30-03-1999         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

Intensify your love for effort and spread the waves of unlimited disinterest.

Today, BapDada was seeing three lines on the forehead of every child. The first line is of your fortune of increasing God’s sustenance. You only receive this fortune of God’s sustenance once throughout the whole kalpa. It is only at the confluence age and no other time that this sustenance can be given by God. Very few children receive this sustenance from God. The second line of your fortune is the line of God’s study. The fortune of you have of God’s study is so great that God Himself becomes your Teacher to teach you this. The third line of fortune is the line of the attainments you receive from God. Just think about how much you have attained. All of you remember how long the list of your attainments is. These three lines of fortune were shining on the forehead of every child. Do you consider yourselves to be such fortunate souls who are given this? Sustenance, study and attainments. As well as this, on the basis of your faith, BapDada also gives you spiritual intoxication. All of you souls who are the children of God have such spiritual intoxication. You are the highest, greatest and holiest of everyone in the whole world and throughout the whole kalpa. No other souls become as pure in their body and mind and as full of all virtues and as completely viceless as you souls are in your deity form. You are the highest, the holiest and also the richest. At the beginning of the establishment BapDada used to tell you children that you are the richest. It was also printed in the newspaper with a lot of intoxication that “Om Mandli is the richest in the world.” This is the praise of all of you even at the beginning of this establishment. Even if someone were to become a multi­multi­millionaire in one day, no one can be as rich as you are; you are the richest. What is the sign of your becoming the richest of all? It is a very tiny method. People make so much effort to become the richest, whereas you become full of all treasures so easily! You know the method, do you not? All you have to do is apply a small point. When you put a point, you earn a lot more. It is just as you add a zero to increase the amount. The soul is a point, Baba is the Point and to put a full stop to the drama is also a point. As soon as you remember you are a soul, a point, your income increases. In the mundane world also, the number is increased when a zero is added. What happens when you put a zero after the figure one? It becomes ten. When you add one zero, two zeroes, three zeroes, four zeroes, the number keeps increasing. Your method is so easy! To apply the point of the consciousness of being a soul means to accumulate treasures for yourself. Then, when you apply the point of the Father (have remembrance of the Father), you accumulate further treasure. Then, when you put a full stop to the drama whilst acting in connection and relationship with others; when you put a full stop to the past, your treasure increases further. So, how many times do you put a point throughout the day? You do put a point, do you not? It is so easy to put a point. Do you find it difficult?

Teachers, is this difficult? It isn’t difficult, is it? Or, is it that the point slips away? BapDada has taught you how to earn an income by simply adding a point. Do you Pandavas know how to put a point? If you do know how to do this, then clap with one hand! It is firm, is it not? Or, does it sometimes slip away and sometimes remain applied? The easiest way of all is to put a point. Even a blind person can use a pencil to write on paper; he is able to put a point. However, you are trinetri (those with three eyes). Therefore, you can constantly use these three points. A question mark is crooked. Just write it and see, it is crooked, is it not? It is so easy to put a point. This is why BapDada doesn’t tell you children different methods to become equal. The method is just to put a point. There is no other method. Even to become bodiless, the method you use is to become a point. When you become bodiless, and when you become karmateet, the method you use is to become a point. This is why BapDada has also told you earlier that when you celebrate a meeting with BapDada at amrit vela, when you have a heart­to­heart conversation or when you are doing your task, first apply the tilak of the three points on your forehead. Don’t start putting a physical red tilak of three dots on your forehead, but put the tilak of this consciousness and then make sure that this tilak is never rubbed off for any reason. This tilak is imperishable and can thus never be rubbed off.

BapDada has seen the love all you children have and how you have all come running here with so much love to celebrate this meeting with BapDada. And, when you come to sit in this hall to meet Baba, because of your love you make so much effort to sit at the front that you forget about your sleep or thirst etc. BapDada sees everything. Baba sees the drama of what all of you do. Because of the love you children have, BapDada also surrenders Himself to you children and says to you: Just as you came running to meet the Father in this corporeal form, so in the same way, make your effort to become equal to the Father just as intense. You all think of obtaining the first seats here. However, not everyone can receive this. This is the corporeal world, and so the laws of the corporeal world have to be observed. At that time BapDada feels that all of you should sit at the front. But would that be possible? It is happening, but how? BapDada sees those sitting at the back as being constantly merged in His eyes. The eyes are the closest of all. Therefore, you are not sitting at the back, but in BapDada’s eyes. You are the light of the eyes. Did all of you sitting at the back hear this? You are not sitting far away, you are close. Physically, you may be sitting at the back, but you souls are the closest. BapDada looks at those sitting at the back the most. Those who are sitting close at the front have a chance to see Baba with their eyes, whereas those sitting at the back do not have this chance. Therefore, BapDada merges you in His eyes.

