11-02-2010          Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada           Madhuban

On the birthday of Shiva, offer the uck flower of anger to BapDada and become a mirror; with the practical proof of a pure household, bring revelation close.

Today, all the children who are sitting personally in front of the Father and who are sitting everywhere in this land and abroad are giving many, many greetings and congratulations with a lot of happiness in celebrating the Father's and their own birthday. You are sitting personally in front, and all the other children who are sitting far away are sending congratulations from the heart with a lot of happiness using the facilities of science. Have all of you who have come here come to celebrate the Father's birthday or your own birthday too? For this birthday is a unique birthday. Why is it unique? It is the Father's and the children's birthday together. There isn't another birthday like this in the whole cycle. Go around the whole cycle and see. It is a unique birthday. BapDada is asking all the children: Have all of you come to give greetings to the Father or to receive greetings from the Father? BapDada does not do anything alone because the sacrificial fire was created and you took birth. As Brahmins are needed for the sacrificial fire, so your birth also took place along with the Father's. The memorial of this is celebrated as Shiv Ratri, and so the saligrams are also worshipped at the same time. Many, many saligrams are worshipped. So, this birthday is a wonderful birthday. That is why this birthday is said to be as valuable as a diamond. BapDada is giving all His companion children multi, multimillionfold congratulations whilst amidst His multi, multimillionfold garlanded arms. This is also a sign of deep love in the hearts of the Father and the children. BapDada has promised the children that He will stay with you and return with you. So, speak. You children have also made a promise to the Father, have you not, that you will stay together at the confluence age: you will stay together, and you are together in world service? You have to stay together and you will also fly together. So speak. You have also promised, have you not, that you will stay together, return together and rule in the world with Father Brahma? Have you promised this? Is it a firm promise? This is the speciality of this Shiv Jayanti.

From amrit vela, BapDada saw that children from different places were sending congratulations and greetings with a lot of happiness. All of you are giving and also receiving greetings in person. Giving and receiving are together. How fortunate you children of God are who are celebrating the birthday in person. Everyone's face is very happy, filled with happiness and seen to be flying. On one side

BapDada is seeing the children's fortune and on the other side He is also seeing the devotees. Even now, they are still calling out "Come", whereas you are celebrating with Him. BapDada has seen that the experience of the devotees is no less. What you are doing in a practical way, they are celebrating with such a good method as a memorial. You made a vow and so they created a memorial of the fast. They observe the fast for one day or for some time, but which vow did you make? All of you have promised to make a vow in front of the Father, have you not? You have happily promised the Father: Baba, we will observe this vow for this whole birth, the Brahmin birth. So, you have made this vow, have you not? Which one? That of purity. You have made this vow for one birth, but this vow of purity for one birth will continue for 21 births. They have a fast of food and drink for a short time and they stay awake at night (jaagran). However, all of you, with this staying awake for one birth, have come into the light from darkness, and this jaagran of yours will continue for 21 births. Throughout the whole world, you have had such jaagran that, with your staying awake, there will be ignited lights throughout the whole world. There will not be any darkness of sorrow or peacelessness. So, speak, you have brought the whole world from darkness into light, and so you like this unlimited vow, do you not? You don't find it hard work, do you? Is it easy or difficult? You find it easy! Those who find it easy, raise your hands! Do you not find it difficult sometimes? Maybe sometimes? No, because you know that purity is your birthright. This is why your purity is not just celibacy, but it is purity in thoughts, words, deeds, relationships and connections. You are those who imbibe the sanskars of purity easily. So, you have had the thought for purity, but, now, according to the time, BapDada is giving you a warning about time, that just as you have had courage and made the vow for purity considering it to be your original religion, in the same way, the second evil spirit is anger. So, today, BapDada is asking: You have made a vow and changed your attitude regarding the one great evil spirit, but for the second evil spirit of anger, have you also had the thought to attain victory over it? Or have you given it permission because you think it is the second evil spirit? Anger comes in connection with everyone. Whenever you celebrate your birthday, you also give a gift, and so today, just as the majority of you, moving with courage and with the Father's help, have attained victory over the first number, can you attain victory over anger in the same way? Any evil spirit will cause distress, and the evil spirit of anger comes in connection with others. It comes when you are in contact with others. When you have anger in your mind, you yourself are then compelled by that anger. You have come to celebrate the Father's birthday, and so today, BapDada wants a gift of anger from the children of Bharat and the children abroad. Is this possible? Is it possible? Those who think that you can give it as a gift to the Father today, so that you don't have it in your mind or in your dreams: do you have the power to have such a thought and move forward with courage? Do you? So, you have to give this thought to the Father with courage. That you will do it and claim a gift from the Father. Give it as a gift and receive a gift. If you attain victory over anger, you will then have the courage to become victorious over the others. Which of you thinks that you will give this gift and receive a gift from the Father? Those ones, raise your hands! Achcha. You are waving your flags. Kumaris too, just be careful. Seeing the children's courage, BapDada likes it very much. You are seeing the scene, are you not? Take a photo! Raise your hands again! Yes, take everyone's photo! When you celebrate a meeting at amrit vela every day, BapDada will give you greetings for easily becoming an experienced soul at that time because of your courage. All of you stay at your own places. When people see that there are so many of you living together and also looking after your families, that you have not left your home and family, but that you have created a pure household, what will happen? The good wishes that all of you have for there to be a queue of souls, that queue will be visible. Anger is visible practically. They see in a practical way how you do not just speak of purity, but that you demonstrate it by staying pure. You want revelation and so this is a practical proof and everyone will automatically be attracted by this and come here. But. Should Baba tell you about the "but"? Should He tell you more? For the majority, the reason for anger is jealousy somewhere or other, and, together with that, when you see something, you have the seed of waste thoughts about it and this brings anger. Waste thoughts are the seed. Anger arises with this seed, and one word is instrumental for this. If you finish the seed of that one word, it will then become easy. That one word is "Why?" - "Why this? Why did this happen? Why did you do this? Why are you doing this?" There is a long queue with this word "kanyu?" (why?). If you write the word Q (question) in English, it feels so difficult, whereas if you write "A" (answer), it is so easy. So, today, BapDada wants you to finish this queue of questions. Then, the desire that all of you have for revelation to take place quickly, for the flag of the Father's love to be hoisted in each one's heart, for the flag to be hoisted and the heart to sing the song, "Our Baba has come. Sweet Baba has come", will be fulfilled. This is what you want, is it not? That the flag of revelation should be hoisted quickly in everyone's heart? The reason for this not happening is the language of "K", "kanyu - why?", "kya - what?", "kaise honga? - how will it happen?" So, finish this language of "k-k" and if you want to use the word "k", then speak of "kamal - wonder". Do not say "k-k". When BapDada opened the children's boarding school - it was in Pakistan - in the beginning, mother Jagadamba used to tell the children not to speak the language "k-k". Who says "k-k" a lot? (crow) Do you like that? So, now, do not start a queue of "why?" "Ha ji! Achcha ji! Very good. We will do it together. We will fly." Speak such words. Can you change your language? Do not say "k-k". Renounce this "kanyu? - why?" and that queue will start.

