31-12-1996         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

Become the embodiment of experience in the New Year and make others experienced.
(On the inauguration of the unlimited hall of Shantivan)

Today, BapDada, the One who takes you beyond with a glance, is seeing the extremely loving and co­operative children who are absorbed in love. The proof of love is visible on each child's forehead and in his heart. You may think that BapDada cannot see those who are sitting at the back, but BapDada has such a unique T.V. in His eyes that the scenes far away are visible as being very close. You may be sitting in a corner somewhere, but you are in front of the Father. At the moment, you are sitting very comfortably. You are sitting comfortably, are you not? Today, you have a lot of zeal, enthusiasm and happiness and so you are showing that by clapping. You are continually applauding, but BapDada knows the happiness in your heart. BapDada is seeing that each child has a lot of happiness in giving the proof of co­operation, and this is why a thousand arms have been shown. The arms are the symbol of co­operation. BapDada knows that each child, whether in this land or abroad, whether through the mind, body or wealth, has definitely given co­operation. So today, as a proof of that co­operation, you are comfortably sitting and listening to everything in the hall. Now, do not clap so much! The clapping of each one's happiness of the mind has reached BapDada.

Today, there are two specialities. One is of Shantivan that everyone has created with zeal and enthusiasm. Today, all of you children are inaugurating it with BapDada. And, secondly, according to the drama, the New Year is also about to begin. And so, BapDada is merging all His children in both His arms and congratulating you for both these occasions. In the New Year, just as you are dancing with zeal, enthusiasm and happiness, in the same way, at the present, you are with the Father in the corporeal form. Or, in the avyakt form consider yourself to be a companion and experience this. The experience of this companionship is very lovely. BapDada does not like it without the children. (The microphone stopped working.) This is the first experience and therefore consider this to be a game in the drama. Do not consider it to be something wrong. Everything is good and everything will be good. Whilst saying that everyone is good, you will also become good. Every scene of the drama will become very good, because the vibrations of your becoming good will change even the negative into positive. You children have so much power; now, simply use it. You have many powers and if you use them at the right time, you will have very good experiences.

This is the new hall, so what will you do in the new hall in the New Year? You will bring about some newness in the New Year, will you not? This year is the year to become experienced and to make others an embodiment of experience. Do you understand what you have to do? You have to experience all of this. You are already speaking through words, but now, every child has to experience every power and every virtue. You are the images of experience, are you not? Are you an embodiment of experience or an embodiment of words? You are experienced, but this year, no child should say that he has the experience of some aspects, but is lacking the experience of other aspects. There should be no such child, because knowledge does not mean just to understand, but to experience also. For, unless you have experienced something, you cannot make others experience it. If you have reached just the stage of words but do not have the experience, then the souls for whom you become an instrument will also say, "It is very good, it is very good, it is a wonder". However, there are very few souls out of multimillions who become experienced, and the basis of revelation is experience. Souls who have experience will never be influenced by the atmosphere or be coloured by company. Those who are influenced by words sometimes dance, whereas at other times they will start questioning. Experience means to have a strong foundation. If your experience is incomplete, then the foundation is also only half strong.

