02-04-2008          Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada           Madhuban

This year, become an authority of experience in all four subjects. Make the aim and its qualifications equal.

Today, BapDada is seeing His jewels of contentment everywhere who remain content. The sparkle of contentment is visible on the face of each one. You yourself love jewels of contentment, BapDada loves them and the family also loves them because contentment is a great power. Contentment can only be imbibed when you have attained all attainments. If there is little attainment, there will be little contentment. Contentment also invokes other powers. According to capacity, the atmosphere of contentment also gives others vibrations of contentment. The sign of someone remaining content is that that one will always be seen to be happy-hearted. That one's face would always naturally remain cheerful. No adverse situation that comes in front of a contented soul will make that one fluctuate from his original stage. No matter how great the situation may be, for a contented soul it is seen as entertainment in the form of a cartoon show. This is why that soul does not get distressed by situations. The situations cannot attack that soul; they are defeated. This is why that soul experiences his life to be entertainment filled with supersensuous joy. He doesn't need to labour, but experiences that as entertainment. So, each one of you should check yourself. You know how to check, do you not? Do you? Those who know how to check yourself, not check others, if you know how to check yourself, raise your hands. Do you know how to check yourself? Achcha. Congratulations.

Every day at amrit vela, the blessing that every child receives from BapDada in different forms is: Remain happy, remain prosperous. Everyone receives a blessing every day. BapDada gives everyone the same blessing, simultaneously every day, but what is the difference? Why do you become numberwise? The Bestower is One and the gift He gives is the same. He doesn't give a little to some and more to others. He gives generously, but how is the difference created? All of you have experienced this because, until now, this sound reaches BapDada. Do you know which sound? "Sometimes" (kabhi kabhi), "A little..." (thoda, thoda). This sound reaches BapDada even now. BapDada has said: Both these words should be removed from the dictionary of the life of Brahmin souls. The Father is imperishable, the treasures are imperishable and all of you are imperishable, elevated souls. So, what word should you be using? "Sometimes" or "constantly" (sada)? In front of all the treasures, check: Do I have all the powers constantly? Do I have all the virtues constantly? When the devotees of all of you sing your praise, what do they say? "The bestower of virtues sometimes" - is this what they sing? In every blessing, BapDada has said the word "sada" (constantly). A master with all powers constantly, not that sometimes you have some powers and at other times you have all the powers. At every moment, you speak these two words and the Father also speaks them. "Become equal". He doesn't say become equal to a little extent. He says: Complete and perfect to the fullest extent. So, what do the children sometimes do? BapDada also watches the games, does He not? He continues to watch the games of the children. What do some of you children do? Some of you, not all of you, think about the blessing you have received; you speak about it, you note it down in your notebook, you even remember it, but you don't allow the seed of the blessing to become fruitful. You are unable to get fruit from the seed. You become very happy simply speaking about it: "It is a very good blessing." The blessing is the seed, and to the extent that you make the seed fruitful, accordingly it will increase. What is the method to make the seed fruitful? To use it at the right time. You forget to use it at the time. You simply see it in your notebook and speak about it: "It is very good, it is very good. Baba has given a very good blessing." But why has He given it? He has given it for you to make it fruitful. Fruit grows from a seed. You churn the blessing, but in becoming an embodiment of that blessing, you become numberwise. Seeing the fortune of each one, BapDada becomes pleased. However, BapDada had also told you earlier about the hopes in His heart. All of you raised your hands - do you remember - that you would finish all reasons and excuses and become an embodiment of solutions? Do you remember that homework? Some children in their heart-to-heart conversations, in their letters and e-mails to Baba have written their result. It is good that your attention has been drawn. However, have you become like the word that BapDada likes: constantly? All of you who have come, whether you heard it or read it, in the one month's homework - it has been just one month, not longer - in one month, you have had that aim. You have spoken about it to one another. However, those who have claimed good marks in their one month's homework, raise your hands. Those who have passed, those who have passed with honours, stand up. Those who have passed with honours! Everyone should have a vision (darshan) of those who have passed with honours. Not mothers. Among the sisters, the teachers haven't raised their hand. No one? Those from Madhuban? This result is very low. (Very few people stood up.) There must be such ones at the centres too. Congratulations. You may applaud. BapDada smiles because when BapDada asks, "Who has love for BapDada and how much love do you have?", what do you reply? "Baba, we have so much love for You, we can't even speak about it." You give a very good reply and even BapDada is pleased, but what is the proof of love? Whomsoever you love - in the world nowadays, they have body-conscious love and they are ready to sacrifice their life. For God's love, when the Father says something, why do children find it difficult to do? You sing very good songs: Baba, we are the moths who sacrifice ourselves to You. We are those who surrender to the Flame. So, can you not sacrifice this one word "reason"?

