01-03-1999         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

To celebrate Holi means to become completely pure and for everyone’s sanskars to harmonise.

Today, BapDada was seeing His holiest and highest children everywhere. Is there any soul in this world who is higher and more elevated than you children? You are the children of the Highest­on­High Father. Go around the whole cycle and see whether you can find anyone with a higher status. When you are rulers, is there anyone who has a greater kingdom than yours? In regard to how much you are worshipped and praised, is there anyone who is worshipped to the same extent and in the correct manner? The wonderful secret of the drama is that you elevated souls, in your living form, at this time, know and are also aware of your worship worthy form, on the basis of knowledge. On the one side, there are you living souls, and on the other side, there are your non­living images of your worship worthy form. You can see your worthy to be worshipped form can you not? Can you see it? You exist in both your non­living worship worthy form and your living form. This is such a wonderful play! In regard to your kingdom, the kingdom you have is free from obstacles throughout the whole cycle. Only you souls have such an unshakeable and immovable kingdom. Many become kings, but you emperors of the world and the royal family of the emperors of the world are the most elevated of all. So, you are the highest in the kingdom and you are also the highest in your worship worthy form. Now, at the confluence age you have a right to be given your inheritance from God; you have a right to celebrate a meeting with God and you have a right to receive God's love. Does anyone else become a soul of God's family? Only you become this, do you not? Have you become this or are you yet to become this? You have now become this. You are now claiming your inheritance and becoming complete and about to return home with the Father. The happiness of the confluence age, the attainments of the confluence age and the time of the confluence age are very beautiful, are they not? They are very lovely! Your time of this confluence age is lovelier than your time of ruling, is it not? Is this lovelier, or do you want to go there quickly? Then why do you ask Baba when destruction will take place? You are still wondering when destruction is going to take place and what will happen and where you will be at that time. BapDada says: Wherever you are, if you are in remembrance of Baba, you will be with the Father. Whether you are with the Father in your corporeal or your subtle form, nothing will happen to you. You were told a story in the days of Sakar Baba, were you not? Do you remember the story? What happened to the kittens whilst they were in the furnace? They remained safe, did they not? Or were they burnt? They all remained safe. So, when you children are with the Father you remain safe. If your intellect is engaged elsewhere, you will be affected by that; you will be influenced in some way or another. However, when you are combined with the Father, you can’t be alone for even one second. Sometimes, whilst working, you consider yourselves to be alone. You exclaim, “What can I do? I’m all alone! I have so much work to do!” You become tired. So, why do you not make Baba your Companion? You want to make someone with two arms your companion. Why do you not make the one with a thousand arms your Companion? Who could give you greater co­operation: The One with a thousand arms or someone with two arms? The Brahma Kumars and Kumaris at the confluence age cannot be alone. It is just that you become so busy serving and doing karma yoga, that you forget to take Baba's company and thus become tired. Then when you are tired, you remember Baba and ask: “What can I do now?” Don't become tired! Baba has come to give you His company constantly as you wake up, get up, perform actions, do service and when you go to sleep. Why does Baba leave Paramdham and come here? He comes to give you His company. To give you co­operation was also the reason why Brahma Baba became avyakt. The avyakt form’s speed of co­operation is a lot faster than the corporeal’s form. This is why Brahma Baba changed his abode. Shiv Baba and Brahma Baba are both always ready to give you their co­operation. As soon as you remember Baba, you experience His co­ operation. However, you are always only remembering service just service and more service. You put Baba aside and make Him observe everything from there. Therefore, Baba just watches everything as the detached Observer and sees to what extent you are able to do everything on your own! However, you have to still come back here, so don’t leave Baba’s company. Keep Baba tied to you with your right and the subtle thread of your love. Because this thread becomes a little loose, your love becomes slack and you put aside your rights from your awareness. Don't do this any more! The Almighty Authority is offering you His company. So, do you ever receive such an offer throughout the rest of the whole cycle? You do not, do you? So, BapDada continues to watch everything as the detached Observer to see to what extent you are able to do everything by yourself. Therefore, keep your happiness and fortune of the confluence age emerged. Because you are busy, your intellect remains busy elsewhere and your awareness of that also becomes merged. Consider this: If you were asked whether you remember the Father or whether you forget Him throughout the day, what would you reply? No! It is right to say that you do remember Him. However, is your remembrance of Him emerged or does it remain merged? What is your stage? Is your stage that of emerged awareness or merged awareness? What is the difference between the two? Pandavas, is there any difference? So why is your remembrance not of the emerged awareness? The intoxication, power, co­operation and success you receive when your remembrance is emerged is very great. You shouldn’t be able to forget to remember Baba, because your relationship with Him is not just of this one birth. Even though Shiv Baba is not with you in the golden age, you would still have the same relationship, would you not? So, it is right that you cannot forget the Father. Yes, it’s true that sometimes you may become influenced by some obstruction and may forget Baba. However, when you are in your natural stage, you don’t forget Baba but your remembrance becomes merged. This is why BapDada tells you to examine yourself again and again to see whether you experience Baba's company in a merged form or an emerged form. You do have love for Baba. Can your love be broken? Pandavas, can it be broken? Yes or no? It cannot break, can it? So, since your love cannot break, take the benefit of that love. Learn how to take this benefit. BapDada sees that it is this love that has made you belong to the Father. It is this love that makes you into residents of Madhuban. No matter what your situation is like at your own place, no matter how much effort you make there, you still come to Madhuban. BapDada knows and can see that, because of the iron­aged circumstances, many children find it very difficult to buy a ticket. However, their love makes them come here. It is like this, is it not? You reach here because of your love for Baba. But these circumstances continue to increase day by day. The Lord is pleased with an honest heart, but you do also receive physical co­operation from somewhere or another in some form or another. Whether you are double foreigners or whether you reside in Bharat, your love for Baba enables you to go across any barrier of circumstances. It is like this, is it not? Look at your own centres and you can see such children. They leave here wondering whether they’ll be able to come here next year or not. Although they wonder whether they’ll be able to come here next year or not, they do come here. This is the proof of their love. Achcha.

