13-03-1998         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

To stabilise in the meaning of the word "Holi" means to become equal to the Father.

Today, BapDada is seeing His children everywhere who are the holiest, highest and richest in the world. No matter whether the children are personally in front of Him or are sitting far away and are close through their heart, BapDada is happy to see the children everywhere. Every child becomes holy to such an extent that no pure mahatma has ever become or can become throughout the entire kalpa. From time to time, religious souls and great souls have remained pure, but there is a difference between their purity and your purity. You become pure at this time and you receive the attainment and reward of the purity of this time in your many future births: Your body, mind, wealth, relations, connections and you, the soul, all remain pure. You, the soul, and your body both become pure. You souls attain such purity. By becoming pure in your thoughts, words and deeds, you attain such a great reward. So you are such holy souls. Do you consider yourselves to be such holy souls? Have you become such souls or are you still becoming that? Have you become such souls? Do you want to become like that or is it difficult? Is it easy or a little difficult? However, you did become like this in the previous kalpa and you now have to become like this again. You have to become this, do you not? Is this firm within yourself or is it that you will make do even if it is not that firm for yourself? No. Impurity has to finish even in your dreams. You have this much faith, do you not? All of those who celebrated their ceremony yesterday are sitting in front of Baba. You have the faith, do you not, that today, you are becoming this and that tomorrow you will have become that? So, you are the holiest and the highest.

The children of the highest­on­high Father are the highest­on­high. It is when you become the highest that you become worthy to be worshipped. None of the highest souls of today, none of the kings that used to exist, but no longer exist, no President or Prime Minister, ever becomes worthy of being worshipped. They become worshippers and bow down in front of you souls who are becoming worthy of being worshipped, and worship you. At this time, you become masters of the world, and in the future, you become the kings of kings. So, you attain the highest status. As well as this, you are also the richest in the world. Your title is "multi­multimillionaires". Your treasures are such that the millionaires and billionaires of today even with their millions and billions, are not able to attain such treasures. The fortune of you elevated souls is being created by the Father in such a way that you experience and even speak about it as having multimillions in every step you take. Do you have multimillions in your every step or is it a hundred­fold or a thousand­fold? How much is it? Do you have multimillions in your every step? Not even the greatest millionaire can earn such an income! How long does it take you to take a step? When you take a step, how long does it take? A second! O.K., it may take two seconds. Even if you say it takes two seconds to take a step, then you earn multimillions in every two seconds! So, how many multimillions would that be at the end of a whole day? Just calculate this! Are there any such millionaires who are able to earn such an income in one day? Would there be anyone like that? So, you are the richest in the world, are you not? And your treasures are such that no fire can burn them, no water can flood them, no thieves can steal them and no rulers can snatch them away from you. It is only at this most auspicious confluence age that you are able to attain such treasures. Do you have such self­esteem in your awareness? Yes or no? Those who are sitting at the back are waving their hands! All of you at the back are sitting comfortably, are you not? You are the richest in the world and so you have nothing but comfort! Even in the greatest universities, students do not sit on couches (sofas). However, you are the beggars who are becoming princes. You are beggars as well as princes. To renounce everything means to become a beggar, and to have all attainments means to become a prince. Without renouncing something, you cannot receive such a huge fortune. You receive your fortune through your renunciation. You have renounced your body, mind, money and relations; you have transformed them all. Instead of saying, “The body is mine”, you say, “The body is Yours”. By changing just the one word from “mine” to “Yours”, in terms of your body, mind, money and relations, by renouncing the consciousness of “mine” in this way, you claim your right to such a fortune! So, what is this renunciation compared to the fortune you receive? Is it something great? It’s only a small thing, is it not? Or, is it a huge thing? It sometimes feels like something big. To say, “Yours”, means to make a big thing small, and to say “mine”, means to make a small thing big. No matter what happens, even if you have a problem a hundred times greater than the Himalayas, when you say, “Yours”, it means you make a mountain into cotton wool; not even a mustard seed, but the cotton wool (that flies off the plant) within a second. Do not just say, “Yours”. Moreover, don’t just accept it as “Yours”, but also act accordingly! It is easy to transform everything through transforming just one word, is it not? You experience nothing but benefit; there can be no loss in this. By saying, "Yours", you give the whole of your burden to the Father. You say to Baba: “You know everything that is Yours; I am just an instrument”. So there is benefit in this, is there not? You became detached and you became loved. You are loved by God, and those who are loved by God are loved by everyone in the world. You don’t just have attainment in the future, but you also have the attainment at the present time. You have already experienced this; you can even try it for a second and see. When anything happens, simply say, “Yours!”; accept it, and act accordingly and see whether your burden becomes light or not. You have experienced this, have you not? All of you sitting here are experienced, are you not? What happens is that because you have had the habit of saying, “Mine, mine” over the period of sixty­three births, you start off saying, “Yours, Yours”, but then you begin to say, “Mine”. And when you say, “mine”, everything stops. Although that situation might last for an hour or two hours, or even a day, by your changing “Yours” into “mine”, the fruit of that lasts much longer. The situation may have lasted for just half­an­hour, but whether in the form of repentance or in the form of aiming to change that situation, you continue to remember that situation again and again. Therefore, Baba says to all the children: If you have love for the word, “mine”, if you have this habit or this sanskar, and feel compelled to say it, then say, “My Baba”. Many are compelled by their habits. Whenever you have the feeling of the consciousness of “mine”, then say, "My Baba" and put an end to it there and then. Change all the different types of “mine” into “My Baba”.

