31-12-92         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

The way to attain success is to use everything in a worthwhile way.

Today, the Father, the Creator who bestows a new life, is seeing His children who are creating a new life. This new life, that is, this elevated Brahmin life is for creating the new age. The new life of every Brahmin soul is for bringing about the new age in which everything is the newest of all. Even matter is satopradhan, that is, it is new.

People of the world celebrate the New Year and they give New Year Greetings and they even give gifts as a token for the New Year. However, the Father and you give greetings for the new age. You give all souls the good news that the new age, that is, the golden world, the age of truth, heaven, is about to come. This is the service you do, is it not? This is the good news you give everyone, and you give a golden gift for the new age. What gift do you give? For birth after birth, for many births, you give the fortune of the kingdom of the world. And in this golden gift, all other gifts are included. No matter how great or beautiful a gift that someone gives in this world may be, what can they give? Even if someone gives a crown or a throne of today, what is that compared to your satopradhan, golden gift? Is it anything great?

However, the Father, the Creator of new life, has given all of you an invaluable, imperishable gift. You have claimed a right to it, have you not? What do Brahmin souls say with the sparkle of the intoxication of unbreakable faith? That the fortune of the kingdom of the world is their birthright. Do you have this much sparkle of intoxication? Or, does it sometimes decrease and sometimes increase? You have this faith and it is fixed; no one can prevent your destiny of this right. This destiny is fixed for souls who have faith in the intellect. Is this fixed (nischit), or do you have some worries (chinta)? "I don't know whether I will receive it or not?" Do you ever have the thought, "I don't know whether...."? If you are a Brahmin, then it is fixed: Brahmins will become angels and angels will become deities. So you have this firm faith, do you not? Or, is there a slight fluctuation? Is it unshakeable and immovable? So, the Father has given you such a golden gift, and what will you do? You will give it to others. If a gift is for a temporary period, when that temporary period finishes even the gift finishes, but this imperishable gift will remain with you for every birth. The true celebration is the celebration of the new age, but in this confluence age every day is for celebrating. Every day is a day for staying in pleasure. Every day is for swinging in the swings of happiness, for dancing in happiness and for singing imperishable songs. This is why you celebrate every day of your Brahmin life. For Brahmins, every day is a festival to increase your zeal and enthusiasm. This is why, as a memorial of this, people celebrate many festivals in Bharat. It is well known that every day of the year in Bharat is for celebrating. There aren't as many festivals anywhere else as there are in Bharat, and so this is a memorial of you Brahmins celebrating every day. This is why you are also celebrating New Year's day. You have come to celebrate New Year's day. So will you celebrate for just one day? Will your celebration finish as soon as the 1st finishes?

The new life of you elevated souls, that is, the elevated star­sign of Brahmin life is to celebrate every day; it is to have a festival every day. It is written in your horoscope that every day constantly has to be the most elevated of all. The elevated star­sign of you Brahmin souls is that of a constantly flying stage. It isn't that 2 of your days will be very good, and that after the 2 days there will be a difference: that Tuesday will be good, Thursday will be better than that, and then on Friday you will have obstacles. Is your star­sign like that? Whatever is happening is good, and whatever is to happen will be even better. This is called the star­sign of the flying stage of Brahmins. The star­sign of a Brahmin life is changed, because it is a new birth. So this year, look at your elevated star­sign every day and then come into practical action.

According to the world it is New Year's day, and according to you Brahmins you are especially celebrating the Avyakt Year. So you are beginning the New Year, that is, the Avyakt Year. Constantly remember the special slogan of this New Year, that is, the Avyakt Year: The special method for constant success is to use every second, every breath and every treasure in a worthwhile way. To use everything in a worthwhile is the basis for attaining success. No matter what type of success you wish to attain, whether in your thoughts, words, deeds, connections and relationships, if you wish to experience every type of success, then continue to use everything in a worthwhile way. Do not let anything be wasted. Use it in a worthwhile way for the self and for other souls, and you will automatically continue to experience the happiness of success. Because to use everything in a worthwhile way means to attain success for the present and to accumulate for the future.

