13-02-1999         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

Together with the incarnation of Shiva on this day you children have to become incarnations of economy with your precious treasure of thoughts.

Today, Trimurti Shiv Baba has come to meet His extremely loving and sweetest saligram children. Today is the special day of Shiva and the saligrams. Baba is happy because He has come to meet His children and to celebrate their birthday, and you children say that you have come to celebrate the birthday of your Father. Baba is happy and the children are also happy. Why? Because this birthday is the most unique and loveliest one in the whole cycle. Throughout the whole cycle no one else can celebrate such a birthday. At no other time can children and their father be born at the same moment. This doesn’t happen at any other time or for anyone else. So, first of all, BapDada gives all the children multimulti­multimillion times greetings. Greetings with a lot of love from the hearts of all the children have been reaching BapDada from amrit vela onwards. Seeing so many saligram children, BapDada sings from His heart the song: “ Wah saligram children! Wah! Wah you long­lost and now­found children! Wah, wah beloved children! Wah! Wah you children who are celebrating your alokik birthday!. BapDada sings the song of “Wah, wah!” to each of you children because out of the souls of the whole world, there are only you few children who have become multimillion times fortunate and who will also remain fortunate in the future. You will remain fortunate in an immortal way for half a cycle. This blessing is not for just one birth. You have been given this immortal blessing for many births. To what extent do you children remain aware of your self­respect? As soon as you children take birth in this alokik life Baba gives you your unlimited inheritance for your alokik birthday. The moment you children took birth, Baba gave each of you your elevated tilak of awareness. You still have that on you, do you not? Since this is your Brahmin life, that tilak is imperishable. The tilak on the forehead of you Brahmins is the indication of your elevated fortune.

All of you children here, as well as all the children who are sitting far away, are celebrating this lovely and unique birthday with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. You are celebrating it, are you not? You are all happy that the Father is celebrating your birthday and the Father is happy that you are celebrating His birthday. You are all so happy! Can you measure your happiness? Is it measurable? No meter has yet been invented in this world to measure your alokik happiness. If someone were to ask you if your happiness is as large as the ocean, what would you say? That the ocean is nothing compared to your happiness. Achcha, is your happiness as high as the sky? Your home and your subtle region are far beyond the sky. Therefore, there is no instrument to measure your happiness nor will there be one to measure it. You have so much happiness! Therefore, clap with one hand! (Everyone waved). You all raised your hand saying that you have this happiness. So, congratulations! Now for the second question! All of you have understood it and so you are amused. BapDada wants to see every child as a spiritual rose in full blossom, not half blossomed. It must be constant and fully blossomed. A fully blossomed flower is so lovely.

It is a pleasure just to look at it. However, if it is even slightly wilted, what do you do? You would put it aside. Bapdada does not put you aside, but you yourself put yourself on one side.

Today is a day for a celebration, isn’t it? You always listen to the murli anyway. Today, you can dance and sing in your mind with a lot of happiness. Dance in your mind, not with your feet! If you start dancing physically, there will be a lot of chaos. BapDada can see when you children are dancing and also singing lots of songs in praise of the sweetest Father and your own alokik life. The sound of your mind reaches BapDada. The sound is coming from all countries. You are hearing Baba’s sound and Baba is hearing your sound. Baba also says: Hey, loveliest children of the world, sing and dance as much as you want! What else do you have to do? What do Brahmins have to do? What is having yoga all about? Is it hard work? To have yoga means for a soul to have has a meeting with the Supreme Soul, God. What happens when this meeting takes place? You dance in happiness. Your heart automatically starts to sing sweet songs of praise to the Father. This is the work that you Brahmins do; you just continue to sing and dance. Is this difficult? Is it difficult to sing and dance? It isn’t, is it? Those who find it difficult, raise your hand! Nowadays, it is the season for singing and dancing, and so what do you have to do? Sing and dance! . This is easy, is it not? If it is easy, at least nod in agreement. It isn’t difficult, is it? Why do you purposely move away from something easy or change it and make it difficult? It is not difficult, it is very easy. Baba knows that for half a cycle the lives you had were very difficult. Therefore this one now is very easy! Does anyone here find this difficult? Do those sitting at the back find it difficult? Do you sometimes find it difficult? When people lose their way and end up on the wrong path, they would find it difficult. This path of knowledge is not difficult whereas the work of warriors is to confront and fight. It is hard to battle but very easy to celebrate in pleasure. You become warriors instead of Brahmins and the work of warriors is to fight and quarrel, and so that would be difficult. It is difficult to battle and easy to celebrate with pleasure.