BapDada continues to smile because as soon as it is 2.00 pm everyone starts to form a queue. BapDada realises that you children would probably be tired from standing there, so BapDada gives all of you children a loving massage. Your legs are then massaged. Have you felt BapDada’s massage: it is very lovely and unique. So today, everyone has come running from everywhere to take the last chance of this season. It is good. Your zeal and enthusiasm to celebrate a meeting with the Father constantly enables you to move forward. However, BapDada does not forget the children for even one second. There is only one Father but many children. However, Baba doesn’t forget any of you all you many children for even a second, because you are all long­lost and now­found children. Look how Baba found you all in all the different far­away corners of this land and abroad. Were you able to find the Father? You continued to wander and stumble around but were unable to find Him. However, Baba found you children of the Father in different lands, countries and states etc. Baba made you belong to Him. You sing the song: I belong to Baba’s and Baba belongs to me. Baba didn’t look at your caste, your country, your colour etc. He only saw the spiritual colour on the forehead of each of you; the jyoti bindu. What do you double foreigners think? Did Baba look at your caste or colour? Whether you were black or white or beautiful or ugly? Baba didn’t look at anything. He only saw that you belonged to Him. So is this Baba’s love or your love? Whose love is it? (Of both). Children are very clever in replying. They say: Baba, You tell us that love draws love, and it is because love draws love that you have love that we also have love. Children, you are very clever. Baba is also pleased to see that you children have so much courage, zeal and enthusiasm.

BapDada has the results of the chart of 15 days of many children. One thing that BapDada saw in the results of the children everywhere was that the majority of you paid attention. The percentage is not what you yourselves wanted, but you have paid attention and the intense effort­making children are trying to fulfil their aim of keeping the promise they made in their heart and are moving forward. By moving forward in this way you will reach your destination. The minority is even now, because of carelessness or laziness paying very little attention. Their special slogan is: Yes, we will make it; we will get there. When you think that you will get there at some point, that is carelessness. To say, ”I have to get there” is intense effort. BapDada hears many promises. You repeatedly make many beautiful promises. Children, you make promises with so much courage that, at that time, you even give Dilkhush toli to BapDada. Baba swallows that too! (Accepts what you say.) However, to make a promise means to experience the greatest benefit from your effort to accomplish that. If you don’t experience benefit, then your promise is not strong. So, you may make promises, because you are at least feeding Baba Dilskhush toli. However, as well as that, you must also make your love of effort take the form of fire. Become like a volcano. According to the time, whatever karmic accounts still remain of your mind, relations and connections, burn all of them in your form of fire. This is the love you have and BapDada has given you a pass mark for this. You have this love, but your love should now take the form of fire.

On the one side of the world there is the fire of corruption and violence, and on the other side, there should be your powerful yoga, that is, yoga of the intensity of a volcano. This volcanic intensity of your fire will finish the fire of corruption and violence and give co­operation to all souls. On the one hand, your intense love, that is, your powerful yoga and remembrance will finish that fire and on the other hand, it will enable souls to experience God’s message and form of coolness. It will intensify the attitude of unlimited disinterest. On one hand, it will burn everything and on the other hand, it will cool everything. It will spread the waves of unlimited disinterest. So, according to the time, when you say that you have constant yoga and that you have no one other than Baba, that is very good. However, you have been told that your love now have to become like a volcano. In the memorials, the Shaktis, the Mahashaktis have all been portrayed in a form holding all weapons. You now have to reveal that form of a Mahashakti. All of you, whether Pandavas or Shaktis, are rivers of knowledge that have emerged from the Ocean. You are not the Ocean, but rivers. You are the Ganges of Knowledge. So you Ganges of Knowledge now have to liberate souls from their sins with the coolness of your knowledge. This it the duty of you Brahmins at the present time.

