16-03-95 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
The sign of a soul complete with all attainments is to be content and satisfied.
Today, BapDada, the One who enables you to attain all attainments is seeing His children in all four directions who are complete with all attainments. You are the children of the complete and perfect Father, the Bestower of all attainments and so Baba has given each child the inheritance of all attainments. It is not that He has given someone10% or someone else 20%. He has given all the children the right to all attainments. All the children have a right to the full inheritance. So BapDada is seeing to what extent every child who has a right has claimed that right. Baba has given everything. The Father is called the Almighty Authority, the One with all Powers and the complete Ocean. However, to what extent have the children made all those attainments their own? When you make the inheritance given by the Father belong to you, do you have that much intoxication and happiness? These are my treasures. They are given by the Father, but you have adopted them and made them your own. So, what did BapDada see? Or, have you become numberwise in making them your own? Baba has not created numbers, but the instilling according to your own capacity has made you numberwise. What are the signs of a soul who has all rights and is full with all attainments, who stays in the intoxication and experience of all attainments from amrit vela until night? The sign of attainments is contentment. Such souls are constantly a jewel of contentment and spread the sparkle and vibrations of contentment to others. Their faces will constantly be satisfied (prasanchit). To be satisfied means to be free from all types of questions (prasanchit); there will not be any questions. Will there be any questions? Why? What? How? All these questions have finished. So, have you become satisfied to this extent or do you still have some questions sometimes? What is this? Why is this like that? How will this happen? When will it happen? Do you have these questions? Do any questions arise? Whether in your own mind or through others? Are you the embodiment of satisfaction or the embodiment of questions? Or, are you sometimes the embodiment of questions and sometimes the embodiment of satisfaction? What are you? You are laughing. You are not saying yes. Otherwise, all of you would say with great enthusiasm "yes, we are the embodiment of satisfaction". Sometimes you are this, and sometimes you are that! Achcha. Generally, it is remembered that nothing is lacking in the treasure store of Brahmins. Whose praise is this? Which Brahmins does this praise belong to? Does it belong to you? Or of those who are yet to come? You are this. So, when there is a lack of attainment, then this lack of attainment is the reason for discontentment. Look at your own experience. Whenever your mind is discontented, what is the reason for that? It is because you feel the lack of something or other and only then do you feel discontentment. So, there is the praise that nothing is lacking. So, is the praise of the present or of the time of destruction? Will you become complete at the time of destruction or are you going to become complete now? Do you have to become this now or will you become this at some time? You have to become this now. Achcha. Do you have to become or are you already this? What do the Pandavs say? Do you have to become or are you already this? Are you constantly this? Or is there sometimes a little..? How many contented souls would there be of those who think that they constantly remain satisfied and that they do not have any questions about the self or others in any respect, and who are constantly contented? There are many! Achcha. Those who think that they constantly remain satisfied, that no matter how much Maya makes them fluctuate, they will not fluctuate but will make Maya fluctuate, Maya may salute you but you will not fluctuate, that you are Angad, that Maya may be defeated but you are victorious, those who are like this, raise your hands! Always remember the word "constantly". You are not those who are something only sometimes. There are very few of you. There are only a few out of multimillions. The teachers are this! However, there are question marks, are there not? The question mark should be removed from your dictionary. There should not be any fluctuation.
When you use the computer this comes up, does it not? (question marks?). Whenever you use the computer of your intellect, it should be able to apply a full stop. The sign of a question mark or an exclamation mark should finish. This is known as being constantly satisfied. Those who are satisfied in this way finish the question marks of others. Otherwise, if there are question marks in the self, then whenever you hear or see something, you say, "This should not happen, but it does happen. I also think that this should not happen". You mix with others in this way. This makes you underline their questions. You have given them your support then, say, "This is not right, but it does happen". So, you did not make the other person satisfied, but in fact, you increased their questions. You added to them. Infect, it was a question of only one person, and now it has become questions of two people, and from two, it will become questions of four people. So, the vibrations of having questions spreads much more quickly than the vibrations of being satisfied. You say, "Yes, it is like this...". So you give others your support in this way. You used the exclamation mark. So this is not a full stop. Whether for your own self, "I should not be doing this, I should receive this, others should not have this", this wanting makes you full of questions and doesn't allow you to be satisfied. So, what is everyone's aim? To be contented and satisfied.