Now the last turn of this season has come. You and the Father are seeing and will see what will happen in the next season (year). Seeing the time, you all speak about this - the call of time, the call of the devotees, the call of time, the call of souls experiencing sorrow, the call of souls who are loving and co-operative with you - you will fulfil that, will you not? What is your title? What is your duty? For which duty have you become Brahmins? "World transformers" is your title. World transformation is your task. And who is your companion? You have become instruments for this task with BapDada. So, what are you going to do? Even now, if Baba makes you raise your hands, all of you will raise your hands. You have kept the aim. BapDada has seen that totally, in this season, all of you have had the thought, but the key to success is determination - I definitely have to do this. Instead of this, you are doing it sometimes, saying, "I am moving along, I will do it." This thought makes your determination ordinary. The word "reason" doesn't enter into determination. There is just a solution. Reasons may come, but nevertheless because of checking, the reasons change into solutions.

BapDada checked the result, and what did He see? Gyani, yogi, embodiment of dharna and servers - in all four subjects, each one is gyani, yogi, has dharna and is serving according to their capacity. However, in all four subjects, a lack was visible in their being an embodiment of experience or an authority of experience. In being an embodiment of knowledge, to be an embodiment of experience in knowledge means - gyan is said to be knowledge. A soul who is an embodiment of experience has knowledge, that is, understanding of what has to be done and what mustn't be done; he has the light and might of knowledge. The meaning of being an embodiment of experience is that there should be light and might in a natural way in every action of a gyani soul. Gyani means to know the knowledge, to speak about it and, together with that, there should be light and might in every action. With your form of being an embodiment of experience, your every action will naturally be elevated and successful. You won't have to labour because you are embodiments of the experience of knowledge. The authority of experience is the most elevated of all authorities. There is a difference in knowing knowledge and in performing every action as an authority of the experience of knowledge. So, check: In all four subjects, am I am an embodiment of experience? I am a soul, but am I performing every action as an embodiment of experience? If you are seated on the seat of an authority of experience, then elevated actions and actions that are filled with success will be seen as the natural nature in front of an authority. You think about it, but to become an embodiment of experience your natural nature should be yogyukt and raazyukt. In your dharna too, all virtues should automatically be visible in every action. Always remain an embodiment of experience and remain seated on the seat of experience. It is essential to pay attention to this need. The seat of an authority of experience is very great. Even Maya cannot finish off those who are experienced. The authority of experience is multimillion times higher than the authority of Maya. To think about it is separate, to churn it is separate, but now it is essential for you to move along as an embodiment of experience.

So, now, what will you do this year? BapDada has seen that in one subject, the majority of you have passed. What subject is that? The subject of service. BapDada has received very good service records from everywhere, and in terms of the service news this year, the zeal and enthusiasm for service is seen to be very good. Every wing, every zone has achieved success in service in different ways. BapDada is giving multimillionfold congratulations to each zone and each wing for this. You have also made very good plans, but now, according to the time, it is the season for "suddenly". You must have seen and heard how so many Brahmins departed suddenly. The bell of "suddenly" is now becoming intense. According to that, now, this year, to what extent have you become an embodiment of experience in all four subjects? You need to have good marks in all four subjects. If you have less than pass mark in even one subject, how can you become a bead of the rosary that has passed with honours and a garland around BapDada's neck? Those who are defeated in any way cannot become a garland around the Father's neck. When Baba makes you raise your hand, what do you all say? That you will become Lakshmi or Narayan. OK, if you become Lakshmi or Narayan or even companions in their family, to become that is also an elevated status. Therefore, BapDada simply says one thing: Now continue to fly in the flying stage at a fast speed and with the vibrations of your flying stage, spread the atmosphere of co-operation. All of you have challenged matter that you will definitely transform the elements. You have promised this, have you not? Have you promised this? Do not wave, just nod. So, can you not transform your equals, the human souls who are in sorrow and peacelessness? Firstly, you have challenged it, and secondly, you have even promised BapDada: All of us are even now companions in Your task. We are Your companions in the supreme abode, and in the kingdom too, we will remain companions of Father Brahma. You have promised this, have you not? So, you will return together, stay together and even now, you are together. From time to time, you are seeing the signals from the Father in a practical way. Suddenly. Ever-ready. Did you ever think that Dadi would go? You saw the game of "suddenly".