Today, you celebrated Holi. Did you celebrate Holi? BapDada is seeing the holy swans who are celebrating Holi. All of you children have the same title, "The Holiest.” From the copper age onwards, no righteous or great soul has made everyone else the holiest. They themselves become holy, but they are not that now. However, they do not make their followers or their companions the holiest or pure. Whereas here, purity is the foundation of your Brahmin life. What is the foundation of your study? Your slogan is: Be holy, be yogi! You have this slogan, do you not? Purity is your greatness. Purity is the basis of your yogi life. Sometimes children, whilst moving along, if you experience some impurity in your mind, if you have wasteful or negative thoughts of others, then, no matter how much you want to have powerful yoga, are you able to do so?. If there is even the slightest trace of impurity in your thoughts, then just as day and night cannot stay together, so too, because of that trace of impurity, you cannot have the remembrance of the pure Father as He is and what He is. This is why BapDada repeatedly draws your attention to purity at the present time. Up to a short time ago, Baba would only signal you about purity just in action. However, now that the time of the finale is coming closer, even the slightest trace of impurity in your thoughts will deceive you. Therefore, purity is completely essential in everything: in your thoughts, words, actions, connections and relationships. Just because your thoughts are not apparent, your mind must not become slack about this. Your thoughts can be very deceitful towards you. The internal inheritance of Brahmin life is to constantly be the embodiment of happiness and peace and to have contentment in your mind. To make yourself happy with external facilities or through service is to deceive yourself.