The people from Russia have a doll, inside of which there are many other dolls; each one inside the next. In the same way, you have to merge all the different types of “mine” into “My Baba” and put an end to them all. Are you able to do this? You do do this, but you sometimes also go into the expansion of “mine”. At the moment, this only happens sometimes. However, it is numberwise in changing “mine” into “Yours” for all time. There are those who are A1; those who are number one, and then those who have a number after that. You have come to celebrate Holi, haven't you? Therefore, remember this mantra: I have now become Baba's. I now belong to Baba. I have now become part of the Godly family, that is, I now belong here. So, did you celebrate Holi in this way? Have you become this? Do you now belong here? Or, do you still have to become this? Is there still something that you have to burn or have you already burnt everything? You are not saying “yes” to this: are you still thinking about it?

Whatever festivals people celebrate on the path of bhakti are just memorials, but there is some significance in their creation. First, you have to burn everything and then you celebrate. It isn't that you celebrate first and then burn something. First incinerate away the impurity, weaknesses and defects and then celebrate. So, all of you burnt everything a long time ago, or does a small part of your scarf around your neck still remain to be burnt? Or, do the Pandavs still have a small part of their bush­shirt to burn? Or is it part of the costume they are wearing that still has to be burnt? A little piece of saree isn't still waiting to be burnt, is it? In fact, you are only able to give the experience of the power and supersensuous joy of this spiritual celebration and physical celebration when you have first burnt everything. To celebrate as entertainment is a different matter. For that, the confluence age is the age of experiencing pleasure. This is why people celebrate it as entertainment and you can also do that; you can celebrate in this way a great deal. However, to be coloured by God's colour means to become equal to the Father. This is what it means to be coloured by the colour. Baba is bodiless and avyakt, and so, to experience the bodiless stage and the avyakt angelic stage is to be coloured by His colour. Perform actions, but do so as an avyakt angel. Experience the bodiless stage when you want. Your mind and intellect should be controlled by you in this way. When you order yourself to become bodiless, you should be able to become that as soon as you give that order. You become an angel. You should be able to stabilise your mind within a second in any stage you want. Don't think that it didn't take a long time, that it only took five seconds or that it only took two seconds. You were unable to fulfil the order, so your mind did not remain under your control. No matter what the situation may be, even if there is some sort of fluctuation, you have to become stable amidst any fluctuation. Do you have such a controlling power? Or, is it that whilst you are thinking about becoming bodiless, the time passes by and you just think about it? Baba continues to see how many children keep on changing their pose. They think: I want to become bodiless. Then, they think: To become bodiless means to stabilise in the form of the soul. Then, they think: Yes, I am a soul; I am not a body, I am a soul. I came as a soul, I have to become a soul." So, did you become bodiless whilst thinking this? Or, did you just battle to become bodiless? You ordered your mind to become bodiless in a second; you did not tell your mind to think about what it means to become bodiless or when or how you can become bodiless. So your mind didn’t obey your order! Therefore, you do not have the power to control, do you? According to the time, you have to practise this now. If you don't have the power to control, many situations could cause you upheaval. Therefore, even if you just remember the one word "Holi" then that is enough. Holi means the past is the past, and Holi means I now belong to the Father. And, what else have you become? Holi means you have become a pure soul. Remember the one word “Holi” and use it with its three meanings. Do not just speak about it, because Holi means the past is the past. Yes, the past is the past. Do not keep on thinking and speaking about what has passed. No; stabilise in the meaning of it. Become that as soon as you think about it. It shouldn't be that when you think about it, you remain lost in just thinking about it; no. As soon as you think about it, become that. Stabilise yourself in that.