The speed of wastage in the mind and intellect of those who are satisfied will not be fast. They will constantly be gentle and humble. Because of being humble, they will constantly give everyone the coolness of the shadow of being the embodiment of satisfaction. No matter how much they are burning like a fire or how hot someone's temper maybe, under the vibrations of this shadow, they will become cool. What is the weakness that comes up? Generally, you move along very well. In your own way, you move along very well, but when you come into relationship and connection with others, then whilst seeing and hearing of the weaknesses of others, you come into their influence. Then, what do you say? "This one did this and this is why I also did it. This one said this and so I also said this." That one said something fifty times and I said something only once. Then you put forward very sweet words in front of the Father. You say: Baba, at least you should understand a little! To what extent am I going to tolerate all this? You are still effort makers and so you will feel a little, will you not? You begin to explain to Baba in this way. You tell many stories to those who are instruments here. You relate these, do you not? It was like this, it was like that...You turn the rosary of "it was like this". BapDada constantly gives the signal that you have to speak of such things briefly in just a few words, and not long explanations, because the wasteful things are very delicious, they are very entertaining, just as in food also, you like sweet and sour food very much, and if it is bland, if it is simple, you say," We eat this all the time anyway." So whilst moving along, your interest in listening, speaking and doing wasteful things increases. And then you think: I did not want to, but that one wanted to tell me, so I said, okay, let me listen to them so that their heart becomes empty. That one's heart became empty, but you filled your heart. Whilst filling your heart with a little again and again, you create a sanskar. And when you have this sanskar, you don't even realise that this is wrong. This wasteful sanskar finishes the decision power of the intellect. This is why the easiest method of constantly remaining content is to constantly keep one special attainment or other in front of you, because you never forget any attainments. You may forget points of knowledge, but no one can ever forget an attainment. What have you received from the Father? How much have you received from the Father? You like a variety, do you not? You do not like the same thing all the time. So, look at your attainments: how much attainment do you have of the treasures of knowledge? How many powers have you attained through yoga? How many attainments of the divine virtues do you have? How many attainments do you have of practically maintaining that intoxication and happiness. It is a long list, is it not? You were told earlier also, that you have to remain content by keeping the attainment of anyone virtue in front of you.
Because when you adopt even one virtue, just as the vices have a very deep relationship with one another, if externally you have anger then, together with anger, if you check internally, there will also be greed and ego within. Some are in an emerged form and some are in a merged form. So, too, virtues have a connection with one another. You may keep one virtue in an emerged form, but other virtues would also be merged with that one. So every day, definitely have the experience of being the embodiment of one or other attainment. If the attainment is in an emerged form, then all lack of attainment will be finished and you will constantly remain content. In fact, in the world also, what is the main attainment that everyone wants?
