04-02-2001         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

According to the time, become a self­sovereign and
use all the spiritual facilities with a fast speed in an unlimited way.

Today, BapDada is seeing the gathering of His self­sovereign children all over the world. Each one is seen as one who has a right to self­sovereignty, one who is wearing the crown of the light of purity, as one who has applied a tilak of the awareness of all rights and is seated on the immortal throne in the centre of the forehead. To the extent that you experience all rights to self­sovereignty at this time, accordingly, you will claim all rights to the sovereignty of the world in the future. "Who am I?" And, "What is my future?" Through your stage of self­sovereignty at this time, each of you can see this for yourself.

BapDada was seeing the constant stage of self­sovereignty of each child. As you perform each action, as you perform a lokik or alokik task, for how long and to what percentage do you constantly experience the intoxication of being one who has all rights to self­sovereignty? Many children remember the awareness of their self­sovereignty in their thoughts: I am a soul who has all rights. One thing is to think this in your thoughts ­ to refresh your awareness again and again: I am this. The other is to experience yourself in the form of having all rights and to rule over the senses, the workers ­ the mind, intellect and sanskars ­ your co­operative companions and have the authority to make them work, just as all of you children experience at every moment, that BapDada is making you move along according to Shrimat and so all of you do move along according to Shrimat. The One who makes everyone move is making you move and you, who move, are moving along. In this way, O self­sovereign souls, are your senses, that is, your workers, your mind, intellect and sanskars, your co­operative companions, working under your orders? Are they working under your orders? All of them? One or two of the senses are not showing any mischievous games, are they? Is your kingdom functioning accurately with love and law? Instead of law and order, is it functioning accurately with love and law? Is it functioning well? What do you think? Is it functioning well, or are there sometimes some arguments? Since you say, “My hand, my sanskars, my intellect, my mind”, do you therefore have all rights over that which is yours? Or, is it that sometimes that which is yours has a right over you and sometimes you have a right over that which is yours? According to the time, O self­sovereign souls, now constantly and easily be seated on your immortal throne. Only then can you enable other souls to receive the right to liberation­in­life and liberation from the Father quickly.

The call of time is now very fast and unlimited. What you just saw and heard was a small rehearsal! You saw the unlimited plan at once, did you not? The crying out is unlimited, those dying is unlimited. Along with those dying, even those who are still alive are dying in distress. What is the duty of you self­sovereign souls at such a time? Check this! For instance, for physical situations, they show you what to do at the time of an earthquake, what to do when there are storms, what to do when there is a fire. In the same way, are all the many facilities that you elevated souls have ­ all the powers, the power of yoga, the magnet of love, ready for such a time? Do you have all the powers? If someone wants the power of peace and you give him some other power, would he be content? For instance, if someone wants water and you give him 36 varieties of food, would he be content? Therefore, become ever­ready ­ not just in becoming bodiless. You are to become that anyway! However, are you ever­ready with all the facilities you have attained through self­sovereignty and those you have received as an inheritance from God? It isn’t as you hear in the news, that they can only use the machinery that they want at that time after it comes from abroad, is it? That means that the facilities were not ever­ready, were they? That you weren't able to use all the facilities at the time of need. So much damage was caused!

Therefore, O world­benefactors, world­transformer souls, are all your facilities ever­ready? Are all your powers under your orders? As soon as you give an order, that is, as soon as you have the thought to order your decision­making power, then, in less than a second, the decision­making power is present; the self­sovereign with all rights is present. Is everything in such order? Or does it take a minute to bring this within yourself and that it is only then that you are able to give to others? What would happen if you are unable to give others what they want at that time? All the children have these thoughts in their heart: What is going to happen in the future? What do we have to do? Plenty will happen! You were told that this is just a rehearsal. This is just the small bell for the preparation of 6 months. The big bell hasn't rung yet. First, the big bell will ring and then the drums will beat. Will you be afraid? Will you be a little afraid? No? What form has been portrayed of the souls who are embodiments of power? The Shakti form includes the form of the Pandavas as well as the Shaktis. Some Shaktis have 4 arms, some have 6 arms, some have 8 arms and some have 16 arms. They are not shown to be ordinary. These arms are the symbol of all powers. Therefore, make all the powers you have attained from the Almighty Authority emerge. Don’t think that they will emerge when the time comes, but use all the different powers throughout the day and then just see! To what extent do you bring into your activity the first practice of all ­ that of self­sovereignty? Not that, "I am a soul, a master, anyway!" But be the master and issue an order and check whether every sense is working under the love and law of you, the king. If you give the order to become Manmanabhav and the mind goes towards negative and wasteful thoughts, then is this love and law? You give the order to become an embodiment of sweetness, but because of problems and adverse situations, there is not the great form of anger, but subtle force or irritation, then is this in order? Is this in order?