So, this year, be ever-ready. You have to become lamps of hope, the ones who fulfil the hopes of the Father's heart. You know the Father's hopes. Are you going to become that or do you think, "I will become that anyway I will see about that"? Those who feel that you have to become that, raise your hands. Look, this is being recorded on camera. You please BapDada very well. BapDada also cannot return home alone without the children. Look, Father Brahma is also waiting for you children to open the gates of liberation. The advance party is also waiting for you. You are the ones who have to make the preparations. You are not the ones who are waiting; you are the ones who make the preparations. So, this year, keep the aim. However, keep the aim and qualifications equal. It should not be that your aim is very high but that you are very weak in the qualifications. No; your aim and its qualifications have to be equal. Your heart's desire is to become equal and that will only be fulfilled when your aim and its qualifications are equal. Now, there is a little difference between your aim and its qualifications. You make very good plans. You also have very good heart-to-heart conversations among yourselves. You also remind one another to pay attention. "Determination is our birthright": now become an embodiment of the experience of this thought. Check: Am I also experiencing what I am saying? Check the first expression "I am a soul". Am I an authority of experience of the form of the soul? Because the authority of experience is number one. Achcha.

(There was some upheaval in the hall.) In which stage are all of you? Are you in upheaval? Those who have to pay attention to that are doing that. What do you all have to do? The vibrations of good wishes.

So, think. Bring everything in front of you. Whether it is the soul, the Supreme Soul or the cycle: to what extent have you become an embodiment of experience in each one of these? Achcha. In any situation, are you able to remain stable in your original stage? The drill of the concentration of the mind. Can you become an embodiment of the awareness of the three points? Simply put a full-stop! Achcha. (BapDada conducted drill.)

