15-12-2006          Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada           Madhuban

Be an embodiment of remembrance, an experienced image and pass with honours by bringing about transformation in the speed of a second.

Today, BapDada is seeing three lines of special fortune sparkling on the foreheads of all the children everywhere. Everyone's forehead is sparkling with the lines of fortune. One is the line of fortune of Godly sustenance. The second is the line of the fortune of the teachings received from the elevated Teacher. The third is the line of fortune of shrimat received from the Satguru. In fact, all of you have plenty of fortune, but, nevertheless, Baba is today seeing these three lines. You are also experiencing the sparkling lines on your forehead, are you not? The most elevated line is the line of the sustenance of God's love. Just as the Father is the Highest on High, so Godly sustenance is also the highest on high. So few of you receive this sustenance, and all of you have become worthy of this sustenance. This sustenance is received only by you children only once in the whole cycle. If you don't receive it now, you can never receive it. This Godly sustenance, God's love and Godly attainment is experienced only by a handful of souls out of millions. All of you are experienced, are you not? Do you have this experience? You have experienced the sustenance, the study and also shrimat. You are experienced images. So, can you always see this star of fortune sparkling on your forehead? All the time? Or, does the sparkling star sometimes become a little dull? It should not become dull. If the sparkling star becomes dull, do you know what the reason is for that?

BapDada saw that the reason is: You have not become embodiments of remembrance. You think that you are a soul, but you become an embodiment of the thought, you don't become an embodiment of the awareness so much. Unless you always remain an embodiment of remembrance, you cannot have power because this awareness brings power. An embodiment of remembrance is an embodiment of power. This star of fortune sparkles little. Ask yourself what you are for a longer period: Is it an embodiment of thought or an embodiment of awareness? By being an embodiment of thought, you think very well, "I am this, I am this, I am this", but, because of not having that awareness, waste thoughts and ordinary thoughts become mixed in your thinking. In fact, if you look at it, your eternal form is the form of awareness and power. Your form is not just of thoughts, but it is the embodiment. In the beginning too, you receive the reward of having been an embodiment of awareness at this time. So, eternally and originally, you are an embodiment of awareness and at this time, at the end and at the time of the confluence age, too, you become an embodiment of awareness. So, in all three aspects of time - at the beginning, eternally and at the end - you are an embodiment of awareness. You are not an embodiment of thoughts. This is why BapDada told you earlier too: To become an experienced image at the present time is the elevated stage. You consider yourself to be a soul, you have the Godly attainments, but there is a big difference in understanding this and experiencing it. An experienced image can never be deceived by Maya or experience any sorrow. The games of Maya that you see every now and again, or the games that you even play yourself are because of the lack of being an embodiment of experience. The authority of experience is the most elevated. BapDada saw that some children think about this, but that they have little experience of being an embodiment.

In today's world, the majority of souls have become tired of seeing and hearing and wish to have some attainment through an experience. Only those who are experienced can give an experience. An experienced soul will always continue to move forward; they will continue to fly because an experienced soul constantly has zeal and enthusiasm in an emerged form. So check: Have you become an image of experience of every point? Is the authority of experience visible in your every action? Is your every word and every thought based on the authority of experience or is it simply based on your understanding? One is to understand and the other is to experience. To speak about the points of knowledge for every subject can also be done by outside speakers who give many speeches. However, to become an embodiment of the experience of every point means to be an enlightened soul. There are many who have yoga, there are many who sit for yoga, but the experience of yoga means to be an embodiment of power, and an embodiment of power is recognised by being able to invoke a particular power that is needed at that time and becoming an embodiment that is free from obstacles. If even one power is lacking, if you speak about it but are not an embodiment of it, then, too, you can be deceived at that time. If you need to have the power of tolerance but you use the power to oppose, you cannot be called yogyukt or an embodiment of experience. What would be the sign of your being an embodiment of awareness and an embodiment of experience in all four subjects? In your stage, you would have the consciousness of being an instrument; in your attitude you would always have pure feelings, soul-conscious feelings and altruistic feelings. In the atmosphere and in relationships and connections, you would always be humble and your words would be pure and gentle. These specialities would be the natural nature at every moment of one who is an experienced image. Natural nature. At present, some children sometimes say: I don't want to do this, but it is my old nature. Your nature naturally does that work, and you don't even have to think about it. Your nature is naturally doing that work. So check yourself: What is my natural nature? If I have even the slightest trace of my old nature, then, by it being used again and again, it becomes a firm sanskar. In order to finish the old nature and old sanskars... even though you want to do this, you are unable to do it. What is the reason for that? You have become knowledge-full in everything. You don't want something to happen and yet it happens; so what is the reason for that? There is little power of transformation. In the majority, it is visible that the power of transformation... (is lacking). You understand it, you speak about it, and if you were all asked to write or give a lecture on the topic of the power of transformation, then BapDada feels that all of you are very clever and you could even give very good lectures and write very well about it too; and, if others come, you could also explain to them very well - "Don't worry, just transform it." However, you yourselves lack the power of transformation, and knowing the importance of the present time, you should not take time to bring about transformation. It is the power of transformation in a second, because, since you understand that something should not happen, and though you understand, if you are unable to transform yourself, the reason for that is that you think about it, but you don't become an embodiment of it. You become an embodiment of those thoughts for a longer period throughout the day; the majority of you lack being an embodiment of awareness and so an embodiment of power.