BapDada sees that sometimes, children deceive themselves on this basis by considering themselves to be very good and happy. They continue to deceive themselves. This is also a deep secret. Baba is the Bestower and you are the children of the Bestower. Sometimes, your service is not yuktiyukt, but mixed; some of it is accomplished with remembrance and some of it is accomplished on the basis of your external facilities and your happiness; it is not from your heart but from your head. Then since Baba is the Bestower, you also receive the practical fruit of your service. You become happy and think that because your service was very good you have received the fruit of that. However, you don't experience that happiness all the time. Your mind is unable to experience contentment, nor can your stage remain powerfully yogyukt. You deprive yourself of this experience. It isn't that you don't receive anything. You definitely do receive something or another, but you are unable to accumulate anything. You eat and finish whatever you earn! This is why you should pay attention to this. You serve very well and so you receive very good fruit for that. However, if you simply eat and finish it all what do you accumulate? You do good service very well and have a good result, but you don’t accumulate any fruit of the service you do. The way to accumulate the fruit is to have purity in your thoughts, words and actions. Your foundation is purity. In service too, the foundation is purity. It should be clean and clear. There should be no other motives within it. There has to be purity in your motives and your feelings. Holi means purity and to burn all impurity. This is why during Holi people first burn and then celebrate. You become pure and celebrate the harmonisation of your sanskars. Holi means to burn and to celebrate. When people of the world outside meet, they embrace one another, whereas here, you have an auspicious meeting and harmonise your sanskars. So, did you celebrate Holi in this way? Or, did you just dance and sprinkle rose water? That is good! You may celebrate as much as you want. BapDada is pleased to see you sprinkling as much rose water as you want. You may also dance, but dance constantly. Don't just dance for five to ten minutes. To spread the vibrations of virtues over one another is to sprinkle rose water. You know what you have to burn. You continue to burn this and you are even now burning it. Every year, you raise your hands to say that you have a determined thought. BapDada is pleased to see that at least you stay courageous. So, BapDada congratulates you for your courage. To stay courageous is the first step. However, what is BapDada's pure desire? Do not look at the date. Don't wonder whether it’s going to happen in 2000, 2001 or 2005. OK, you may not become ever­ready. BapDada allows you this. But you must remember that you need those sanskars for a long period of time, do you not? When you speak of this you say that the effort you make for a long period of time enables the kingdom you claim to last for a long period of time. Does the determined action you have last for a long period of time or is it just temporary? In which column would you put this? It would be of a temporary period. The Father is imperishable but what inheritance do you claim from Him? That of a temporary period! So, would you like this? You would not, would you? Therefore, don't worry about how long a long period lasts for. The more you practise this over a long period of time, the less you will be deceived at the end. If you don't practise this, you deprive yourself of the present happiness and the elevated stage of a long period. So what must you do? If you are waiting for the date, stop waiting and start preparing!. Prepare yourself for a long period of time! You have to bring the date. Time is ever­ready even now. Even tomorrow it could do what it wants. However, time is waiting for you. As soon as you become ready, the curtains of time will open. Time is still waiting for you. You masters of the kingdom are ready, are you not? The throne should not remain unoccupied should it? What could a world emperor sitting alone on the throne do by himself? Would that seem right? He would need all of his royal family and subjects. The master of the kingdom cannot just sit by himself on the throne. He would be wondering where his royal family is. This is why BapDada has one pure desire that all of you children, whether old or new, who call yourselves Brahma Kumars or Kumaris, whether you are residents of Madhuban, residents of Bharat or foreigners, each of you children should practise this for a long period of time so that you claim your right to your kingdom for a long period of time, not just for some time. Do you like this? You may clap with one hand. Those sitting at the back are very clever. They are listening with attention. BapDada can see those sitting at the back as clearly as if they were sitting in front of Him. Those sitting at the front are at the front anyway. The ones sitting below (in the Meditation Hall) are the crown on Baba's head. They are also clapping. Those sitting below will receive the fortune of their renunciation. You have received the fortune of sitting personally in front of Baba, face to face with Baba, whilst they are accumulating their fortune of renunciation. Achcha. Do all of you like this one desire BapDada has? So, what will Baba see next year? You have the determined thought that you will be raising your hand next year too. You may raise your hand, you may even raise two hands, but you must also raise the hand of your mind. Raise your hand of determined thought for all time. BapDada wants to see the jewel of complete purity sparkling on each one's forehead. He wants to see purity sparkling in your eyes. He wants to see the stars of both eyes sparkling with the sparkle of spirituality. He wants to hear sweetness and speciality in your invaluable words. He wants to see constant contentment and humility in your actions. Let there be constant good wishes in your feelings, and in your motives a constant attitude of brotherhood. The halo of an angel’s light should be constantly visible around your head. To be able to see this means it should be experienced. BapDada wants to see you as such adorned images. Only such images will be the most elevated souls, worthy of worship. Those people will create non­living images of you, but Baba wants to see you become this in your living form. Achcha.