It was Punjab's turn to serve (Punjab, Himachal, Hariyana, Jammu, Kashmir and Uttranchal): It has been said that Punjab is a lion, and so they have brought a very good number. Everyone now knows that Punjab is a lion, and this is why all of you have arrived here with zeal and enthusiasm. And Punjab has accumulated so much charity. People serve just one brahmin and even in that, what type of brahmin would that be, whereas you have served so many Brahmins, true Brahmins. You have accumulated in your account of charity every day. This is also a method in the drama of easily increasing your account of charity. Those who come with this zeal and enthusiasm can accumulate in their account of charity a great deal in a few days. Accumulating in your account of charity at the confluence age will be useful to you for a long time. Baba saw Punjab's service report. BapDada has already given congratulations. There are service centres, Gita pathshalas and there is good expansion taking place. This time, in everyone's mind, there was a great wave of zeal and enthusiasm for service at the time of Shiv Ratri. Now, wherever you go, whether through media or functions, you have shown very good zeal and enthusiasm for service. What are you going to do now? Now, the thought that each one of you has had, "We are definitely going to reveal the Father". Fix a date for that with the pen of your transformation. It will not be set with a pencil. The date for revelation will easily be fixed with the pen of your intense effort for transformation. Now, BapDada will see which zone has the number one report, that in their whole zone everyone will remain free from obstacles and determined in their thoughts, words, deeds, relationships and connections. Who will become number one in this? Not just the centres, first of all make the centres strong, and then strengthen the centres in your connection and then strengthen the zone. Those from abroad too. BapDada is giving this work to both those from this land and those from abroad. Who will become number one? In Bharat there are the zones and abroad you have done it in your own way. You have created the zones of America, Africa etc. Who will become number one free from obstacles? It is possible, is it not? Is it possible for the whole zone to become free from obstacles? Is it possible? Speak, those in the first line, speak! Is it possible? Jayanti, speak! Is it possible? Achcha, teachers, stand up! BapDada is pleased to see so many teachers. Why? Because teachers are guru-bhais. (2100 teachers have come.) It is good that the teachers are instruments to be free from obstacles and to create an atmosphere that is free from obstacles. So, the teachers will keep an aim. You will keep an aim and fix a date; the Father will not do that. Each zone should make plans and give inspiration to one another. Any zone that has a new plan full of zeal and enthusiasm should give zeal and enthusiasm to one another and make everyone free from obstacles. You should raise your hands. Now, the hands that are making effort are being raised, but before revelation takes place, everyone's hand should be raised: We are and will remain free from obstacles for all time. When the hand of everyone in such a gathering is raised in this way, there will be such a wonder! Your devotees will become happy and they too will clap at their own places. Wah, my special beloved deity! Wah! So, you are going to do this now, are you not? Are you going to do it? Those from Madhuban. Madhuban has to come in the first number. You are not going to just claim number one; you have to do it, because now, everyone is attracted to Madhuban. As soon as you say "Madhuban", you remember Baba of Madhuban. This is the speciality of Madhuban. So, you have to become number one in being equal to the Father. Should Baba say just one thing to those from Madhuban? Should Baba say one thing? Raise your hands. You will then have to do it? Will you do it? Will you? Few hands were raised for this. Each one of you residents of Madhuban should give yourself a responsibility: I definitely have to become equal to the Father. Whether others become that or not, I have to become that. You can take responsibility for yourself, can you not? Put aside others; at least take the responsibility for yourself that you have to become that: "I definitely have to demonstrate it." The atmosphere from all of you will help many souls. Do not look at others, thinking, "This one is not doing this. This one is not changing." Let me change. Others will change by themselves; let me take responsibility for myself. Will you do this? Those from Madhuban are also sitting at the back. Achcha, how much time should you be given? Should Baba ask you for the result in six months' time? Is six months enough? Those who feel that they will change, and do not look at others, because BapDada will look at others. Do not speak about others and say "This one is like this and that one is like that." No. The Father will look after that. I have to change. Sisters of Madhuban, raise your hands. Achcha. Sisters will also do this, will you not? The Shakti Army has to stay ahead. For six months, do not look at others, do not give any reasons or excuses: "This one did this." They will definitely do that; they will cause trouble because Maya is listening, is she not? Situations will come. You may say that there shouldn't be any situations, but it cannot be like that. However, I have to change. Is that all right? Achcha. Teachers. Teachers are instruments. All teachers, whether young or old, do not be young in this, all are mature. Do all of you teachers have courage? Baba is giving six months. Those who will do this, raise your hands. Situations will come. Don't say: I tried. There is no "try" now. Let there be the attraction (kashish) of the Father's love, no more "try" (koshish). Is this OK, teachers? Teachers, raise your hands. Raise both hands. Are all of you looking? They have raised their hands. Congratulations. Teachers and residents of Madhuban should be number one. Those who take the initiative are Arjuna. Arjuna means equal to the Father. Do not give any reasons or excuses. Reasons will come, reasons as big as mountains will come, but do not lose your courage. Welcome. Say "Welcome" to the reasons and bid them farewell in a second. The key of the three points, the key to success, is the three dots. Always keep this with you. Achcha. Teachers can now sit down.

Those from the Karnataka Zone have come having done the one-year service project of making Karnataka golden. BapDada saw that you have done good service. However much you have engaged your body, mind and wealth in that, you have done that with your heart. For having had the programme of making Karnataka golden, BapDada is giving multimillion-fold congratulations and blessings from His heart. You have made a good plan and also put it into practical form. BapDada has already seen your board before seeing this board here. You may sit down.