1. Each one has the desire to attain a good name for the self. 2. Regard. 3. Honour.
They wish to attain name, regard and honour. What do you wish? You also want this, do you not? Not of the limited, but of the unlimited. People of the world chase after a limited name. And look at your own name: does anyone else in the world have such an elevated name as yours? Yes or no? So look at your own name. The main speciality of your name is as to who is chanting your name. God Himself is chanting your name. So what could be a greater name than this? Even now in your last birth, many souls are creating their livelihood with your name. You are Brahmins, are you not? So, even by the name of "Brahmins", those who are brahmins in name only are also earning so much even today. Even now, those who are brahmins in name only are considered to be so elevated. So, "Brahmin" is your name, is it not? Or is it their name? It is your name. There is so much praise for your name. Your name has become so elevated and this is why you do not chase after a limited name. "No one ever mentions my name for anything. My name is always last. I am the one who does all the service and the names of others are mentioned." So, do not chase after a limited name. Your name is constantly elevated in Baba's heart. Since your name is in Baba's heart, what does it matter if your name is not mentioned in any service or any programme or anything? It is in Baba's heart. On the path of bhakti, they show the image of Hanuman: who did he have in his heart? He had Rama. And what is in Baba's heart? (The children.) So, are you amongst the children or not? Are all of you included? Achcha, are those who are translating also amongst then? They are serving you. (Translators). Achcha, so everyone's name is mentioned. Have you really seen it? What if it is sometimes missed out? The names of all of you are mentioned. So why do you chase after other names? Because for the majority, it is the name, regard and honour that makes you fall and it also increases your intoxication. So, look at it in terms of attainment. If, for instance, your name is for some reason incognito and you think that your name should be glorified; it is right that your name should be glorified, but because of some karmic account or the sanskars of another soul, your name is not glorified; you may be right and the other person is wrong and still the other person's name is glorified and yours is not; your name is fixed in the rosary of victory. Therefore, do not worry about that. Maya comes in this form a great deal. Therefore, even if your name is missed out by mistake now, it does not matter because your name cannot be missed from the rosary of victory. First will be your name. So, remember the praise of your name: that your name is in Baba's heart and in the rosary of victory. Your name will be doing service till the end. And how much regard do you receive? Even God has kept you ahead of Himself. Does He say: Children first or does He say: The Father first? So God Himself has given you so much regard. You have so much regard and the proof of that is that even your nonliving images have so much praise even in this last birth. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, they look at the images of the deities with so much regard. The most elevated regard is for your images even now. This is your proof. Since your images are so regardworthy and worship worthy, the one whom you give regard to is also considered to be worshipworthy. You always say: Worship-worthy; one who is worthy to be worshipped. So, this is your practical proof that they have so much regard for your images and it is because there is this regard in the living form that they give it to your images. If the living images did not receive regard, how could the images?
So, you heard about your name and about your regard. Baba always says: The children first. Children are worshipped in two ways and the Father is worshipped in one way only. So regard for you is greater than the regard for the Father. So you receive such elevated regard. Whenever any limited aspect of regard arises, what will the regard from souls do, when you have received regard from the Supreme Soul? Do not think: I do so much and still no one asks me about anything. Do not think this; this is wasteful. Anything limited that you chase after is like a shadow. You have seen a shadow, have you not? Whenever you try to catch hold of a shadow, are you able to do this? Or, does the shadow run further away? Limited name and limited regard are like shadows. They are visible under the sun of Maya, but in fact, they are nothing. So, you have received name, you have receive regard and how much honour/prestige is given to you? You are honoured so much! Remember each honour of yours and who has made you sit so honourably. The Father. You are seated on the heartthrone of the Father. What is the greatest honour of all? It is the ruling status. So you have received the throne and the crown, have you not? You are seated on the heartthrone of the Supreme Soul, and so what could be a greater honour?
Sometimes you make a mistake in making a small decision. The real honour, the spiritual honour will never make you feel insulted. It will not give you any kind of feeling of insult. But what do you sometimes do? It is in fact arrogance, but you think that you have to maintain your honour, that you have to maintain this much honour at least it is good to maintain your honour, but check whether it is your honour or your arrogance. Sometimes, you consider your arrogance to be your honour/pride and then you are not able to be humble. And the sign of arrogance is that you may consider your pride to be real, and others consider it to be arrogance, and so whenever someone says something, you will feel insulted. Those who have arrogance will very quickly feel any insult. Even when someone says something jokingly, they will feel insulted. This is the sign of arrogance. They will think: No, I am not like that. They should not say that. So make an accurate decision. At that time, you create a weakness in making the right decision. Instead of it being accurate, it becomes mixed. And yet you consider it to be accurate. Generally, it is said: this one is very good, but his way of speaking, sitting, walking etc., seems very arrogant. Even when someone says this, there is the feeling of being insulted. So also check the difference between selfrespect and arrogance. So constantly keep in an emerged form: how great your selfrespect and how great your pride are. Constantly keep this unlimited name, regard and honour/pride in an emerged form. Do not let it be merged, but keep it in an emerged form. Just as sometimes there is carelessness in remembrance: I belong to the Father anyway, so I don't need tore member Him. However, with an emerged thought, you are able to experience attainment. In the same way, remain alert in every aspect of dharna. Do not be careless because time is coming close, and what notice is the time giving? Become equal and become perfect. So look at the challenge of time. You do not have anything lacking. What else do you attain? In physical terms, you need good health, wealth and relationships: this is all you need in terms of attainment. So how healthy is your soul? Does the soul have low blood pressure or high blood pressure? Or does it have it sometimes? Sometimes a low blood pressure of the soul, sometimes a high blood pressure! No, you are always healthy because every day at amrit vela, BapDada gives the blessing of constantly remaining healthy. The body may have karmic accounts but the soul is constantly healthy. The soul does not have any illness. So you have good health of the soul, do you not? Or don't you? Do you sometimes fall ill? Do you fall ill?