Double foreigners are those who celebrate in pleasure. Clap with one hand! You are enjoying yourself now, but don’t become confused when you return home. The Shiva Jayanti of today symbolises two important things. Firstly, people hold a fast or take a vow on this day. Double­ foreigners do not have to celebrate it in this way. It is the people of Bharat who celebrate in this way and so because of the importance of this day they hold a fast. The second thing is that they stay awake throughout the night. All of you are observing your fast, are you not? Have you made the vow you took firm? Or is it sometimes firm and sometimes weak? Do you like anything that tastes unripe? You only like things that are ripe, do you not? So what vow have you taken? What first vow did Baba make you take? What was the first vow you took when you had the tilak of awareness applied on you? Do you remember it? The vow of complete purity. As soon as the Father said it, you children adopted it. The vow of purity is not just a vow of celibacy (Brahmachari), but it is to remain pure in every thought, word and deed you think speak and do, the same as Brahma. This is known as Brahmachari (celibate) and Brahmachari (one who is following Brahma). Vibrations of purity should be merged in every word you speak. Every thought you have should be filled with the recognition of the importance of purity. You should experience being a karma yogi, that is, you should remain in yoga in every deed you do. This is what is meant as being a Brahmachari. You saw how every word Father Brahma spoke was an elevated version; he never spoke ordinary words. Your birth too is not ordinary; it is alokik (spiritual). To be alokik means to have complete purity. Therefore, become your own teacher and check yourself every night and give yourself your percentage of marks. You have to become 100%. Watch yourself every day; don’t watch others! BapDada has seen that, instead of looking at yourselves, you start to watch others. That is easy to do! So examine yourself and see what percentage of purity you have in your thoughts, words and deeds.

What message did you give everyone this year? At all the functions you had, you spoke about transformation. Wherever you gave a lecture, you spoke well about transformation. In the field of service this year, you gave others the aim of transformation, did you not? You gave this message to everyone with a lot of splendour. BapDada is pleased. Therefore, you should check yourself every day to see to what percentage transformation is taking place within you. You should be transforming to your ascending stage, not your descending stage. BapDada looks at the chart of every child. Perhaps you’re wondering whether Baba looks at everyone’s chart or only at the chart of a few special children. No! Whether it is the child who comes last, or the child going fast, BapDada from time to time sees the chart of all of you children; not all the time. You are laughing and so should BapDada tell you what He saw? Today is a day for celebration and so Baba will not tell you. However, Baba is signalling you that in the future you must remember how important this day and time is. It is the day and time of maintaining your fast, that is, of having a determined thought. True devotees never break their vow. BapDada is once again signalling you children that even now, your first foundation of the power of thought is sometimes being wasted too much. Negative thoughts are a little less than waste thoughts. Increase your power of thoughts for yourself and for the world as much as you want, because your thoughts are the basis of your words and deeds. So transform the power of your thoughts. BapDada considers the treasure of thoughts to be the most precious treasure. Therefore, become incarnations of economy with your treasure of thoughts. Today is known as ‘The Day of the Incarnation’. So, BapDada’s pure desire for all the children is that, as well as today being the day of the Incarnation of Shiva, it should also become the day when all of you become incarnations of economy. When you are economical in your thoughts, that is, when you save your thoughts from being wasteful, you will automatically be economical with all your other treasures. What will happen in 1999? 1999 has already begun! Previously, you were wondering what would happen in 1999. Did anything happen? It is now already February. Even if something does happen, what does that matter to you? Would there be any loss for you? Are you afraid? Are you afraid because of not knowing what is going to happen? It will all be good! Everything for you will be good. No matter what happens in the world, you simply have to remain fearless and cheerful and watch the drama. In a drama, as well as love they also show blood. As well as good things, they also show fighting. So are you afraid in that drama about what will happen or what happened? Do you wonder what will happen? You just simply continue to sit and enjoy watching the drama. This too is an unlimited play. If you have the slightest fear about what was shown happening or you think that it should not have happened like that, then if you have such a stage you would get affected by it. When something good is shown taking place, you would have a good stage, and when something is shown going wrong in the play, you would also become affected by that and experience turmoil inside of yourself. Therefore, what does it matter to you whether it is 1999 or 2000? Let the games continue, simply watch and enjoy it. Don’t become afraid! Don’t become upset by wondering why something happened. You shouldn’t have the slightest thought about it. Everyone is asking what is going to happen in 1999? or whether anything is going to happen or not. BapDada says: all of you have given the elements of nature the task of cleaning up everything. You have given nature long brooms so that they can clean up everything. Therefore, why are you afraid? Nature will cleanse everything according to your orders, and so why are you afraid? You are the ones who have issued this order. So, become unshakeable and immovable and make your mind and intellect completely powerful. Stabilise yourself in the unshakeable and immovable stage. Continue to watch the game of nature. Don’t be afraid! You are alokik, not ordinary. It is ordinary people that fluctuate and become afraid. You, the unique master almighty authority souls, should just watch the drama and remain busy in your task of world benefit. If you don’t keep your mind and intellect busy, then you do become afraid. If you make your mind and intellect a lighthouse and remain busy in the task of spreading that light, then you busy souls would never have the time to be afraid. By remaining a detached observer, if there is any upheaval, your intellect would constantly be kept clear. Don’t keep your intellect busy or full of such questions as “What?” or “Why?”. Keep it clear! Simply one Baba and I. Then, according to the time, even if the post, telephones, T.V. or any other means of communication don’t work, you will be able to clearly catch BapDada’s directions. Don't ever make the instruments of science your support. Use these instruments, but don’t make your life rely on them. Sometimes, even though you have various facilities of science, you’re unable to use them. This is why wherever you are, no matter how adverse the situation you are in is, your means of clear and quick communication will be your power of silence. However, you must keep the line of your intellect clear. Do you understand? You are invoking the golden age to come soon, are you not? There has to be this cleanliness in the golden age. So nature will cleanse everything very well for you.