The sign of this is to fluctuate in little matters. You would not be unshakeable. Why? The situations that come or the problems that come become stronger. This is why those whose foundation is incomplete limp along. They do not fall, but they simply limp along. So, this year, first of all, strengthen your foundation of being an embodiment of experience. Whilst moving along, you may be very fast today, but tomorrow, your face would have changed a little; the reason is that the foundation of experience is not strong. Souls who are experienced will solve even the greatest problems as though nothing has happened. It came and it played its part, but whilst being loving and detached observers, they would consider it to be a game. It was not a big situation, but a game; it was just entertainment. You like entertainment, do you not? No matter what the situation is, when the foundation is even slightly weak, you find it to be a big thing. Even if it is 75% or 90% strong, there is still a possibility for the foundation to shake. BapDada does not like to see the children work hard or battle. Why should you work hard? Why should you battle? Instead of being yogi souls, are you those who become the warriors? Or are you yogi souls? Sanskars of battling will take you into the moon dynasty, whereas the sanskars of a yogi soul will take you into the sun dynasty. So, what do you want to become: sun dynasty or moon dynasty? If you wish to become part of the sun dynasty, then all battling should finish. This year, did your battling finish? You are not saying yes to this. You said yes, only when Baba asked you whether it was finished. BapDada sees the result of the children even whilst not seeing it. The result of every moment is not in front of the eyes, but it emerges in Baba's heart. When you fluctuate here, in the corporeal world, either a little or a lot, BapDada has the experience in the subtle region that someone is fluctuating. Therefore, just as you have the happiness of Shantivan and this hall, in the same way, promise, in front of BapDada and this huge gathering, that this year, you have go beyond all upheavals and that you have to become unshakeable and immovable. Not that you will become, but that you have to become. Is it like this? Those of you who feel that you have to become this, not that you will think about it, or that you will do it, raise your hands! Raise your hands high! Achcha, congratulations! Achcha, those of you who did not raise your hands due to any reason, it is impossible that you will not become this. However, if you did not raise your hand due to any reason, raise your hand now! Are you ashamed to raise it? Then think about it: when you are ashamed in just raising your hand, then you should also feel ashamed at the time of doing it (fluctuating). This is not a question to be embarrassed about. Some children and even instrument children ask Baba, again and again, in their heart­to­heart conversations, the same question: Baba, tell us the date; tell us the date of destruction. You have this question, do you not? Do all of you have this question? Achcha, if BapDada gives you the date and says that it will be completed in the year 2000, what would you do then? Listen to everything fully. Do not have any misunderstanding. BapDada is just saying, if, for instance, and is not really giving you the date. BapDada is asking that if He were to tell you that everything will finish by 2000, what would you do then? Would you become careless or intense effort­makers? What would you become? You would become intense effort­makers. However, if BapDada says that this year there will be upheaval, what would you do then? Would you become even more intense effort­makers? Or, would you become a little date conscious and count that one year has now gone by, another year has now gone by. So, would you become date conscious or soul conscious for all these months? What would you do? You would not become careless, would you? Or, would you think that you still have four years, and so it doesn't matter and that you will make effort in the last year. You would not become careless in this way, would you? Or, would you be a little careless? Even if you do not become careless, Maya is listening to you, and she will bring such things in front of you that carelessness and laziness will creep in now and then. So, what would you do then? This is why BapDada also told you earlier not to become date conscious but to consider every moment to be the last moment and to be ever­ready at every moment. OK, BapDada may say that it will happen after2000; you may accept that.

Although it is not like that, you accepted it, and so you will become complete by the year 2000. So, when will you make others complete? In satyug? Will you make others complete in satyug? There are few who make others and many who become. Do you need time for them or not? Last season also, Baba asked whether you had created the minimum population of satyug of 900,000. Have you not created them yet? Have you created that many? Then, how can destruction take place? Who would you rule over? Would you rule over the old souls? The new souls are not ready yet, so if destruction takes place, what would you do then? This is why BapDada has kept this work for His children who are fortune­tellers. Why should the Father do the work that fortune­tellers do? They are the Father's children also. Let them earn their income; this is their means of income. If someone is in a great hurry to find out, then ask those children! Baba will not tell you.

Do you understand what you have to do this year? Become an embodiment of experience! Many children have a sweet heart­to­heart conversation and they say, "Baba, what can we do? So much has already been accomplished, and so You can do the rest. We will rule, but You have to make us complete." Will this do? Baba is definitely your Helper and will be till the end. This is a guarantee, but whose Helper will He be? Baba will totally help those, who take the first step of courage, to take the next step. If you do not take a step of courage, but simply tell Baba, "Baba, You do this, You do this", then BapDada would also say: I shall see, but at least take the first step! How can anything happen if you do not even take one step? This is why, this year, check that your steps of courage are strong. Check before you tell the Father. It is impossible that you take a step of courage and Baba would not help. Simply take a step of courage. This is why it is said: When the child has courage, the Father helps. Do not take this the wrong way and think that the Father helps and then the children have the courage. Baba continues to smile and say, Wah My children! Wah My beloved children! If you take a step of courage with faith, Baba is ready to give multimillion­fold help to every child at every moment.

What else will you do in the New Year? Even now, one aspect of service still remains; what is that? The God of the Gita will be proved. However, BapDada told every zone that you have created many loving and co­operative souls who are in connection, but that you now have to create heirs. Very few heirs are emerging. BapDada sees the result of every centre every day. In all directions, the result is that there are very few heirs and many loving and co­operative souls. They are very good, but make them move forward. Bring new ones and enable these last ones to go fast and thereby bring heir­ quality souls in front of the Father. Very few heir souls emerge; those that you can count.

