19-03-2000         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

Accumulate in your account of blessings by keeping a balance of being constructive and having humility.

Today, BapDada has come into the gathering of His holy, happy swans. Holy swans are visible everywhere. All of you know very well the speciality of holy swans. To be a constantly holy and happy swan means to have a clean and clear heart. Because holy swans have a clean and clear heart, all their pure desires are easily fulfilled. This is called having a clean heart and such a souls always remains fully satisfied. As soon as you have an elevated thought, it is fulfilled. There is no need to make effort. Why? Souls who are the most loved and the closest to BapDada are those with an clean heart. Those who have a clean heart are constantly seated on BapDada’s heart­throne. Because they have all their elevated thoughts fulfilled, their attitude, vision, words, contacts and relationships are easy and clear and they are seen to be the same. The sign of their easiness is that their heart, head and speech are all the same. To have one thing in your heart and something else in your speech is not a sign of easiness. Those with an easy nature constantly have a nature of humility. They are egoless and selfless. A holy swan has the specialities of an easy nature, easy words, easy attitude and easy vision.

This year, BapDada would like to see two specialities in both the activity and on the faces of all the children. All of you ask: What are we going to do next? What are we going to do after the last meeting of this season? All of you are thinking about what is going to happen next, what we are going to do next. BapDada wants to see this speciality in all the children. The majority of you have progressed very well in the field of service according to your power and have moved forward. BapDada also congratulates you for this progress. Very good! Very good! Very good! Together with this, BapDada also saw one thing in your results. Should He tell you that? Teachers, should Baba tell you? Double foreigners, should Baba tell you? Pandavas, should Baba tell you? Only when you raise your hands will Baba tell you. Otherwise, Baba will not tell you. Very good! What is the one thing that Baba saw? Today Bap and Dada had a heart­to­heart conversation amongst themselves in the subtle region. How would they have a heart­to­heart conversation? How do the two of them converse with each other? Just as in this world, you people perform mono­acting. You do this very well. In your corporeal world, one soul plays two parts, but BapDada is two souls in one body. There is a difference, isn’t there? And so, it is very enjoyable.

So, today, Bap and Dada had a heart­to­heart conversation in the subtle regions. On what aspect? Do you all know what Brahma Baba had a lot of enthusiasm for? You know this very well, do you not? Brahma Baba was enthustic for everything to take place very quickly. Therefore, Father Shiva said to Father Brahma: For destruction and transformation to take place is not even a matter of one clap. It is just a matter of snapping your fingers. However, first of all, create a rosary, not of 108, but at least half of that! And so, what reply would Father Brahma have given? What reply would he have given? Tell Baba! (It is being prepared.) Achcha, is even half the rosary not yet ready? Let alone the whole rosary, is even half the rosary ready? Because you are laughing, it means there must be something in that. Those who say that half the rosary is ready, raise your one hand! Is it ready? There are very few. Those who think that the rosary is still being prepared, raise your hand! The majority say that it is being prepared. The minority say that it is ready. BapDada is asking all of those who raised their hand to say that the rosary is ready, to write down the names and give them to BapDada. This would be good, would it not? BapDada will also see this, won’t He? No one else will see it because it will be sealed. BapDada will see who are such hopeful jewels. BapDada also thinks that there should be some. So take the names from them, take their photograph!

