30-11-2004          Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada           Madhuban

Now show your avyakt form, equal to that of Father Brahma, through your behaviour and your face. Become an image that grants visions.

Today, the Father, the Bestower of Fortune, is pleased to see His most elevated fortunate children everywhere. Throughout the whole cycle, no one can have such elevated fortune. Only you children of every cycle attain a right to this fortune. Do you remember the fortune of your right of every cycle? Why is this fortune the most elevated fortune? Because the Bestower of Fortune Himself has given you children the elevated fortune of this divine birth. There cannot be any greater fortune than taking birth through the Bestower of Fortune Himself. Do you have the intoxication of your fortune in your awareness? How long would the list be if you were to make a list of your fortune? There is nothing lacking in the fortunate life of you Brahmins. Has the list of your fortune emerged in the awareness of all of you? Bring it into your awareness. Has it come into your awareness? What song does your heart sing? Wah, the Bestower of Fortune! And, wah, my fortune! The speciality of this elevated fortune is that through the one God, you receive the attainments of three relationships. Through the One, you have three relationships in One, which are the specially remembered relationships in life - the Father, Teacher and Satguru. No one else has three relationships and their attainments from the One. You say with pride and intoxication that He is your Father, your Teacher and also your Satguru. You have attained the mine of all treasures from the Father. Has the list of the treasures come into your awareness? Bring into your awareness the attainments you have received from the Father. Have you received them or are you going to receive them? What would you say? The children are the masters anyway. Through the teachings of the Teacher you have already attained an elevated status. In any case, if you look at the world, the most elevated status remembered is the royal status, and you have become double kings. You have become self-sovereigns, masters of the self at the present time, and you will claim a right in the future to a royal status for many births. This study is just for one birth, and that too is a short birth, whereas the attainment of the status is for many births, and the kingdom is unbreakable, unshakeable and free from obstacles. Even now you are self-sovereigns, masters of the self and carefree emperors. Are you this? Have you become carefree emperors? Those who are carefree, raise your hands! Are you carefree to the extent that you don't have the slightest worry? Just be careful. When any puppet show comes in front of you, are there any worries at that time? Does the puppet show of Maya come in front of you or not? At that time, do you have a little worry? Are there no worries? Is there a little worry and a few thoughts? Or do you not think about it? In fact, your elevated fortune makes you a carefree emperor from now. The few things that come in between are to make you more experienced and mature for the future.

Now, all of you have become experienced in these different situations, have you not? You are not afraid, are you? Sit comfortably on the seat of a detached observer and watch the puppet show. It is nothing really, just a cartoon. You have now become strong, have you not? Are you strong now? Or are you sometimes a little afraid? It comes like a paper tiger. It is of paper, but comes in the form of a tiger. Now, according to the time, become an embodiment of experience and issue a challenge to time, the elements and Maya: Come, I am victorious. Issue a challenge that you are victorious. (BapDada was coughing in between.) Today, the instrument is not so well, but Baba has to meet you.

Two groups repeatedly come in front of BapDada. What for? Both groups are saying to BapDada: We are ready. One group is the time, the elements and Maya. Maya has now understood that her kingdom is about to go. The other group is the advanced party. Both are asking for the date. Abroad, dates are fixed a year in advance, are they not? And, is it six months in advance here? In Bharat, everything moves fast, and so the date for a programme can even be fixed just 15 days beforehand. So what is the date for the completion, perfection and becoming equal to the Father? They are asking BapDada. You Brahmins now have to fix this date. Is it possible? Can the date be fixed? Pandavas, speak! All three, speak! (BapDada is asking Nirwairbhai, Rameshbhai and Brijmohanbhai.) Can the date be fixed? Speak, can it be fixed? Or will it happen suddenly? It is fixed in the drama, but are you going to put it into a practical form or not? When is that? Tell Baba. Will it happen? Will it happen suddenly? Will the date not be fixed? Will it be fixed? Those sitting in the first line - will it be fixed? Those who think that their mind will have to think about fixing a date for putting the drama into a practical form, raise your hands! You will then have to do that. This one is not raising his hand. Will it happen suddenly? Can you fix a date? Have those sitting at the back understood? It is right that it will happen suddenly, but you definitely have to keep an aim to make yourself ready. If you have no aim for becoming complete, then carelessness comes. You can see that it is when a date is fixed that you receive total success. You fix a date for any programme you hold, do you not? You have to have think that you have to become that, do you not? Or do you think not? That everything is in the drama and that it will happen by itself? What do you think? Those sitting in the first line, speak! Prem (from Dehradun), speak! You will have to do it. You will have to do it. Jayanti, speak! You will have to do it. When will that be? It will be at the end when the time comes. Will the time make you complete or will you bring the time closer?