To all the children from everywhere, to the close and constant companions who stay constantly with the Father; to those who make effort over a long period of time and claim their rights of the confluence age and the future kingdom for a long period of time; to such sensible souls who constantly keep themselves adorned with the virtues and powers; to the souls who are the lamps of Baba's hopes; to those who are constantly stable in the holiest and highest stage; to the extremely lovely souls who are equal to the Father, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

To all the children of this land and abroad who are sitting far away and yet experiencing themselves to be in front of BapDada, lots and lots and lots of love and remembrance from BapDada.

Dadiji: BapDada constantly gives you many congratulations. He gives you blessings for your body, companionship for your mind and His company for service. Do you experience this? You receive many blessings for the body. You are receiving very good medicine. Even Brahma Baba had to settle his karmic accounts, and so everyone else also has to do the same. Because you receive plenty of blessings from the Father, because you receive blessings from the family and from BapDada, everything changes from a crucifix to a thorn. From amrit vela till night time, BapDada massages you with blessings. You do experience this, do you not? You are not doing anything, but it is the One who has to do everything who is doing everything, and this is why you are remain tireless. Achcha. You have special blessings. You are special, are you not? All of you who are instruments receive special blessings.

Dadi Janki: What do you want on behalf of all the foreigners? (Dadi replied: That they all become part of the garland around BapDada's neck.) This one wishes for a great deal! (To the foreigners): You all do a great deal, do you not? (Dadi Janki: Baba, they complain about me a lot.) But you are also giving them the sustenance of love. To pay such attention to them also means to sustain them with love from the heart. You can't bear to see any weakness in those whom you love. (BapDada made Dadiji and Dadi Janki sit next to Him.)

Dadis are senior brothers of Baba. So, the brothers would sit together, would they not? It is not that you are labouring, but you have a lot of love. BapDada is happy to see those who are the instruments and also those who do everything. (Baba, You are no less.) These (Dadis) are no less either. (It is better here than in Shantivan.) Yes, but very many would remain deprived. You have to think about all your brothers and sisters. It is just because of Holi that you have been given this chance.