(Yesterday, the double foreigners who have been in knowledge for ten years or more celebrated their honouring ceremony.)

All of you who celebrated yesterday celebrated Holi in this way, did you not? Did you celebrate Holi? BapDada is very happy to see every unique and lovely scene. The whole family is also happy to see such scenes. Did you see your photo very clearly? You saw it very clearly, did you not? Did you like it? Did you just see your face or did you also see the stage of your mind? You saw your face in this mirror and that was very good. You did very well. However, did you also see your stage in the mirror of knowledge? It is good. BapDada does not see whether you have been continuing on this path for ten years or fifteen years, but that you have remained eternal and immortal whilst continuing for so long. Baba is happy to see this. You performed great wonders. You changed the culture, country, customs and systems and sanskars that you had of double foreigners and became the residents of Bharat. What would you call yourselves now? Are you residents of Madhuban or residents of America or London? Where are you from? Are you from Madhuban? (We are residents of Madhuban.) Do you not remember America or Russia? Madhuban is your permanent address, and America, Russia, Africa, Australia, Japan and everywhere else are all your service stations. Your permanent residential address is Madhuban; you have taken different names and forms and adopted different languages and different cultures just for service. Otherwise, if you hadn't taken birth there, how many languages would the sisters from Bharat have had to learn? How many languages would they have to learn? So, all of you went there for service. BapDada has seen that double foreigners are very keen to open centres. As soon as they have a flat, they open a centre. That too is good! That is why there are so many centres in so many countries. BapDada is giving many, many, many congratulations to the double foreigners for their zeal and enthusiasm. You have spread service very well in a short time. So, you are fast! How many years has it been since service began in the foreign lands? How many years has it been since service began in London? (27 years). It has been 62 years in Bharat and 27 years abroad. So BapDada is happy to see how much service has expanded. Now, only one service remains. BapDada would not let you be just like that! It isn't that service has already finished. There is still more to be done!

BapDada is signalling all the double foreigners about your future service. Now, you have to serve the media to a greater extent. The newspapers from abroad will serve Bharat. This has now started to happen a little due to one reason or another. However, just as when establishment started the news was published abroad in the newspapers, so now too, there should be such things mentioned in the papers abroad so that the eyes of the people of Bharat open. Things have started to be written in the newspapers of Bharat, but it is the newspapers abroad that will awaken Bharat. Just as you have mentioned the Brahma Kumaris on the website of the computer, so now, your name should also be mentioned on the world radio. Anyone who wants to receive information about the Brahma Kumaris can do so from their computer. You have put very good information on it, but no one knows about it. The people of Bharat would be able to take benefit, but it hasn't as yet been advertised. You have created a good invention. Double foreigners are able to receive benefit very well through these material facilities. Everyone in Bharat listens to the BBC News. So, there should be something mentioned in that news. Then see how much the sound of you will spread everywhere. Now perform this wonder! Now introduce yourselves in this way. Your name appears on local TV and radio all the time, but the sound of your name should now spread in such a way that even those who have never heard of you before will come to hear about you. You do something new every year. You make plans for something new. You also hold many meetings. Do a lot more like that! When you children maintain courage, the Father helps. Someone just has to become the instrument for this. Because it is fixed in the drama for every task to happen, someone or another becomes an instrument for that; someone becomes an instrument at the right time. So, someone has to become the instrument for this task also.