You give the order to be humble, but according to the atmosphere, you ask yourself: "For how long must I continue to be suppressed? I must show something!" "Do I have to remain suppressed?" "Do I have to die?" "Is it I who has to change?" ­ then, is this love and order? This is why, before you have mercy for the world and for sorrowful souls who are crying out, have mercy on yourself! Look after your right! As you progress further, you will have to carry out a lot of work of giving sakaash, of giving vibrations and of creating an atmosphere with your thoughts. You were told earlier that, up to now, whoever is an instrument for whatever service, you are doing that very well and will continue to do so. However, now, according to the time, there is a need for fast speed and unlimited service. Therefore, now, first of all, check every day: To what extent do I have self­sovereignty? The soul is the master who makes the senses work. Be an embodiment of this awareness: I, the master, am making these co­operative companions do everything. When you have the intoxication of that form of yours, then all these senses will automatically say, "Yes, my lord! Present, my lord!" in front of you. You won’t have to make effort. "Today, finish all waste thoughts. Today, finish all sanskars. Today, make emerge the decision­making power." All the physical senses and the mind, intellect and sanskars will do whatever you want at once. You now say: Baba, as yet I haven’t done as much as I wish to! Then, you will say, "I have easily been able to do that which I wanted! Therefore, do you understand what you have to do? Use the results of your right practically. Order your sanskars! Why do your sanskars order you? Why don't your sanskars finish? Your sanskars are bound to your orders. Bring about the authority of being the master. So, there is a very, very, very, very great need to serve others. This is nothing! Very delicate times are yet to come! At such a time, you will become angels and, with your flying stage, you will go all around and give to those who want peace, those who want happiness, those who want contentment. You will go around in your angelic form and give sakaash and they will experience this. Just as now, they experienced receiving water and their thirst was quenched. They received food and tents, they received support, so, at that time, they would experience receiving peace from angels; receiving power; receiving happiness! In this way, the vehicle of the subtle body, which is your final stage, your powerful stage, will become your final vehicle. Then, going around in all directions, you will give everyone powers. You will give them facilities. Does this form of yours come in front of you? Let it emerge! So many angels are touring around. They are giving sakaash. Only then can it be said - like you sing in one of the songs: “The Shaktis have come.” The Almighty Authority will automatically be revealed through the Shaktis. Did you hear this?

According to the time, whatever you have done and whatever has happened is the best of all. Now, in the future, something even better is to happen. Achcha, you were not afraid, were you? You weren't afraid on hearing and seeing this news, were you? This is nothing! You have everything and this is nothing. However, they are your brothers and sisters, and it is therefore good to serve them. Now, self­sovereigns, remain seated on your immortal throne. Don't fluctuate! Then, even the Government will have visions: These are the ones! These are the ones! These are the ones! Don’t get off the throne! Don’t let go of your rights! Use your rights all the time! Only on yourself! Don't use your rights on others! Achcha.

Many new children have also come. There has to be growth. Those who have come here for the first time in this cycle, raise your hand! You have done well! You were courageous and came, and you have thereby reached here. Those who remained there were sitting there and nothing happened! Courage is very essential. When you have courage in any task, then, understand that you will have success. When you lack courage, then you will lack success. Therefore, have courage and be fearless. Don’t be fearful of what is happening. Someone is dying and you are becoming afraid! Remain fearless! It is good to give them the co­operation of peace. Give that soul co­operation with feelings of mercy. Don’t become afraid! Fear is the greatest evil spirit of all. Other evil spirits can be removed, but it is very difficult to remove the evil spirit of fear. There can be fear of anything, not only fear of dying; there can be fear of many things. The easy way to become fearless for all the many different types of fear, even the fear of your own weakness is constantly to have a clean and honest heart. Then, there will never be any fear. There is definitely something merged in your heart and that causes fear. When you have a clean heart and an honest heart, then the Lord is pleased and everyone else is pleased. Achcha.