To the double­foreign brothers and sisters: You double foreigners have been given the first chance. Look how much love everyone has for the double foreigners. It is good that you have been given the first chance. BapDada is very pleased to see how much growth there has been through your zeal and enthusiasm for service. BapDada can see in the subtle region all your meetings, plans, programmes and heart­to­heart conversations. You receive a very good chance once a year. You cannot have such a gathering in the foreign lands. Firstly, you are given the opportunity to see what an unlimited family you have and are able to meet them all. Secondly, you are given the powerful sustenance of a lot of love. It is necessary for you also to be shown a stern eye every now and then. You do pay attention, but this stern eye underlines the attention you have to pay. Do you experience that the sustenance you are given in Madhuban underlines everything for you and that it brings you close? BapDada likes one speciality of the foreigners at the present time. The majority, and there is always a minority in that too, always used to say, "Something, something.” This has now reduced for the most of you. Previously, you used to say for little things, "Something, something, some time.” However you now remain very courageous and are progressing very well. Your childhood has now finished. In your effort you are still sometimes a youth and some of you are close to your stage of retirement. So, the youth still have some waves sometimes. Not youth in terms of age, but in terms of effort. Nevertheless, there is a difference between previously and now. Now that you have become filled with knowledge, you understood what you have to do and how you have to behave in doing it. You have now become filled with all the knowledge of this. So what remains now? You now have to underline to become powerful. The number of centres is also increasing. Having kept courage you have opened many centres. Those who are looking after or living in a centre, raise your hands! Do those who live at a centre, or who become an instrument, experience tiredness? Do you sometimes experience tiredness? Is it that you experience it for a short time and then become OK again? All of you have received a special lift of service. Those in Bharat, they are first given training, then they have a trial period and then they become teachers, whereas all of you take charge of a centre straightaway. So, this is a good chance, is it not? You do double the work. Because of your courage you are making progress and you will continue to make progress. Seeing how you go to work, look after a centre, how you return home tired and then quickly refresh yourself, then look after the centre again, BapDada has special love for you in His heart. You have become double busy. However, because you do double the work you receive double the benefit of that. To do service means to accumulate in your account of charity. The more you serve in an altruistic and yuktiyukt way, the more treasures of charity you accordingly accumulate. Those treasures of charity will go with you. The income you earn in doing this charity will last you for half a cycle. Therefore, you are very good and charitable souls. The awareness of being an instrument server and a pure charitable soul frees you from committing small sins. Therefore, constantly check to see how much charity you are accumulating through your thoughts and service, and on the basis of your charity, how many trivial situations you are completely finishing? How much do you spend and how much do you save? If you constantly experience being obstructed and have to use your virtues and powers to finish those obstructions, how much do you have to spend? A yogyukt stage enables you to make Baba your Companion and accumulate in your account of charity, so how much are you accumulating? You are the greatest multimillionaires. Are you multimillionaires? How much do you accumulate in one day? Can anyone in foreign lands accumulate so much in one day? No one could do that abroad or in Bharat. So, continue to add multi. Just as when you add a zero in calculations, it increases. Put a zero in front of 1 and make it 10, and put a second zero and make it 100, and add a third zero and make it 1000. This is the wonder of the zero. Therefore, continue to put a zero and you will become multi­multi­ multimillionaires. Are all of you OK? Are you Pandavas OK? BapDada is also proud that wherever you go, Baba's children also exist there. You too have this intoxication, do you not? Whatever country you visit, what would you say? This is my home. It feels like this, does it not? How many homes do you have? Would anyone else have so many homes? All of you say that this is Baba's home, that it is Baba's home and you are going to Baba's home. So, you are especially loved. You should not experience any waves of sorrow even in your dreams. Any dreams you have should be of happiness, not of sorrow, tiredness or confusion. So, is it like this? Remain happy to such an extent that when those who are crying see your face of happiness, they too will become happy. You have such happiness, do you not? You are able to make those who cry start to smile are you not? Don't change your face and make it sometimes like this and sometimes like that. Constantly keep smiling. How refreshed have you become? How refreshed have you become? 100%? 99%? or 101%?

Achcha, when you come here next year, will it be 101%? Will it go up or down? Achcha. It will go up for everyone. Those who think that they will think about it; that they will know when they return to their respective places; those who feel that they do want this, but will first see about it, raise your hands! Those who have come here for the first time, raise your hand! Achcha.

