03-02-2005          Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada           Madhuban

While serving, become ever-ready by remaining beyond and having an unlimited attitude, and become complete like Father Brahma

Today, the Great-Great-Grandfather is pleased to see the fortune of His children from everywhere who are a handful out of multimillions and a selected few of that handful. Such a special fortune cannot be received by anyone else. Baba is pleased to see the speciality of every child. All the children who have forged a relationship with BapDada with their heart definitely have one speciality or another. The first speciality of all is that you recognised the Father who came in an ordinary form and you accepted Him as "My Baba". This recognition is the biggest speciality of all. You accepted from your heart "My Baba" and the Father accepted "My children". You ordinary children recognised the One whom the great philosophers, scientists and dharamatmas were not able to recognise and you claimed your rights. If anyone were to come and see you, the children of this gathering, they would not be able to understand that you innocent mothers and ordinary children have recognised such a great Father. So, the speciality of recognising the Father, to recognise Him and make Him belong to you, is the fortune of you handful of children out of multimillions. All the children, whether they are sitting here personally in front of Baba or sitting far away, are experiencing this as though they are sitting face-to-face with Baba. So, all of you children recognized Baba with your heart. Have you recognised or are you still trying to recognise? Those who have recognised Baba, raise your hands! Have you recognised? Achcha. So, BapDada is congratulating every child for having the speciality of recognising Baba. Wah fortunate children! Wah! You have attained the third eye with which to recognise. BapDada continues to hear the song in the hearts of you children. What song is that? I have attained that which I wanted to attain. The Father also says: O Beloved children, you have taken whatever you wanted to take from the Father. Every child is a child and a master of innumerable spiritual treasures.

So, today, BapDada was seeing the chart of the treasures of the children who are the masters of the treasures. The Father has given everyone the same amount of the same treasures. He has not given multimillions to some and a hundred thousand to others. However, you are numberwise in knowing the treasures and attaining them and in putting them into your life. Nowadays, BapDada repeatedly makes you children pay attention in various ways. Seeing the closeness of time, check with a subtle and unlimited intellect what you have received, what you have taken and whether you are constantly being sustained with those treasures. This checking is very necessary because, at present, Maya continues to test you with many different forms of royal carelessness and royal laziness. Therefore, constantly continue to check yourself. Check yourself with that much attention - do not check yourself in a careless way such as: I didn't do anything bad, I didn't cause anyone sorrow, I didn't have impure vision. That is checking anyway, but what did I do that was best of all? Did I constantly have soul-conscious vision in a natural way? Or, did I play games of remembrance and forgetfulness? For how many did I have good wishes and pure feelings and give blessings to them? How much did you accumulate in your account of accumulation? What was that account like? You know very well that it is only at this time that you can accumulate in your account. The account of accumulation of this time is that which you accumulate throughout the full season. Then, you will claim your fortune of the kingdom and become a worthy of worship deity according to how much you have accumulated. If you have accumulated less, there will be less fortune of the kingdom received; and you will also be numberwise in becoming worthy of worship. If you have accumulated less, you will be worshipped less. If you haven't accumulated in the right way and with discipline, you won't be worshipped in the right way with that discipline. If you are following the right method sometimes, then your worship and the status you claim will also be sometimes. BapDada has deep love for every child. Therefore, BapDada wants every child to become complete and equal. Do service but remain beyond and unlimited in service.

BapDada has seen that the majority of children have less interest and pay less attention to the subject of yoga, that is, remembrance. There is greater attention to service. However if you are engaged in doing service without remembrance to a greater extent, there are then limitations in that. In that case, you don't have an attitude of being beyond. Then, the desire for name, regard and position becomes mixed and the attitude of being unlimited is lessened. This is why BapDada wants all His children, who are a handful out of multimillions and a selected few of that handful, to become ever-ready from now. Why? Some children think that they will become ready on time. However, time is your creation. Will you make the creation your teacher? Secondly, you know that this account is one of accumulating over a long period of time; that being full over a long period of time will enable you to receive attainment over a long period of time. Therefore, now, according to the closeness of time, it is essential to accumulate over a long period of time. Afterwards, you cannot then complain that you thought that there was still time left for accumulating over a long period. Pay attention to accumulating over a long period of time from now. Do you understand? Attention please!