Today is the day to have a determined thought. Not just a thought, but determination in your thought. What determination did you have today? That you have to become an incarnation of economy. To be economical in your thoughts, words and ordinary deeds. Secondly, keep your intellect constantly clear. This is what BapDada refers to when He says that the Lord is pleased with an honest heart. An honest and clean heart! At the present time, there is a great need for honesty and cleanliness. Honesty in your heart; honesty with the family and honesty with Baba. Do you understand? Baba didn’t want to say anything today, but He said it anyway! BapDada has great love for you, and so He cannot bear to see even a little weakness in you. BapDada constantly wants to see every child as perfect as Himself.

There is upheaval everywhere. All the elements of nature are creating a great deal of upheaval everywhere. Not a single place is free from upheaval. People are in upheaval, and so is nature.

hen there is upheaval everywhere in this world, what will you do? What will be your means of safety at such a time? Are you able to remove yourself from upheaval within a second and make yourself videhi (bodiless), ashariri (bodiless), soul conscious and unshakeable? Or will it take you some time to become this? What will happen? Try this now! Are you able to stabilise your mind and intellect when and where you want? (Baba conducted drill.) This is known as sadhana (spiritual endeavour). Achcha.

To all the children in this land and abroad who are merged in Baba’s love; to all the loving and co­operative children who stabilise themselves in the stage of being Brahmachari; to the courageous children who constantly belong to One and who remain economical in every task they do; to the fearless souls who remain unshakeable during any upheaval; to those who constantly celebrate in pleasure; to the children who remain close to the Father, love, remembrance and namaste.

Baba has received all the cards the children have sent. BapDada has seen all the birthday cards you sent, and also Valentine Day’s cards some of you have sent. Together with greetings for Shiv Ratri, Baba, the Ocean of Love, is also giving you greetings for Valentine’s Day. Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!

Speaking to Dadis: Foreign lands are moving ahead very well. The time of childhood is now over. They have now become very experienced. All childishness has now finished in the majority of them. Growth has taken place very well in Bharat also. Nine hundred thousand are needed and they are being created. The rosary is being prepared and nine hundred thousand are also being prepared. Both are being prepared. Some are coming last and going fast. It is good. BapDada is pleased with even those who claim the last number. At least they have recognised the Father!

BapDada gave greetings for Shiv Ratri after hoisting the flag:

Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations for the birthday of both the Father and the children! You are all dancing in a lot of happiness. May you remain immortal in this! Just as when this flag was hoisted, and the flower petals showered down on everyone, so too, constantly keep the flag of Baba’s remembrance flying in your heart. The flag should not be flapping up and down. Your flag of remembrance should never come down. It should always remain high. Then, people of the world will say that it is your great fortune to have the Father showering flowers filled with blessings down on you children. On one side, fly the flag of remembrance, and on the other side, today, you received Baba’s message to become an incarnation of economy. So let the flag of this determination remain flying in your heart. And for service, let the flag of the revelation of the Father constantly fly in all directions in front of all the souls of the world. This is how important this flag is. The day is coming ­ it is almost here ­ when all the people of the world will sing the Father’s praise and come under the protection of the flag of revelation. They will come here to take this support. And you will be the master bestowers of support, the children of the Bestower of Support. That day is almost here. Achcha.

To all the children in all the countries, cities, towns and villages, and most of all to all the children in the small villages, love, remembrance and congratulations. Congratulations to all of you also! How many congratulations can Baba give? Baba is giving more congratulations than you can accept.


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