(BapDada conducted drill.) Now, according to the time, you instruments who are constantly engaged in remembrance and service have to spread powerful vibrations very quickly and bring about world transformation through self­transformation. The sorrow and peacelessness in the minds of people and the distressing situations are increasing everywhere very quickly. BapDada feels mercy for the souls of the world. To the extent that the waves of sorrow are very quickly increasing, so accordingly, you children of the Bestower of Happiness should give souls everywhere the experience of even a little bit of happiness through your attitude, by serving through your mind and by serving them with a powerful current (Sakash). They are calling out to the Father anyway, but they are also calling out to you worship­worthy souls in one form or another: Oh deity souls! Oh worship­worthy souls! Give a powerful current to your bhagats souls. Even scientists are wondering how to create an invention to remove all sorrow. All of their inventions cause sorrow as well as happiness, so they are definitely thinking about creating something through which there wouldn’t be any sorrow experienced, but only happiness. Those souls (scientists) have not themselves experienced imperishable happiness, so how could they give this to others? However, all of you have accumulated a stock of peace, happiness and selfless love. Have you accumulated this or have you spent everything you had accumulated? Check that you are not spending what you are accumulating at the same time. The more you use the treasures of knowledge, the more they will increase; they will not decrease. If you keep on using your powers for your own sanskars and nature or on your problems created by Maya, then you reduce your account of accumulation. Therefore, when you spend what you accumulate, check how much remains. It isn't that you earn and use it up, is it? You earn something in two days and spend in one day everything that you had earned, and so you have to use up everything you had accumulated. Your account is not in this state, is not? If you just use up what you earn, or use it on your self, then what would you have accumulated for your twenty­one births? You are happy when you accumulate, but if you don't allow for what you spend, you are deceived. Also examine your account of accumulation. If you use something for yourself at the same time ­ when you give virtues, powers, or the treasures of knowledge to someone, that is not expenditure; that accumulates in your account of accumulation ­ but if you use it for yourself again and again, then your account becomes empty. Therefore, check this with a broad and unlimited intellect. You need to have a very large and healthy account of accumulation. It is very easy! If you accumulate multimillions at every step, then your account of accumulation will become very large. But check whether your actions and your steps remain like those of Brahma Baba. You are experienced. When you perform a good act, you receive instant fruit in the form of happiness, power and success. And because of being successful, you remained double­light. Because you acted with Baba, you remained double­light. If you perform any sinful act ­ in fact, you should not perform any sinful act because that time has now passed by – but if you do perform any sin, your repentance for that lasts a long time. There should now be no wasteful thoughts, acts, words, relationships or connections, because even wasteful relationships and connections can deceive you a great deal. You then become coloured by the company you keep. Many children are very clever. They say that they are not keeping someone else’s company, but that it is the other person who won’t leave them alone. They say: I am not keeping that one's company, but that one won’t leave me alone! So, don't you know how to step aside? When someone gives you something bad, do you have to take it? If the one who is receiving doesn't take it, then what can the one who is giving do? Would he throw it at you? This is why wasteful relationships and connections can also empty your account. Although your conscience bites at that moment, your heart feels that you should not be doing that, that you should not do this, you still do it! You didn't want to listen to someone, but that person related their story and so what could you do? So, if you still consider yourself to be an effort­maker and are still careless, and put aside your wasteful actions, then sleep in comfort and come into the silver age! However, if you are making real effort, then at that moment, your heart feels and your conscience bites that you should not do that. However, if you still go ahead and do it, BapDada says: It is the wonder of such children! They continue to do something against their wish; their conscience bites and yet they continue to listen and do wasteful things! Yet they are also very powerful souls! Therefore, pay great attention to what you waste. Do not check carelessly, and then say, “Yes, it doesn't matter, this happens all the time anyway. This will do. Anyway, no one has as yet become perfect! Everything will be fine.” You should not be careless in this way. You have to do it, so do it quickly. This is known as celebrating Holi.

BapDada is amused to see the different games of the children and also feels mercy for them. They even experience BapDada giving them a touching at that time. They know that they should not be doing that thing, that that is not shrimat, that it is not like becoming equal to Baba. They are touched with this feeling, and yet, carelessness puts them to sleep! Therefore, do not use too much of your treasures on yourself. You have to accumulate them, not use them! Use them for service, but do not spend them unnecessarily. You have to accumulate a great deal. Double foreigners do not have the habit of saving. They don't have this sanskar. They spend everything as soon as they receive it! “Eat, drink and be merry!” However, you mustn't do that with this income. In this income, you have to accumulate the most.

