17-10-2003          Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada           Madhuban

Become a jewel of contentment throughout the whole year, always remain content and make everyone content.

Today, BapDada, the Comforter of Hearts, is pleased to see each one of His royal, beloved children (raj-dulari), the extremely lovely children from everywhere who are in front of Him and also those who are far and yet close. Each child is a king and is therefore a specially beloved royal child. Very few souls in the world attain this love and royal affection from God. However, all of you have a right to God's love and God's royal affection. Souls of the world are calling out, "Come! Come!", whereas all of you are experiencing God's love. You are being sustained with God's sustenance. Do you experience this fortune of yours? Are you experiencing it? BapDada is seeing all of you as those who have a right to a double kingdom. You are the kings who have a right to the self-sovereignty of the present time and the kingdom of the future is your birthright. So, you are double kings. All of you are kings, are you not? You are not subjects. Are you Raja Yogis? Or, are some of you praja-yogis (yogis who become subjects)? Are there any praja-yogis? Are those sitting at the back Raja Yogis? There aren't any praja-yogis, are there? Are you sure? Say yes after thinking about it carefully. To have a right to the kingdom means to have a right to all your subtle and physical organs because you are masters of the self, are you not? So, do you become kings only sometimes or do you always remain a king? The main thing is: Do you have a right over your mind, intellect and sanskars? Do you always have a right over them or only sometimes? Self-sovereignty means constantly to have self-sovereignty. Or, is it that you have it one day and not the next day? A kingdom is for all time, is it not? So, constantly to be a self-sovereign, a master of the self, means always to have a right over your mind, intellect and sanskars. Do you have this all the time? You are not saying "yes" to having this all the time. Is it that sometimes the mind rules you, or do you rule your mind? Does your mind become the master sometimes? It does become this, does it not? So, always have a right to self- sovereignty and so one who has a right to the kingdom of the world. Therefore, always check this, because for however long and with however much power you have a right over your organs - the mind, intellect and sanskars - you will accordingly receive a right to the kingdom in the future. If, on the basis of receiving God's sustenance, God's education and God's Shrimat, you don't always have a right in this one birth of the confluence age, then how would you become one who has a right to the kingdom of the world for 21 births? There is an account. Only when you are a master of the self at this time, that is, only by becoming a king of the self at this time, will you have a guarantee for 21 births. Who am I and what will I become? Through your rights of the present time, you yourself can know your future. Just consider how elevated the original and eternal personality and royalty of you special souls is! Look at the eternal form of you souls when you reside in the supreme abode; you are seen as such brightly sparkling souls. How bright the sparkle of that royalty and personality is! Can you see it? And, in the form of the soul, you stay with the Father, you stay close. Just as in the sky, some stars sparkle very brightly, in the same way, you souls are especially with the Father and you are the stars who have a special sparkle. In the supreme abode, you are close to the Father and then, at the beginning of the golden age, the personality and royalty of you deity souls is so high! Go around the whole cycle.

Religious souls have come and gone, great souls have come and gone, religious fathers have come and gone, political leaders have come and gone, actors have come and gone: do any of them have such a personality as you deity souls have in the golden age? Your deity form is appearing in front of you, is it not? Is it coming in front of you or do you not know whether you will become that or not? Is it firm that you will become that? Those sitting at the back, is this firm? Bring your deity form in front of you and look at it: has that personality come in front of you? There is so much royalty! Even nature becomes such that it has a personality. The birds, trees, fruit, flowers, all have a personality, they are royal. OK, now come down and look at your worthy-of-worship form. You are worshipped. Will the double foreigners become worthy of worship or will those from India become that? Did you become deities? Not those with an elephant's trunk or those with a tail! Not those goddesses with the form of Kali, but look at the temple of the deities. There is so much royalty and personality in your worthy-of-worship form. There would be an idol of 4ft or 5ft and they would make such a big temple. This is royalty and personality. Nowadays, they make a statue of a prime minister or a king and place that poor statue in the heat outside. Anything can happen to it, whereas how great is the personality of your worthy-of-worship form? It is very good, is it not? Kumaris are sitting here, are they not? This is your royalty, is it not? Then, at the end, at the confluence age too, the royalty of all of you is so high! The personality of Brahmin life is so great! God Himself has directly filled your Brahmin life with personality and royalty. Who is the artist of Brahmin life? The Father Himself. What is the personality and royalty of Brahmin life? Purity. Purity itself is royalty. It is, is it not? All the Brahmin souls sitting here, you have the royalty of purity, do you not? Yes, you may nod in agreement. Those sitting at the back are raising their hands. You are not at the back, you are in front of Baba. Look, Baba's vision automatically goes to the back. To look at the front, He has to make special effort to see them, whereas His vision automatically goes to the back.