It is now the time for intense speed, the time for intense effort. It is not the time for ordinary effort. Transformation in a second means that through your being an embodiment of awareness, you should become free from negative and wasteful thoughts in one second. Why? You are instruments to bring the time and completion close. So, according to the importance of the present time, and since you know that every step has multimillions merged in it, you keep the awareness of increasing that in your intellect, but you should also keep the awareness of losing that in your intellect. If you are creating multimillions at every step, you are also losing multimillions in a step, are you not? So, now, the question of a minute is over. You say for others that they should stay in a minute of silence, but for you people, it is now a matter of a second. How long does it take to think "yes" or "no"? A second. So, such fast transformation power is required. You understand that something is fine or not fine. Put a full-stop to that which is not fine and make that which is fine practical. Now use the importance of the full-stop. You know about the three dots, do you not? However, use the dot (full stop) at the right time. Scientists are doing everything quickly now and they are also using the power of transformation a lot more. So, those with the power of silence, now keep the aim, that is, if you want to bring about transformation - you are knowledgeful, but now become powerful, in the speed of a second. "We are doing it, it will happen, we will do it...."; no. Is it possible or is it difficult? Because, at the final moment, it will be the paper of a second, not a minute. So, only if you have the practice of a second over a long period of time will you be able to pass with honours in a second. You are Godly students, you are studying the Godly study and so you definitely have to pass with honours. So what if you claim pass marks? Pass with honours! What aim have you kept? Those of you who believe that you have to pass with honours, raise your hands! Pass with honours! Underline the word honours! Achcha. So, what will you now have to do? "A motor a minute" is common; it is now a matter of a second.

Yes, those from Punjab, it is now a matter of a second. Who will be number one in this? Punjab. What is the big deal? You speak with such intoxication, you speak very well with such intoxication that when BapDada hears it, He is very pleased. You say: What is the big deal, because BapDada is with you. So, you have the Authority with you; so what are you now going to do? You now have to become intense effort makers. You are doing service, and what else would you do without service? Will you sit idle? Service is the religion and action of Brahmin souls. However, now, together with service, become an embodiment of power. BapDada is pleased with the extent of zeal and enthusiasm for service you have shown and is also congratulating you. However, just as you have received the crown of service - you are wearing a crown (the youth group was wearing a crown and a sash), see how good it looks - now show everyone by wearing the crown of becoming an embodiment of awareness. It is the youth group, is it not? So, what wonder will you show? Number one in service and number one in being an embodiment of power. To give the message is also the religion and action of Brahmin life, but BapDada is now giving a signal to speed up the machinery of transformation. Otherwise, it will be difficult to pass with honours. The practice of this over a long period of time is needed. Think about it and do it! Do not just become an embodiment of thought; also become an embodiment of awareness and so an embodiment of power. Finish the waste at a fast speed. Wasteful thoughts, wasteful words, wasteful actions, wasteful time and wasteful methods and systems in relationships and connections - finish all of that! When you Brahmin souls finish all that waste in yourselves at a fast speed, you will accumulate blessings from souls and accumulate in your account of charity at a fast speed.

BapDada has told you earlier that BapDada is checking three types of account. The account of the speed of effort, the account of blessings and the account of charity. However, the accounts of the majority are not that full. This is why BapDada is today reminding you of the slogan: Now become fast, become intense effort-makers. Become those who finish everything at a fast speed. Become those who transform the atmosphere with their mind at a fast speed.

