14-12-1997         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

Avoid anything wasteful or negative and become worthy of claiming an award.

Today, BapDada is seeing the souls who are worthy of His Godly love. Godly love is a blissful swing of happiness in which you constantly swing. Godly love finishes the sorrow of many births within one second. Godly love is filled with all the powers and enables weak souls to become powerful. You souls, who are worthy of the elevated Godly love, are very few. BapDada is very happy to see such elevated worthy souls. Just as Baba is happy, so you children too are happy. However, you are numberwise. BapDada blesses each child from the heart: May you be an imperishable jewel who constantly swings in the swing of Godly love. Do not get off this swing and put your feet of the mind on the ground because out of the souls of the entire world, you are the beloved souls of the Supreme Soul. So BapDada gives you children this blessing: Constantly remain absorbed in this Godly love. No adverse situation or fluctuation of Maya can come to such souls who are absorbed in God's love. When you place your feet on the ground, Maya also comes to play a variety of games. She attracts you with her many different forms. However, Maya is not able to raise her eyes to the souls who have all the powers and who are absorbed in love. Your third eye, your eyes with the form of intense fire, make Maya powerless. All of you souls who are special, all of you Brahmin souls, received your third eye from BapDada as soon as you took birth. Have all of you received your third eye? Do not make noise by clapping. Clap with just one hand.

Baba sees that, sometimes, the children's third eye becomes very tired when they labour hard to make effort. And, because of being tired, it closes. Maya's vision is also very far­sighted. She sees you from a distance. Now, even Maya understands that her kingdom is almost lost. Therefore, do not be afraid of Maya. On the basis of all powers, bid farewell to Maya with great happiness. Do not give her a chance to come. Bid her farewell! Maya has also become tired whilst battling against you elevated Brahmin souls. You invoke Maya because of your weakness. She has become tired and yet you invoke her! So, she also takes the chance. She has now become powerless. What is the experience of all of you? Does Maya have the same power that she initially had? Does she have power or are you more powerful? She tries to come because you invoke her. Why would she not take that chance? Why do you become weak? Baba has a question for you: Are you master almighty authorities or not? Are all of you master almighty authorities? Are you only almighty authorities sometimes or all the time? What are you? Are you this all the time? Are you constantly powerful? Therefore, now tell Maya, "You can now go." You must not invite her now. Although Baba has now told Maya to finish, Maya replies: But they are invoking me! So what can Baba do? If any type of weakness comes, whether in your thoughts, words, connections or relationships, then understand that you have invoked Maya. She receives the vibrations of your invocation very quickly. Therefore, it is very good that you are celebrating this great festival. However, you are celebrating this festival so that you can be constantly enthusiastic. This year, you are celebrating many festivals. You are celebrating a festival with every group. So, Baba feels that to celebrate a festival this year means to bid farewell to Maya. It should not be that you just sit with a golden veil. To wear a golden veil means to become golden­aged. This scene was very beautiful, but you must constantly have the golden veil of the golden­aged stage. It should not be that as soon as you take off your veil and the celebration ends, you become as you were. This function is to give you enthusiasm. So, those who celebrated this festival; what function was it? What number festival was this? (Third).

Those who celebrated this festival or those who have come to celebrate it, raise your hands!