So what reply did Father Brahma give? All of you gave very good replies. Father Brahma said: The delay is just a matter of You snapping your fingers and they will be ready. Therefore, this is good, is it not? Then Father Shiva asked: Achcha, is the whole rosary ready? The answer for half the rosary has been received and He asked about the full rosary. For that, he said that a little time is needed. This was the heart­to­heart conversation that took place. Why is a little time needed? There would definitely be questions and answers in their heart­to­heart conversations, would there not? Why is a little time still needed? What is the particular weakness that prevents even half the rosary from being ready yet? And Father Brahma said: All the children of each area began to emerge. Just as you have your zones, in the same way, not from each zone, because the zones are very big, aren’t they, but He emerged each and every special country and looked at each ones faces. Looking at their faces, Father Brahma said: If all the children were quickly to imbibe one particular speciality, the rosary would be ready. What speciality? And so, he said: You have made much progress in service, and you have moved ahead whilst doing that service. You have moved forward very well. However, there is a lack of balance in one particular aspect. That aspect is, that, you have made progress very well in the task of construction (nirmarn), but, together with construction, there also has to be humility (nirman). One thing is to be constructive and the other is to be humble. There is the difference of just one letter. However, there is a difference in the balance of being constructive and having humility. Whilst progressing in service, instead of having humility, your own ego gets mixed sometimes in some places. There is now a need for humility. The more progress you make in service, to the same extent humility should be seen in your attitude, vision, words and behaviour. Therefore, there should be this balance. This is why, you don’t receive the blessings that you should be receiving from all your contacts and relationships. No matter how much other effort one makes, although that is good, nevertheless, together with making effort, if you are not accumulating in your account of blessings, then you will not be able to experience the stage of being a bestower and the stage of being merciful. It is necessary to make effort for yourself, and, at the same time, also receive blessings from BapDada and the junior and senior members of the family. To receive these blessings means to accumulate in your account of charity. This becomes an addition to your marks. Do as much service as you like. That’s it! Keep on progressing by staying engrossed in your service. But it is very necessary to accumulate in your account of charity by being humble and harmonious. You mustn’t then say that you did so much service, that you did this, and that you did that and yet ask why your number is behind. This is why BapDada is signalling you in advance. At the present time, accumulate a great deal in your account of charity. Do not think, “This one is like this anyway. This one is not going to change.” You are able to change nature. You adjust to nature, do you not? So, are you not able to adjust to Brahmin souls? Adjust to those who are against you. This is what it means to keep balance between being constructive and being humble. Did you listen to this?

Baba would give you homework in the last meeting, would He not? (It was the last meeting of the Season for Bharatwasis.) You would receive some homework, would you not? So, BapDada will come in the next season, but... He is saying, “But…” Look! The part sakar Baba played continued, and the part avyakt Baba plays also continues. No one ever dreamt that this avyakt part would continue for so long. So, both of these parts have continued to be played according to the drama. Now, should there be a condition or not? What is your advice? Should it continue just like this? Why? Today, in the subtle region, Baba was asked about the programme. Therefore, in their heart­to­heart conversation Bap and Dada also discussed how long this part in the drama will continue to be played. Is there a date for this? (Baba asked Sister Prem from Dehradun.) Tell Baba the horoscope! How long will this continue? This question has now arisen. How long is this going to continue? So…you have six months, haven’t you? The next season will begin after six months. Therefore, BapDada wants to see the result. A clean heart! There should be no stain of any old sanskars, any arrogance (abhimaan) or any feeling of being insulted (apmaan) in your heart.

BapDada also has the machinery with which to take a picture of your heart. Here you are able to see it with an x-ray. However, they are physical hearts. The picture of the heart is very clearly visible in the subtle region. There are many types of small and large stains. Some stains are feint and others are very clearly visible.

You have come here today to celebrate Holi, haven’t you?. Because this is the last meeting, you were first given your homework. However, you also tell others of the meaning of the festival of Holi. To celebrate Holi means to let the past be the past. To celebrate Holi means to have no type of large or small stain on your heart. It means to have a totally clean heart, and to be full with all attainments. BapDada has also told you children earlier that because BapDada has love for you, there is one thing He doesn’t like. This is that you labour a lot. If your heart were to become clean, you wouldn’t have to labour. The Comforter of Hearts would remain merged in your heart and you would remain merged in the heart of the Comforter of Hearts. When the Father is merged in your heart, then no form of Maya, whether in a subtle form or in a royal form or gross form, can enter your heart. Maya cannot come even in your thoughts or your dreams. And so, you will become free from having to labour, will you not? BapDada also wants to see you free from having to labour even in your mind. Only those who are free from labouring are able to experience the stage of being liberated in life. To celebrate Holi means to stay in the experience of being free from labour (mehnat mukt) and having liberation in life (jeevan mukt). BapDada now wants you to make service powerful with the power of your mind. Service through words has continued and it will continue, but this takes time! Time is little and there is still a lot of service to be done. All of you gave the result. Up to now, you haven’t even been able to create the rosary of 108. Therefore, the preparation of the rosary of 16,000 and 900,000 is still very far away. For this, you need a fast method. First, make your mind elevated and clean. Not a single second should be wasted. Even now, in the majority of you, there is some percentage of waste thoughts. They aren’t impure thoughts, but they are waste thoughts. This is why your service through the mind is not being done at a fast speed. To celebrate Holi now means to make your mind even free from waste thoughts and holy.