The more you use time in a worthwhile way in this birth, the result of using time in a worthwhile way is that you will claim a right to the fortune of the kingdom for the full time of the kingdom. When you use your every breath in a worthwhile way, the result of that is that you will remain healthy for many births. Your breathing will not stop while moving along; you will not have heart­failure. For one, you claim a right to a thousand fold success. In the same way, you continue to use all your treasures in a worthwhile way. In that too, you use the special treasure of knowledge in a worthwhile way. Knowledge means understanding. As a result of that you become so sensible that, in the future, you do not need to take advice from the many advisers. You yourself become sensible and rule the kingdom. The second treasure is the treasure of all powers. The more you use the treasure of powers, that is, the more you use them in a worthwhile way, accordingly, you will not lack any power in your future kingdom. All the powers automatically give you the experience of success in every task being free from obstacles, unshakeable and constant. Not a single power is lacking. You have both the authorities of religion and ruling at the same time. The third treasure is the treasure of all virtues. As a result of this, you become an embodiment of virtues in such a way that even today, in the final time, your non­living images are praised as the deities who are full of all virtues. In the same way, churn the result of the success of using every treasure in a worthwhile way. Do you understand? Have a heart­to­heart conversation about this among yourselves. So, in this Avyakt Year, use everything in a worthwhile way and continue to experience success.

You are specially celebrating this Avyakt Year out of love for Father Brahma. The sign of love is that whatever the one you love loves, that should also be loved by the one who has love. So, what did Brahma Baba especially love? He had love for the murli. He had the greatest love for the murli and this is why he became Murlidhar (one who plays the flute). This is why he also becomes the Murlidhar of the future. He had love for the murli and so in the future they show a symbol of the murli with the form of Shri Krishna. So the sign of love is to have love for everything that the father had love for. Do not just be those who say: Brahma Baba was very lovely and is very lovable, but what is the sign of that? Your love for everything that Baba had love for should be constantly visible. This is known as having love for Brahma Baba. Otherwise, it would be said that you are those who have numberwise love. It would not be said, ‘those who have number one love’, but, ‘those who have love numberwise’. The aim of the Avyakt Year is to show the sign of love for the father in a practical way. This is celebrating. In other words, you call this becoming equal to the father.

Whatever actions you perform, specially underline that before performing any action, before uttering any words, before having any thoughts, check whether they are like Brahma Baba's. Do you have this sign of love? Then put that thought into practical action; say those words through your lips and perform those actions with your physical organs. First of all check and then do it in a practical way. It should not be: I didn't think of that, but it just happened. No! The particular speciality of Father Brahma is that he did whatever he thought; he did whatever he said. Because this is new knowledge, he had so much opposition. But, by having the awareness of his self­respect, by having the power of the Father’s company, with the weapons of determination and faith, and with power, he constantly remained unshakeable and immovable on the seat of his position. So, when you are in your position, what can opposition do? Opposition makes you firm in your position. It doesn't shake you; it makes you firm. The practical proof of being victorious is you yourself and service in all 4 directions, and that is: Those who previously used to say that these people are those who create upheaval (dhamaal) now say, "They will show wonders (kamaal)." So, how did this happen? You finished the opposition by using your elevated position.

