13-02-92         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

The basis of making your lives full of love for many births is God’s love in this birth.

Today, BapDada, the Comforter of Hearts, the Ocean of all Powers and the Ocean of True Love has come to meet His extremely loving and close children. This spiritual meeting of love, the loving meeting, is a unique meeting. This meeting is the meeting between the Father, the Comforter of Hearts, and the children with a true heart. This meeting is one that removes all types of distress. It is one that gives the experience of the stage of spiritual honour. This meeting easily transforms the old life. This meeting is one that makes you full with the experience of all the elevated attainments. All of you multimillion times fortunate souls have arrived to celebrate such a unique meeting of love. This meeting with God is a meeting to receive all attainments and to have the experience of all relationships. It is a meeting to become full of all treasures. How loving it is! You are the few souls out of multimillions who are loved by God who have become worthy of experiencing God's love. Some out of the few are still searching for this experience, whereas you are celebrating this meeting. In fact, you remain in this meeting with God constantly because you love the Father and the Father loves you. So, where do those who are loved live? They are constantly in a meeting of love. Do you always remain in a meeting or do you remain separate? When you remain with the Father, what happens? It becomes a celebration of the meeting, does it not? If someone were to ask you where you reside, you would reply with a sparkle: We are always celebrating a meeting with God. This is called love. True love means that there is no separation between the two, neither physically nor in the mind. They cannot be separated nor can anyone separate them. Even if souls of the entire world, the millions of souls, or if matter, Maya or any situation tried to separate you, none of them would have the power to separate you from this meeting with God. This is called true love. Those who try to finish this love may themselves finish, but the love can never finish. Are you such strong and true lovers?

You are celebrating this day as the day of strong love, are you not? You only receive such love now during this one birth. God's love at this time creates the reward of lives full of love for many births. However, now is the time of that attainment. Now is the time to sow the seed. This time has so much importance. Those who are loved by the true Comforter of Hearts always remain merged in love. No one has the courage to come close or to oppose such souls who are merged in love. If you are merged in love, no one's attraction can attract you. Just as the power of science takes human beings away from the attraction of the earth, in the same way, the stage of being merged in love takes you very far from all limited attractions. If you are not merged in love, there can be fluctuations; although
there may be love, you are not merged in love. If you were to ask, “Do you love the Father”, everyone would say, “Yes”, would you not? But if you were to ask: Do you constantly remain merged in love, what would you reply? You did not say, “Yes”. You do have love but don't just stop at this, become merged in love. It is because of this elevated stage that people consider the stage of being merged to be very elevated. When you tell people that you are going to claim liberation­in­life, they think that you are going to come into the cycle, and that they will be liberated from the cycle and become merged. To become merged means to be liberated from bondage. This is why the stage of being merged is considered to be very elevated. To be merged means to become one. However, you know that, according to the drama, the stage that they consider as being merged is not going to be claimed by anyone. It is possible to become equal to the Father, but it is not possible to merge into the Father. In their stage of being merged, neither is there any experience, nor is there any attainment, whereas when you become merged you have an experience and an attainment. You can challenge them and tell them that, whereas they are trying to attain the stage of becoming merged, you are now experiencing this stage of being merged. When you become merged in love, when you become lost in love, do you remember anything else? You experience yourself and the Father to be equal, to be merged in love. There is nothing except the Father, and so from two, you become one. To become equal means to become merged, to become one. So, do you have this experience? At the time of karma yoga, are you able to experience being merged? What do you think? Are you able to become merged in the stage of being a karma yogi or not? Is it difficult? Is it possible to perform action and be merged at the same time? Would you not have to come down in order to perform actions? Is it possible to become merged while performing actions? Have you become so clever?

Someone who is a karma yogi can receive extra help at the time of performing actions because of having the Father’s company. Because from one, there are then two and so the work is shared. If, instead of carrying out a task alone, someone else becomes a helper, does that task become easier or does it become more difficult? You have hands, the Father would not use His hands or feet; the hands are yours, but when there is help from the Father, then through that double force the task would be accomplished well, would it not? No matter how difficult the work may be, the Father’s help constantly gives you zeal and enthusiasm, as well as courage and the power to be tireless. When there is zeal and enthusiasm and tirelessness in a task, that task is accomplished successfully, is it not? So the Father does not work with hands, but He does the work of giving you help. So the life of being a karma yogi is a life that carries out a task with a double force. "The Father and I": with this love, you do not feel anything to be difficult, nor would there be tiredness. Love means that everything is forgotten. How will it happen? What will happen? Will it be right or not? Forget all of that. Everything is already accomplished. Where there is Godly courage, no other soul would have any other courage. Where there is this Godly courage, where there is help, a soul who has become an instrument automatically develops courage. Those who experience such company, those who experience such help: what thoughts do they have? “Nothing new” “Victory is guaranteed”. “Success is definite”. This is the experience of the true lovers. The limited lovers say: Wherever I am, I see you. They are not the Almighty Authority, but the Father is the Almighty Authority. He does not have a corporeal body. This is why whenever He chooses, wherever He chooses, He can reach there in a second. So, don't think that it is not possible to experience the stage of being merged in love in the life of a karma yogi. You always have the experience of His Company, that is, you always have the practical proof of love. So you become easy yogis, constant yogis, do you not? Lovers are those who are constant and easy yogis. This is why you have been given the direction that the Year of Tapasya is not coming to an end, but that the time of claiming the prize is coming close. In order to practice this, service has been made lighter and tapasya has been given greater importance. However, after the Year of Tapasya has been completed, after claiming the prize, let there be the stage of balance which has been mentioned: balance between karma and yoga and service and yoga. Balance means to remain equal. There should be equality in remembrance, tapasya and service. There should be equality in power and love, equality in having love and in being detached. There should be equality in being detached at the time of performing actions and, although you may be sitting separately, there should be equality in your stage. Someone who claims a number in the art of maintaining a balance of equality will become great. Are you able to do both of these? Or, is it that when you begin to do service, you come down from the stage of being up above? You have become strong during this year, have you not? Are you able to maintain a balance now, or not? Or, are there complications while doing service? You have to pass in this as well, do you not? You heard before that, while performing actions, while being a karma yogi, it is possible to be merged in love. You will then become victorious, will you not? Now, those who have become victorious in maintaining a balance will claim a prize.