BapDada Meeting Abu Niwasis, Sevadharis, Hospital Niwasis and other groups: Are all of you happy to see your elevated fortune? Are you constantly cheerful? Not just sometimes? All of you say that now you have found the Father you have found everything. Since you have found everything, and since you have attained everything, you are constantly happy. Is it like this? Your happiness reduces when you lack attainment. Is there any attainment you still lack? So, you are constantly happy. Happiness is your nourishment. Would anyone stop taking their nourishment? So, those who are constantly happy would also distribute that happiness to others. Whenever others look at you, they should see your sparkle of happiness. Do you experience this? BapDada constantly sees all His children as those who have the fortune of happiness. You have the fortune of happiness and so your faces are full of happiness. Does your face ever change? You never become too busy in thinking and become a little confused, do you? Or, do you sometimes become a little confused? Do you ever become confused? Are you saying yes? Sometimes, you do become a little confused. Don’t be those who sometimes become confused. You children of the Father have to be constantly steady. You should not sometimes have one stage and sometimes another but remain constant and constantly happy. Is this OK? Now, do not change. Today, burn this! Finish it! No matter what happens, the Father is with you, and so what is there to be confused about. What is there to be confused about? Instead, take the help of Baba’s companionship. It is when you believe you are all alone that you become confused (moonj) instead of experiencing happiness (mauj). So, don’t be confused. Is this OK? Will you be confused? You will no longer become confused because you now know how to remain happy. No matter what happens, you should not lose your happiness. Is this OK? Or, will you lose your happiness? You should not lose your happiness. You have the power of service; so use that power. Don’t just do service, but also use the power of service that you receive from the Father. If you simply think that you are doing service, then you become tired and confused. However, when you experience of the Father’s company, when you have the Father with you, there should be nothing but happiness. So, keep His company emerged. You have previously been told that although you do remember Baba, you don’t use the company of the Father. This is why you become confused. Is the confluence age the age to experience happiness or the age to experience confusion? It is the age experience happiness, so why do you become confused? Now remove the word “confused” from your life’s dictionary. Have you removed it? Are you sure? Or, will it still be a little visible? Erase it completely. If, as you, God’s children don’t experience happiness, then who else could? There is no one else. So, you are constantly experiencing happiness. Are all of you happy with your duties? Or, is there is a little conflict about your duties? You have no conflict do you? No matter what happens, you have to pass this paper. This is not a situation, but just a test paper. When you pass a test paper, you experience happiness because you move higher in your class. Therefore, don’t think that a situation or a problem has come up. Instead, understand that a paper came, which you passed, and are now experiencing happiness. When children go home after passing a test paper, they are so happy. Do they become confused? So, this paper will come. It just comes to make you more experienced. Therefore, constantly experience happiness. You are not just servers, but those who experience happiness. Constantly remember this title. No matter where you are, it’s not that you are the servers at the hospital, but servers who constantly experience happiness. Achcha.

Doctors constantly experience happiness. You make your patients happy. Very good! (BapDada then met different groups by asking them to raise their hand.) You are all accumulating a lot of charity in your account. Everyone loves a bouquet of various flowers because of its beauty. Anything with variety is always beautiful. Because it is beautiful it is loved by everyone. You come from many different places, but all of you are united. You all have the one aim, the one direction, the one Father. You all belong to the one family and so your stage is also steady and constant. It is steady and constant, is it not? Do not become caught up in other things, but remain constantly steady, otherwise Maya will eat you! Therefore, remain constantly steady. Maya also loves you. She has loved you for sixty­three births. However, you know whether you should love the Father or Maya. You know that wherever the Father is, Maya cannot be. Maya would run away. She would never be brave enough to come close to the Father. No matter what situation comes up, as soon as you say “Baba” from your heart, the situation will vanish. You do know how to chase her away, do you not? Or, is it that you only know how to invite her in and sit her down? Do you make her sit with you, but chase her away from afar. If she comes you should not have to make effort to remove her. Keep hold of the Father’s hand and chase her away from a distance. When she sees that you are holding the Father’s hand, she will run away. So, you know how to conquer Maya constantly, do you not? Is this OK? Look, today, you are sitting close. You have received this chance today. Now, don’t say that you never receive a chance. You have received a chance. This is a big family and so everything has to be shared. Achcha. So, are you all happy and content? Do you remember BapDada’s word “Constantly”! Not just sometimes, but constantly! Those of you who work at the hospital are working very hard. The service done at the hospital is also increasing. Achcha.