Since you want transformation to take place by 2000, how many heirs have you created? The people of satyug have to be royal, and there are very few of those. You have created the subjects. You have had many types of conferences and been invited to many outside programmes. In this year, the result of the impact and the subjects is good, but what does BapDada want? Now, prepare heir­quality souls. Only when you create heirs here will the advance party be revealed. Then the drums of revelation of the Father's name will beat in all directions. In the result so far, you are doing very good work. Some say that only you can do this. They even say this, but their attention should now be drawn towards the Supreme Soul. It is still incognito that the task of God is being carried out. Through your happiness and love you children are making very good effort to reveal the Father. However, whilst they are still only loving and co­operative, the revelation of the Father cannot take place. It is good that you have reached here, but the sound, "This is the Father", should emerge from everyone's lips; that the time has now come and that the Father has come. Then, even destruction will take place. Baba says: Do not ask the Father when destruction will take place. Baba is asking you when you will be ready. Should the curtains be opened?

Are you ready for the curtains to open? Or, will the curtains open and you will still be continuing to get ready? Atthe least, reveal 16,108 firm strong ones; at least create the rosary. Baba is also seeing whether the rosary is ready. There is this much margin. Baba is not asking for a lot. He is not asking for 900,000, but for you to create a rosary of16,108. Therefore, create it this year. We shall see whether you are ready. Pandavs, speak! Is an unshakeable rosary of those who are free from obstacles ready? Or, are you still limping along a little and showing your games a little? What do you think? Are you ready? Speak! The Dadis are saying yes. Are all of you saying yes? Are the Shaktis saying, "Yes, the rosary of 16,108 is ready?" You are silent. You are only saying yes because you are told to say it. Achcha, prepare the rosary by the 18th. It is good, is it not? If Baba were to ask you to raise your hand, half the gathering would say that you are part of the 16,108. First, the Dadis should give this and then BapDada would pass it. Those of you who think that you are in this rosary, help the Dadis by giving a little note saying whether you are in the 16,000 or in the 108. Then the Dadis will verify this. Do not think that, just because you have given your name on a piece of paper, that's it. First, they will pass it, then BapDada will pass it and then you will be given the final result. Achcha, what else will you do this year?

BapDada saw one result of all the children. Not just of those who are sitting here, but Baba saw the result of one aspect of all the children in all directions. What was that? Who has accumulated in your account of accumulation, and how much, whether through your thoughts, words, actions, relations and connections. All of you have issued a challenge and you tell the whole world to accumulate for 21 births in one birth. You issue this challenge, do you not? You know this, do you not? You have to accumulate for 21 births in one birth and so you have to accumulate so much.

You are now accumulating through your mind, and through that, firstly, you will not need to spread the vibrations of your attitude for half a kalpa. There is no need to make this effort for 21 births. Secondly, from the copper age onwards, all your images will be worshipped in different forms; you do not know in which form you will be worshipped, but you will be worthy of worship, will you not? There is the praise of 330 million deities, and so you will become worthy of respect and worthy of worship for half a kalpa. You will be doing service through the mind automatically even through those non­living images. Any bhagat who comes in front of you will experience peace, power and happiness through the vibrations of your mind. There will be this influence of what you have accumulated through the mind. The account of those who are accumulating through words is very good. They will be remembered and worshipped a lot through words. They will be praised and worshipped through words in a yuktiyukt way. It is not worship just in namesake, but worship in a yuktiyukt way because you give happiness and peace to them through words. And so, through words, you will be praised in a very yuktiyukt way for half a kalpa. One is to be praised and secondly, you will become the ones who are worshipped in a yuktiyukt way. Regarding actions, you have been told that there are souls who serve through their every action, not that sometimes they do it and sometimes they don't. If you have accumulated at every moment through every action, then your actions will be worshipped. Very few deities have every action worshipped. For those who do this sometimes, they will also only be worshipped sometimes throughout the day. All the souls who co­operate with love and co­operation, who accumulate with love and co­operation, whether their image is even a small idol or whether the temple to them may be small, others would experience love from that idol and experience the blessing of co­operation in a practical way. Do you understand? Now, check yourself: Out of all these four types, how much have you accumulated? Is it that one is greater than the other three? Or, is it less in one? Is it less in three aspects?

BapDada did not like the result He saw. What can Baba show you now? Therefore, Baba is telling you in essence that this year, if you wish to bring destruction quickly, then you have to increase the account of accumulation of all four aspects in your chart. Become those who experience greater success through less expense. You also waste a lot through words. You spend a lot of time in things that are not essential. You think about what you don't have to think about. So, the account of accumulation is reduced. A lot is wasted and not accumulated. Before destruction take splace, increase the account of accumulation. It would not take BapDada long to give an order for destruction. He would just clap and it would happen. You clapped just now, but now, applaud for the preparations. (Everyone was clapping again and again.) Today, the gathering of those who applaud is greater. BapDada is happy to see the children. Do you understand what you have to do this year?