Do the double foreigners fall ill? Or do you sometimes take a little rest? Double foreigners means double healthy. Is this right? Are you double healthy? You are not single, are you? Double healthy. Seeing a healthy person, someone who is ill will become healthy. So, you need the attainment of good health, and yours is so great.
And in terms of relationships, people of the world will have some relationships and not others. And even if they have those relationships, they will sometimes finish, whereas you have all relationships with the one Father. Are you missing any relationship? Or is that Baba is just your Father and not your Friend? You do not think this, do you? You have all relationships with the Father. Remember the Father in any relationship and He is constantly ready to fulfil the responsibility of that relationship. It does not take the Father any time to do this. And He can fulfil the responsibilities of His relationships with everyone at the same time. It is not that you would say: I wanted to experience the relationship of a friend with Baba and Baba was busy elsewhere. You do not think in this way, do you? At any second, whatever relationship you remember Baba in, Baba responds with that relationship: Hey child and so master, I am everpresent, at your service. How is it possible that the master calls and you do not reach there? So, in terms of relationships also, check whether you have the attainments of all relationships. Or have you heard about them but not experienced them? It is not like that, is it? Do you have this experience? Yes or no? You are speaking without much enthusiasm. What do all of you with different languages say? Yes or no? Those sitting at the back, are you saying yes or no? Look, those who are sitting at the back renounce sitting at the front and so BapDada looks at the back again and again.
Sometimes, because of your stage, you are not able to remember the point because the point is very subtle. Your stage may be weak because you are in a gross consciousness, and therefore, you will not be able to remember the point even when you try to. So at such a time, do not battle, thinking: No, there should be the dot applied, the dot should come. At that time, remember your attainment. Remember your relationships. Remember the corporeal meetings, remember your variety of experiences. That is easy. When someone does not know how to give lectures and thinks that he has not become a lecturer, the best lecture is to relate your experience. Does everyone know how to do this or not? Do you need any preparation for this? What point should I speak? What point should I not speak? Speak in the form of relating an experience and you will become number one. Continue to distribute your various experiences and they will continue to increase. Everyone knows how to give lectures; even a five year old child knows this. So, do not waste any time in battling. No. This should happen. No. Finish the wasteful by using any method, and let the powerful emerge. What happens whilst battling? You develop sanskars of weakness: "I am notable to do this. Baba keeps on saying that your sins have to be destroyed, but I am not able to do this." If you are notable to destroy your sins, at least perform pure actions. Do not waste your time in the wasteful. The more the account of elevated actions increases, the account of sins will continue to finish. Therefore, do not waste time. The greatest value is of time, because the present time has been praised as "if not now, then never." So think for each second, if not now, then never. Do not waste your time. Whilst moving around, you want to listen to a few words or you want to stop for a few words with someone, and this also takes up your time. And the more time you waste, the more the sanskars of waste are becoming firm. When someone relates something very long to you, make it short. You have already been told that the explanation of wasteful things is very long. So leave aside the wasteful. This happens in trying to understand. You think: "I did not do anything, hear anything or speak anything, but whilst walking along, I spoke a few words with that one or a few words with the other." This is accumulated in the account of wastage. Even by just listening to it, you accumulate waste. If someone is relating something long to you, make it short; teach them how to make it short. This is pure service and having mercy. You are the ones with a merciful heart. Achcha, today, you have come to celebrate Holi. You have already become holy, so what Holi will you now celebrate? You have become holy, you are holy swans, are you not? This entire gathering is of holy souls. It seems so lovely and beautiful.