BapDada Meeting Madhuban Niwasi Brothers and Sisters: To be a Madhuban niwasi (resident of Madhuban) means to have sweetness in your actions and unlimited distaste in your attitude. What happens in a forest? There is unlimited disinterest, is there not? So, to be a Madhuban niwasi means to have the right to an extra gift. You have this gift, do you not? You are so carefree! Simply perform your duty and remain happy. You are free from having to go to work or looking after students, are you not? The maximum time you have to perform your duties is eight hours. That is also quite short. Sometimes you do have to work a little longer, but, you don’t have any other responsibilities, do you? The electricians have their own responsibility to look after. You have just the one duty. You don’t have many duties. So, BapDada has given you eight hours to perform your duty. Sometimes, that may even become 12 hours, but, nevertheless, you have eight hours rest. If you are on duty for 12 hours, you still have 4 hours left. You wouldn’t have to perform your duty for more than 12 hours. Do you have to do this? The whole day is included in 12 hours. If sometimes, you have to perform your duty at night, then you would be a little light during the day. So, at least you have 4 hours. Only some of you have to be on duty for 12 hours. Therefore, do you have at least 4 hours of powerful yoga? Do you have constant remembrance? Do you have this or not? You do have remembrance, but do you have a minimum of 4 hours of powerful remembrance? You are not saying yes. Why? You are free for 4 hours, are you not? BapDada has allowed you 4 hours, so you still have 4 hours. So, Madhuban niwasis have to pay special attention to spread powerful vibrations everywhere because you are sitting at the most elevated place. This place is the most elevated, is it not? There is nowhere more elevated than this. So, what does the highest tower do? It sends out powerful rays (sakaash) and spreads light and might. So, you should do more than 4 hours, but 4 hours is the minimum you should be considering yourself seated on the most elevated place and sending out light and might to the whole world. You have experienced how well the vibrations of Madhuban, whether of weakness or power spread very quickly. You have experienced this, have you not? Do you Pandavas have this experience? Even if a needle falls on the floor in Madhuban, that sound reaches everywhere because everyone’s attention is towards the Madhuban niwasis. The Madhuban niwasis have to gain victory and become instruments to inspire others to become victorious. You hear so much praise of Madhuban, do you not? You also sing songs of Madhuban. So, is the praise of the walls of Madhuban or of the Madhuban niwasis? Whose praise is it? It is the praise of all of you. So, consider this to be your responsibility. Simply doing your work and fulfilling your duty is not your responsibility. The atmosphere of Madhuban creates the atmosphere everywhere else. BapDada is pleased to see that many of you get together in a gathering to plan and have spiritual discussions on how to make progress. This is very good. Don’t stop doing this. There is benefit within those gatherings. After doing physical work throughout the day, by having a spiritual conversation amongst yourselves for even a short time, you can experience a change and your zeal and enthusiasm also increases. Therefore, BapDada likes this very much. Don’t become slack about sitting together in the groups. Make them even more powerful. Never miss attending them. You must not think that you have enough power and that you have already done everything. To give your co­ operation is also service. Perhaps you don’t need to sit in the group, but to do that is also a great service. BapDada has heard very good news. Now, increase this a little more. You listen to the murli, but you also become engrossed in your karma yoga and so, every now and then, you become karma conscious. Sometimes you have yoga and sometimes you become karma conscious. However, have such a heart­to­heart conversation amongst yourselves that you refresh one another, and create a powerful atmosphere. So BapDada is very pleased to hear this good news.