All of you children have been asking what service you do next year. All of you are asking this, are you not? Even though you may not be saying anything, you are thinking about this. According to the time, all of you children are in your stage of retirement. So, the first service that BapDada is telling you to do is like that of those who are in this stage. They give their time and everything to their children and retire. Therefore, all of you should now use your treasures of time and elevated thoughts for others. Now use less time and thoughts for yourself. By becoming an instrument and using these for others, you can eat the practical fruit of that service. Serve through your thoughts and serve through your words. Most of all, whoever comes into connection or relationships with you, whether those souls are Brahmins or not, you become a bestower and give them something or another. Give them happiness, give them peace, give them an experience of bliss. Give them an experience of love. You have to give, and to give means to receive automatically. Be so selfless that whoever comes into contact with you should return having taken something from you. After coming to you master bestowers, they should not return empty­handed. You saw how whenever Brahma Baba was walking or moving around and someone came in front of him, that child would not leave Baba without having experienced something. So check that, whenever you have met someone, whether you gave them something or whether they went away empty­handed. Those who are overflowing with treasures cannot stay without giving something. Become such limitless, constant bestowers that no one should have to ask for anything from you. Even though they may ask, a bestower would never think that he will only give something when he is asked. A limitless great donor, a great bestower would give without being asked. The first service you have to do this year is to become a great bestower. Amongst yourselves too, Brahmins are not beggars. You are giving whatever you have received from the Bestower. Another Brahmin is not a beggar but a co­operative soul. Brahmins do not donate to one another, they co­operate with one another. This is the foremost service. As well as this, BapDada has heard good news from the children abroad. Baba had told you to find mikes to spread the sound in the world and the children abroad have all worked together well to achieve this. When a plan is made, it has to be put into practice. However, in Bharat also, BapDada has told each of the 13 zones to create at least one such person. Whether you call them mikes or anything else, there should at least be one special server who can become an instrument for this. If you find that there are such instruments in the large states, then you can make a programme for such souls from the large states and not just the different zones. It is not that you can make such a programme, but that you must make such a programme. BapDada congratulated the children abroad from His heart, and is now congratulating you in words that you have brought the plans which you will put into practice in front of BapDada. In fact, BapDada knows that it is easier to do this in Bharat, but you must now serve quality souls and make them into closely co­operative souls. There are many co­operative souls, but you must now bring them even closer still within the gathering.

Together with this, BapDada thinks that, since the areas of all the large cities are huge, every centre has to prepare someone special in their own area because time is now getting short. At the end, all of you will not have to give your own introduction. They will be the speakers and speak on your behalf; you will just be the searchlight. So, each of you has to prepare someone from your own area; it can be a businessman or an eminent person in any profession. Prepare special souls in your own area at your own centres. They should speak of what this knowledge is about. From now on you should let them become the speakers and to become the angelic images that grant visions at the last moment with your drishti. All of you know how to become a speaker. Even the young teachers give very good speeches. You do this, do you not? All of you give speeches. You must now prepare those other speakers. A few words and your drishti should make everyone feel you have given them a great speech. Such a time has to come.

Time is now moving fast. Time is continuing to move fast and every now and then, it turns around to look at all of you, its masters, to see whether you are moving just as fast or whether time is moving faster than you. You are the masters of time, are you not? So time is continuing to watch you to see whether you are moving fast. Therefore, this year, pay special attention to serving quality souls. Every centre has to give the result as to which professions they have served and how much quality service they did. Quantity will increase automatically. Even now, look at how small this hall has become! You have now to increase quality. Therefore, prepare such a practical group.

As well as this, in order to bring Brahmin souls closer, in order to create an intense atmosphere of love in Madhuban and everywhere else, you should have bhattis and gatherings of heart­to­heart conversations amongst yourselves. Everyone should be given an experience of the volcanic intensity of fire and be made to move forward. When you become busy doing this service, the trivial things that take time and effort, the trivial things that dishearten you will feel like a game of dolls when compared to the highest stage of the intense fire of love. Then, you will easily and automatically remain safe. BapDada has told you that He feels the most mercy when He sees you master almighty children still labouring over trivial things. It is when your fire of love lessens that you have to labour. So now liberate yourselves from having to labour. Do not become careless, but do become free from labour. Don’t think that you mustn’t labour and so you can go to sleep comfortably. Finish your labouring with love, not with carelessness. Do you understand what you have to do?

Now BapDada has to come again. You are all asking what is going to happen in the future. Whether BapDada is going to come or not. BapDada never says no. He always says “Ha ji, Ha ji”. When you children call out, “Lord”, Baba says, “Ji Hazoor” (I am present). So, do you understand what you must do and what you must not do? Put an end to labouring with love. Now, celebrate this year as the year free from labouring. With love, not with laziness! Remember this firmly! Not with laziness! Is this OK? Have all your questions finished? Does anything still remain? Baba is asking Janak. Does anything still remain? Dadiji is smiling anyway. That game is now over. What was that operation anyway? It was a game within the play. That game was very good, was it not?

