18-01-2005          Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada           Madhuban

Become free from body consciousness in a second and experience the stage of liberation-in-life and become a master bestower of liberation and liberation-in-life.

Today, BapDada is looking at the lucky and lovely children from everywhere. Each and every child is merged in love. This Godly love is spiritual love. It is this love that has made you children belong to the Father. It is love that has easily made you victorious. Today, from amrit vela, every child garlanded the Father with a garland of love because each of you children knows what God's love can make you into from what you were. The experience of love is such that it makes you a master of many Godly treasures, and the Father has given all the children the golden key to all Godly treasures. You know what the golden key is, do you not? This golden key is "My Baba!" As soon as you say "My Baba!" you claim a right to all treasures; you have full right to all attainments. You become powerful with all powers. You become master almighty authority souls. What song emerges in the heart of such complete souls? That there is nothing lacking in the treasure-store of us Brahmins.

Today is called the day of remembrance. Today, all the children are especially remembering Adi Dev Father Brahma a lot more. Father Brahma is pleased to see you Brahmin children. Why? Every Brahmin child is one out in a million fortunate children. You know your fortune, do you not? BapDada is pleased to see the star of fortune sparkling on the forehead of each child. On this day of remembrance, BapDada especially offered the crown of responsibility of world service to you children. So, this day of remembrance is the coronation day of you children. It is the day especially to will the children with will powers in the corporeal form. It is the day to put into a practical form the saying, "Son shows Father". Seeing the children become instruments and doing altruistic world service, BapDada is pleased. Being Karankaravanhar, BapDada is pleased to see every step of the karanhar children because the main basis of success in service is: Karavanhar Father is making me, the karanhar soul, do it. I, the soul, am the instrument because with the feeling of being an instrument, you automatically have the stage of humility. The consciousness of "I", that brings you into body consciousness, automatically ends with the feeling of being an instrument. In this Brahmin life, it is this body consciousness of "I" that creates the biggest obstacle. When you experience that "Karavanhar is making me do it and I, karanhar, the instrument, am doing it", you will easily become free from body consciousness and you will also experience the pleasure of the stage of liberation-in-life. You are to attain liberation-in-life in the future anyway, but now, at the confluence age, the alokik bliss of the confluence age is truly alokik. For instance, you saw Father Brahma - whilst performing actions, he was beyond any bondage of action. In life he was like a lotus - detached and loving. Whilst having such a huge responsibility of a big family, of life, of making you into yogis and of making you into angels and then deities yet, he was a carefree emperor. This is called the stage of liberation-in-life. This is why, on the path of devotion, they show a lotus as the seat of

Brahma. They have shown him seated on a lotus. So, all of you children will have to experience liberation-in-life at the confluence age. It is only at this time that you receive the inheritance of liberation and liberation-in-life from BapDada. It is at this time that you have to become master bestowers of liberation and liberation-in-life. You have become this and you have to become this. The method to become a bestower of liberation and liberation-in-life is to become free from the consciousness of the body in a second. This practice is now necessary. Let there be such controlling power over your mind, just like you are able to move your physical organs such as your hands and feet as and when you want. Does that take time? If you think that you have to raise your hand, would it take any time? You are able to do that, are you not? If BapDada were to ask you to raise your hands now, you will do that, will you not? Don't do it now, but you are able to do it. In the same way, there has to be so much control over your mind that you are able to concentrate it wherever you want. Although it is subtler than your hands and feet, it is still yours, is it not? You say, "My mind", do you not? You do not say, "Your mind". So, just as you keep the physical organs under your control, in the same way, your mind, intellect and sanskars have to be under control, for only then will you be called a number one victorious soul. Scientists can only travel within this world with their rockets and other facilities; or, at the most, they can reach the other planets. However, you Brahmin souls can reach the three worlds. Within a second, you can go to the subtle region, the incorporeal world and at least Madhuban in the corporeal world, can you not? If you order your mind to reach Madhuban in a second, are you able to do it? Reach there with your mind, not your body, but your mind. If you give this order to it: You have to go to the subtle region or the incorporeal world, are you then able to make your mind reach wherever you want in a second? Do you have this practice? There is now a greater need for this practice. BapDada has seen that you do practice this, but there now has to be greater attention paid to becoming concentrated whenever and for as long as you want, to becoming unshakeable and not coming into upheaval. There is the saying, "Those who conquer the mind conquer the world", but now sometimes even still the mind deceives you.

So, today on the day of power, BapDada is especially drawing your attention to this power. O self-sovereign children, now check this practice whilst walking and moving around, because according to the time, you will now see many games of things happening suddenly. The power of concentration is necessary for this. With the power of concentration, you are easily able to develop the power of determination, and determination automatically enables you to achieve success. So, especially on the day of power, pay particular attention to practising this power. This is why it is also said on the path of devotion, "Those who are defeated in their mind are defeated by the world, whereas those who gain victory in their mind gain victory over the world". So, since you say that it is your mind, become the master of your mind and gain victory with the reins of the powers. Pay special attention to this homework in this New Year. This is known as being yogi anyway, but also becoming a prayogi (a soul who experiments).