BapDada is pleased with all the children about one thing. In which aspect? All of you have deep love in your heart for the Father; congratulations for this! But, should I tell you what you have to do? By the end of this season - and you still have time - show one or another splendour of a fast speed by the end of this season. Do you like this? Do you like it? Those of you who feel that you will keep both the aim and its qualifications in your awareness, raise your hands! Those who will keep both the aim and its qualifications in front of you, raise your hands! Double foreigners will do this, teachers will do this and the Youth will also do this. And, those in the front row will also do this. So, multi, multi, multimillion congratulations in advance. Achcha. What are we going to do now?

It is the turn of Punjab to serve: Half the class is from Punjab. You have done very well. You arrived here being ever-ready for service. Achcha. Are those from Punjab making some new plans? Have you been touched to carry out a plan of something that no one has so far done? It is possible. It will happen by the morning. Do something such that all Brahmins will give you thanks, congratulations and sing songs of praise. What you have done so far, you are doing anyway and you are doing it well. BapDada continues to hear the service news and, hearing about it, gives you love from His heart. Now, show some other newness. Punjab is called the lion, is it not? So, now let there be some roaring so that everyone's vision easily goes towards BapDada. It will happen. BapDada has the thought that Punjab will definitely do something new. Even now, you have received a golden chance. You took the golden chance for service and you continue to take that every year and all of you are doing everything very well with courage and enthusiasm. The number of people that has come is very good. There are very good mahavirs. Look, even Father Brahma had such love for Punjab that he went to Punjab. So, you also saw the special love of Father Brahma. All the maharathis have also placed their feet in Punjab. Now show some newness. You can do it. The five rivers of Punjab are very well known. BapDada is seeing that there are very good souls who have received sustenance from Father Brahma. So, you also have to give the return of the sustenance you have received. It is good; BapDada has many wonderful hopes for Punjab. You will do this, will you not? Show this by performing such a task that everyone's vision goes towards the Father. Do the Pandavas have this courage? Are the Pandavas courageous? It is good. There is also a good number of mothers, and many teachers too. Achcha. Make a plan among yourselves. Pandavas, make a plan. Make a plan of wonders! Achcha.

Youth marches have come from all over Bharat: Achcha. BapDada saw the welcome ceremony and also heard the news of the service that the Youth group did. You did very good service and you also showed a good certificate of serving tirelessly with courage and enthusiasm. Where there is zeal and enthusiasm, there is definitely success. It has been seen that, specially in all the rallies, there was very good zeal and enthusiasm. Because of your zeal and enthusiasm, you remained free from any illness and also remained free from obstacles. Now, just as you remained free from obstacles during the rally, in the same way, in this Brahmin life, always remain carefree, free from negative thoughts and free from waste thoughts. If the kumars were to show a very good chart in this for even one month, BapDada would shower golden flowers on you. Be completely free from obstacles even in your dreams. Words and actions are something big, but to remain free from obstacles even in your dreams! Look at the self, look at the time, do not even look at others; if you do see the weaknesses of others, do not keep them in your mind. If you keep the weaknesses of someone in your mind, how would you remember the Father? The Father doesn't stay with weaknesses. Fast speed of a second - just as all of you youth were successful on the rally through your zeal and enthusiasm, in the same way, show this by being successful in this topic and BapDada will then celebrate with you. Will you do this? Do you have such courage? Are you sure? Because, when you return from here, Maya is also listening and she knows that you are making a promise. If you see anyone's weakness, then with the right method, tell your senior instruments. However, do not then follow it up, checking whether that one was given punishment or not or what step was taken or why no steps were taken. Do not go into that waste. BapDada is seeing the accounts and He will continue to see them. So, will you put the blessing of being free from obstacles into your life? Will you? Take their photo on the TV. Look, you are from all the centres; the majority of the zones are represented. If all of you, brothers and sisters, if you yourselves do this in every zone, then this atmosphere of your attitude will spread. Do not think about whether it has spread into the atmosphere or not. It will definitely spread. If the Youth perform such wonders, we can then show the results to the Government. Pass with honours even in your dreams. The service that all of you did was good. Everyone liked your service and even BapDada liked it. However, for the future, now show some wonders. The numbers are very good. Look, how you experienced that when you had zeal and enthusiasm for service! The chart was good. There were no problems with your body and no obstacles for the majority of you. So, if you have any thoughts with such zeal and enthusiasm, victory is guaranteed. So remember the slogan of the Youth: You have to do it! Don't do bad things! Do good things! You have to become victorious. You have to become stars of success. Is this all right? Achcha.

