25-03-2005         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

Become a master sun and spread the rays of experience.
Become a bestower of fortune and a tapaswi.

Today, BapDada has come to celebrate Holi with his children from everywhere who are the holy swans. Children have also arrived here to celebrate Holi having been bound by the string of love. You have arrived here with so much love in order to celebrate a meeting. BapDada was seeing the fortune of all the children. It is such a great fortune: to the extent that you are the holiest, to the same extent, you are also the highest. Look at the whole cycle. No one else has a fortune higher than yours. You know your fortune, do you not? Even at the present time too, you are being sustained by Godly sustenance, Godly study and Godly blessings. In the future too, you become those who a have a right to the kingdom of the world. You have to become that. It is fixed and you have that faith. Later on too, when you become worship-worthy, no one is worshipped accurately with the right method as you elevated souls are. So, at the present, in the future and in the worship-worthy form, you are the highest, that is, the highest on high. Every action of your non-living image is also worshipped. There have been many religious founders and great souls, but it is only you highest-on-high children of God who are worshipped accurately with the right method. This is because at this time, you perform every action accurately as a karma yogi and the fruit of that is that you are worshipped accurately. You receive the reward of the effort made at the confluence age. So, God, the highest-on-high is enabling you to receive the highest-on-high attainment.

Holy means purity: you are the holiest and also the highest. The foundation of this Brahmin life is purity. The slightest impurity even in your thoughts doesn’t allow you to become elevated. Purity is the mother of happiness and peace. Purity is the key to all attainments. This is why the slogan of all of you is: “Be pure and be yogi”. Even in the festival of Holi they first burn something and then celebrate. They do not celebrate without first burning. To burn the impurity; you burn the impurity with the fire of yoga. And as a memorial of that, those people burn something in a fire and, after burning it, when they have become pure, they celebrate with happiness. As a memorial of your becoming pure, they celebrate a meeting, because it is when all of you too burn away the impurities and become red with the colour of God’s company that you celebrate a meeting with all souls by having good wishes and pure feelings. The memorial of this is that you have an auspicious, happy meeting. This is why BapDada is reminding all of you children of the awareness: Always receive blessings from everyone and give blessings to everyone. With the good wishes of your blessings, celebrate an auspicious meeting. Even if someone does have bad wishes for you, that soul is under an influence of impurity. And if you accommodate those bad wishes in your mind, do you then remain happy? Do you experience happiness? Or, do you experience sorrow of waste thoughts such as “Why? What? How? Who?” To accept those bad wishes means to make yourself experience sorrow and peacelessness. Then you are disobeying BapDada’s shrimat of: Give happiness and take happiness. So now all of you children have learnt how to receive blessings and give blessings, have you not? Have you learnt this?

Promise and Determination. Make a promise with determination: I have to give happiness and I have to take happiness. I have to give blessings and receive blessings. Have you made this promise? Do you have this courage? Those who have the courage that from today you will have the determined thought “I will receive blessings and give blessings”, raise your hands! Are you sure? Is it firm? Do not become weak. If you remain unripe (weak), then the birds will eat the unripe fruit. Determination is the key to success. Do all of you have this key? Do you have it? Do you have the key all the time? Maya doesn’t steal it, does she? She also loves the key. When thinking, always let this thought remain in an emerged form; let it not be merged, but let it remain emerged: I definitely have to do this. I definitely have to become this. It is already accomplished. This is called being victorious by having faith in the intellect. The drama of victory is already fixed. You simply have to repeat it. It is a predestined drama. It is already created, and by repeating it, you have to create it again. Is it difficult? Does it sometimes become difficult? Why does it feel difficult? You make the easy things difficult by yourself. You make a small mistake. Do you know what mistake you make? At that time, BapDada not only feels a lot of mercy, He also has love for you. In what form does He have that love? On the one hand you say that the Father is combined with you. Is He combined? Not with you, but combined with you. Is He combined? Double foreigners, is He combined? Those at the back, is He combined? Those sitting in the gallery, is He combined?