BapDada sometimes suddenly switches on the T.V. of every child. Every child's T.V. has very entertaining scenes. Baba does it suddenly, for if He were to look at the T.V. according to a programme, then you would be sitting all right. However, BapDada plays the game of suddenly watching it, and the majority have a lot of account of wastage. BapDada had given you a slogan earlier: Speak less, speak sweetly. Do you all remember it? All of you had also written this slogan and put it up everywhere. It was put up on the walls. Now, write it on your heart. All of you ask what the advance party are doing. Why are they not being revealed? Those souls are asking that if they are revealed, is it that they will be revealed by themselves or will you be revealed at the same time? What will happen if the part of the advance party is revealed? Then, you would not be amongst those for whom it is said, "Who are these? What is this?" You would not be amongst them; it would just be the advance party. They are also waiting for you so that you all clap at the same time. On the other hand, the time for destruction is waiting for you. You mustn't wait for it; it is waiting for you. Time is your creation. If you order it, time is always ready for you. Now, make preparations to make yourself and others unshakeable and immovable. Whoever comes into your connection, whether they are teachers or instrument brothers and sisters, you souls have to prepare your contact souls in such a way that it emerges from everyone's lips ­ whether they are your companions at the centre or those living in the household ­ with the attitude of everyone's co­ operation, prepare such a group that you don't hear from their lips or you don't experience from their attitude, that you are going to become the embodiment of experience, that you have not yet become that. Do you understand? Do not think that the seniors at the centre have become that and that you haven't become that. Everyone's finger is needed. Even if they are those who are working in the kitchen, everyone is responsible. Now, at the end of this year, Baba will ask you the result, because it is now the Diamond Jubilee. You are now close to completion. If you do not become a diamond in the Diamond Jubilee, then which other jubilee will you celebrate? Do you wish to celebrate another jubilee or do you want to complete everything? Do you want to celebrate another one? Dadis, speak! Do you want to celebrate the jubilee of a 100 years? If you wish to celebrate this, then you may move along very slackly. If you wish to do everything quickly, then, at least make sure you become this in this year. Those who are in the list of those who come every day or even sometimes, those who are in the list of Brahmins, all of you should become ready. There will be applause when you are ready. If you become ready tomorrow, then there will be applause tomorrow. (A siren was being heard from outside.) Look, the siren is being heard.

Are all of you ready? Or, are you still going to become ready? Baba will see the result. Out of those who are living at a centre and all those who go to a centre, we shall see who claims a number. Is this all right? Is this all right by the Pandavs? Pandavs are quiet. Are you still thinking? Look, BapDada has fulfilled His promise. He came on the date He said He would. Now, all of you should also be ready on the given date. Do you like this big hall or are you happy with the small hall? Now, there has to be further expansion.
Later on, even in this hall, everyone will have to stand. However, you are fortunate, in that you are sitting comfortably. The bigger you make it, the smaller it will become. Achcha, BapDada is giving those who have become instruments for service at this place, many, many congratulations. Do not think too much about the little work that is still left. It is all ready. Even so, BapDada has seen that in the short time you had, you have worked very fast, and that you have made very good progress in the time you have taken. The little that remains will soon be finished. BapDada likes it. Dadi complained to all of you, but BapDada is congratulating you. Dadi is there to make you an instrument, for if Dadi hadn't said anything, you wouldn't have done anything. It is Dadi's work to tell you and BapDada's work to congratulate you. Baba cannot mention the names personally as there are many (construction people). The main construction group of those who are instruments, stand up! (Speaking to Nirwair) You are the backbone, are you not? Everyone, say from your heart: Congratulations, congratulations. (Speaking to the contractors) This time, BapDada saw in the result the proof of how much love every child has for the Father; that the Father said it and the children said, "Ji hazoor, Ji ha" (Yes indeed, at your service). They were given little time. According to the time given, you have worked very hard. You have done well. And all of you gave your co­operation. This is why BapDada is mentioning the name of each one in His heart. He is not mentioning it with His lips, but in His heart. Children from this land and abroad, congratulations for giving the proof of love. Every child has given his finger with his heart. No matter in which form, with everyone's co­operation, Shantivan has become ready on time. It is ready to sit in, is it not? You are not having to stand, are you? You are standing just because you want to, but otherwise, you are able to sit down. It is good; this is an unlimited hall. What will you do further now? Is just this much all right? Many children have complained sweetly to BapDada saying: We thought that we would not be given an allocation, but that it would be all right for whoever was able to come. However, the allocation has become even smaller. There was a very small allocation given this time. So, what will you do now? You have to think of something. Teachers think that they should be given a larger allocation to bring here. Do you think this? You think that you should be given this. Teachers, raise your hands! Teachers get a good chance. They come in the first group and then in the second group also. What will all the teachers do now? You will give the result, will you not? Will you prepare the centre now? Those who think that this is possible, raise your hands! All of you are instruments, whether you are a small kumari, a small kumar or a brother, all are responsible. Baba has given you one year; not one month, but one year. Madhuban will also be ready, will it not? Those from Madhuban, raise your hands! So who will become the first example? Madhuban? Or, will all of you become this together? BapDada has seen that everyone knows how to copy Madhuban. Whether it is something good or something else, everyone know show to copy Madhuban very easily. A slogan has been created, 'This also happens in Madhuban'. Therefore, this year, do not speak this slogan. The slogan for this year is: "I have to do this." Not that, "this happens and that happens"; no. "I have to do this." I am Arjuna, not the one whom I am seeing. I am Arjuna. I am an instrument to become this.