Today, you have given a special invitation to Baba. Is this what your heaven will be like? BapDada considers His celebration to be included in the celebration of the children. You will celebrate in heaven whereas the Father will celebrate in this celebration. Celebrate a lot, dance a lot, swing a lot, always celebrate in happiness. You will definitely receive the reward of effort. Here, you are easy effort­makers and there, you will be those who claim the reward easily. However, you will have changed from being like a diamond to being like gold. At the moment you are diamonds. So the entire confluence age is the Day of Love when Baba and the children have specially become companions. Is just today the day of love, or is every day a day of love? These are the small games within the game of the unlimited drama. Congratulations for having decorated heaven so much. The Father doesn’t see this decoration as decoration, but as the love of everyone's heart. This decoration is nothing compared to your true love. BapDada is seeing your love. Normally, when someone is invited, the one who is invited does not speak but it is those who have given the invitation who speak. Children have so much love that they are unable to see anything except the Father. Therefore, in order for this love of the heart to be expressed, this game of today has been created. It is good. Achcha.

To all the souls who are constantly merged in love, to the souls who constantly experience the Company with love, to the souls who are constantly so close and equal to the Father with the consciousness of one Father and none other, to the special souls who experience the elevated art of the confluence age, to the souls who are liberated from all limited attractions and who are lost in love, in the love of all relationships with the Father, love, remembrance and namaste.

BapDada speaking to the maharathi Dadis and senior brothers:
Those who are instruments always have easy remembrance. All of you also have special love for the instrument souls, do you not? This is why all of you are merged in love. For the souls who have become instruments, their part is fixed in the drama. Shaktis and Pandavas are both instruments. The drama has made the Shaktis and the Pandavas instruments at the same time, and so you have the special gift of being instruments. The part of being an instrument always makes you loving and detached. If your practice of being an instrument is natural and easy, then progress of the self and others is merged in every step. The steps of those souls are not on the ground, but on the stage. All the souls everywhere automatically look at the stage. There is the stage of the unlimited world and also the elevated stage of easy effort. Both stages are high. Instrument souls always have the awareness: In front of the world, they are an example of being equal to the Father. You are such instrument souls, are you not? You have been instruments from the beginning of establishment and will always be that. Is it like that? This is also extra luck. And luck automatically increases the love in your heart. It is good. You are making plans as instruments, and these reach BapDada. Become powerful in a practical form and also continue to fill others with power and continue to bring revelation close. Now, seeing this world the majority of souls have become tired; they want newness. You can give the experience of newness at this time. Whatever you have done has been very good and it will be very good in a practical way too. Very good plans have been made by those in this land and those abroad. To have revealed Father Brahma means to have revealed Bap and Dada together because Brahma became Brahma when the Father made him that. So, Bap (the Father) is merged in Dada and Dada is merged in Bap. To follow Father Brahma in this way means to become a soul merged in love. It is like that, is it not? Achcha.

BapDada meeting groups:
The things in everyone’s heart reach the Comforter of Hearts at a very fast speed. You just have a thought and it reaches BapDada. BapDada also continues to see the thoughts, service and stage of each of you, according to your own method. All of you are effort­ makers. All of you also have love, but there is definitely variety. The aim of each one of you is elevated and, because of having the elevated aim, you are moving forward. Some are moving forward at a fast speed whereas others are moving at an ordinary speed. There is progress, but numberwise. Everyone has zeal and enthusiasm for tapasya. However, there is a difference in it being constant and easy. The easiest method of constant remembrance is to experience the Father’s company at all times. The experience of His company liberates you from labouring to have remembrance. When He is with you, you would remember Him, would you not? And His company is not that He is just sitting with you, but that He is your Companion, that is, He is your Helper. You can be forgotten by anyone when they become busy in their own work, but this Companion never forgets you. So, you have the Father’s company, with Him as your Companion, in every action. The one who gives you His companionship never forgets you. He is with you and He is such a Companion that He enables you to perform actions easily. How can you forget Him? In an ordinary way too, if someone is co­operative with you in any task, you would repeatedly give thanks to that one from your heart. And the Father becomes your Companion and makes difficult things easy. How can you forget such a Companion?

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