Therefore check, do I always have the personality of purity? Is there purity in my thoughts, words and deeds, attitude, vision and behaviour? To have purity in thoughts means always to have good wishes and pure feelings for everyone. No matter what another soul may be like, a soul who has the royalty of purity would always have thoughts filled with good wishes, pure feelings, feelings of benevolence, feelings of mercy and feelings of a bestower. And, in their vision, they would always see everyone as a soul or would see everyone in their angelic form. Even if the other one hasn't become an angel, in my sight, I should only see the form of the soul or the angelic form. In my behaviour, that is, in my connections and relationships, and when coming into action, I always have to give love and happiness to everyone. Whether or not others give me love, my duty is to give them love and make them loving, to give them happiness. You have a slogan: Do not give sorrow, do not take sorrow. You must neither give it nor must you take it. One who gives, may sometimes also give you sorrow, but see that in the awareness of happiness. You don't make someone who has fallen down fall down even further. You always uplift someone who has fallen. That soul is causing sorrow because they have fallen and are under an external influence! Therefore, you mustn't make them fall even further down. It shouldn't be that you kick that poor person even more. No. Uplift them with love. In this too, first, charity begins at home. First of all, charity begins at home, does it not? Uplift all your companions, your service companions and companions of the Brahmin family. Even if they reveal their bad traits, you simply see their specialities. It is numberwise, is it not? Look, the rosary is your memorial. So, not everyone has the same number. There is the number 108. So, it is numberwise and it will remain like that. However, what is your duty? It is not to think: OK, I am not in the 8 anyway, so perhaps, I shall become part of the 108. So, I could be the last one of the 108, and so I would also have some sanskars in me, would I not? But no! By giving happiness and love to others, your sanskars will also become those of love and happiness. This is service, and in this service, charity begins at home first.

Today, BapDada found something amusing. Should He tell you? Just see, you will also find it amusing. BapDada continues to watch the games of you children. BapDada switches on His TV of one centre at any time in a second, and sometimes at another centre. Sometimes at the centres abroad and sometimes at the centres in India. He switches it on and is able to tell what each one is doing because the Father has love for you children. Children also say: We have to become equal to Him. It is firm, is it not, that you have to become equal? Kumaris, are you going to become equal? Or, is it okay with whatever you become in the drama? No. You have to become equal. All kumaris have to become equal. Even if you have to die, no matter what you have to do, raise your hands after careful consideration. Yes, those of you who feel that it doesn't matter what you have to do: you may have to die, bow down, tolerate or to listen to anyone, raise your hands! Kumaris, raise your hands after considering it carefully. Take their photograph! There are many kumaris. What if you have to die? What if you have to bow down? Pandavas, raise your hands! Did you hear, you have to become equal! There won't be any pleasure if you don't become equal. Then, you won't be close in the supreme abode either. There will be a difference in becoming worthy of worship and there will also be a difference in the fortune of the kingdom of the golden age. You love Father Brahma, do you not? Double foreigners have the maximum love. Those who have deep love in their heart for Father Brahma, raise your hands! Do the double foreigners have love in their heart? Achcha! It is real love, is it not? Now, Baba will ask you a question. A sign of love is that whomsoever you love, you would like doing that which the one you love likes doing. Only when the sanskars, thoughts and nature of both tally with one another do you find each other loving. If you love Father Brahma, you will stay with him for 21 births, from the first birth. It is not good if you come in the second or third birth. You will stay with him from the first birth till the last birth. You will stay with him in different forms. So, who can stay with him? Those who are equal. He is the number one soul. So, how will you stay with him? Only when you become number one will you stay with him. Number one in everything: in your thoughts, words, deeds, attitude, vision and behaviour. So, are you number one or numberwise? If you have love, then it is not difficult to sacrifice anything out of love. In the last birth at the end of the iron age, even those who have body-conscious love sacrifice their life out of love. So, what is the big deal if you transform your sanskars out of love for Father Brahma? Is it a big deal? It isn't. So, will everyone's sanskars change from today? Are you sure? A report will be sent! Your companions will write to Baba. Are you sure? The Dadis are also listening. They (the double foreigners) are saying that their sanskars have changed. Or, will it take time? Mohini, you tell Baba! They will change, will they not? They will all change, will they not? Those from America will change. The amusing part has been left out.