Now, each of you has to give a chart of at least 4 hours of remembrance to Dadiji. Do you like that? Don’t make it any less if it become 6 hours instead of 4 hours. If it becomes 6 or 8 hours that’s even better. If you don’t have 4 hours all together at the same time, it doesn’t matter. By creating a powerful stage for 5 to 10 minutes every now and then, you should be able to total that up to 4 hours. Whether you have half an hour or 5 minutes, you should accumulate a minimum of 4 hours. Is this possible? Those who think that this is possible, raise your hand. Achcha, all of you are ever­ready. BapDada is very pleased to see that you are very courageous. BapDada will give you extra help. Simply stay courageous. By remaining courageous, you will receive help from the family and co­operation from the seniors. BapDada gives a multimillion­fold return for one, all the time. Do you all like this? Achcha. Don’t let it become less than 4 hours. If you are unable to have 4 hours remembrance one day, have 6 hours of remembrance the next day to make up that four hours. Are you able to do this? Look, say yes only after careful consideration. Don’t say yes just by being influenced by everyone around you. Are you able to do this? (Speaking to Dadiji): You are looking at all this, are you not? Everyone has raised their hands. Will you all have 4 hours of remembrance? All of you have received the prize of congratulations. Congratulations in advance! Don’t let go of your prize. Very good! BapDada constantly sees the Madhuban niwasis in front of Him. He sees you as the jewels of His eyes. It is not a small thing to be a Madhuban niwasi. To be a Madhuban niwasi means to claim a right to many gifts. You also receive many physical gifts in Madhuban. You receive so much respect as well. When anyone from Madhuban goes somewhere with what vision do those people see you? That someone from Madhuban has come! So, constantly keep this respect of yours emerged. Not merged, but emerged! Is this OK?

BapDada is going to continue to ask you about your chart. Baba will see the result of your chart every 15 days. Is this OK? Simply say yes or no in your chart. Write the date at the top and your name at the bottom, with yes or no. Simply write 2 hours, 3 hours or 4 hours. Don’t write a lot, because there is never enough time to read it all . Everyone has a lot of love for the Madhuban niwasis. All of you receive so many blessings. On seeing all the service you are doing, all the IPs that come, those who come for the yoga courses and the conferences etc. give blessings to all the sevadharis. The sound emerges from each one’s heart “Wah! Sevadharis wah!” So your blessings are being accumulated. Now show such wonders! If you Madhuban niwasis have a record of 4 hours, it will be good. If you have more than 4 hours, then that can inspire all of those who live at home and at all the other centres to become powerful. You have to become the instruments to do this. You do want to become the instruments, do you not? Achcha. You are all happy and content, so is there a need to ask this? Or, is it that because you always remain happy, there is no need to ask this question? All of you are happy all the time. Look at everyone’s face. All of you are smiling brightly. You are all very good. Recognise your specialities and use them.

BapDada is especially speaking to the sisters of Madhuban. BapDada sees everything. Nothing remains hidden from BapDada. He sees everything inside and everything outside. All you sisters of Madhuban should specially use your specialities. Each of you has specialities. It isn’t that you have no specialities. All of you have specialities. Simply put them into use and you will continue to increase them. Look at the specialities of others and use your own specialities. You are no less. What does everyone call you? The sisters of Madhuban. When the name of Madhuban is used, everyone is so happy. So you sisters of Madhuban are no less. You are worthy to receive blessings from everyone. You can accumulate as much as you want in your account of charity. You have this chance. You can use your time in a worthwhile way as much as you want. You have been given this chance, have you not? Or, do you feel that you are not given a chance? You have to take this chance yourself. It will not come to you just like that. No one will come and tell you to do something. Take the chance yourself. What will you become when you take a chance? A chancellor. Those from Madhuban are fortunate, but you must now use your fortune. Do you understand? Baba is seeing all of you, since all of you are sitting at the front. The sisters are specially loved. The brothers are more in number. You are the specially loved ones, are you not? Very good! Now the sisters should claim the first number for 4 hours of remembrance. Is this OK? You want to claim the first number, do you not? Don’t say, “This happened, or this should not happen.” Don’t speak in this way. You have to do this 4 hours. You have to do this. Have you made this firm? Take their photograph! You have to do this! Achcha.


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