Double foreigners: Now double foreigners should not just be called double foreigners, but double intense effort-makers. You are double effort-makers, are you not? It is good. BapDada saw that all the groups that have come, turn by turn, have paid good attention to their own individual effort. Teachers have also worked hard and you yourselves have also made good effort. Baba also received letters from many. You have experienced intense effort. This is why you are not just double effort-makers, but double intense effort- makers. BapDada is seeing that the aim for service that the double intense effort-making children had, that no village in their area should be left out, you have paid very good attention to that, and you have also made plans. Now there won't be any complaints, will there? No one from any village or city will be able to complain to you saying that you didn't tell them, "Our Father came and you didn't even tell us!" At that time, they will cry out, will they not? This is why you have enthusiasm for service and also pay attention to self-progress. Intense effort means that when you are corrected for a mistake once, you don't make the same mistake again. It should not be that the same mistake continues to happen all the time and you say that you are intense effort-makers. That is not called intense effort. BapDada has heard that there is a group of intense effort-makers in Madhuban. That group, raise your hands. Stand up intense effort-makers. There aren't any sisters. So, did you understand the meaning of intense effort: that once you make a mistake... Mother Jagadamba had drawn everyone's attention to this in the early days. You say that you are intense effort-makers and yet you continue to make the same mistake again and again! So, what correction did you make? So, the group of intense effort-makers from the residents of Madhuban, those living near and around Madhuban, and BapDada has given the double foreigners the title double intense effort- makers: if you continue to make the same mistake again and again, then the name of intense effort-makers becomes spoilt. That is why this group of intense effort-makers has to pay attention. It is good that you have created a group among yourselves. You are doing well.

Achcha, double foreigners, BapDada is pleased, and you have to please Him about one more thing. Never isolate yourself from the combined form. To isolate yourself means to welcome Maya. Therefore, take the benefit of the combined form of the Almighty Authority, and pay attention because Maya isolates you at the right time. Always remain combined. BapDada has told you earlier too that double foreigners love to have company and a companion. So, since the Father is offering you Himself, never isolate yourself. I am always ready to give you company. The result is good, but you have to show it even better than the best. Achcha.

You have created a very good system of coming for every turn. Now, abroad has become such that India feels further away and the lands abroad seem close. Those from abroad are very clever. They make preparations for their next year's ticket in advance. BapDada likes this cleverness of those from abroad. Achcha.

Mothers and Kumaris (Three quarters of the hall was full of mothers and Kumaris). Do the mothers and Kumaris have intoxication? The mothers of the confluence age, the Shiv Shaktis are no less. Seeing the mothers, BapDada is pleased about one thing. He is also pleased seeing the Pandavas, but the mothers have become Shiv Shaktis from being the innocent mothers. Mothers are issuing a challenge that they will definitely make Bharat into heaven. So, the mothers have courage. BapDada is also giving special salutations to the mothers. Achcha. You are the Shiv Shakti Army. You definitely have to show wonders. Have the intoxication: If we don't do this, who will do this? Achcha

Pandavas: Pandavas have a speciality. They have always been the companions of the Father of the Pandavas. The Pandavas have been portrayed in the memorial of attaining victory. So, the speciality of the Pandavas is that they are loved by Pandava-pati (Father of the Pandavas). The name of the Pandavas is: The companions of Pandava-pati. The part of the Shiv Shaktis is their own. Without the Pandavas, the support for the expansion of service is reduced. The Shiv Shaktis are those who give sakaash and the Pandavas are those who create heirs and co-operative souls. Look, the huge programmes could not have taken place without the Pandavas. This is why there is the memorial of Chaturbhuj, the four-armed image. The Shiv Shaktis cannot do anything without the Pandavas and the Pandavas cannot do anything without the Shaktis. This is why the tilak of victory is applied to the forehead of each Pandava. Now make that emerge. On the forehead of each Pandava, BapDada sees the tilak of victory applied. So, it is good. Everyone feels that this is the last meeting and this is why Baba has met everyone.

Baba also met those from Madhuban. And BapDada also remembers the tiny Sangam Bhavan. They work very hard and they work with a lot of love. Those from Sangam Bhavan, stand up. Achcha. You may be engaged in service, but you do that with your heart. Day and night you work very hard. You do it with love and this is why BapDada says: You may be little, but you do a great task. And, because of love being the basis of their work, all of you have received salvation. At first, not so many trains used to come here. Now, so many trains come and it is with the impact of their service that all of you receive good facilities. Therefore, all of you give congratulations from your heart to these few servers. Achcha. Now, the meeting has taken place. Now, no one can complain that Baba didn't meet them. Baba met everyone, did He not?