BapDada wants there to be not a single weakness remaining in any one of you children in any subject. You love Father Brahma, do you not? The return of loving Father Brahma - and you will give the return of love, will you not? - so the return of love is to check your weaknesses and give the return. Turn (transform) yourself. To turn yourself is the return. So, do you have the courage to give the return? You raise your hands and you please Baba very much. Seeing all the raised hands, BapDada becomes very pleased. Now, take a very firm vow in your heart - very, very firm, not a weak vow by even one per cent - that "I have to give the return. I have to turn myself."

Now Shiv Ratri is coming. So all the children have a lot of zeal and enthusiasm to celebrate the Father's birthday, and so their own birthday, with a lot of love. You are preparing very good programmes. You make very good service plans and BapDada is pleased with that. But (lekin), ... It isn't good to say "but..". When using the word "lekin" (but), Mother Jagadamba used to say that in the Sindhi language "le kin" means rubbish. To use the word "but" means to take one type of rubbish or another. So, Baba doesn't like using the word "but", but He has to say it. Just as you have made plans for other types of service, and you will also make more plans, now also make a programme to take this vow, "I have to give the return". When BapDada or anyone else asks you, "How are you?", the response from the majority of you is, "I am very well, but not as

well as BapDada wants." Now, the response should be, "I am as BapDada wants." Note down what BapDada wants and make a list of that. Are you that (what BapDada wants) or not? People of the world want liberation from you ancestors. They are crying out, "Give us liberation! Give us liberation!" For as long as something still remains of your old sanskars, which you call nature - not natural, but nature - and you haven't become free from that, no souls can receive liberation. Therefore, BapDada says: O children of the Bestower of Liberation, o master bestowers of liberation, now liberate yourself, and the gate to liberation will then open for all souls. You were told what the key to the gate is. Unlimited disinterest. Perform all tasks, but, just as you tell householders in your lectures, "Become like a lotus", in the same way, while doing everything, become detached from the awareness of doing; be detached. Do not be influenced by the facilities or position. A desire to receive something or other is not having a position, but it is opposition from Maya. Be detached and loving to the Father. Is this difficult? Those who find it difficult to be loving and detached, raise your hands! If no one finds it difficult, then, by Shiv Ratri, everyone will become complete. If it is not difficult, then you have to become that. You have to become equal to Father Brahma. In your thoughts, in your words, in your service and in your relationships and connections, you have to become equal to Father Brahma. Achcha.

Those of you who believe that you have lots of love, even more than 100% love, for Father Brahma and Dada, the Great-Great-Grandfather, raise your hands! Don't make Baba happy just like that. Don't just make Baba happy now. All of you raised your hands. This is being recorded on the TV, is it not? Then, Baba will see this TV on Shiv Ratri and see the result. Is this OK? There shouldn't be the slightest difference in your being equal. It is not a big thing to sacrifice yourself out of love. People of the world are ready to give their life for impure love, whereas all BapDada wants is your rubbish. Just give away the rubbish. Do not give good things, but give away the rubbish. What are weaknesses and defects? They are rubbish, are they not? To sacrifice rubbish is not a big thing. Let the situations end and let the original stage of the self become elevated. This is what you say, is it not? That the situation was like that? Do not even mention the name of situations because they make you fluctuate. Let the stage of the self be powerful. What should all of you be revealed as when the curtain of completion opens? As angels who are sparkling. All the children should be seen sparkling. This is why the curtain is waiting to be opened. People of the world are crying out, "Open the curtain, open the curtain!" Therefore, make your own plans. When you are given a plan made by someone else, then it is a different matter. Make your own plan with your own courage. Use the key of determination and you will definitely receive success. You have a determined thought and BapDada becomes happy, "Wah child! Wah!" You have a determined thought, but then a little bit of carelessness becomes mixed into that determination. This is why the percentage of success is sometimes half and sometimes three-quarters. Just as you have 100% love, in the same way, completion through your effort should also be 100%. It may be more than 100%, but not less. Do you like this? Do you agree? You will show this splendour at Shiv Ratri, will you not? I have to become this. If I don't become this, who else will? Have the faith, "I was that, I am that and I will become that once again." This faith will make you victorious. Do not look at others; look at your own self. Some children have a heart-to-heart conversation and they say: Just put that one right a little bit, and then I will become OK. Change that one a little and then I will also change. However, neither will that one change nor will you. If you change yourself, the other person will also change. Do not be dependent on anything such as: This will happen if that happens. I have to do it. Achcha. Shiv Ratri is soon going to come. Achcha.