BapDada is happy. Celebrate a great deal! However, to celebrate means to become that and also to make others the same. At the time of celebrating a festival, underline for yourself the fact that you are a soul who constantly maintains enthusiasm for remembrance and service. BapDada also likes this scene very much. BapDada wishes to celebrate this year as the year of bidding farewell to Maya. So, will you celebrate this festival? The festival you celebrate tomorrow will be celebrated in this way, will it not? Will you celebrate your silver jubilee? Whether the festival is a golden jubilee or a silver jubilee, it is still a festival. Do not think that you are only those who celebrate the silver jubilee; that it is first those of the golden jubilee who have to become this and that you will then become this. Do not think in this way!. And, the ones who have not celebrated at all should not think that BapDada is only telling those who are celebrating a festival; BapDada is telling everyone. You have celebrated the festival of Brahmin life, have you not? All of you have become Brahmins. Or, are you still becoming Brahmins? You have become this. Therefore, to be a soul who celebrates the festival of Brahmin life means to maintain enthusiasm constantly and to bring about enthusiasm into others. This is the occupation of Brahmins. Those brahmins just relate stories through their lips, whereas when you Brahmins speak, you speak and give others enthusiasm. No matter what type of soul someone may be, even if a soul is opposing you ­ because all karmic accounts have to be settled here ­ the duty of Brahmins is to speak things of enthusiasm and relate stories filled with enthusiasm. They may keep on crying, but you should make them dance with enthusiasm. When people have enthusiasm in their heart, what happens? Their feet begin to dance. When you have these functions, what do you do at the end? All of you dance, do you not? You danced, didn’t you? That was dancing of the feet. Brahmin souls cannot stay without being enthusiastic and giving enthusiasm. Although situations may come to finish your enthusiasm, this year BapDada’s pure desire for the children is that they let the past be the past. No matter what all the souls who have been in contact and relationship with you may be like, until now they may even have been negative or opposing you, they may even have made you fluctuate in your Brahmin life, but this year, you have to finish any negative or wasteful perception towards others. Give them love; give them power. If you are not able to give them love or power, then whilst seeing them, listening to them and coming into contact with them, avoid imbibing into your heart anything negative or wasteful. Do not allow your mind or intellect to imbibe these things. Avoid them! Bring about transformation. Transform the negative and wasteful and merge into your heart. Those who avoid both these aspects will receive the best and greatest of all awards from BapDada and the Brahmin family. Other souls receive awards from souls. They do receive awards, do they not? This award is from God! Avoid those things and claim this award. Do you have the courage to do this? Achcha.

Do the Pandavs who celebrated the function have this courage? Will you claim the award? All of you raised your hand, but underline today's date. What date is it today? The 14th. On the 14th of each month, check yourself! Achcha, those of the silver jubilee who think that they will claim an award, raise your hands! Do not raise it just because you see others raising it. Or, do not raise it out of shame. BapDada is giving all of you a chance. If some of you do not have the courage, do not raise your hand! It doesn’t matter! BapDada will give you an even more powerful vibration. Are there any souls here who feel that they need a little more courage? Is there anyone like that here? Are there any teachers of the silver jubilee like that here? OK you may not want to raise your hand here because you are embarassed, but you can put it in writing and give it in when you celebrate your function. If you feel that you need extra courage, then you can have extra tuition for this. What do those who are weak in studying do? They have extra tuition. Those of Madhuban, raise your hands! Those from Madhuban, stand up! Those from Madhuban take very good opportunities. They sit in the front! Achcha, will those from Madhuban claim this award? Now, raise your hands whilst standing! Have all of you raised your hands? You don't need tuition! You are very courageous. Achcha. BapDada will take this into account! Congratulations to those from Madhuban!

All the loving, co­operative, new and old children and those who are in contact with you, who have come from all corners, BapDada, first of all, especially congratulates you for coming here. Secondly, He congratulates the new ones who have been following the code of conduct for at least a year, and this is why they have reached here. Some think they are clever, but the majority are following the code of conduct. So, congratulations to those who follow the code of conduct, who observe the maryadas whilst living at home. Are you mothers able to understand? Do you understand the congratulations? Achcha, do you have courage to bid farewell to Maya? If yes, then clap with one hand. Achcha. Pandavs living at home, do you have courage? Do you want to claim the award? Clap with one hand. BapDada is happy. Look! This unlimited hall brings unlimited intoxication, does it not? You can at least sit comfortably, can you not? You may now be complaining that you are at a distance and not able to see, but at least you are able to sit comfortably and listen and also watch the TV! What will happen when you prepare nine hundred thousand? Will you have any place to sit then? Therefore, those who have come early are very fortunate. You all sing praise of the fortune of those who came before you; you are just as good. BapDada is now telling this to all of you who have come now. However, those who come later will also tell you that you are very fortunate. There has to be expansion, does there not? How else would the kingdom be created?