Did you celebrate Holi? To celebrate means to become. People of the world celebrate Holi with many different colours. However, BapDada is sprinkling over all the children the colours of divine virtues, divine powers and the roses of knowledge.

In the subtle region today, there was also some other news. You were told the first news which was the heart­to­heart conversation. The second item of news was that it was the day of celebrating Holi in the subtle regions for all your good service companions, who have gone into the advance party. Whenever there is any such opportunity, you remember them all, do you not? You remember your Dadis, friends and Pandavs, do you not? The group of the advance party has become very large. If you were to take their names, there are many. And so, all types of souls had come to celebrate Holi in the subtle region. All are playing their various roles according to the fruition of their efforts. The part that the advance party plays is still incognito. You do wonder about what they must be doing, do you not? They are invoking all of you. They want you all to become complete and take a divine birth, and thus become instruments for the new world. All of them are happy playing their own part. They are not aware that they went there from the confluence age. Although they do have divinity, purity, and love for God, but this knowledge is not clearly emerged. They are unique. However, if this knowledge were to emerge in them, they would all come running to Madhuban, wouldn’t they? However, their part is unique. They do have the power of knowledge. Their power hasn’t decreased. The atmosphere in their home is constantly according to the code of conduct, their parents are content with them. They also have all the physical facilities. They are very firm in observing the code of conduct. All of them are numberwise, but the special souls are very firm. They do feel that their previous birth was great and that their next birth too will be great. The features visible in the majority of them are those of contented souls of the royal family. Those souls are seen to be complete, cheerful and full of all divine virtues. That is their history. However, what happened in the subtle region? How did they celebrate Holi? All of you must have seen how people outside have trays of various coloured dry powder. And so, just as here there is dry powder, in the same way, in the subtle region there were many subtle sparkling diamonds. But those diamonds were not heavy, just as when you hold powder in your hands it is very light, isn’t it. Similarly, there were many trays filled with diamonds of many different colours. Do you know what form everyone takes in the subtle region when they come. It would be a form of light, would it not? You have you seen it, haven’t you? The body of light is already sparkling anyway. And so, BapDada made everyone emerge in their confluence­aged body. When they emerged in their confluence­aged body, they all began to celebrate a meeting with one another. They forgot everything about their advance party birth and all the things of the confluence age emerged. And so, you can all understand how happy they became when they started to share the things of the confluence age with one another. They were sharing these with each other in great happiness. BapDada saw that they were enjoying themselves very much, and so He thought, “Let them meet one another.” They began to share the stories of their lives with each other: “Baba said this. Baba loved me in this way. Baba gave these teachings. Baba used to say this.” They constantly spoke of Baba; Baba and nothing but Baba. After some time…, you know everyone’s sanskars anyway. Who is the most entertaining? Who was the most entertaining in this group? (Didi and Dadi Chandermani.) Didi got up first. She took hold of Dadi Chandermani’s hand and began to do a raas (circle dancing). Just as Didi used to be intoxicated in trance here, in the same way, she danced a lot. They made Mama stand in the centre and formed a circle around her. They played hide and seek with one another. They played a lot and BapDada just continued to smile and watch everything. They went there to celebrate Holi and so they played a lot. After some time, all of them were enfolded in Baba’s arms and became absorbed in love. After that, BapDada threw the diamonds which were very subtle and of various colours, over everyone. Just as you have very fine powder here, so too, those diamonds were like that and they were sparkling very much. BapDada threw these over everyone. Their bodies were already sparkling. And, when the various coloured diamonds fell over them, they became very decorated. Red, green, yellow – seven colours are spoken of, aren’t they? All of those seven colours were present. All of them began to sparkle so much. Even in the golden age, there won’t be such clothes. Everyone was enjoying themselves anyway. They then began to sprinkle one another. There were many playful entertaining sisters. They really enjoyed themselves a great deal. What do you do after you have enjoyed yourselves? You will offer bhog tomorrow, but BapDada gave everyone in advance the various kinds of confluence­aged bhog of Madhuban. Within that, what is the special bhog of Holi? (Sweet puri and jalebi). All of you also fry rose petals, do you not? They were given the various kinds of bhog of the confluence age. All of them took bhog before all of you will. You will receive it tomorrow! Achcha. In essence, they all celebrated and danced and sang a great deal. They all sang the songs of Wah Baba! My Baba! My sweet Baba! They danced, sang, ate. Then, what happens at the end? Greetings and congratulations are given and you bid farewell. Therefore, did all of you celebrate this or did you just listen to it? However, you first have to become angels, the ones with a body of light. Are you able to become this or not? Is your body too gross? No!