Through the avyakt form, Brahma Baba also gives a lot of love from his heart to the double foreigners. He is happy to see them. So now, continue to give the special return of Brahma Baba's love for you. The method to give a return is to turn yourself, that is, to transform yourself. Did you hear this? Double foreigners have been given this chance. You have been given this special chance. The people of Bharat have not been given this chance; the double foreigners have been given this chance, and so you are special. And so, you have to give a special return. The people of Bharat are happy, they are not jealous, but happy to see you. See how much the people of Madhuban have renounced! Baba is meeting all of you in Madhuban, whereas the residents of Madhuban are sitting below. So they have given you this chance, have they not? They have love for you. The Madhuban residents have accumulated a lot with BapDada. Now, there is upstairs and downstairs, and so those who are upstairs miss everything downstairs, and those who are downstairs miss everything upstairs, whereas you attend in both places. In fact, you are not foreigners, you are Madhuban niwasis. You have already been told that that is just your service station. Those of Bharat have gone to their service stations, but what do they say? “We are Madhuban niwasis.” So although the foreign lands are service stations, all of you are in fact Madhuban niwasis. Do you like this? OK! Then always remain like this! When you go back, do not become a foreigner. Remain a resident of Bharat, and a resident of Madhuban. You have changed a great deal. Previously, you used to ask many questions because the culture abroad is different from that of Bharat. Now, you no longer have this question. There has been a lot of transformation. Previously, you used to become confused very quickly. Now, you have become stable. BapDada is happy to see the progress of the children. Previously, you appeared to be very different, but you have now become very lovely. All of those of this land are listening and also laughing that there has been some transformation in them too. BapDada gives special congratulations for Holi to all those from this land who are listening. He personally gives this to you by name and also congratulates for this meeting. If Baba were to mention names, the whole night would pass by. Therefore, Baba does not mention any names. It is good! Congratulations to those from Germany who have created this very good invention. Those from Germany have fulfilled a desire of BapDada. As yet, you have not fulfilled all His desires, but you have fulfilled one desire. Those from Germany, raise your hands! Congratulations! Now, those from Germany should take the first prize in their efforts also. Will those from Germany take a prize? Say yes or no! Show wonders! BapDada has many hopes in those from Germany. Reveal yourselves as those who are unshakeable even amidst upheaval. There are many upheavals in Germany. So those from Germany have to become unshakeable. You have to become this. Achcha.

To the holiest souls in all directions; to the highest souls who constantly remain stable in the highest stage; to the richest souls who are full of all treasures; to those who accumulate multimillions in their every step; to the elevated souls who are to become equal to BapDada; to the souls who are the children of the Ocean of Forgiveness, and so have mercy and forgive everyone; to the souls who give all the souls of the world a drop of peace and happiness by giving them a powerful current of light and might; to the intense effort­makers who constantly keep their account of accumulation full at every moment, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

BapDada meeting Dadiji: (Dadiji is to have minor surgery on the 15th of March at the Global Hospital.)

Your practice of becoming bodiless is very firm, and so this karmic account of your body will be settled easily. You have accumulated a great deal of power. BapDada is seeing the words sparkling on your forehead "A carefree emperor". The Father has to worry, whereas you are a carefree emperor. You have been Baba's companion from the beginning, and so Baba removes whatever happens to His companion. You have everyone's blessings. How much have you accumulated in your account of blessings? You have accumulated a lot in that account, have you not? You give blessings to so many throughout the day and you receive multifold return from all of them. Therefore, those who give are not really giving, but simply accumulating. Your stock has already accumulated. You are an example and this is why you have a right to claim extra marks in the exams. This is the love of the Father and the family. Blessings are being spread through every step you take. It is good! All are very happy to see the example. You are all happy, are you not? Or, are you thinking that only the Dadis meet BapDada, and that you never meet Him in this way? You are happy, are you not? You are happy, but you also want to meet Baba in the same way. You want to eat both laddus (sweet balls), not just one. Very good! The double foreigners have taken their chance. You are very clever! Your Dadi is also very clever. (Speaking to Dadi Janki): You are the instrument for them.

You are still very lucky. Those who come later will not receive even this much. Now, we shall see what wonders the double foreigners perform. You have to do it this year, or are you going to do it in 1999 (in six months)? This is why the foreigners have been given the first chance in November. Achcha. Everything is O.K. You are doing very good service.


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