Today, the loving heart-to-heart conversations, the complaints of love and the zeal and enthusiasm to become equal - all three types of conversation reached BapDada. Love-full remembrance and remembrance of love reached BapDada. The letters, the heart-to-heart conversations, and the messages reached BapDada. BapDada accepted the love of the children. In return, Baba also gave love and remembrance from His heart. Baba also gave blessings from His heart. There cannot be mention of the name of each one; there are many of you. However, the love and remembrance of the children from every corner, every village, every city, of all those who are in bondage and of all those who are calling out reached BapDada. BapDada just says: In return for love, now turn yourself. Transform yourself. Now reveal your perfect form on the stage. Sorrow and peacelessness will end with your becoming complete. Now do not allow your brothers and sisters to see more sorrow. Enable them to have liberation from this sorrow and peacelessness. They are very much afraid. They are wandering in the darkness of, "What can we do? What will happen?..."Now show souls the path to light. Do you have this enthusiasm? Do you have this mercy? Now look at the unlimited. Cast your vision onto the unlimited. Achcha. You will remember your homework, will you not? Do not forget it. Baba will give a prize to those who are able to concentrate their mind completely where they want and for as long as they want, with controlling power over the mind for one whole month... Baba will give a prize to those who achieve this result. Is this OK? Who will claim the prize? The Pandavas? The Pandavas first? Congratulations to the Pandavas. And, what about the Shaktis? A1. The Pandavas are number one and the Shaktis are A1. If the Shaktis don't become A1, then the Pandavas will. Now make your speed a little faster. Let it not be a comfortable speed. The sorrow and peacelessness of souls will only end through a fast speed. Put the canopy of mercy over souls. Achcha. What do we have to do now?

It is Tamil Nadu's, Eastern Zone's and Nepal's turn to serve: Those whose turn it is, stand up. It is a very big group. (5000) There are 5000 people who have taken the golden chance of service. You have been very clever. You will serve for 15 days and accumulate in your account of charity for 21 births. You have become clever. It is good. The land of revelation of Father Brahma is the land of Calcutta, is it not? So, those from Calcutta, raise your hands. Achcha. Should Baba tell you what the special responsibility of those from Calcutta is? Achcha. Calcutta is the land where Father Brahma was revealed. So what would be the land to reveal BapDada? Will it be Calcutta? What will you do? You have had your big programme. What will you do now? Perform some wonders. Wherever the beginning was, completion will happen there. Everyone should salute the land of Calcutta: Wah Calcutta! Wah! Make a programme of such wonders. Do something new. You have now had many mega programmes. Now, make a new programme. It is good. BapDada is pleased to see the children's method of accumulating in their account of charity. This is also a golden chance. It is good. Nepal and Tamil Nadu: When you first went to Calcutta, there was already a connection with Nepal. This is why those from Nepal will also have to show wonders. Those from Nepal, stand up! Those from Nepal have to bring more benefit to those who have a right to the kingdom, not the Government, but those who are part of the royal family. Have any members of the old kingdom of Nepal come here? Have they come up to Madhuban? Now bring them closer still. There is a good connection, but now bring them into a relationship. It is good. Nepal is doing good service. Achcha. Congratulations to those from Nepal; you will increase service. You will bring the royal family to Madhuban. Achcha. Those from Tamil Nadu, stand up. Many are sitting at the back. Wave your hands. What will Tamil Nadu do? You have brought about good growth in service. You do remember child Rosy, do you not? A good foundation has been laid. All of you have now become instruments and are making it stronger. You are making it grow, are you not? What can you not do? Whatever pure thought you have, you can fulfil that. It is your courage and the Father's help. You are those with courage. You have good courage and you also have the Father's help. And, if you have more courage, you will receive more help. You are now looking after everything very well after child Rosy, and, in the future too, you will work together and give the return to child Rosy. You have laid a good foundation. Are all of you happy? Those who are always happy, raise your hands. Not just happy, but always happy? Achcha. Remain happy and distribute happiness. Achcha. Together with Tamil Nadu, there are also Assam, Orissa, Bihar and Bangladesh. Those from Orissa are doing good service. Those from Bihar are also doing it, and so this zone has to claim number one. How many hands you have! You have the hands of 6 or 7 places and so how many hands do you have? BapDada is pleased to see the right hands. To the extent that the zone is big, also demonstrate it by doing such big service. If you spread the sound in 6 or 7 places, the sound will automatically spread by itself. Let there be the sound from Bengal, from Orissa, Nepal and Assam. Let there be the sound from every corner, and then the sound will be so loud. Perform some wonders now! It is the biggest zone and it has so many states included in it. Maharashtra and Gujarat also have many states. All three places are big. Now show some wonders.