Achcha, whatever facilities you have received in this mela, are you content with them? You are not saying yes loudly. (Ha ji). Are those sitting at the back content? You are content now and will be so in the future also. And all those who are sitting at the sides, are you content? All those on this side; you are saying yes, very slowly. So, today it is the confluence of the end of this year and the beginning of the New Year, and so BapDada gives everyone the title for the confluence: Contented souls, jewels of contentment. Whether you are brothers or sisters, the souls are jewels and so all of you are the jewels of contentment and will always be this. Make sure you do not let go of your contentment. No matter how much someone tries to make you fluctuate in your contentment, do not fluctuate. Constantly remain content. Let your face be constantly smiling. Not that sometimes it is like this and sometimes a little different.

Always have a smiling face. When there is any difference on your face, then bring your worship­worthy image infront of you; that your image is smiling and yet you are still thinking! To smile is a sign of contentment. What will you become? What will you do? A jewel of contentment. Are you sure? Nothing other than your smile should be visible on your face. Make unhappiness your servant. Do not allow it to come onto your face. Make it work under your orders, then it cannot come on your face. All zones are included in this group, are they not? Which zone has the largest number? Those from Gujarat, raise your hands! You have maintained good courage. (Maharashtra, Karnataka, Eastern Zone, Punjab, Delhi, Nepal, etc. all met BapDada raising their hands in turn.) Even so, Gujarat has received a very good lottery. Where is Tamil Nadu? There is very good expansion in Tamil Nadu also. Double congratulations to the double foreigners! Whichever department the construction people have worked in, stand up! In the subtle region BapDada massages those involved in construction. All those who have worked here, come to the subtle region; very good massage will be given in the subtle region. Achcha, you have done very well. (There has been special inspirations from Dadiji and Dadi Janki, and so everyone congratulated the Dadis.) All of you applauded and BapDada is applauding because all of you in this gathering were co­operative.

To all those in all directions who move forward with zeal and enthusiasm; to those who become an incarnation of economy and accumulate their time, thoughts, words and actions in the savings account; to those who celebrate the New Year in the corporeal and subtle forms; to the long­lost and now­ found children; BapDada is seeing that children in all directions ­ if not in the corporeal form, then in the subtle form ­ are in Madhuban, and are celebrating in the subtle form; and so the time for the confluence of the years is coming. Therefore, Baba congratulates everyone for the establishment of Shantivan and for the New Year and is giving love, remembrances and namaste to all the jewels of contentment.

New Year greetings: At this time, all of you did service together and you have just had the Sindhi Sammelan. And so, both Bharat and foreign lands, and all those who became instruments for service, special congratulations for igniting everyone's light. You have sown a good seed. Now, continue to see the fruits. You have bade farewell to the old year and have welcomed the New Year; you started the New Year. Just as you bade farewell to the old year, in the same way, whatever weaknesses remained in that year, bid them farewell for all time. And, by invoking all the virtues with the awareness of the new world, continue to move forward with a fast speed. Let go of the old things and enable others to let them go. Did you bid farewell to all the weaknesses. Did you bid them farewell for all time? Now, sacrifice all the old weaknesses, and, as this is the Diamond Jubilee Hall, it means the yagya, and anything that is sacrificed in the yagya can never be taken back. Have you sacrificed everything? Yes or no? Speak! Those at the back, have you sacrificed everything? You haven't kept something still hidden, have you? You have the habit of keeping pocket money, and so there shouldn't be the pocket money of, "What should I do? I had to do it." If you sacrifice something, sacrifice it fully. The past is the past and the new has started. This is to become a real diamond. Now finish this old language of: I don't know, I don't know. Let it be: I have to do this. I have to do this. Make this lesson firm. Is this all right? Congratulations and greetings. Multimillion­fold greetings.


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