BapDada has seen that you have knowledge in your awareness and that you also have intoxication and faith. However, there now has to be an addition - this should be visible through your behaviour and your face. You recall everything in your intellect, and it also comes into your awareness, but it should now be your form. In an ordinary way, if someone has a high occupation or if the child of a wealthy person is educated, it is visible from his behaviour that he is something. Something unique is visible about that person. So, you have such great fortune - you have the inheritance, the study and also the status. You have self-sovereignty even now, do you not? You have all the attainments too. However, through your behaviour and your face, the sparkling star of fortune should be visible on your forehead. There needs to be this addition now. People are now going to experience this through you elevated fortunate souls. Not that they should experience, but that they are going to experience you as their special deities, their special goddesses that you belong to them. You saw in Father Brahma: Although in an ordinary body, what was visible in Father Brahma, even at the beginning? Krishna was visible in him, was he not? That was visible, was it not? So, at the beginning, they saw this in Father Brahma. Those of you who were at the beginning had this experience did you not? You had this experience. What was visible at the end? You saw the avyakt form, did you not? It was visible through his behaviour and his face, was it not? Was it visible? BapDada is now especially giving the instrument children this homework: Now the avyakt form equal to that of Father Brahma should be visible. At least the beads of the rosary of 108 should be visible through their behaviour and their face.

BapDada doesn't want names; He is not telling you the names of the 108 because their behaviour and their face will automatically reveal that. BapDada is especially giving this homework to the instrument children. Did you hear that? All of those sitting in the first line; did you hear that? Is it possible? OK, how much time do you need? Do not think that those who have come late..... It is not a question of time. No one should think that they have only been here for a few years. Anyone who comes last can go fast and can come first. This is BapDada's challenge. You can do it. Anyone can do it. Even the one who comes last can become this. Simply keep the firm aim: I have to do this. It has to happen.

Double foreigners, raise your hands! What will the double foreigners do? You will take a double chance, will you not? BapDada will not announce any names, but their face will reveal that this is the one. Do you have this much courage? BapDada is looking at the first row. Do you have this courage? If you have courage, raise your hands! Do you have courage? Even those sitting at the back can raise their hands. One who takes the initiative is Arjuna. Achcha. In order to see the result as to what efforts you are making, and who is doing what, BapDada is giving you 6 months. BapDada will see the result of the 6 months and then finalise it. Is that OK? It has been seen that the speed of time is now moving fast. The creation should not go fast, the creator should go fast. Now speed up a little; now fly. Not that you are moving along, but that you are now flying. You give very good responses: We are the ones, if not us, then who else would it be? BapDada is pleased. However, people now want to see something. BapDada remembers that in the beginning when you children went out on service, people used to have visions through you children. Now there has to be attention paid to both service and your form. So, what did you hear? Now become an image that grants visions. Become equal to Father Brahma in a visible way. Achcha.

Today, many new ones have come. All of you have reached here with the power of your love, and this is why BapDada is giving multimillionfold congratulations to each of the new children individually, personally, by name. Together with that, the Bestower of Blessings is also giving a blessing: May you always continue to live this Brahmin life and continue to fly. Achcha.

