08-10-2002         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

Become an idol of soul-conscious love and give co-operation as well as teachings (correction).
(Special meeting for Madhuban resident brothers and sisters with BapDada.)

Today, BapDada, the Ocean of Love is celebrating a meeting with His children who are master oceans of knowledge.  This Godly love is the basis of the children’s sustenance.  Just as God’s love is the basis of Brahmin life, similarly, the basis of a Brahmin gathering is soul-conscious love.  Only you children can experience this soul-conscious love.  Souls of the world today are thirsty for this real, altruistic soul-conscious Godly love.  No one apart from you Brahmin souls is able to attain this real love.  All of you, who quench the thirst of thirsty souls, do you experience yourselves to be merged in God’s love and soul-conscious love at every moment?  Have you always been bestowers (data) and deities (devta) of love?  Whilst walking and moving around, do you experience this soul-conscious love in your attitude, vision, words, relationships and connections, that is, in your actions?  No matter what a soul may be like, has the natural attitude of you Brahmins become the Brahmin nature?  Do you have to create this or is it already created?  Follow the father, follow the mother.  Remember the beginning period of your Brahmin birth.  So many souls of different natures belonged to the Father.  The Father, the Ocean of Love, made all of you belong to Him just with His eternal nature of the form of the Ocean of Love.  If He were to look at all the different natures of all of you, would He be able to make you belong to Him?  Therefore, ask yourself: What is my natural nature?  Anyone’s weak nature – in fact, the natural nature of Brahmin life is to be a master ocean of love.  Since even people of the world say that love can change stone into water, then can those who receive and give soul-conscious love and God’s love not transform different types of nature?  Are you able to do this or not?  Those sitting at the back, speak!  Those of you who believe that you can do this, raise one hand!  Raise your hand high, not low!  (Everyone raised their hand.)  Achcha, congratulations! Circumstances also come.  The circumstances have to come.  They are the side scenes of the path of Brahmin life, and side scenes are never the same.  Some are beautiful and some are even dirty. However, it is a traveler's duty to pass by them and not to try and change those side scenes.  So what does BapDada want?  All of you have become clever in knowing this.

Today, the Madhuban residents have been given a special chance.  This is a golden chance, is it not? What is the return of this golden chance?  You have taken this chance with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm.  In fact, even those sitting down below are also Madhuban residents.  (Together with Madhuban resident brothers and sisters, many others are also listening to the murli in Pandav Bhawan.)  However, today, it is the chance of Baba meeting groups.  When there are so many of you together, you seem very far.  This is why smaller groups have been made.  However, all of you are in fact Madhuban residents.  The permanent address of all of those living at the centres is also Madhuban, is it not?  So, a Brahmin means one whose permanent address is Madhuban.  Your home is Madhuban and other places are places of service.  Therefore, those down below should not think that, today, they have been removed from the list of Madhuban residents; no.  All of you are Madhuban residents.  It is just that BapDada wants to see you in front of Him.  He can do this with smaller groups.  Even now, those who are sitting at the back are not very clearly visible.  Those sitting at the front are clearly visible.  However, those sitting at the back are not far from the heart.

Even those sitting down below are not far from the heart.  Therefore, BapDada wants, at present, a balance to be maintained between law and love.  However, the law should be such that there is a balance of law and love, so that it doesn’t feel like just law.  Let the love be experienced in the law.

You saw the father in the corporeal form; together with law, he gave so much love that the words that emerged from everyone’s lips were: Baba loves me!  He is my Baba!  Definitely take up the law, but together with law, also give love.  Don’t just give law.  Because souls are weak, when there is just law, souls become disheartened.  When you yourselves become the idols of soul-conscious love, you will be able to give that love to others (soul-conscious love, not the other love).  Soul-conscious love means to co-operate in helping to find a solution to every problem.  Don’t just give teachings. Together with teachings, also give co-operation.  This is to become an idol of soul-conscious love.

Therefore, today, BapDada is especially underlining for all the Brahmin souls everywhere, in this land and abroad: Become an idol of soul-conscious love, and become the bestowers and deities who quench the thirst of souls for soul-conscious love.  Is this OK?  Achcha.

(BapDada had chit-chat with Madhuban residents and also gave drishti to everyone together and took them beyond.)

Avyakt BapDada meeting the Hospital residents, Abu residents and other groups:
Do all of you consider yourselves to be fortunate?  Out of the whole world, who has the greatest fortune of all?  What does each of you think?  That yours is the greatest fortune of all.  Do all of you think this?  If you have the fortune of happiness, do you remain happy?  Do you always remain happy?  It is not that you are only sometimes happy, is it?  Since BapDada has made the star of fortune sparkle, do you remain happy seeing the sparkling star?  Do bands of happiness constantly play in your heart?  Do they?  What song does your heart sing?  “Wah, my elevated fortune!”  Do you sing this song?  Your fortune is praised throughout the whole cycle.  For half the cycle you experience the reward of the fortune, and for half the cycle many souls continue to sing praise of your fortune.  The most special thing is: Out of the whole world, whom did the Father like?  He liked you, did He not?  There are so many souls, and yet He liked you.  What could be greater than being liked by God?  So, together with remembering the Father, always also remember your fortune.  God (Bhagwan – Bestower of Fortune) and fortune (bhagya).  Throughout the whole cycle, would there be any other souls who receive love and remembrance, God’s love, every day?  You receive love and remembrance every day, do you not?  Who are the most loved of all?  You are the most loved ones, are you not?  When you constantly remember your fortune, all wasteful things will run away.  You won’t have to chase them away, they will easily run away by themselves.