Those who have come for the first time, raise your hands! BapDada is especially saying to those who have come for the first time that although you have come at a time when little time remains, make such intense effort that even though you have come last, you can go fast and claim the first number. Now the game of musical chairs is being played and it has not yet been announced who has won. You have come late, but, by moving along fast, you will reach your destination. At amrit vela, simply remind yourself of the blessing of being immortal. Achcha. Some have come from far away and some have come from nearby. BapDada says: Welcome to your home! The gathering looks beautiful. You are seeing it on the TV. When the gathering is full, it looks so beautiful. Achcha. So, are you ever-ready? You will learn the lesson of being ever-ready, will you not? Achcha. What are we going to do now?

It is the turn of Indore Zone: Those from Indore, stand up! Raise your hands! Many have come. Very good. To take this chance is to make your fortune very elevated. You are fortunate that you have received a chance and you have taken that chance. BapDada always says for every zone that to receive this golden chance for 15 to 20 days is a chance to stay in your self-respect, to create your own stage and to accumulate a lot in your account of charity. So, all of you served with zeal and enthusiasm. Congratulations for that. It is good. Indore (indoor) would always be introverted. You are indoors, are you not? Those who remain indoors are introverted, are they not? So, those who are introverted are always happy. Therefore, those from Indore have a natural blessing of always remaining introverted and so always happy. So, did you accumulate your income? Did you accumulate the maximum or only a little? Did all of you earn a lot? Achcha. When people serve food to one brahmin, they consider that to be charity. You served so many Brahmins. Therefore, you accumulated a lot in your account of charity. And you served true Brahmins. So, your account of charity has become so great. It is good. You are making self- progress with zeal and enthusiasm. Continue to do that and continue to fly ahead. Achcha.

Medical Wing: You have done well. You have maintained very good special dharna in your own wing. Mercy (daya), blessings (dua) and medicine (dava). You have kept a very good slogan of mercy, blessings and medicine. So check: Did you have feelings of mercy? You didn't serve the patients whilst being fed up, did you? You don't become fed up when difficult patients turn up, do you? Give them blessings and also give them medicine, and that patient will then no longer be a patient, but will have patience for all time. He will have patience then. Look, doctors are said to be next to God. So, the service you do is so important. You have received the title "next to God". This is why you have kept a good aim: Mercy and blessings, and it is anyway your duty to give medicine. A patient who comes might come crying, but when he leaves, he should go with a smile, for only then will it be said that you had mercy and gave blessings. He comes crying in distress and goes back comfortable and restful. It is good. The Medical Wing have the proof. The doctor is sitting here (Dr. Satish Gupta from Shantivan). The Medical Wing have given proof; the sound has reached the Government. BapDada wants the sound from every wing to reach the Government. Look, even the President said that the Brahma Kumaris cure people's hearts without any expense. So that sound has also spread, has it not? The sound should definitely reach the Government. The sound to reach the Government means that it will automatically spread. What did you used to do previously? You used to invite one leader or another and this would be shown on TV. Now the TV is yours but, previously, you used to invite them so that your name could be glorified. The TV people have to come so that the sound can spread, but you have now gone beyond that. Now the TV people themselves come to ask you what you are doing and how you are doing it. So, there is a difference, is there not? When the sound reaches the Government, it spreads. So, you are doing well. Congratulations.