Today, BapDada has received the news that the residents of Madhuban, Pandav Bhawan, Gyan Sarovar and here as well are listening to the murli in a separate hall, and so BapDada is asking them too: Is BapDada combined? They are raising their hands. Since He is combined, since the Almighty Authority, BapDada, is combined, then why do you become alone? Even if you are weak, BapDada is the Almighty Authority. It is when you become alone that you then become weak. Remain in the combined form. BapDada is co-operative with every child at every moment. Why has Father Shiva come from Paramdham? For what has He come? He has come to be co-operative with you children. Look, even Father Brahma became avyakt from vyakt. What for? Through the avyakt form, rather than the corporeal form, he can give the maximum co-operation of all. So, since BapDada is offering to give you His co-operation, why do you remain alone? Why do you engage yourself in labour? You have laboured for 63 births. Do those sanskars of labouring pull you even now? Stay absorbed in love. Remain merged in love. Love will enable you to become free from labour. Do you like labouring? Or are you compelled by your habits? You are easy yogis. BapDada has brought a special gift for you children from Paramdham. Do you know what gift He has brought? He has brought heaven on the palm of His hand. You also have a picture showing that He has brought the fortune of the kingdom for you children. This is why BapDada doesn’t like it when you have to labour.

BapDada wants to see every child free from labouring and being lost in love. So, today, will you burn the Holi through your thoughts and become free from labouring and battling with Maya? Will you burn it? To burn something means to make its name and trace totally disappear. Whenever something is burnt, its name and trace finish completely. So, will you celebrate such a Holi? You are waving your hands and BapDada is pleased on seeing your hands, but…. there is a but. Should Baba tell you about the but...? Wave the hand of your mind. It is very easy to wave your physical hands. If your mind accepts that you have to do it, then it is already accomplished.

Many new ones have come. Those who have come for the first time to celebrate a meeting, raise your hands! There are also those who have come for the first time amongst the double foreigners. To all those who have come for the first time, BapDada is especially congratulating them for creating their fortune. However, keep these congratulations in your awareness, and always keep this aim because the final result has not yet been announced. Everyone has a chance. Even those who come at the end (last) – and you have come after those who came in the beginning, so those who have come last can go fast and can then go first. You have permission; you can go ahead. Always remember this: I that is, I the soul, have to go fast and come in the first-class. Yes, many VIPs have come. You have titles of VIPs. All the VIPs who have come, raise your hands high. Welcome. Welcome to your home. Welcome. Now, to introduce you, you are called VIPs, but now, from VIPs, you have to become VVVIPs. Look, the deities, your non-living images, are VVVIPs. So, you too definitely have to become like those ancestors. BapDada is pleased to see the children. You have come into relationship. Those VIPs who have come, stand up. You must have become tired just sitting there, so stand up. Achcha.

Mothers who have come to meet Baba for the first time, stand up! All of these have come for the first time. Achcha, the Pandavas who have come for the first time, stand up. BapDada is pleased. Why? Children have done good service. BapDada has seen the proof of service. During this season, in every group, BapDada has seen that the majority of those who have come to meet Baba for the first time have been more than 50%. This is why BapDada is congratulating and giving blessings from His heart to all the children who had mega programmes and who did service at their own places and gave the proof of service. Now, what is to be done in the future?

Dadiji has sent a message asking what more has to be done in the future. BapDada is pleased to see the children but, for the future regarding all the souls who have come into connection and relationship, every centre should call those souls group by group, and sustain them to make their foundation strong. Their relationship has been forged. The relationship is forged whether they come sometimes or regularly, or whether they have just come into connection or relationship. Together with the relationship, forge such a strong connection of souls with the Father that they don’t have to labour a great deal. They shouldn’t have to repeatedly battle with Maya. Strengthen the love in their heart so that no obstacles can come. When you have deep love for the Father, obstacles cannot come. That is impossible. Therefore, do the service of giving a message, but make the fruit of service that has emerged strong. Let them become ripe. They should not remain unripe because time is going fast. There is no guarantee of time. Anything can happen at any time, and it will happen suddenly. BapDada knows when something is to happen but He will not tell you because the paper has to be given suddenly. Therefore, increase the account of accumulation a great deal.