The speciality of Holi is to colour someone. All of you are already coloured by the spiritual colour. The colour isfast, is it not? Or, will it fade away under the sun of Maya? No. Will the colour fade away under the sun of Maya? It will not fade. Or can it fade? People of the world have entertainment for one day, whereas you have constant entertainment. The mind keeps on playing and dancing. In fact, all festivals are the memorials of your life. The speciality of Holi is to colour someone, to burn the holi and to celebrate a meeting. Since you have been coloured by the company of the Father, the best colour is the colour of the Father's company. So you constantly have company, do you not? So you are constantly holy because you constantly have the colour of the Company. And when you stay with the Father, when you are in His company all the bad things automatically burn away. To burn impurity is to burn holi. And when you are coloured by the colours and the weaknesses have been burnt away, what happens then? An auspicious meeting. When you meet one another, you constantly have good wishes for one another. To meet one another with good wishes is an auspicious meeting. It is constantly auspicious. The auspicious meeting is a pure meeting. No matter what type of soul someone is, with your good wishes, you are able to transform that one. So, you constantly celebrate an auspicious meeting with the Father and with others. That Holi is of damage and yours is of benefit. So much damage is caused there! Damage by the colour, loss of time and damage to the clothes. And yours is of accumulating. Do you like celebrating Holi? Do you like throwing colours? To celebrate with a little festivity like the deities is giving importance to the day, but to throw a lot of colour is like becoming the same as the people of the world. Congratulations for the Holi of becoming constantly holy. Those people sweeten their mouths on special festivals whereas you sweeten your mouth every Thursday. You make sweet bhog, do you not? Or do you not make something sweet, and only offer something savoury? You make sweet bhog, do you not? Do the double foreigners make this? Or do you offer bread for bhog? You were told that this also is a discipline and by observing the disciplines, you experience happiness. You have love for the Father and so when someone who loves you comes, what do you do out of love for that one? You make something with great love. Do not make two things, make only one thing, but make it with love and with the right discipline. It should not be that it is time for you to go to the office and halwa is cooking on the gas, but because you do not have time, you offer that not fully cooked. (Everyone was laughing.) It is because you do not like this that you are laughing. BapDada accepts the fruit of your love with a lot of love, but the students who come to you are not able to make so many things at their own places and this is why Baba has this discipline for the children. At least they should have some variety every Thursday. So Baba will eat this and the children will also eat this.
You make a lot of effort, but because you do everything with love, the effort changes into love. In fact, because double foreigners do not have time for cooking etc., they make do as best they can with whatever else they have. The Brahma bhojan of double foreigners is very easy. There is so much difference between the Brahma bhojan of India and the Brahma bhojan abroad. Of course the Indian sisters must be cooking the same, but where there are just the double foreigners, they can have Brahma bhojan every day. It is good. It is good for their health and it is easy. But make something special on Thursdays.
Achcha, souls have come from all directions. Double foreigners have had a good race. Are all of you living comfortably? Have you got beds or have you become kings and queens of the floor? Have all of you received beds? Or are some of you sleeping on the floor? No, everyone has received a bed. This is special hospitality for you. You are able to sleep on the floor, are you not? Or will you have back ache? Remain content with whatever you receive. If you have a bed, that is good and if you have to sleep on the floor, that is also good. You should be able to develop all habits. Achcha. Whose turn will be first?
Today, wherever each one has come from, BapDada will ask each country which honour/pride they will maintain and in which intoxication they will remain. Each country should tell Baba what their intoxication and pride will be and also stay in that. Whose name is first? In fact, all of you are first.
