16-11-1995         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

Today, BapDada has come to meet his loving and co-operative children, who constantly have the remembrance of the Father in their hearts. The Father has as much love in His heart for the children, as the children have in theirs. He gives love equally to everyone - from amrit vela onwards, he gives the children number one love. However, children imbibe love according to their own capacities. Those children who imbibe the love of the Father in their hearts, from amrit vela onwards, are not attracted by any other love, because their hearts are full of Godly love. Those who do not fill their heart completely with love, but leave it even a little empty, are still attracted by the many forms of love for Maya, either in the form of other people, or in the form of material comforts.

If someone gives you a diamond in one hand, and a ball of clay in the other hand, which one would you be attracted to? You would be attracted to the diamond, not the clay. Yet it is good to play with clay, isn’t it? So are waste thought diamonds or clay? You play with clay, because you developed the habit. Other bodily beings are also of clay, are they not? The clay merges with clay. They may be beautiful to look at, or have beauty in their specialities or virtues, and so you have a little love for them.

You may be impressed by someone’s service, but without belonging to the Father, could they have developed that speciality? On the path of ignorance they cannot do as much service as you can, when your virtue or speciality is filled with knowledge. You have to fill your natural virtue with knowledge. So who is this gift from? Who is the bestower? The Father.

Some children are even pulled to the old world by their attachments. However, the majority do not get as far as the old world, only a few return there. For the majority of you, attachment takes you towards carelessness in your efforts. Then you start to justify yourself: “Baba - you do not exist in the corporeal form - we have such huge bodies an you are just a dot - we have to do everything through our bodies - we are corporeal and you are subtle, and so we need someone in the corporeal form. O.K. we may not need many people, but we do need one person”. Do you need one person? Those sitting at the back, do you need one person? Do you need anyone? (We only need one Baba).

Of course, you have the Father, but many times the corporeal form of something comes up in your mind, and then your mind becomes heavy. And then, until you lighten your mind, you are not able to have yoga. What would the doctors say if you are not able to vomit, but you have that sick feeling inside? If your stomach becomes heavy, should you vomit and let it all out? Doctors also say that you should vomit it out. Achcha.

All of you are doctors of the mind. So tell me, if there is any confusion in the mind, where should one vomit? Would you vomit in front of Baba? Would you vomit in Baba’s room? Where would you vomit? And if you are not able to vomit, what then? BapDada takes the side of the children and feels that, at that time, you definitely need someone. What should you do if the Father does not listen to you? Many children complain that Baba did not listen to them - so what should you do then?

In fact, if your heart is full of Godly love, Godly powers, and Godly knowledge, if there is even a little space, then there cannot be attachment or love for anyone else. Many say “we do not have attachment, but we do like them”, so what would you call this? Should you be given this much freedom, that you can like them, without having any attachment? You can sit with them, talk to them, and enable them to do service - you enjoy all of this, so should you be given this freedom? Pandavs, should you be allowed this? Mothers, speak! Consult your grandchildren. Those sitting at the back - should Baba allow this much freedom? BapDada can give you this freedom tomorrow. He can give you it today. Those who think they should be allowed this freedom are embarrassed to raise their hands. So write a note to Dadi privately and tell her. All of you are saying no - just be careful, everyone’s photo is being taken - you are being recorded on video cassette, saying no. So will you do it again? Will Baba have to send you the video to remind you? Or will you remain safe? Are you sure?

BapDada wishes every child in the world to become free of attachment to other beings, and to the facilities. To use the facilities is one thing, but attachment is something else. Even if the Himalayas fall, you should have the courage to move away from the side of the Himalayas. So do you have this much courage? Teachers should speak first - students are happy that BapDada is telling their teachers something - the teachers are companions - you became a teacher to co- operate.