So, this year is for bidding farewell and giving congratulations. This year, BapDada will give extra help to all those who have had the special thought of putting this into practice. Simply remain determined! Every now and again, the drama will test you, but if you remain determined in your thoughts, if the feet of your mind do not shake but remain stable, you can experience extra help from BapDada. The method to take this help is to have one faith and one Support. No matter what happens, you have to become this. Keep the feet of mind very firm. Situations will arise, but you will experience them to be like the clouds below you when you are in an aeroplane flying above them. The clouds become a scene of entertainment. No matter how many dark clouds of situations there are where you can see no solution at that time, you should still have the determined faith that those clouds that have come will later disappear. Those clouds will definitely disperse. They are not going to remain all the time. Stabilise yourself in the flying stage in this way. No matter how thick the dark clouds may be, they will disperse. Then, with the power of determination, you will have already achieved victory. Do not be afraid and think: “How will this happen?” It will all be good. BapDada knows that the closer time comes, the more the new situations of the dark clouds of sanskars and karmic accounts will arise. Everything has to be settled here. Many children ask: Why are these situations increasing day by day? The children who are not to go through the region of Dharamraj will have to settle all their karmic accounts, which includes the karmic accounts of their nature and sanskars, here, in the final moments of the confluence age. They will not go to the region of Dharamraj. The “demons of death” will not appear in front of them. All of those things are the “demons of death” which have to be finished here. Therefore, the illnesses are an indication that all of these things are being finished here. Do not think that it doesn't seem like time is coming to an end, and that your waste thoughts are increasing. In fact, they are all being released to be settled. Their duty is to come and your duty is to transform them with vibrations of power and your flying stage. Do not be afraid. Many children have the speciality of not revealing the fear in their mind. Externally, they would say that nothing is wrong, that all of this happens all the time. However, internally, they would be affected by it, and so BapDada is telling you in advance, that things that make you afraid will come, but you must not be afraid. Do not drop your weapons. When you are afraid, whatever you are holding falls from your hands. So, when your mind is afraid, your powers drop; they become merged. Therefore, do not be afraid; you are already aware of it in advance. Now, become trikaldarshi. Become fearless. You Brahmins don't have to become fearless in your interaction with one another; you have to become fearless of Maya. You have to be loving and humble in your relationships. No matter what others are like, just give them love from your heart; give them good wishes and have mercy for them. Become humble, keep them ahead of you and enable them to move forward. This is known as making the cause of something negative into a positive solution. "Because of this, because of that, because of the other, etc." Now, make the cause or the problem into a positive solution.

BapDada sometimes finds one thing amusing. Do you know what that is? Do you know it? On the one hand, you issue a challenge saying that you will become the conquerors of matter, that you will transform matter. You say this, do you not? You will transform matter, will you not?

Those who issue such a challenge can transform matter. However, when a situation arises in your contacts or relationships, you are not able to resolve it. You are not able to transform it. It is amusing, isn't it? That you issue a challenge to change matter, which is non­living, and yet you are not able to transform Brahmin souls! What do you then think? That you are not able to do this; that it is never going to happen; that it is impossible! That they cannot be transformed. So, how would you transform matter? Change yourself and then change others! Even if that person is wrong, if that person is 100% wrong, what promise did you make? What did you promise Baba? That you would transform the world through self­transformation! Did you promise this? Or, have you forgotten it? Did you promise this? You are saying “yes”. No matter what the situation may be, even if you have to take help to change a situation, do not give that person the certificate that he is never going to change. Who gave you the authority to issue this certificate? Did anyone give it? It is not right to think that something is never going to happen. Who made you a judge? How can you sit in a judge's chair? Sometimes, you even become a lawyer and relate many laws and regulations, and you debate and say, “It wasn't like this; it was like this. It wasn't like this.” Do not become a lawyer or a judge. BapDada has not given you this authority. Take co­operation of those who are instruments. The instrument souls also do everything according to BapDada's advice; they do not use the dictates of their own mind.