Become a sparkling form of double­light within a second. Are you able to become this? Become complete angels.

(Baba conducted drill.) Now, sprinkle the diamonds of various colours over your subtle sparkling body and constantly remain coloured with the divine colours of virtues, powers and knowledge. The greatest colour of all is to be coloured by BapDada’s company. Therefore, constantly remain coloured with this colour. May you remain like this eternally! Achcha.

To the angelic children of this land and abroad; to the children who always have a clean heart and are always full of all attainments; to those who celebrate a true Holi, which means to put this image into an actual practical form; to the children who maintain the balance between being constructive and humble, to the children who always accumulate blessings in their account, multi­multimillion­ fold love, remembrance and namaste from BapDada.

To those who came to serve from the Eastern Zone: Achcha, this group is of those from Bengal, Bihar, Assam, Nepal, Orissa, and Tamil Nadu. All of those who have come together from the Eastern Zone to do service have received a very good chance because there is fortune in service. This chance to serve is the fortune of receiving blessings of contentment from all Brahmins. Therefore, this group has received the fortune of receiving blessings from the maximum number of souls. This time, the largest number of groups have come haven’t they? Therefore, did you welcome them? You didn’t become tired, did you? You didn’t become afraid when you saw how many there were, did you? Were you happy? The last group is always big. This season is very good because the cold decreases. Therefore, you have received a good chance. So, did you welcome everyone from your heart? To welcome someone from your heart means to receive blessings. It is good! You made effort now and you received the fruit of that in the form of everyone’s blessing. Now, when you do something from your heart, instantly you receive the fruit of that. When you do something with love, the instant fruit of that is contentment of the heart. Therefore, you did very well! Congratulations! All of you did everything together. Now after the season of coming, from tomorrow there will be the season of leaving. Achcha. All those who have come to serve, raise your hand! You enjoyed yourselves, did you not? Therefore, constantly continue to enjoy yourselves doing one or another type of service. Achcha. Servers from Tamil Nadu, raise your hand! Servers from Nepal, raise your hand! The result of Nepal is good. In the same way the result of service in Tamil Nadu is also good. You are small, but the result of your success in service is large. Achcha.