Achcha, those from Brazil, speak, you are largest in number. You are happy because you are a large group. Very good. (First timers are the largest number.) It is good. It is fixed in the drama for there to be expansion. They will increase. For the numbers to increase is a sign of the expansion of service. So it is good. BapDada is happy that all the groups from all directions this year are larger in numbers. There is a lot of difference between the numbers last year and this year. Since so many have reached Madhuban, there must be more at your respective places. So, it is good. Congratulations to everyone for the expansion of service. Achcha, what will those from Brazil do? What intoxication will you maintain? (Zeal and enthusiasm.) You have a lot of enthusiasm. You have a great deal of enthusiasm. So, to constantly stay in your zeal and enthusiasm means to constantly stay in your elevated pride and selfrespect. So, the greatest pride is that you are constantly happy and the children of the Bestower of happiness who distributes happiness to others. So, you are constantly bestowers. You are not those who take, but those who give. You receive from the Father without your having to ask for it. You receive from the Father and the children have to distribute to others, and so you are the great donors who constantly distribute the treasures of happiness to others. This is the special blessing for those from Brazil.
Those from South America, raise your hands! So what title will all five of you remember? You have many titles. Every day, you receive a title of one special pride. So what will all you five together remember? (The jewel of contentment.) You have remembered a very good title. A jewel of contentment. Where does a jewel reside? It is set in a crown, is it not? So, the jewel sparkles from the most elevated place. So, all five of you are those who constantly become the jewel of contentment and spread your light of contentment in all four directions. May you constantly be a jewel of contentment. This is good. You are close even whilst being far. The country is far but you are close to the heart. Do you understand? Achcha.
Have those from Germany come? Those from Germany, raise your hands! Many have come. Those from Germany have to perform a new wonder. You have done that which everyone else has done, but what newness will those from Germany bring about? Those who think that you will bring about newness, raise your hands! There are many of you. The mountain of newness has already been lifted with each one's finger. It is not that it will be lifted, it is already lifted. All of you are good. You have zeal and enthusiasm and now, you simply have to put it into practical form. You have it in your heart, but you have to bring the enthusiasm in your heart into a practical form externally. Germany should now perform such a wonder that you prepare souls that no one has as yet prepared and everyone would applaud Germany: Wah, Germany wah. In fact, we are even now receiving very good help from Germany. You are making good effort. You are helping so much at the hospital here. So, congratulations for your help in the hospital. Now, open such good centres that anyone who comes to that centre experiences newness. There should be such vibrations that just as a magnet attracts towards itself; so too, the vibrations of those at the centres should attract others. Do you have this courage? Do you like the suggestion of opening centres? Those from Germany, raise your hands again! Do you have this courage? Is this the hand of courage or is it just for the sake of it. Be loving and detached. Those who are detached are loved by everyone. BapDada is seeing that there are good souls. You can do whatever you want but until now you have remained incognito. Now you will be revealed. So Germany has the blessings of all Brahmins, including BapDada. You have received so many blessings. Is this all right?
Since the special vision of all Brahmins and BapDada is on Germany, what will happen? There will be a wonder. So, whilst constantly giving blessings to everyone and also receiving blessings from the Father for the self, continue to experience yourself to be a soul who is overflowing. Do you understand? All of you are also happy, are you not? Look, you are so happy hearing what Baba has said to Germany, everyone's face is smiling. Achcha.
Canada had a sweet complaint. Those from Canada say that their name was not mentioned. What happens is that the smaller places become merged with the bigger places. You think that you were not remembered. You say this with love, not with jealousy. It is good. Those from Canada, raise your hands! What will those from Canada do? Canada is a very big place, and so what newness have you brought there? Have you brought about some newness? There are many centres, but what newness have you brought about? According to the place of Canada itself, you do not have any newness or common museum etc. What you have already got from a long time has now become common. Now, create such an invention that just as there are the wonders of the world in lokik history; so, too, Canada also becomes a place of wonder. Is this possible? If it is, then raise your hands? There are few of you, but you have others with you also. So now perform such a wonder and also consider yourself to constantly be an instrument and Baba as the Karavanhar, and so you are souls who have the awareness of Karavanhar and yourself being an instrument. With Karavanhar, all tasks become easy. Do you understand? You are very good instruments. Achcha.