This year, finish all these things. That is, transform everything in your mind. Avoid such things, relate them to the seniors and your responsibility finishes. If you are not able to transform something, it is your duty to let it reach the seniors. Do not take the law into your own hands. Only then will you become worthy of claiming an award. BapDada is reminding you to remain constantly enthusiastic and to increase the enthusiasm of others. When you are able to remain enthusiastic, you will be able to take hold of the hand of others with your hand, that is, your mind will give the hand of love to others and dance and be happy. Not your physical hand, but the hand of co­operation with love in your mind. This is what is known as placing your hand in the hand of another. What can love not achieve? And this is God's love! This is Godly love! What can this love not achieve? The word "impossible" does not exist in the Brahmin dictionary. Those who have enthusiasm never become hopeless or disheartened about any situation.

So, what will the Pandavs who are celebrating this special festival do? Each Pandav should have the determination to be responsible for transformation. You are those who have received the first sustenance. What did Brahma Baba do? He took responsibility, did he not? Or, did he ever say that someone was never going to change? Or, that something is never going to happen? No! He demonstrated by bringing about transformation in so many souls! OK. You must not look at others, but you can at least see your own self. He brought about transformation in you, did he not? Or, did he look at your weaknesses? He did not see them. So, you are those who took sustenance from Brahma Baba and so are the instruments to follow him. Do not think that this is the responsibility of the seniors, and that you are only those who follow directions. No! It is the responsibility of all of you, young and old, to bring about transformation in your contacts and relationships through your own self­transformation. What do all of you say when BapDada asks you what you will become? That you will become world sovereigns. Nothing less than a world emperor! Since you have the responsibility of becoming a world emperor, do you not have the responsibility to transform your contacts and relationships? Each soul is responsible to bring about transformation as the return of the sustenance they have received from Baba. Each soul is co­operating in this. Is it like this? This is the group that has received sustenance. The return of receiving this sustenance is to give sustenance like the Father gave. Do not become young in this. Each one is a senior in this. Even those who are one year old are responsible for this too. All of you are more than 30 years old. So, BapDada calls this group, the group that will bring about transformation. Even if you have to bow down sometimes, did Brahma Baba also not bow down? Did he not face opposition? It was Brahma Baba who was insulted the most. Brahma Baba faced the greatest amount of opposition. So, if you have two or four souls opposing you, that is not a big thing. Therefore, do you understand what group this is? It is the group that will bring about transformation. Is this OK? Do you like it? Do you like this name? Do you like your task? Not just the name, but also the task. Achcha.

What will the group of the silver jubilee do? These are instrument teachers. So, this group celebrating the silver jubilee will, through their constantly cheerful and happy features, make other souls happy. The duty of the teachers is to make anyone who comes crying go away dancing. Any distressed soul should go away from you stabilised in his stage of respect. To be distressed means to be beyond the stage of your own respect. Therefore, the duty of the teachers is to make those who are distressed become stable in their stage of respect. This is the service of those who are celebrating the silver jubilee. It should not be that you yourself remain distressed. Some students say that when distressed souls come, then the teachers ­ only some, not all ­ themselves become distressed. So how can they enable us to maintain our respect? But no! To be a teacher means to be one who constantly serves others through one’s own features. It does not matter if you do not have time to speak. Within one second, with your happy heart and happy mind and Godly love, not the love of the soul, but with Godly love, and drishti, you have to make that soul happy.