To the new children who have come here, congratulations for having attained your Godly fortune in this new life. Achcha. Many children have come from abroad. Those from abroad, raise your hand! (There are nearly 700 from abroad.) Welcome! Welcome!

This time, it was the turn of Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh to serve:

Those from Maharashtra, raise your hands! (There are 4000 who have come.) 4 fold­ multimillion congratulations to the 4000! You have done well. Every group has the speciality of their own service, because, before you even do service, you receive the golden chance to come close to the family. You do receive this chance, do you not? Otherwise, who would ask whether it is Maharashtra or Andhra? However, by taking this special chance for service, you come in front of the family, the Dadis and Dadas. And, you also experience happiness! Why do you experience happiness? What is the reason for this? How many do you serve at your centres? At the most, you would serve about 50 to 100. However, when you serve here, you serve thousands! And, in return for serving thousands, you receive blessings from everyone. You have done very good service. You have done very good service. Blessings emerge from everyone. Those blessings give you happiness at the present time, and secondly, they are also accumulated. There is double benefit. Those who served received the fruit of that service in the form of happiness and also accumulated in their account. Therefore, there is double benefit! The majority of the zones have now learnt everything very well; you have developed the practice. You did well! Congratulations!

(Surrender ceremony of 100 Kumaris): Achcha, 100 kumaris, stand up! Look, everyone! Show them all on the TV screen. It is good. You are all surrendered anyway. However, you are firmly stamped with surrender. This stamp of the Almighty Government cannot be erased. This is firm, is it not? Is it firm? Are you sure? Those who think that this is a very, very, very firm promise, wave your hand! Is it very firm? It is Maharashtra. They will show some greatness! Very good! Many, many, multi­million and billion fold congratulations and greetings from BapDada! Achcha.

Now, in one second, become angels and go and spread the sakaash of peace, power and contentment through your flying stage to wherever the earthquake took place. Go and tour there and come back in a second. All of you go and tour there and come back. Achcha.

To all the self­sovereign children in this land and abroad, who are present in their angelic form; to those who constantly make their physical and subtle co­operative workers, their co­ operative companions, work with love and law; to those who constantly keep the spiritual facilities attained from the Father ever­ready; to, I, the soul, who, as a king, experiences all rights of the kingdom; to the souls who are embodiments of power, who, with their flying stage, continue to give sakaash everywhere through their angelic form; to the world­ benefactor and world­transformer souls who constantly have a clean and honest heart and remain fearless, to those who experience themselves to be in the incorporeal stage, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.

To the Dadis: All of you are happy, are you not? That your instrument Dadis and Dadas have come in front! Or, do you also want to come here? It is better to be in the front. Baba looks at those in front of Him more. Here, He has to turn His face around, whereas He constantly keeps on looking at those who are in front of Him.

To Jagdishbhai: Achcha, is everything all right? The best thing is that you have surrendered yourself to the Father with your body. In fact, you have all given everything to the Father. You have given it, have you not? Or, do you still have to give it? All of you instrument souls have given it, and this is why they are following you in the corporeal form. Seeing the maharathis in the corporeal form, everyone receives power. So, what is this whole group? It is the source of power. You are this, are you not?

(The One who is making us move is very entertaining!) If He weren't the Great Entertainer, how could so much growth have taken place? The Father says: Those who are moving along are even cleverer than the Father! Achcha. All of you constantly sing the one line in your heart, "My Baba". All of you know how to sing this song, do you not? Do you know how to sing the song, "My Baba!"? It is easy, is it not? As soon as you say, "Mine", He makes you belong to Him. The Father says: Children are even cleverer than the Father. Why? You have bound God. (Speaking to Dadi Janki): You have bound Him, have you not? Therefore, is the one who binds others powerful, or the One who becomes bound? Who is more powerful? The One who became tied simply showed you the method, that if you tie Him in this way, He will become bound. Achcha. The queue is already forming! (Of those who are to take drishti from Baba.)

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