To the brothers and sisters who came for the meetings: There will definitely be one or an other newness in the meeting. However, you must pay one special attention to what BapDada has signalled you earlier. Every zone has to bring contacts who co­ operate with you in service and souls who are going to be instruments for service. Prepare such a bouquet and bring them to Madhuban. No matter what profession they belong to, they should be such special souls who are able to become co­operative instruments from time to time. In the name of service, bring the souls here who are instruments in service. Don’t bring them in front of BapDada, but first bring them to Madhuban as a group. The more progress they make, the closer they will come. Therefore, pay special attention to this aspect. Groups from everywhere, from this land and abroad, should come in front. Some of you are doing this, but they should now come in front. Through that group your service will increase the most. Because, when they become part of the gathering, they will receive power. They will begin to experience themselves as family members. Together with this, you also have to form special groups amongst yourselves for serving through the mind and firstly, clarify this. Then secondly, from time to time meet amongst yourselves and make plans for using the attitude of your mind for service. You must give this result, because, according to the present time and circumstances, service through the mind will be most essential. Just as you have created different wings (professions), so too a co­operative group from every wing should be prepared. Then they can go in front of the Government and show them what service you have been carrying out until now and how many people have been transformed. The practical result that has been achieved by each wing should be shown to the Government. From this, the Government would understand that you are all­round servers. You are not just religious but you are all­round servers. Whatever service you have done, show that to the Government. The Government will see the result of your group and ask you to become co­operative in their task. As yet, the Government has not been shown the practical map (plans). You are doing a lot of service, but you now have to open everyone’s eyes. The results of the service done by the Brahma Kumaris should appear on the TV and in the newspapers. This result should be placed in front of the Government. Show the practical result of what you have done. All of your small obstacles will then end. As yet, they just think that you are a religious organisation. However, it is also a social and educational organisation. It is also instrumental for all wings. It is one that will transform the various wings of the whole world. You make so many give up drinking alcohol. You have health fairs. What result has been given to the Government? When you only print one report and send it to the Government, they don’t realise anything through this. Therefore, make a plan for coming onto the practical stage. Hold functions and exhibitions. Do all of this a great deal. But the result of that should be seen by everyone. No other organisation does as much service or achieves such great results as all of you do. All the different wings are doing this in the different villages, without any expense, from your heart, but with a lot of love and in an incognito way. Do you understand? You are sensible in any case. This is why you come to the meetings. Achcha.

To the double foreigners: This is a good group. When BapDada sees you double foreigners, He remembers one of His titles. Which title is that? World Benefactor. Before you you came, BapDada was just the Benefactor of Bharat. Since you have come, BapDada became the World Benefactor. Therefore, whose wonder is it? It is the wonder of you, is it not? You are also making very good effort. Your backbone (Dadi Janki) in the corporeal form is very clever. She doesn’t allow you to sit still anywhere. Her desire of not wanting a single corner to be left out is very good. Successful service happens when there are no obstacles in service. Before you begin any form of service in this land or abroad, BapDada always says: There should be one direction, one strength, one faith and unity with your companions, in service and in the atmosphere. Just as you break a coconut and cut a ribbon when you have an inauguration, so too, first cut the ribbon of these four things and then break the coconut of everyone’s contentment and satisfaction. Pour that coconut milk on the land. Whatever land and whatever task there is, first pour coconut milk on that and you’ll then see how much success there is. Otherwise, there will definitely be one or another obstacle. All of you do service, but it is those who do service, which is free from obstacles, that are noted in BapDada’s register. BapDada has a list of such servers. However, that is a very short list at present. It is not a long list. You have a long list of those who give lectures. BapDada calls someone a lecturer when that one first gives an experience, and then gives a lecture. Nowadays, girls and boys in schools and colleges also give very good lectures. They too are applauded very much. However, the list that BapDada has is of those who are remain free from obstacles whilst making everyone fully content and satisfied. This is why you didn’t raise your hands for the rosary. In the service that the double foreigners do, there aren’t that many obstacles amongst yourselves. However, there are a few obstacles in your minds. However, the majority are fine. The thoughts in the mind, and the stage of the mind, are unshakeable and immovable. Did you hear? You double foreigners are serving very well. Congratulations for the expansion! Achcha.

For the land that has been bought in Delhi: On the basis of the pure thoughts of all of you, a place has been bought in your kingdom. Just as everyone considers Madhuban to be their Madhuban, so too, that place now has to be made into an unlimited place. Whoever comes and sees this place should experience it to be theirs. They should not feel that it belongs to Delhi or to so­and­so. It is for unlimited service. Therefore, have an unlimited attitude and unlimited feelings! Break the coconut in the way you were just told. Also cut the ribbon in the same way. Hold the inauguration in that way. Is this OK? (What should it be called?) At least lay the foundation first! Unlimited service will continue to give unlimited fruit. Everyone is happy over this. It is good!


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