It is the turn of Punjab to serve everyone this time: Those from Punjab, stand up! Very good. This is also a good system that has been created because every zone receives a chance. One is that by serving the yagya, you accumulate an income of multimillions at every step, because whenever the majority of you perform any task, you remember service of the yagya, and by remembering service of the yagya, you also remember the Father, the Creator of the yagya. So, you accumulate the maximum in your account of charity through this service. Secondly, the true effort-making children are able to make their chart of remembrance easy and constant because firstly, here, you have the company of the maharathis, and company easily colours you. When you pay attention, then, in the 8 to 10 days you are here, you can progress very well. If you serve in a common way, that doesn't bring as much benefit, but you have a chance firstly to become a constant yogi, then accumulating in your account of charity, and maintaining the intoxication and happiness of belonging to the biggest family of all. So, those from Punjab have received this chance. Every zone receives this chance, but you must have the aim of benefiting in all three ways. How much did you accumulate in your account of charity? How much progress did you easily make in remembrance? How much experience did you have of the love of the gathering and the family and how much closeness did you experience? Each one of you should see the result in yourself in these three things. You receive a chance in the drama, so you should now become the chancellors who take the chance. So, those of you from Punjab are clever, are you not? It is good. A good number of you have come. And you have received the chance to serve with an open heart. The number of people that has come is also a good number. It is good. The gathering is good.

Today, two wings are present: The Rural Development Wing and the Women's Wing have come for meetings.

Those from the Women's Wing, stand up! Are the majority of you teachers? Teachers, raise your hands! You have a good chance. It is service and you receive the nourishing fruit of service before doing the service. You take the pleasure of the gathering and of meeting the Father. So, you received service and also its nourishing fruit. It is good. Have you made any new plans now? Whichever it is, groups have been made, whether it is the Women's Group or any other group. So each group should take the initiative to reveal one or other virtue or power through your behaviour and face in a practical way, that is we, the Women's Group will definitely put into a practical form this particular power or virtue. In this way, each group should fix one or other virtue or power. Just as you note the result of service amongst yourselves, in the same way, you can have correspondence or gatherings and continue to check that. So, first of all, you do this and then demonstrate it to everyone.

The Women's Wing should do this and demonstrate it to everyone. Each group has to make one plan or another and fix a time - that in this much time, I have to achieve this much percentage in a practical way. Then, what BapDada wants to be revealed through your behaviour and image will happen. Therefore, make this plan and present it to BapDada. What will each wing do? Just as you note plans for service, in the same way, also note this and give it to Baba. Is that OK? Do it and give it to Baba. It is good. Small gatherings can perform wonders. It is good. What do the teachers think? Can you do this? Are you able to do it? So, make plans. Achcha. Congratulations for the service.

Those involved in the Rural Development, stand up! Until now, how many villages have you transformed? How many villages have you served? (We have served 7 villages and up to 75% result has been accomplished in each village. In this meeting too, we have arranged a programme - The Call of Time, a beautiful and clean developed Bharat. In connection with this project, we will serve the villages to make them free from addictions and to make the villages clean.) It is good. It is practical, is it not? Has the overall result of all of this been sent to the President and the Prime Minister? (We have not yet sent it.) You should send it because what you are doing for every village in a practical way is the work of the Government, but you are being co-operative with them, so seeing the result, they will feel that you are doing good work. Prepare a bulletin and send it to all the main people of the Government. Not a book, not a magazine, but you should send the total result in brief to all of them. It is good. Congratulations. (In between, Baba was coughing.) Today, the instrument wants some silence. Achcha.

The result of all the service taking place everywhere continues to reach BapDada. And, especially, the service that you are doing nowadays - that no corner should be left out, that everyone should receive the message. The result of the plans you are putting into practical form is good. BapDada has received news of the double-foreign children and Baba also continues to receive news of all the mega programmes that have been taking place in Bharat. Everywhere, the result of service has been successful. So, just as children have achieved success in giving the message to everyone, so too, continue to give visions of the angelic form through your words, through your connections and through your face. Achcha.

Those who have come here for the first time, raise your hands! There are many at the back. It is good that you have come before the board of "Too late" has been put up. It is good. Take your chance. Show wonders. Have courage. BapDada's help is with every child. Achcha.

BapDada is giving lots and lots of congratulations for the service, love and efforts of all the children who have personally come in front of Baba in the physical form and of all the children who are celebrating a meeting at their own place in their own country. However, now, become intense effort-makers in your efforts and make even more intense effort to liberate souls from their sorrow and peacelessness. Sorrow, peacelessness and corruption are going into their extreme. Now bring an end to the extreme and enable all souls to receive their inheritance of the land of liberation from the Father. To the children who always have such determined thoughts, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

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