The amusing thing is that all of you say that you make a lot of effort. BapDada too feels mercy when He sees that you are making a lot of effort. Sometimes, you make a lot of effort and what do you say: What can I do if my sanskars are like that? You use your sanskars as an excuse and excuse yourself in that way. However, today, the Father saw that when you say, "My sanskars", are they really your sanskars? You are a soul. You are a soul, are you not? You are not a body, are you? So what are the sanskars of the soul? And, what are your original sanskars? Whatever you refer to today as yours, are they yours or Ravan's? Whose sanskars are they? Are they yours? They are not yours. So, why do you say that they are yours? You say do you not: My sanskars are like that. So, from today, don't say, "My sanskars!" No. Sometimes, rubbish comes to you flying from everywhere, does it not? So, this thing of Ravan's has also come to you. So, how can you say that they are yours? Are they yours? They aren't, are they? So now, never say this. Whenever you say the word "Mine" then remember who you are and what your sanskars are. In body consciousness they are your sanskars. However, in soul consciousness, those sanskars are not there. So, now transform that language. You say, "My sanskars" and become careless. You would say: That was not my intention, but those are just my sanskars. Achcha, what is the other word you use? My nature. The word "swabhav" nature (swa - self, bhav - feeling) is so good. The self is always good. My nature, my intention is always good, it is never bad. So, instead of using the words, "My nature, my sanskars", change that language. Whenever you use the word "my", then remember: What are my original sanskars? Who is saying this? It is the soul that says: These are my sanskars. So, when you think about this, you will be amused with yourself. You will feel amused, will you not? When you are amused, all the complications that you create end. This is called transforming your language, that is, to have respect and regard for every soul. Always stay in self-respect for yourself and regard others with respect. When you look at everyone with respect, then when anything happens that you don't like - whenever there are some complications, you won't like them, will you? Look at one another with respect. This one is a special soul. This one is a Brahmin soul who has received sustenance from the Father. This soul is one of the few out of multimillions. Just do one thing: Let the point remain merged in your eyes, that's all! Firstly, you see with the point (pupil of the eye) and secondly, merge the point in your eye. Then, no conflict will happen. You won't have to make effort. It will be as though a soul is looking at a soul. A soul is speaking to a soul. Create a soul-conscious attitude and soul-conscious vision. Do you understand what you have to do? Now, never say: My sanskars. When you speak of swabhav (your original nature), stay in the nature of the self. Is this OK?

This is the first turn of this season, and so since you have taken the first turn, you also have to give the number one return. You will have to give that, will you not? And, double foreigners have had this speciality from birth. Whatever they do, they will do that whole-heartedly. They won't do it half-heartedly. They do that very firmly with determination. Yes or no. They don't dangle in-between yes and no. So, you have to give a return, do you not? That is all. In this season, and today is the first chance of this season, BapDada wants that, throughout the whole year, even though the season is only six months, throughout the whole year whenever you meet anyone, whomsoever you meet, whether it is amongst yourselves or with other souls, whenever you meet, whomsoever you meet, give them the co-operation of contentment. You yourself remain content and make others content. The self-respect of this season is: Jewel of contentment. Always a jewel of contentment. A brother is also a jewel (mani - feminine tense), not a masculine jewel (mana - masculine tense). Each and every soul is a jewel of contentment at every moment. If you yourself are content, you will also make others content. Remain content and make others content. Is this OK? Do you like this? Do you kumaris like this? Those who like this and will do it - not those who simply like to hear it, but those who like to do this - all of you, raise your hands! Seeing all the hands, you have pleased BapDada's heart. Very good. Congratulations. Congratulations. No matter what happens, remain stable on your seat of self- respect. Don't wander around, sometimes on one seat, sometimes on another seat. No. Remain stable on your seat of self-respect. When you are seated on your seat of self-respect, if anything happens, then look at it as though you are watching a cartoon show. You like watching cartoons, do you not? So, the problem is not then a problem but it is a cartoon show that is being performed. A lion comes, a sheep comes, a scorpion comes, a dirty lizard comes. It is a cartoon show. Don't become upset whilst on your seat. You will then enjoy it. Even if a lion comes, a dog comes or a cat comes, let it come. Just continue to watch them.