Double foreigners: You are waving the stars very well. BapDada says that the double foreigners are the special decoration of Madhuban. When the double foreigners come, Madhuban becomes decorated. Now, we shall see which zone claims number one in making effort at a fast speed. Madhuban will claim this; those from Madhuban are sitting here. Those from Madhuban, stand up! Achcha. There are many from Madhuban. So, what will Madhuban do? Claim number one in making intense effort. Do you have this courage? Do you? Those who have courage, raise your hands! Now, no such news of anything will come to BapDada, will it? That this happened, that happened? It will only be "It was good, it was good, it was good..." Is this OK? Are you sure? Sure? Look, are you raising your hand or the hand of your mind? You have raised the hand of your mind, have you not? Only a few of you have raised your hand. You are raising the hand of your mind, are you not? Now, BapDada will ask for the result every month. Should He ask for it? Should He? Very good. Everyone abroad and here in India have respect for those from Madhuban. They look at the residents of Madhuban with a very elevated vision. They look at you with a vision of so much love. So, now, BapDada will only hear of such results from now. In your mind, all of you know what you have to do and what you must not do and you also understand what BapDada wants. Now you just have to do that. You are knowledge-full, but now become powerful. Achcha.

BapDada loves the double foreigners very much. You are all loved, but Baba loves you because you are those with an honest heart. You have realisation very quickly, but now add the power of transformation. You will add this, will you not? Make an addition of the power of transformation. You realise something, you know about it and this is why you receive Baba's love. You are honest, but now make a slight addition of bringing about transformation. Is this OK? Is everyone happy? You continue to dance in happiness and continue to sing songs of the Father's praise. Very good. Achcha.

Those who have come for the first time, raise your hands! Stand up! Achcha. Many have come. There are many who have come for the first time. BapDada says to those who have come for the first time: Just as you have come for the first time, in the same way, in every subject, claim number one. In coming here, you have come with zeal and enthusiasm. You have arrived here in the `plane of love. Now, with the wings of zeal and enthusiasm claim number one in every subject. Have this determined thought. It is good. Congratulations. Achcha.

Now, practise this right now. In one second become free from negative thoughts, free from waste thoughts; become stable and concentrate on "One Father and none other". Are you able to sit and concentrate on this one thought? Let there be no other thoughts. Sit in the experience of concentrating on just the one thought. Do not take time, but just in one second. Achcha.

To all the children everywhere who have sent special love and remembrance, each of those children please accept love, remembrance and blessings from the heart personally by name. BapDada is seeing that this is in everyone's heart: Give my remembrance, give my remembrance. However, the moment you children have this thought, it reaches BapDada at that time. This is why Baba is giving all the children love and remembrance personally by their name and their speciality.

To all the elevated children who are always an embodiment of awareness, an embodiment of power and an embodiment of experience, to those who always instantly put into practice the pure thoughts you have - just as there is the importance of an instant donation, in the same way, there is also the importance of instant transformation - to the world-transformer children who bring about instant transformation, to all the mahavir children who put into their every action the Godly sustenance, God's love, Godly study and God's shrimat, to the children who make number one intense effort with their courage, concentration and unity, BapDada's love and remembrance from His heart, blessings from His heart and namaste.

To Dadiji: She is showing the stage of having attained victory.

To the Dadis: All of you are playing a good part. BapDada is pleased on seeing each one's part. The young ones are also playing a good part. Do not think that you are just the young ones. Young ones are equal to God. The Shaktis have their own part and the Pandavas have their own part. Nothing can continue if the Pandavas are not there and nothing can continue if the Shaktis are not there. This is why there is the memorial of the four-armed image in Bharat. In no other religion do they show the four-armed image, but in Bharat the four-armed image has importance. So, both are playing a very good part. However, now do everything fast, that is all. Sometimes, you become a little slack. Now is not the time to become slack. Many different things happen, but by understanding the significance of the situations, we have to remain raazyukt, yogyukt, snehyukt (loving) and sahyogyukt (co-operative) as we move along. Is this OK? (To Dadiji) This is very good, is it not? Look how so many have come. Why have they come? Why has everyone come? To meet you. They have of course come to meet BapDada, but if the Dadis were not here, they would say that they don't enjoy it. And, there is no enjoyment if all of you are not here, either.

(Shantamani Dadi is not well and is in Ahmedabad hospital. Dadi Nirmal Shanta is also in Ahmedabad). It is OK. There is still some time to settle the accounts.

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