Sports Wing: (They showed BapDada photos of the early yagya of Mama and Baba and Dadiji and Didiji playing badminton.) You are showing the photos. Now show them to everyone. It is good. Give the message to one such soul or another who becomes a mike to spread the sound. The programme that you have made is good. BapDada wants the people who are well known in sport to become mikes. So, make such effort. All of those who are especially known in their own field should become mikes. You don't need to become the mikes. Those from every Wing should try to do this. From every professional field, find someone who is well known and give that one an experience and let them share that experience. You won't need to spend anything. You won't even need to make effort. Those from every Wing should do this. You are serving the ordinary public. It is the general people who come for the mega programmes that you have. However, now do some service for quality souls. Every Wing should prepare one or two such mikes because those of the different Wings have now been serving for some time. You are recognised quite well now. Each Wing should now prepare one such person, who may not be a regular student, but at least he should become a mike. It is with difficulty that such souls become regular students, but they should at least share their experience. So, this year, do this. Each Wing should try this and then form a gathering of those souls. It can be a small gathering. It doesn't have to be big. Seeing one another, they will become enthusiastic. Is this OK? So, who will do this first? Will you? Achcha. Congratulations in advance. Achcha.

Security Wing: (They were showing their banner). You have kept a good aim. You have kept a good aim "Security, service, total surrender". If you have totally surrendered, then you will definitely become complete. You have kept a good aim. To surrender yourself means to be an instrument and to be humble. By becoming an instrument and being humble there is definitely success. It is good. You will have to serve till the end. More of your service will be required at the end. It is good. Every Wing should continue to revise their aim. All of you have written good things. Now, definitely develop the qualifications for that aim. Today, you showed Baba the aim; now Baba will see the qualifications. All the Wings have kept a good aim. Achcha. Are you preparing anyone from the military? Those from Security should have a connection with every group. Whether it is security of the country or souls, serve all of those from that department because this will be very useful at the right time. As the time becomes delicate, it will be very good for you to spread the sound with their help. Keep a connection with everyone. Keep contact with all the branches. When there are many servers, those servers will be useful at a time of crisis. It is good. BapDada sees that every Wing is making very good effort. Achcha. Congratulations.

SpARC Group: (Br Ramesh: We have had the thought of having the aim to create a value based society, in which every zone and every wing can be included in doing this service, and along with that to make preparations for the end, and we have the aim of researching deeply the topic of transformation of sanskars.)

Very good. The sound will spread to every home. Now prepare such a group that the sound reaches the Government. The sound will reach the Government when you hold that campaign. You have thought it out well. There are many in this group. Get the total result of everything. Then BapDada will give you more congratulations. You have good zeal and enthusiasm. Now increase zeal and enthusiasm in your efforts too. Not just in service, but zeal and enthusiasm should continue to increase in your efforts. Service should also continue to increase. What you have done is good. Congratulations.

Youth Group: The Youth Group has also come having done 6 big programmes in various places. While doing service, did you eat the nourishing fruit of happiness? Because, when you serve, you receive the fruit of that which is happiness, zeal and enthusiasm. So, did you just do service or, together with serving, did you also eat the fruit? Did you have that happiness? To remain happy and distribute happiness to others is to eat nourishing fruit and to feed that to others. Continue to move forward in the same way. You have done well. You have worked hard. Congratulations for your effort and congratulations for moving forward. Achcha.

Double Foreigners: From how many countries have representatives come? (from 35 countries). It is good. Madhuban becomes decorated with the double foreigners. Whether you stay in Gyan Sarovar or down here, you are the double decoration of Madhuban. Everyone becomes happy on seeing you. And BapDada has told you already that when establishment first began, there was one title BapDada didn't have. Then, when service abroad started, BapDada had that title in a practical way. What title is that? World Benefactor. Now there are service centres in all corners of the world. There are many service centres on every continent. How many centres must there be in the UK alone, in Europe, and in Australia? So, Baba's title of being the World Benefactor was proved by the service of the double foreigners. You know that BapDada likes very much one speciality of the double foreigners. Do you know what it is? Honesty and cleanliness. You tell everything. Even if you lack courage a little, you still tell Baba. You don't have the habit of hiding anything. So, the Father loves that honesty. Truth will enable you to attain greatness. You have done very well. You have become servers of the country you have emerged from. Otherwise, the children from Bharat would have had to learn so many languages. First of all, they would have to study this study. However, you came and became the servers. You bring the proof of service - lots and lots and lots of congratulations for that. All of you are those who remain OK. Never forget OK. It is good. You have to remain the best of all. The lands abroad have to claim number one. You have to win and claim number one. You are good. You are the ones who win and claim number one. You won't be number two will you? Number one. Win and one. Everyone loves you. Everyone wants to see you. BapDada has seen you; now turn yourselves around so that everyone can see you. Look, you have become the images that grant visions. (To Sister Jayanti) This one is OK? It is good. Achcha.