BapDada has told you that if you remain seated on your seat of self-respect, you won't become distressed. It is when you don't keep the honour (shaan) of your self-respect that you become distressed (pareshaan). It may be a small paper tiger that comes, and yet you become distressed. So, this year, remain stable and remain seated on your seat of self-respect. Don't say: I know this, I have heard it, but... No. It is fine that you have heard about it and you know it, but you yourself have to accept it and sit on that seat with that stability. You don't move along believing yourself to be that. You simply know it and listen to it. Sit on the seat and become an embodiment of that. Do you understand?

BapDada received the news that this is the group of kumaris. There are four groups present here. One is the computer group (IT group). One is the management group (SML), one is the health group. Baba received news of all four groups. It is good. However, whilst using your computers, you can sit on the seat at the computer, but don't get off your seat of self-respect. Sit on a double seat. Don't just sit on the seat at the computer. Then, double service will take place. You can do a lot of service. Those from the health group can also do a lot of service. Baba was shown a book that has been written. (Values in Healthcare, The Janki Foundation.) Baba heard all the news. Who wrote the book? It has been made very well. However, together with health, self- respect first. Never get off the seat of self-respect. Not that you sometimes sit on one seat and sometimes on another. No. Remain seated on the seat of the awareness of your elevated form. Don't get off your seat. The promise that you kumaris have made is also very good. BapDada is now congratulating you for the promise you made. However, which congratulations should you receive? Those of putting the promise into a practical form. So, today, BapDada is simply congratulating you for the promise you have made. Later, He will congratulate you for the practical result. These are the congratulations you have to receive. Baba can see very good ones sitting here. The kumaris are very good kumaris who have self-respect.

(Those who have been in knowledge for 10 years or more are also sitting here.) This is also a big wonder. You have been immortal for 10 years. So, a blessing for remaining immortal from the Lord of Immortality. Those who have been in gyan 10 years or more, raise your hands! Uncle and Auntie have been here for many years. So, BapDada is garlanding those who have been here for 10 years with the garland of nine jewels. The nine jewels are for making you free from obstacles. Always maintain the awareness of the eight powers and the Father. It is good. Whilst living abroad, you have now completed 10 years and so you have become immortal! Or, do you think: I don't know what is going to happen in the future? Achcha, those of you who raised your hands for having been here for 10 years, do you also have faith in your future or do you think: I don't know whether I will be able to continue or not? Those who feel that they will remain with Baba till the end, who have to remain immortal no matter what happens, even if a mountain as high as the Himalayas falls - and it will fall - are you firm about this? Very good. Achcha, did those from India raise their hands? Is it that those from India think: We are strong anyway? This is not only for those who have been here for 10 years, but everyone has to have the faith that, no matter what happens, we will stay together, we will go home together and we will come into the kingdom together. Is this firm? You will stay together, will you not? Don't leave the Father alone and go away. He will not like it by Himself. You won't like being alone and the Father won't like it either. Therefore, don't leave Him. Whenever anything happens, just say from your heart: Baba! My Baba! And Baba will become present. He will solve your problem. Say from your heart: Baba, this is the situation! Baba, do this! Baba, it is like this... The Father is bound to do it. However, it has to come from your heart. It shouldn't be that you remember Him at your own convenience and then forget Him.

So, all you double foreigners are happy to see your fortune. You have received the first chance and you have received a special chance. So, you will fulfil what the Father has just said throughout the whole season, will you not? Don't become those who think about it, but be those who fulfil it. Since you have said, "Mine", you said, "My Baba!" and Baba also said, "My child", a firm deal has been made. Dadis, are you all OK? You are happy to see the children from abroad, are you not? You are very happy. Dadi feels a lot of enthusiasm. If it could be made possible, Dadi would make everyone sit here. Are all of you ready for that? Or, would you think, "What will happen about Diamond Hall in London?" No. All are ever-ready. If BapDada were to order: Come, don't think about anything of service or of your centre or companions, just come. Then, would you come? (Ha ji) That is good. That day will also come when Baba gives you that order because He has love for you. So, you will not go back separately, you will return together. Those who are strong will remain. So, all of you are free from obstacles. Or, are there some obstacles in a corner? There aren't any, are there? Are there any obstacles inside? Are there some small obstacles? There aren't any, are there? Are all of you free from obstacles? Today, leave all of them behind here. This is Om Shanti Bhavan and so they will become om shanti. What do you have to do? A thorn has to be removed immediately, does it not? If you don't remove a thorn quickly, you may have to have your leg cut off. Therefore, end the obstacles. Let your original sanskars emerge. Achcha. All the groups are fine.