The children have been left out: There are many children. Very good. There cannot be any splendour without children, and, seeing children, everyone feels a lot of love for them. Even BapDada is pleased: Wah! The luck of the children is that they have been saved in their childhood from so many things. Children are those who have been saved from the things of Maya. You are such children, are you not? Are you like that? Raise your hands! You have been saved. A child (bachcha) is one who is saved (bache huye), and children are long-lost and now-found beloved children. So continue to move forward. Children also perform wonders. BapDada's slogan is: The older ones are old, but young ones are equal to God. You will become equal, will you not? You will become equal to the Father and become instruments in front of the world. All of you children, make intense effort. Not just effort, but intense effort. You are such good children, are you not? You are good. Those who are good, raise your hand. There are also Kumaris. It is good. Sometimes BapDada has seen that in their effort the children go ahead very much more than their parents. Children remind their parents. When parents fluctuate their children say that they will tell their teacher. However, say it with love. Don't say it with anger; say it with love. It is good. Janak, have a special party for the children. Both you and Nirwair should give them a party. The children will be happy. And always remain happy. Don't cry. Not even sometimes, but always remain happy. Don't cry, don't sulk. Give them a party. Achcha.

Now Baba has met everyone. So, why should they come in a line? It feels good. If the mela doesn't take place in Madhuban, it feels very quiet. This is why all of you have come to the mela. It is God's love that has pulled you here.

Those who have come here for the first time, raise your hands. The long-lost and now-found children who have come here for the first time, congratulations for coming here the first time. BapDada is giving all of you a special blessing. The blessing is: Just as you made effort and became worthy to come here, and claimed this fortune, in the same way, may you always remain immortal. When Maya comes, close Maya's gate. Do you know Maya's gate? It is the body-conscious "I" and "mine". If you close this gate, you will remain immortal. You are immortal, are you not? Are you immortal? What will you do if Maya comes? Will you make intense effort? Remain immortal and make others immortal. Achcha.

Now, in one second, remain stable in the intoxication of the spiritual, elevated self-respect of being seated on BapDada's heart-throne. Become absorbed in the experience of being a soul seated on the heart-throne. Achcha.

To all the extremely "loveleen" souls who always remain absorbed in the Father's love, to the special souls who always maintain their self-respect and their right to self-sovereignty, to all those everywhere who fly with their wings of zeal and enthusiasm, to those who make the atmosphere peaceful and elevated with the vibrations of their mind, to those who give everyone the Father's message, who liberate them from sorrow and give them the inheritance of liberation, to those who always achieve success with determination, to all the children everywhere who remain close to the heart and who come here personally, face to face, to all the children, love and affection from the heart together with blessings from the heart, love, remembrance and namaste.

To the Dadis: Seeing all of you, everyone becomes happy because you are the original jewels and you have become instruments. Working together, all of you give importance to the ideas of one another; you are carrying out the task of transformation and will continue to do that. This is a small gathering, is it not? Giving regard to one another's advice, you have become instruments for a special task and also make everyone instruments and make them humble. It is good. You have created a gathering among yourselves, have you not? So, the more you make this gathering expand very well and give it time, to that extent, you will increase the zeal and enthusiasm in everyone's heart. Is everything functioning well? It will continue to do so. BapDada continues to see everything. The more your gathering becomes an instrument to give others salvation, the more the atmosphere everywhere will become powerful. Now, a special signal has been given for Madhuban, that each one of you should check yourself and make yourself equal to the Father. When each one of you makes yourself that, the gathering will automatically continue to change. Continue to remind others of this again and again. Transformation of others and transformation in the world through self-transformation. First of all, let there be transformation among yourselves, and then transformation in the world. So, is everything continuing well? Is it working well? Is everything moving easily? Continue to remind each one to become an embodiment of the blessing. It should not just be that the blessing is good, but you have to become good. Is that OK? Achcha.

Speaking to Rameshbhai: For the accounts to be easy, continue to understand what others say just through signals, and continue to give signals because the sisters don't know how to keep the accounts so much. However, you have made them so worthy. Now, continue to make others experienced. Laws will keep on changing; what else do they have to do? What would you say if they continued with everything in the same way? What has the Government done? They will change some laws, they will make some laws. That will happen all the time. They are still learning, they have learnt a lot and if you continue to teach them more, they will become clever.

Speaking to Ushaben. Are you OK? Are you well? It is just a crucifix to a thorn, is it not? You have courage. By maintaining courage, it becomes easy. By thinking about it, it becomes a big thing whereas by maintaining courage, it becomes a small thing. So, you have maintained courage well. BapDada is congratulating you for your courage.