Achcha. All of you teachers sitting here killed two birds with one stone. You teachers are very clever. (They had meetings and also celebrated a meeting with BapDada.) Achcha. You have been coming here for many kalpas before. However, those who have come here for the first time this kalpa, raise your hands.

Wherever you are sitting, whether at the front or the back, BapDada is giving all of you who have come for the first time special drishti of love and multimillion­fold congratulations. You have come at a very good time. Just look how many there are of you now! In the future, even this many will not be able to meet Baba. At least you have got a chance to sit here. Later on, even this will be difficult. This is why it is good that you have come now. Congratulations! Achcha. All of you are feeling very hot. (Everyone was holding a colourful fan.) When compared to those pilgrimages on the path of devotion, you are sitting in great comfort and happiness. You are not sitting in the dust, but on very good sheets and rugs (carpets). (BapDada conducted drill.)

You must repeatedly practise concentrating and stabilising your mind and intellect in the point­ form within a second. As soon as you say, “Stop!”, your mind and intellect should become completely still and beyond any wasteful body consciousness. Throughout the whole day use such controlling power. It should not be that when you issue an order for control, it takes two minutes or five minutes to happen. Therefore, continue to practise using your controlling power every now and again and see how it works. Continue to check whether it takes you a second, a minute or a few minutes to be able to control your mind in a second.

Now, all of you have to make your chart very firm for three months. You have to claim this certificate. First, you have to give yourself this certificate, then BapDada will give you the certificate. Achcha.

To all the souls who have a right to God’s sustenance; to the elevated souls who have a right to God’s study; to the souls who are full of attainments given by God; to the intense effort­ making souls who use the method of the point; to the children who remain constantly free from labouring and are always merged in love; to the special souls whose love is intense, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.

BapDada speaking to Dadiji: Whatever happens in the drama with you, everyone’s love increases for you. It is as though everyone’s life is in you instrument souls. This is why the operation was just an instrument to increase your treasures of everyone’s love and blessings. Within the drama, the sakar murlis have been repeated many times. BapDada has now taught all of you the lesson of how to give and receive sakaash (current). According to the time, the murlis you have just been hearing are the same ones. BapDada has love for you, but all the children also have love in their heart for you. God’s love and the love of Brahmin souls make you fly. This is because meeting you in the corporeal form, even for a very short time, is very important. Instead of meeting everyone all that time, to have a meeting like angels meet was also a very good part within the drama. Now, your part is becoming similar to the part played by father Brahma; to meet, walk and fly like an angel. You saw how when meeting Brahma Baba, you experienced him to be so detached and karmateet. In the same way, all of you Maharathis have to come close to your karmateet stage like Brahma Baba did. Follow the father! One second’s drishti from you should make souls experience an attainment of many hours. Your effort of speaking and sitting with souls will become less and less. You will be seen like Brahma Baba. Souls will feel that you are not Dadis, but Brahma Baba. Avyakt Brahma is giving sustenance through the avyakt form and through all of you, their experience of sakar Brahma Baba will increase. They will not see you as Dadi, but as Brahma Baba. It is like this, is it not? Achcha. You are a very valuable jewel and valuable jewels are looked after very well.

Because of the zeal and enthusiasm of you instrument souls, and because you co­operate with one another, souls everywhere are moving along with the same zeal and enthusiasm. Just as Baba says, “Yes, my Lord, I am here, in the same way, you are here for one another. Because you are here, with this love and this gathering, others receive power and you receive blessings. Both of you have such attainment. Whose treasures of blessings have accumulated the most? Yours. There is no arrogance in saying “I first” in this instance. This is self respect. Give something and you receive blessings.

Even now, there isn’t sufficient attitude of disinterest. Therefore, BapDada wants to see when that will happen. At present, you are more experienced in using your facilities. BapDada knows that for as long as the attitude of unlimited disinterest has not emerged in Brahmins, there cannot be any attitude of disinterest in the rest of the world. When everyone in the world has an attitude of disinterest in the whole world they will be saved from committing sin. You Shakti Army should now have mercy. At present, there is insufficient mercy; you are caught up in service. Your merciful form now has to emerge a lot more. The poor helpless people are continuing to carry the burden of sins. They are bowing under the weight of their burden. Therefore, you should feel mercy and compassion. Achcha.


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