Now, raise your hands groupwise: Kumaris group, raise your hands! The computer group is sitting at the back. Those from the health group. The SML group. It is good. The news of all four groups is good. Achcha.

The letters are also placed just in front (on the sides and behind Baba). Letters and cards have come from everywhere. Letters from the heart have come and letters on paper have also come. Both of these reach BapDada. Children send love from their heart to BapDada and together with that, some children send very good news of their service. Some children, together with their remembrance, also still make a few complaints and requests: Baba, do this! Do this! However, that is good. If you write, then those who write to Baba receive co-operation. When you have a true heart and a clean heart, the hopes of a clean heart are fulfilled. Even now, children everywhere are listening and some are even seeing, but many are listening. You are sitting in this hall and they are sitting in a hall in their countries. All these facilities of science have been invented for you Brahmins. You use them for the task of establishment and others use these things for destruction. However, BapDada is congratulating scientist children because they have made good inventions for the children to be able to see and hear even whilst sitting at a distance. Achcha.

To all the specially beloved royal children, to all the loving, co-operative children who are becoming equal, to the children who make their elevated feelings for the self and their sanskars emerge in their form, to the children who always give happiness and love to everyone, to those who become jewels of contentment and always spread rays of contentment, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

To Dadiji: You have become very healthy. It is not a big deal. You will get even better. You yourself are an embodiment who gives blessings and this is why the blessings begin to work quickly. Everyone has a lot of love for you. Everyone has love for you because the Father has made you an instrument. The father himself became avyakt, but he made you an instrument in the corporeal form. (Dadiji kissed BapDada's hand and Dadi Janki commented that Dadiji had become fashionable.) Why not? In the golden age, they will be so fashionable.

Gange Dadi (from Kanpur): The gathering of maharathis looks beautiful. Now, all the maharathis are gathered together. Even BapDada likes it very much.

Rukmani Dadi (from Delhi): You are creating a very good present and future.

The senior sisters from abroad: All of you are engaged in very good service. BapDada is also pleased that there is growth and you are moving along in the right way. There is the method and there is also growth. Very good programmes are taking place everywhere. You continue to meet amongst yourselves and make plans for spreading the word in the world. (We are making plans for serving through computers.) There are computers in every corner. That takes less time and spreads everywhere. Kumaris are also very good. Very good plans have been made. BapDada is pleased. You have made all types of plans. Health is included, computers are included and the courses are also included.

Speaking to the senior brothers from abroad: Very good. The Pandava Army is no less. Shaktis are Shaktis and Pandavas are equal to God. The Father of the Pandavas is always with the Pandavas. Look, each one has his own speciality. BapDada is seeing the speciality of each one and each one is playing his part with his speciality very well. It is like that, is it not? Uncle (Guyana) is playing his part well. Robin (Australia) is playing his part. Govindbhai (London) and Nizarbhai (Nairobi) are playing their parts. You have all played a good part. Very good Pandavas and also Shaktis have emerged. BapDada is very pleased that a very good group of double foreigners has been prepared for service. All of you have enthusiasm for service. You have enthusiasm, do you not? Uncle is the foundation. They are very good. May you always remain immortal! May you be immortal in remembrance and service! Achcha. As from today, stop asking questions. Are you conquerors of Maya or will you still ask questions? You have become conquerors of Maya, have you not? Now, no one should ask anyone else: Have you become a conqueror of Maya? It isn't that you are this, but you are flying very high in the intoxication of being a conqueror of Maya. You are those with a flying stage. If anyone asks you, just say: You are angels with a happy heart. Don't even mention the name of Maya. Finish it even with its name because, you definitely have to practise being a conqueror of Maya for some time. Those who remain a conqueror of Maya for a long time receive their fortune of the kingdom for a long time. This is why you are always conquerors of Maya. You are those who have conquered Maya. BapDada's vision is on you. The gathering has to go beyond through His vision. Achcha.

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