Teachers should not become distressed even by mistake. If you do become distressed, even by mistake, then instantly forge a connection with BapDada. Have a heart­to­heart conversation with Him and put yourself right at that moment. You were shown that drama here. You were shown the drama of forging a connection with BapDada, were you not? (A drama of having a heart­to­heart conversation with BapDada had been performed.) So, can you not forge a connection with BapDada? Do you not have a wireless with you? Nowadays, they have satellites for instant connection. Teachers have this. Do not say that you don't have it; you do have it! Simply use it at the right time. Simply switch on your awareness at the right time. That’s all! Then see whether transformation takes place within a second or not. When something like this happens, then remember this drama and forge a connection. So, do you understand what you have to do? What do those who are celebrating their silver jubilee have to do? BapDada remembers the teachers the most. Why? Those who are instruments for service are instruments as Brahma Baba's arms. So, you too are on service, like the Father. This is why BapDada constantly remembers the instrument servers. Do not think that Baba only remembers those who are celebrating their golden jubilee and not all of you. It is you first. The younger ones are loved a lot more. Therefore, all teachers should think: I have to change. I have to put right that which has gone wrong. Even if others spoil something, I have to put it right. Do not complain and say, “This one spoilt this, this one is doing this.” No! That one is clever in spoiling things and you are clever in your own work. If the one who is spoiling everything is clever, why should the one who is putting it right be any less? You should also become clever, no matter what those who are spoiling things do. So, souls are equal to the Father in putting right that which has gone wrong. If you are going to do this, then wave your hand! Will you do this? Are you certain? When you return, will you say, "Dadi, what can I do?" You will not complain later, will you? Today, finish your file of complaints in this Diamond Hall of Shantivan. Remain cheerful and make others cheerful. Is this OK? Baba met those of the silver jubilee, did He not? Now, you will not complain that Baba did not meet you, will you? Today, there are two groups. Baba loves the Pandavs as well as the teachers. So, what do you think? Is this possible? If it is, nod in agreement. Pandavs, is this possible? Or, is it definitely going to happen? What would you say? That it is already accomplished? Each one of you should nod in agreement. Say, "If we don't do this, then who will?" You children are the stars of BapDada's hopes. If you don't do this, then who will? Achcha.

Are all you mothers happy? You didn't have any difficulty, did you? They like clapping with both hands. Achcha, are all the Pandavs OK? You don't have any difficulties, do you? Shantivan has been built very well. Do you all like it? BapDada is happy that Shantivan has been constructed with all the children's co­operation. This place has been constructed with co­ operation from all of you. This is why BapDada is giving multimillion­fold congratulations to all the co­operative souls of Shantivan.

Double foreigners, raise your hands! Every turn of the season becomes very well decorated with the double foreigners. Double foreigners are the decoration of Madhuban. Everyone is very happy to see all of you. Do you know why they are so happy? Because all of you foreigners have come here having crossed many barriers of foreign cultures. The song that is played is very good for all of you foreigners. Those from Bharat maintained courage in coming here by breaking down all the barriers, but the double foreigners fixed their special role by crossing double barriers. Therefore, wherever the foreigners may be, wherever they are listening, BapDada is giving multimillion­fold congratulations. Double foreigners are the special diamonds of this Brahmin family. A sparkling diamond is so lovely! So too, double foreigners are the special sparkling souls of the Brahmin family in the age of Brahmins. Many letters have come from abroad. All the things in the heart of everyone who sent letters reaches BapDada. Very good fragrance of zeal and enthusiasm and intense effort is reaching BapDada. As time goes by, BapDada has seen that the majority of double foreigners have become very knowledgeable. Their vision for recognising Maya has become very sharp. This is why BapDada takes the fragrance from the letters and sees that the double foreigners have an honest heart. They write with honesty of their falling as well as their flying. They have an honest heart. BapDada always says, "Where there is an honest heart, all desires are fulfilled." Whatever hopes or desires they have are fulfilled. That is, all their desires are fulfilled. You are very good in receiving Baba's help. Therefore, to those who have sent letters or are listening to Baba at their own places, BapDada is giving multimillion­fold congratulations from His heart. Achcha.

The group of sevadharis from Bombay, raise your hands! You have done well. BapDada calls Bombay, "Nar­Desavar", the child that brings an income. BapDada constantly remembers Bombay. You are doing everything with great courage. Congratulations to you for being content. There are very good maharathis in Bombay. Each one is ahead of the other. No one is less than another. BapDada is saying this on the basis of their speciality. You have had good courage. BapDada is happy that Bombay has come onto the stage of service. You like it, do you not? The stage of service is good, is it not? Achcha. Each of you should think that BapDada is giving special congratulations and love and remembrance to each of you personally. Baba is just not mentioning the names. If He were to mention names, it would become a big rosary. Achcha.

To all the lucky and lovely souls who are constantly swinging in the blissful swing of happiness of God's love; to the elevated souls who are embodiments of solutions through having determined thoughts; to the hero actor souls who are worthy of claiming the Godly award; to the souls who are seated on BapDada's heart­throne and who give the return of the sustenance they have received from BapDada; multimillion, greater than that, multibillion­fold, love, remembrance and namaste.


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