It is a wonder of those from Mexico also. The economic situation there is very bad, but the situation in terms of the Brahmins there is the best of all. You are carefree emperors. Those from Mexico, raise your hands! There are few of you. There will be such conditions of the country, but that is the iron
aged condition whereas you are at the confluence. This is why those from Mexico are observers who watch everything as detached observers. You are not those who fluctuate, but whilst seated on the seat of being a detached observer, you are observing the play and experiencing happiness. You are detached from the influence of any fluctuation and also lovely. It is good. When the condition of the country makes people shake, they are shaken and so their attention is drawn towards spirituality. The field of disinterest is prepared and the more the land of disinterest is prepared, the quicker the seed bears fruit. So those from Mexico have a chance for greater service. Continue to move forward and make others move forward. But very good children who have faith in the intellect are constantly in front of the Father and will remain there. Do you understand?Those from the Caribbean, raise your hands! Each group within each continent has special numbers. It is good. There is very good opportunity for service in Guyana, Trinidad, Suriname and Barbados and you will continue to have this chance. So those from the Caribbean are special chancellors who take the chance. You continue to take good chances. The more chances you take, the greater the happiness you experience and others also have that happiness. You have transformed the land very well. At first, the land of bhakti was very hard. Now they have transformed and are interested in listen to knowledge. So you have attained victory over bhakti; you have become victorious. The result is good. BapDada is happy. Do you understand? You are chancellors. Achcha, how many names should BapDada mention? Everyone receives the love and remembrances anyway, but for everyone, whether it is a small country or a big country, the little ones are even more beloved, because where the little ones are, there is greater hospitality, and when there are many of you, you are distributed all over. For instance, when there were few double foreigners, BapDada used to meet you personally and now there are many of you and so it is all together. And the little ones are equal to God. BapDada is seeing everyone. Do not think that BapDada is only seeing those from America and Africa. BapDada tours all the places.
He first gives love to the younger ones and then the older ones. So this is the special blessing for everyone: bindu and sindhu (ocean). To the extent that you are a tiny dot, become an ocean. Become an ocean in the imbibing of knowledge, virtues and powers and become a bindu in your awareness. Become a dot, remember the dot and continue to apply a dot. So become the bindu, the embodiment of remembrance and become like an ocean in your imbibing. Everyone should continue to have this aim. Now finish all types of wastage. Every action should be the best. In your time also, every second should be the best of all. Your words should be the best, and your relationships and connections should also be best of all. The more you continue to make this the best, the more the waste will be finished. At present, some accounts of wastage are still visible. So BapDada does not like this. BapDada checks your activity throughout the day. There is everyone's T.V. there in all four directions. There is a T.V. of every child and so Baba is able to see whether someone is wasting something or making the best of it. He sees this in one second. So even now, the account of waste seems greater than the account of best. BapDada would be very happy to see the best. So this year, make the promise that you will finish the waste and become the best. No matter how many tests come, tests are tests and promises are promises. When any test comes, remember your promise. And when all of you become the best, the flag of revelation will be hoisted. It is waiting for you. Would you like it if you were still getting ready and the curtains opened? This is why the curtains are closed. If someone is making their mind well and someone is making their body well, someone is working on their nature and someone is working on his sanskars, and the curtains open up, would you like it? This is why you must become ready quickly. You are now making preparations to celebrate the diamond jubilee. So everyone should become a diamond, a flawless diamond. This is the meaning of a diamond jubilee, is it not? Would you like it if you were celebrating the diamond jubilee and remained a diamond with a flaw? Therefore, become ready this year. When the T.V. is on, everyone should be best, best, best. There should be no name or trace of any waste. Is this possible? Or is it definitely going to happen? BapDada has purposely said that yes, it is possible. You have to respond saying: Yes, it will happen. Are those who have come here for the first time this kalpa happy and content? How happy are you? Multimillionfold or a thousandfold? You are very happy. Achcha.
To the souls from all four directions who are constantly the embodiment of all attainments; to the elevated souls who constantly remain content and satisfied; to the close souls who constantly experience themselves to have a right to the elevated name, regard and honour; to the satisfied souls who give everyone the light and might of the vibrations of contentment, BapDada's love, remembrances and namaste.
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