At present, BapDada is repeatedly drawing your attention to two things: 1) Stop. Put a full-stop. Put a point. 2) Accumulate your stock. Both are essential. Especially accumulate three treasures: 1) Accumulate the reward of your efforts, that is, the practical fruit of your efforts. 2) Always remain content and make others content. Do not just remain content, but also make others content and, as a result of that, accumulate blessings. Sometimes, some children accumulate in their account of blessings, but whilst moving along they become confused over trivial matters and then become discouraged, and put a line through the treasures that they have already accumulated. So, accumulate in your account of blessings, and the method for that is to remain content and make others content. 3) Accumulate the fruit and treasures that you receive through service. And in service too, especially serve as an instrument with humility, with pure and gentle words – unlimited service. It is not mine, but Baba’s. Baba, Karavanhar, (The one who gets everything done through others) is getting everything done through me, karanhar (the one who does everything): this is unlimited service. Check these three accounts. Have I accumulated all three treasures? Let the consciousness of “mine” be missing. Be completely ignorant of the knowledge of desires. You are thinking what you are going to do this year. Now that the season is ending, what are we going to do for 6 months? Firstly, accumulate in your accounts. Check very thoroughly that there are no limited desires in any corner. Check that there is no consciousness of “I” or “mine”. Are you those who take? Become the bestowers of fortune, not those who take. Do not be those who want in any way - name, fame, respect etc. Become the donors, become the bestowers of fortune.

Sorrow is now increasing a lot and it will continue to increase. Therefore, become a master sun and spread the rays of experience. The sun gives so many types of attainment at the same time; it doesn’t give just one attainment. It doesn’t just give light, it also gives power. It enables you to have many attainments. In the same way, all of you should also become suns of knowledge for these 6 months and spread the rays of happiness, joy, peace and co-operation. Give an experience. As soon as others see your face, they should at least be able to smile through their waves of sorrow. Through your drishti, they should receive courage. Therefore, you have to pay this attention. You have to become the bestowers of fortune and tapaswi souls. Do such tapasya that the flames of tapasya give one experience or another. Let them not just hear words, but also give them an experience. Experience is immortal. Words are just words; they are liked for a short time, but they are not remembered permanently. Therefore, become an authority of experience and give an experience. Give whoever comes in relationship and connection with you courage, zeal and enthusiasm through your co-operation and a connection with BapDada. Do not make them labour too much. You must not labour nor must you make others labour. You are instruments, are you not? Create such vibrations of zeal and enthusiasm that even those who are serious feel that zeal and enthusiasm. Their mind should dance in happiness. Did you hear what you have to do? We shall see the result as to how many souls each place has made firm? How much have you become firm and how many other souls have you made firm? Baba will not look at the ordinary chart: “I didn’t make any mistakes, I didn’t tell lies, I didn’t perform any sinful actions.” But to how many souls did I give zeal and enthusiasm, to how many did I give an experience and the key of determination? Is that OK? You have to do that, do you not? Why should BapDada have to say that you will do it? No, you have to do it. If you do not do it, then who will? Those who come after you? You have claimed a right from the Father every cycle, you claimed it now and you will claim it every cycle. BapDada is definitely going to see a gathering of such firm children. Is that OK? Raise your hands if you are going to become that. Raise the hand of your mind! Raise your hand of determined faith. All of you have passed in this. You have passed, have you not? Achcha.

Are all of you happy? More people have come than there are facilities for. (Over 23,000 people have come). It doesn’t matter. It is when more come that Dadiji will have the thought of increasing the facilities. Welcome. It is good. The hall has to become small at some point. It should be small, should it not? Those in the first row, it should be small, should it not? Only then will you have the thought of building another one. There has to be expansion in the drama. You servers don’t become tired, do you? Whose turn is it this time? Gujarat. Gujarat is big. Those from Gujarat, stand up. Half the hall are those from Gujarat. (7,000) Many servers have come from Gujarat and this is why many have come who are to receive their service. You haven't become tired, have you? Mothers, have you become tired rolling the chapattis? You haven't become tired, have you? The task that requires most effort is making chapattis. Those from Gujarat have the blessing: Just as your state is nearby, in the same way, you also have to remain close to BapDada’s heart. You are staying there and you have to remain there. BapDada has seen that at any time of need Gujarat is present and ready to help. So, BapDada is also always present for the souls who remain ready. Achcha.