So, what will you do this year? Father Brahma, on the basis of faith and on the basis of spiritual intoxication, became the knower of the fixed destiny and used everything in a worthwhile way in one second. He did not keep anything for himself but used it all in a worthwhile way. And the visible result was that even until his last day he did physical service through letters and spoke elevated versions through his lips. Even on the last day, he used his time, thoughts and body in a worthwhile way. So the sign of love is to use everything in a worthwhile way. To use everything in a worthwhile way means to use it in an elevated way. If you constantly have the aim of success, the wasteful will automatically be finished, just as darkness is automatically finished by light. If you continue to think, "Dispel the darkness! Dispel the darkness!" time is wasted and effort is also wasted. So do not make such effort. "Today, I became angry. Today, I became greedy. Today, I listened to something wasteful. Today, I said something wasteful. Today, I did something wasteful." While thinking and making effort in that way you will become disheartened, but with the aim of using everything in a worthwhile way, all the wasteful will automatically be finished. The aim of using everything is a worthwhile way is to bring about light, and so darkness is automatically dispelled. What do you have to do in the Avyakt Year? BapDada will see whether you become those who have love in a number one way, or numberwise. Will all of you become number one? What will the double­foreigners become? Will you become number one? It is very easy to say, "number one". If you have a firm aim, you will definitely imbibe the qualifications. The aim draws the qualifications. Create a plan among yourselves. Think about this. BapDada is happy: if everyone becomes number one, then He is very happy. The first division is a long one. You can become that. Everyone is first in the first division. So congratulations for the New Year that all of you will become number one.

If you win against the wasteful you will become number one. If you do not win against the wasteful you will not become number one. Even now the account of wasteful is not finished. For some it is in their thoughts, for some in their words and for some in their relationships and connections; the account is not fully finished. That is why it still emerges now and then. The aim will definitely make you reach your destination. The moment you tell the wasteful to stop, it should stop. When you have the power to stop, the stock of old accounts will finish. You should have that much power. You have Godly success. Those who have occult powers show temporary miracles, but you who have Godly success attain success by using the right method. What can Godly success not attain? The moment you think "Stop!" you put a stop. Do you have that much power? Or, is it that even after you say “stop”, it takes 1 or 2 days, 1 hour or 10 hours to stop? Stop! means Stop! So you have to show this sign to the Father. Do you understand?

The success in service and revelation will increase according to the drama anyway. It is increasing now, is it not? Previously, you used to give invitations, but now you are receiving invitations, and so the revelation of success in service is taking place, is it not? You do not need to be given a stage or a degree, but this is the revelation of service. What is that degree compared to the degree received from God? (Udaipur University presented Dadiji with a Doctorate Degree.) This is also a means of revelation. So, service is being revealed through this means. You will definitely receive a ready­made stage. The day will come when the religious leaders will invite you and make you the chief guests. Now they have to maintain their external formalities, but internally they feel that you pure souls should receive the seat. The political leaders even say that you make them into chief guests, but that it would be better if you became that. However, within the drama, their name is mentioned; your task is accomplished.

Just as revelation in service is taking place and the method is changing, in the same way, all of you should bring about the revelation of perfection and completion in yourselves. There is a need for this now, and you will definitely become complete. The memorial from every cycle shows that your success is already guaranteed. What is the rosary of victory? You became victorious, you became the embodiments of success, and this is why there is the memorial. So you cannot prevent this destiny. No matter how much someone thinks that not so many are ready as yet, or that there are still complications as yet, there is no need to be afraid about this. There is the memorial of the guarantee of success every cycle. What will happen? How will it happen? There is no need for these questions. It has to happen. It is fixed, is it not? No one can make the fixed destiny fluctuate. If the boat and the boatman are strong, then storms become the means to make the boat move forward. The storms (toofan) become a gift (tohfa). This is why there are by­plots in between and they too will continue. However, the unshakeable destiny is fixed. Do you have this much faith? Or, do you sometimes become afraid when you see yourselves fluctuate? "I don't know how it will happen. I don't know when it will happen." Are there these question marks? These storms will become a gift. Do you understand? This is called being victorious through having faith in the intellect. Simply follow the father. Achcha.

To all the victorious souls who have unshakeable faith in the intellect, to the souls who are embodiments of success in using every treasure in a worthwhile way, to those who easily follow Father Brahma at every step, to the powerful souls who maintain the awareness of the new life and the new age, to the special souls who reveal the signs of love for the father, congratulations, love, remembrance and namaste for the elevated transformation and for the Avyakt Year.

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