Speaking to Dr. Anila. This one has always been constant. She hasn't become trapped in complications. It is good. You have a good part. You have courage now, do you not? Test papers will come, but you have passed with honours. Is that OK? It is easy, is it not? You don't find it difficult, do you? You have courage and everyone's love. You have love for the whole family.

To Bhopalbhai: The activity is free from obstacles. Achcha.

To Golakbhai: The task is moving along, is it not? Continue to make it move along.

Specially for the Annual Meeting: In the meeting, discuss how all the places can cover all four subjects. Sometimes, service is ahead, sometimes, self-progress and dharna are ahead. So, draw everyone's attention to pass with honours in all four subjects. If you are unable to pass with honours in even one subject, it will become difficult to become a bead of the rosary of victory. And, no matter what others are like, they are part of the Brahmin family. Let there be teachings and, together with that, let there also be forgiveness and in this way, make the gathering very strong, because in terms of centres, each centre should now become free from obstacles. For that, each one should invent something new according to their own methods. Everyone is experienced in what happens at the centres, what you should do and what you should pay attention to so that the centre first of all becomes free from obstacles and then the zone becomes free from obstacles. Everyone's nature will be different and test papers will also come, but you must pay attention to the method of how to pass in that. In between, every zone should continue to see their result. What should we do in the future? Stop saying, "We did this and we did that", and let there be greater clarification of what more you should do. (Title for this year?) You find it and then Baba will finalise it.

To the Senior Sisters from abroad (RCs): This year, BapDada saw that you have paid very good attention. You demonstrated by serving with your heart till the last group. In return, Baba also saw the result. It is only in Madhuban that you get a chance to be together. Even though there are groups, they are from everywhere. This time, this result was very good. You also worked hard.

Sister Jayanti gave remembrance from those of Italy: Tell those from Italy: Your happiness, courage, zeal and enthusiasm are never going to finish. Italy means it will never finish. (Tal-na - to finish)

Speaking to Meeraben: This one has also been a companion. It is good. Now, those from abroad have understood all matters. At first you were new, and now you know everything about what you have to do and what you cannot do. You have also understood it. You have also understood your own effort. It is good. (Mohiniben gave special love and remembrance from those abroad.) Everyone's remembrance has reached Baba.

To Chandras Dada: (Karmic accounts have come.) Karmic accounts have to be settled. Do you feel that you have courage? Do you have the courage to have an operation? (Doctors have advised that it would be better not to have an operation at this age.) That is good - just medicine and blessings. Take your medicine having filled it with blessings and it will do double the work. So, you have become free.

Karsanbhai Patel (Owner of Nirma group) and his wife: You have one speciality, do you know it? The speciality is that you have love for the murli. Those who have love for the murli automatically have love for Murlidhar. So, because of the murli, you are moving forward. The murli gives you shrimat, and by following shrimat as soon as you receive it, you automatically receive power. So, BapDada is pleased with both of you. (Everyone in our family should belong to Baba.) They will become that. Where else will they go? This one knows that. Prepare a group. Invite them and give them the message. They should not complain afterwards. This one is clever. He will give it.

Guest 1: Move along considering yourself to be an instrument. Always keep yourself a carefree emperor. Do not have any worries. When you have any worries, tell the sisters about it, and hand it over to the Father. You are just a trustee; the Father is the Master. So, whenever anything happens, leave it to the Master and you just continue to move along as a trustee. By doing so, you will remain carefree.

Those who have experienced something themselves cannot stay without giving it to others. You are happy, are you not? So, you won't be able to stay without distributing happiness to others. And you will also give happiness. Everyone will be happy thinking, "How does this one remain happy?" and in this way, service will take place. This one also does service.

Guest 2: Those who have love for the murli will become free from obstacles. Do you hear the murli? Do you study it? Study it at home. Study even one point, but definitely study the murli. Then you will have love, and then when someone tells you not to do it, even then you will do it. You are good. You are co-operative and also loving. Now, become number one in easy yoga. Now, the whole group has to become number one in being an easy yogi. This one also has a lot of enthusiasm. All of you four have it. BapDada is congratulating you for your zeal and enthusiasm.

Guest 3: Now you have become part of the Brahmin family. The Brahmin family is such an elevated and such a big family. So, to become a Brahmin is very huge fortune. And you have claimed your fortune. You have claimed it, have you not? At every step, keep your elevated fortune in your awareness and continue to move forward. Achcha.

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