Education Wing: (200 have come): Have those from the Education Wing made any new plans? Have you done anything new? It is good. Education is special. If you show one class in which all the members of the class have fully transformed themselves, from any state, then the Government will be very pleased. Just as when villagers adopt a village, in the same way, you can take a whole class in any university, college or school and show the transformation of the whole class, the majority of the class. Even if a few are left, that is a different matter, but show the transformation of any one class in a practical way and the sound will reach the Government. You have done very well. Congratulations. (Baba was told their plan). Very good. Congratulations in advance. It is good. (Speaking to the Vice Chancellor from South Gujarat:) This one has become an instrument. You will receive so many blessings from so many souls. You will receive a share from the students who are transformed, and so you have become a shareholder. You have become God's shareholder, not those shares that go up and down. You have become a good instrument. Now show some wonders. Show the transformation of the majority of the whole class. It is good. Discuss this amongst yourselves and continue to move forward. Whatever facilities you need, have a meeting amongst yourselves and do that. It will happen. You have to do it. There has to be growth. Achcha.

Double foreigners: BapDada says that double foreigners means those who go forward by doubling their efforts. You have the title of double foreigners; that is your sign, is it not? In the same way, double foreigners are the ones who are moving forward at double the speed in claiming number one. It is good. BapDada is pleased to see double foreigners in every group because the people of Bharat are also pleased to see all of you. BapDada is also pleased to see the title of world benefactors. Now, what plans are the double foreigners making? BapDada is pleased that those from Africa are making intense effort. So, all of you should also have the zeal and enthusiasm to give the message to all your brothers and sisters who still remain to receive it. There should be no complaints from anyone. There is growth and it will continue to take place, but the complaint now has to end. BapDada always relates the speciality of the double foreigners, that the method of pleasing the innocent Father is that the Lord is pleased with an honest heart - This is the speciality of the double foreigners. You know how to please the Father very cleverly. Why does the Father love an honest heart? Because the Father is called the Truth. It is said: God is Truth. So, BapDada loves those with a clean and honest heart a great deal. It is like that, is it not? You have a clean heart, an honest heart. Truth is the greatness of Brahmin life. This is why BapDada always remembers the double foreigners. You have become instruments to give the message to souls in different countries. Look! Children from so many countries come here. So, all of those countries have benefited, have they not? Here, those who are instruments have come, but BapDada is congratulating and greeting all the double-foreign children everywhere and all the children who are the instruments. Continue to fly and make others fly. With the flying stage, everyone will definitely benefit. Are all of you being refreshed? Are you refreshed? Will it always remain immortal? Or will you leave half of it in Madhuban? Will it remain with you? Will it always remain with you? You have the blessing of immortality, do you not? So, whatever transformation you have brought about, that will always continue to grow. It will continue to grow and it will remain immortal. Achcha. BapDada is happy, you are also happy and now give happiness to others. Achcha.

It is the 10th Anniversary of Gyan Sarovar: Achcha. It is good. Gyan Sarovar started one speciality. Special official programmes of VIPs and IPs began when Gyan Sarovar started. Programmes of every wing continue, one after another. And it is has been seen that the physical service and the spiritual service of souls who come to Gyan Sarovar are done with great interest. Therefore, BapDada is giving special congratulations to those from Gyan Sarovar because, as a result of your service, everyone goes back happy, and they bring back with them with happiness other companions. Gyan Sarovar has become an instrument to spread the sound everywhere. Therefore, congratulations and may you always continue to receive congratulations. Achcha.

Now, are you able to stabilise and concentrate your mind in a second? Everyone, become stable in the point stage in a second. (Baba conducted drill.) Achcha. Continue to practise this whilst moving and walking around.

To the loving souls from everywhere who are merged in love, to the elevated souls who always become merciful and liberate souls from their sorrow and peacelessness, to the mahavir souls who always control their mind, intellect and sanskars with controlling power, to the souls who are equal to the Father and who always experience the stage of liberation-in-life at the confluence age, BapDada's multimillion-fold love, remembrance and namaste.

Speaking to the Dadis: (To Mohiniben) This one has also learnt how to control her body. It will continue to move. (To Dadi Shantamani) This one is also making herself move along very well. (Looking at all the Dadis) There is the beauty of you original jewels. Your presence is the beauty. If any of you are not present, it feels empty. This is the speciality of the original jewels. Wherever you go, everyone becomes happy. Whether you say anything or not, just your presence brings happiness. You know how to move along with your health, do you not? You know this, do you not? Everyone's health has a little complication but, in spite of that, you know how to move along with it and control it. (To Dadiji) You are playing your part very well. BapDada is seeing that you have now become knowledge-full about the body too. No matter what the body is like, you know how to control it. Seeing this, BapDada is pleased. The original jewels are no less. You are original jewels, and each of you original jewels has a speciality.

To Dadi Nirmal Shanta: You are playing a very good part. You are not feeling any pain, are you? (If there is any pain, then the pain will go away when meeting BapDada.) Everyone becomes happy on hearing your name (Par Dadi). So, everyone becomes happy on hearing the name Par Dadi. Very good. Achcha. Is your health OK? Very good. You have now conquered the cold. You have become victorious. Very good.

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