(Dadi Janki: Gibraltar is the youngest child of all. The couple from Gibraltar have become instruments and are moving ahead.)

Very good. Go ahead and become number one. Achcha. Everyone is doing their own service and will continue to do so. They will continue to make others fly. Achcha.

Those from Madhuban, raise your hands! There are many of you. Those from Madhuban are the hosts. Those who come as guests leave, but those from Madhuban are the hosts. You are nearest and dearest. You are all happy to see those from Madhuban, are you not? With what vision does everyone look at those from Madhuban? Wah! You have come from Madhuban! When they hear the name Madhuban, they also remember Baba of Madhuban. This is why those from Madhuban are important. Do you know your importance? You are happy, are you not? It is only a handful out of multimillions who have received this place where such loving sustenance is received. Everyone just wants to stay in Madhuban. They ask, "Can we stay in Madhuban?", whereas you are already living here. So, it is good. Baba doesn't forget those from Madhuban. You may be thinking that Baba didn't ask about you, but BapDada always asks about you in His heart. Those from Madhuban are first. If it weren't for those from Madhuban, where would everyone come? You are instruments for service. No matter how many servers there are, the foundation is of those from Madhuban. So, BapDada is giving blessings and love and remembrance from the heart to those who are upstairs in Gyan Sarovar and Pandav Bhavan. When toli is given here, do those upstairs in Madhuban receive it? So, those from Madhuban receive toli and also boli (the spoken murli). You receive both. It is good. Are all of those from the Hospital all right? Because, the hospital also has a special part. Have they come down here? Achcha, a few have come. Those from the hospital are also doing good service. Look, at the time of crisis, it is only the hospital that will be useful. And, from the time that the hospital opened, it has appeared to everyone that the Brahma Kumaris don't just give knowledge, but that they also help at a time of need. They also do social service. Therefore, the atmosphere has changed in Abu since the hospital opened. They don't look at you with the same vision that they looked at you in the beginning. They now look at you with a vision that you co-operate. Whether they take the knowledge or not, they look at you with a vision of co-operation, and so those from the hospital have done this service. It is good. Achcha. Did you remember what Baba said today? I have to become complete! No matter what happens, I have to become complete. Let there be this deep concern alone: I have to become complete. I have to become equal. Achcha.

To the elevated souls who are a handful out of multimillions and the selected few of that handful, to the fortunate (bhagyavan) children of God (Bhagwan - the Creator of Fortune), to the special souls who, through their intense effort, put their thoughts into practice and who have elevated thoughts and perform elevated deeds, and who make their qualifications equal to their aim, to the elevated souls who through their constant effort over a long period of time claim their fortune of the kingdom and become worthy of worship, to the number one fortunate children who, as a return of love, turn themselves, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

To Dadiji: Your name itself is doing service. All service is taking place by everyone just saying, "Dadi, Dadi". Achcha.

To Dadi Ratanmohini and Dadi Shantamani: All of you are number one co-operative and loving souls. You are loving and co-operative. This is a good group.

To Dadi Ratanmohini who is going to Rewa (Bhopal, MP) for a mega programme: Very good service is taking place. It is good that everything is being done with zeal and enthusiasm. You also receive a response then. It is good. Give Baba's remembrance to everyone.

To Jayantiben: You have become a conqueror of matter, have you not? Matter is mischievous. It is of the last birth. This is why it causes mischief, but remain a conqueror of matter and continue to fly. You also have a lot of blessings from BapDada and the family. So the blessings are also working like medicine.

To Dr. Hansa Raval (Texas, USA): You receive very good fruit of service. You receive the instant, visible fruit of happiness and closeness. So you are the one who claims this fruit. You are clever.

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