As you progress in today’s world, the foundation of purity of all those souls who have called themselves religious souls, great souls, will shake a lot. It was the same at the beginning - Brahma Baba was insulted a lot because of purity - otherwise, in his earlier life, nobody, even those of senior age, had the courage to raise a finger to him. And then, because of purity, he had to accept the insults. Purity is the newness of this Godly knowledge. Even though cotton wool is living together with fire, it doesn’t catch fire. You issue this challenge. Those who are couples, raise your hands. Are all of you issuing this challenge, or will there be a small fire, and then you will extinguish it? You are challenging the world are you not?

So what will you do in the diamond jubilee? Become free from attachment. You already had a year for becoming free from anger - BapDada saw many who had a little of this - even then, he allowed you to get away with a little of it this time. To those who paid attention, BapDada gives even more than multi-millionfold congratulations. All of you are connected with Madhuban, by the telephone of your intellect. Those who had the determined thought of being completely free from anger, received special help from BapDada. Baba congratulates all those who demonstrated, in practice, being completely free from anger.

Now, do not think that you have finished anger for one year, and that now you are free. When you are completely free from attachment, then you will be automatically free from anger. The reason for anger is that your thoughts, whether the are right or wrong, are not being fulfilled. You may not have gross anger for anyone, but you get irritated, and you have waste thoughts. So that is not purity. You can offer ideas, but do not change those ideas into your own desires. When your thoughts become desires, then you become irritated or even show anger through your words, or hand signals - that is the gross form of anger. Give your ideas without any selfish motive. Otherwise, jealousy and hatred and the other companions of selfishness will follow. If you have made the discipline of purity firm, and become free from attachment, then there won’t be any attachment about what happens.

BapDada is able to see many new things on His T.V. Sixty years are now being completed, and Baba is able to see new games a lot these days. Baba will tell you of each one this season - he will not tell you all of them together. But remember, if you have the slightest attachment or selfish motive about anyone, even in your dreams, then finish it.

If you have any wasteful or vicious dream, or a dream of attachment, then you must definitely have been careless before you went to sleep. So, check that you went to sleep having given BapDada your chart of the whole day, and having made your intellect free. To come home tired, and immediately go to sleep, is carelessness. The Father’s direction is to always make your intellect clear before going to sleep. Give everything to the Father, whether it was good or bad, and empty your intellect. Just give it to the Father, and go to sleep with the Father, not by yourself.

When you sleep alone, you get dreams, and wake up in the morning with a craving for purity in your heart, because your purity was broken in your dream. When you sleep with the Father, you never get such dreams. So do not become careless. Do not fall sleep talking of news - interesting news is always wasteful. This is disobeying an order. You can talk about it another time, in another room, if it is something essential, but not in your bedroom - do not share this whilst in bed. Many children have this habit, and BapDada can see how every child goes to sleep. Through his T.V., BapDada tours the world in one second, and sees everything of how you go to sleep, and how you talk. He tours every centre and every household. Everything of your home appears on the T.V.

So, BapDada spoke of amrit vela, the beginning of the day, and of the end of the day, the time of going to sleep. When the beginning and the end are all right, the middle will automatically be all right. If you stay up until after midnight totally absorbed in talking about things, then when you wake up at amrit vela, you spend half the time in the land of sleep and half in yoga. Those who go to sleep with carelessness will be careless at amrit vela also. BapDada is watching you. Because sleep gives you a lot of peace, it also gives you a lot of happiness, and so it becomes mixed. Go to sleep in time, and you will get rest and will awaken refreshed, and will feel very fresh in yoga.

To the long lost and now found elevated souls in all directions who are merged in the Father’s heart - to those who surrender every desire of theirs and of others, by constantly obeying every order of the Father - to those who constantly make the pillar of purity strong - to the special souls who spread the light of purity by being lighthouses - to those who make themselves free from attachment, and thereby come close to the Father and remain close - to such children, love, remembrance, and namaste from BapDada.

To all the children everywhere who have sent letters of heart felt love and remembrance, special love and remembrance from BapDada.


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