellect, actions and relationships constantly unshakeable and immovable, then in this short period, the effort of making the stage unshakeable and immovable will be very useful in the future. You yourself will then experience the happiness of success, and you will claim the blessings of contentment from others. Therefore, don't think that the time has passed by, for even now, you can still make your present and your future elevated.

Even now, the month of special remembrance is the month of claiming extra blessings. Just as you received the chance of the Year of Tapasya, in the same way, the month of remembrance is a special chance. It is just the beginning, is it not? If for the thirty days of this month, you have an easy and automatic experience of being a powerful and victorious soul, you can claim the gift of creating these natural sanskars for all time. No matter what happens, no matter what comes, even if the largest mountain of a difficulty comes, if the clouds of a clash of sanskars come, if nature tests you, be like Angad, and do not let the foot of the intellect or the mind shake. Remain unshakeable. Even if you shook in the past, don't even bring that awareness into your thoughts. Put a full stop. Make the present elevated like that of Baba. Make it easy, and see the future with the right of having constant success. Achieve success with this method. Don't do it from tomorrow, but do it from now. Use the short period of the month of remembrance to make the sanskar over a long period of time. Claim this special blessing with the right method. A blessing does not mean that you become careless. Don't be careless, but be easy effort­makers. Achcha.

Achcha. The gathering of the kumaris is sitting here. You have been given the chance of sitting in the front. Why have you been given this chance? You constantly have to remain in front. This is why you have been given a chance to sit in the front. Do you understand? Emerge as the ripened fruit. Do not
fall, raw. Be the ripened fruit. Have you ripened, or are you still raw? No. Will all of you finish the study and go to the centre, or will you return home? You will go to the centre. Is this firm? Or, will you say that you will go home for a month or two? Or, will you say that you will first go home for a month or two? What will you do if your mother and father tell you to come? Will you not go? Will you upset them? If you have courage, no one can be stopped by anyone. If there is a little attraction, then you can be stopped.

Everyone has come running to celebrate the New Year. To celebrate the New Year means to make time new, to bring about spiritual newness in you at all times. Will you celebrate the year in this way, or will you just celebrate tonight? Achcha. The loving and co­operative children in all four directions have sent special remembrance from their hearts, and through letters and cards, knowing the importance of this day. And these have reached BapDada even before they were posted. They arrived beforehand. As soon as you have a thought, it reaches Baba. This is why although cards from many children and co­operative souls will arrive later, BapDada gives congratulations to celebrate the New Year and the new day beforehand. When there is a special programme, what do the people of today do? They switch on their television and sit in front of it. And so, all the spiritual children are sitting with the television of their intellect switched on. Today, BapDada is responding at every second with the blessings of congratulations, to all the children who are worthy of congratulations. The blessings of love and remembrance increase the zeal and enthusiasm in the hearts of the children at all times. Therefore, constantly make yourself into an easy effort­maker, a constant effort­maker and a worthy soul who flies with attainment and who progresses through accurate effort.

Elevated congratulations to such worthy souls who make the present like that of the Father, and who make the future the embodiment of success, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

* * O M S H A N T I * * *

Greetings from BapDada to all the children for the New Year 1992

New Year means the year to constantly give and receive congratulations. Be a master bestower and bestow one or another power or virtue and have good wishes and pure feelings. Do not have any thought of taking. To receive something and then give something is not called a blessing; that is called a business. You are the master bestowers, the children of the Bestower. Whether someone gives or doesn't give, you have to give. If someone gives you something which you do not like, what will you do then? Do not accept that, that is, do not keep it with yourself. But, definitely give them something in return. Don't think: That one has given me a stone, so what should I give in return? Set aside the stone and give a jewel instead, because you are the children of Baba, the Jeweler. So in the New Year, bring into your life the special aim of giving and receiving blessings at every second. Just as was sung in the song just now: "You said goodbye to the old sanskars,", so did all of you say good bye? Who said goodbye? Did you say 'ta­ta' to them very well? Or, will they emerge again? Achcha, so congratulations for having said goodbye. When anything comes up in front of you, remember this promise: I have already said, 'bye­bye', so how can I shake hands with them? Just give them a vision of good wishes and pure feelings from a distance. Achcha.


* * O M S H A N T I * * *