Today, those from Gyan Sarovar, Pandav Bhavan and Shantivan have given Baba a message to see them close even though they are sitting far. So, BapDada is seeing all the residents of all the places of Madhuban, all the brothers and sisters, are personally in front of Him. You are not far away, you are in Baba’s heart and so BapDada is giving love and remembrance from His heart. Otherwise, you are not seen anyway, but today, you are especially being seen. Achcha.

Double foreigners: Wave your hands. BapDada has seen the refreshment that all the double foreign children have received. You have created a good chart. You have done well and remain the best of all. Whenever someone asks you how you are, all of you should give the same response: our condition is very good and our way of moving is like angels. Is that OK? Do you like that? It should not be that when you go to America or Africa you then change. Do not change; fly and make others fly. You always have the wings of zeal and enthusiasm. You also have to give others the wings of zeal and enthusiasm. This is good. BapDada continues to hear all the news. You make programmes to take the best benefit of Madhuban, and BapDada is pleased to see and hear this. Do not forget the blessing of remaining immortal: May you remain immortal. Children have come from 60 countries. Those from the 60 countries, raise your hands. (Those from each continent raised their hands.) Australia, Africa, America. Welcome. It is good. BapDada and the whole Brahmin family are pleased to see you. Why? Because however many countries you are serving, you have given the residents of Bharat the co-operation of learning those languages. This is why they are pleased to see all of you. You have good zeal and enthusiasm and this will always remain. Are all the teachers OK? You have made a lot of effort for them to have zeal and enthusiasm. You make good programmes; even BapDada is pleased. Now, BapDada wants one thing from the double foreigners. Should Baba tell you?

BapDada has heard that the double-foreigners send long e-mails. You have made child Janak very busy. She has to stay awake at night. So, continue to make a short-cut in this too; do not write long e-mails. Is that OK? They can be short, can they not? So, is it OK? Will you make them short? You may send your news, but let it be short. Just 3 to 4 lines, and maximum 5 lines. This is possible, is it not? Those who will cut them short, raise your hands. Those who don’t even write are not raising their hands. You are clever. It is good. Achcha.

Special congratulations to the mothers for their faith and love. Congratulations to the Pandavas for becoming number one and winning. Congratulations, congratulations and congratulations to those children who are named VIPS for increasing their connection in the future with zeal and enthusiasm, and for accumulating multimillions at every step. Achcha.

To all the children seated on the heart-throne, to the children who experience God’s love whilst sitting far away, to the children who are always holy, that is, who have made the foundation of purity firm, to the mahavir and mahavirni children who remain distant from any trace of impurity even in their dreams, to the complete and perfect children who accumulate in all the accounts of accumulation at every moment, to the children who are equal to the Father, who are constant jewels of contentment and who remain content and make others content, BapDada’s love, remembrance, blessings and namaste.

To the Dadis: Dadis are Guru-Bhai (next in line to the guru). So, sit next to Baba. Brothers sit together, do they not? It is good. BapDada massages you with love every day. You are the instruments, are you not? This massage is making you move. It is good. Seeing the example of all of you, everyone receives courage. In service, move ahead like the instrument Dadis with the feeling of being an instrument. It is good. The firm faith of all of you that Karavanhar is making you act, the One who makes everyone move is making you move, it is this feeling of being an instrument that enables service to take place. Is there any consciousness of “I”? Do you have any feeling of “I”? It is good. You are the instrument examples in front of the whole world, are you not? So, BapDada also especially continues to give love and blessings. Achcha. It is good that many have come, is it not? The last turn (meeting) has gone fast.

To the main double foreign teachers: All of you together become instruments to sustain everyone, and that is a very good part that you are all playing. You yourselves become refreshed and also refresh others. You make good programmes. BapDada likes them. It is only when you become refreshed that you will refresh others. Very good. All of you have had very good refreshment. BapDada is pleased. Very good.

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