Now, according to the present time, understand the importance of the time of the confluence age and continue to make your reward elevated at every second.  Not a single second should go to waste, because every second has a lot of importance.  It is not just a second wasted, but a lot of time is wasted and you won’t find that time again.  You have a very clear introduction of time, do you not? Do you remain aware of it?  Look, today, all of you have been given special time, have you not?  If you were all to come together, you wouldn’t be seen.  Now, at least Baba can see who is here.  All of you are special souls.  Simply know your speciality and use it for service.  Each one’s speciality will become a very fast method for the flying stage.  Use it for service, but don’t develop arrogance about it, because at the confluence age, according to the drama, every speciality is a gift from God.  There wouldn’t be any arrogance about a gift from God.  For instance, no one would consider prasad to be his or her prasad; it is God’s prasad.  These specialities are also Prabhu prasad (something received from God).  Prasad is not just used for the self, it is distributed.  You distribute it.  You are great donors.  You are also bestowers of blessings.  Are the Pandavas and also the Shaktis bestowers of blessings and great donors?  Not a great donor for just one or two hours, but an open treasure-store. This is why the Father is called the Innocent Lord (Bhola-bhandari) whose treasure-store is always open.  He is the open Treasure-store.  Continue to give a drop to souls.  There is such a big line of beggars, and you have such an over-flowing treasure-store!  You have an unending treasure-store. Will it ever run out?  You are not being economical in distributing it, are you?  Distribute this generously.  Be economical when it comes to wasting something, but when it comes to distributing, distribute with an open heart.

Are all of you happy?  Sometimes, you feel something.  It isn’t that sometimes you have an off-mood and sometimes you are very happy, is it?  Follow the father.  Does BapDada ever have an off-mood?  Therefore, you are following the Father, are you not?  BapDada has a TV for the special Brahmin children.  Everyone’s different moods appear on that.  It would be so enjoyable just to watch that!  The mood of those who are constant great donors never changes.  You are bestowers, so continue to bestow.  To be a deity (devta, bestower) means to be one who gives.  You are not those who take (levta), but those who give (devta).  How many times have you become deities?  You have become that many times, have you not?  So, a deity means one who has the sanskars of giving.  No matter what others give, you just continue to give a drop of happiness, a drop of peace, a drop of love.  People only have peacelessness and sorrow and so what else would they give?  They would only give that, would they not?  Whereas, what do you have?  Happiness and peace.  Are all of you OK?  Achcha.  You celebrated a meeting.  You don’t think that you have come at the end, do you? You have come especially.  You are living close to Madhuban.  You have surrounded Madhuban very well.
Those from the hospital are also doing very good service.  There are many from Shantivan who have also come here.  Those of the groups are the long-lost and now-found ones.  You are few and this is why you are long-lost and now-found.  There is no beauty without the foreigners either.  Therefore, you come to increase the beauty of every group.  Achcha.

Avyakt BapDada meeting the servers:
All of you are those who create your fortune in the name of service because the charity of serving this yagya is very great.  You serve through your body anyway, but you also serve through your mind. So that is double charity – serving with the mind and also the body.  Whoever comes, they come and see the service that you servers are doing; they see this atmosphere and go away taking that benefit. Therefore, all of you who come at the time of service, that much charity and blessings are accumulated for all you souls.  You are doing such service through your body and mind.  Are you double-servers or single?  Who are you?  Double.  Do you do double-service?  You also continue to receive the instant fruit of service.  For the length of time you stay here, you receive extra happiness, do you not?  Therefore, you eat the instant fruit and you also accumulate blessings.  So something is created for your future and also for the present.  BapDada is also pleased that you children are very easily making your reward elevated.  That is all – service, service and service.  Don’t get involved in anything else.  To serve means to accumulate.  Whatever time you have available, earn a double income.  Receive instant fruit and also for the future.  You souls have received a chance for service.  BapDada has special love for servers because BapDada is also the World Server. So you are equal, are you not?  Do you keep your mind busy or empty?  Madhuban means remembrance and service.  Whilst walking and moving along, your mind should be busy in remembrance and service.  Do all of you remain happy?  You are not those who are only happy sometimes, are you?  You are those who are always happy.  Even seeing your happiness, others become happy.  You servers have been given a turn to meet.  You are happy, are you not?  You have received a special turn, have you not?  You also received a golden chance in the name of the Madhuban residents.  Always continue to fly with your stage of self-respect.  Never let go of your self-respect.  Even if you are sweeping the floor, what is your self-respect?  Out of all the souls of the world, I am an elevated soul.  Therefore, whilst doing any work, don’t forget your spiritual self-respect.  Do you have this intoxication?  Spiritual intoxication!  Whom do you now belong to?  Do you remember your fortune?  You don’t forget it, do you?  Whatever time you have for service, use every second of that in a worthwhile way.  It should not be wasted.  It should not be ordinary either.  Your time should be spent in spiritual intoxication and spiritual attainment.  You are keeping such an aim, are you not?  Achcha.

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