Uck flowers are only offered to Shiva, and today, you are celebrating Shiv Ratri. You are celebrating the birthday of Shiva, so offer (arpan) this uck flower of anger to BapDada and you will become a mirror (darpan). Do you like this? Do you like it? Achcha. So, now, BapDada will receive the result when He comes again at Holi time. Do not become tired. "It did not happen." Do it while having faith in the intellect. "I have to do this." And you raised your hands. To raise your hands means that you have given it to the Father. You gave it, did you not? Raise your hands again! Dadis, are you seeing this? You may applaud. Never lose courage. If it is reduced even a little, then have courage in future and do not just stop. Continue to move forward. BapDada is combined. You say this, do you not? You do not say that He is with you, but that He is combined. So, if anything happens at such a time, then BapDada is combined, so put it in front of Him and offer it to Him. However, BapDada wants all the children to be number one. Anything that is given to you is entrusted to you. You raised your hands, which means that you gave it away, and so it is no longer yours. It is something valuable entrusted to you. So, if it comes even in your thoughts, then do not be dishonest with whatever you are entrusted with. That is considered to be very bad. You cannot ask for anything that you have given away because it is no longer yours.

So, today, BapDada is seeing all the children everywhere who are looking at this on the screen and who are seeing everything with happiness and who also have that thought. Therefore, what will Madhuban and all the centres become? What will they become? All centres will receive the blessing of, "May you be free from obstacles." Do you like this? Do you like it? BapDada knows that the circumstances will suddenly become such because of sorrow and peacelessness, that all of you will feel mercy for all souls because you are all ancestors - you are worthy of worship and also ancestors. Ancestor souls cannot bear to see the sorrow or disturbance of any soul. Whomever you have love and mercy for, you cannot bear to see their sorrow. So, the Father thinks that before time transforms you, you should experience the reward of the attainment of your effort. It is not time that is teaching you. Time is not your teacher. On Holi, none of you should write a long result for yourself. There isn't time to read those. BapDada has told you earlier, too, - just as you receive a blessing card which is so small - simply write "OK" on that. Simply write the word "OK". If, while making effort, you did something wrong, then put a line through the "OK". It is easy, is it not? Do not waste so much paper. If it happens more times, then just continue to add a line each time - once, second time, third time - and send it to Madhuban before Holi. You may send them all together. Teachers should send them. Then BapDada will get the result as to who is number one in this. Then BapDada will give you a gift of multimillionfold love from the heart. Achcha. There are double foreigners, are there not? Raise your hands! You will claim a number, will you not? We will see if those from abroad claim a number or those from Bharat do. It is good. BapDada does not see everyone as just those in whom there is hope, but He wishes to see you all in the form of the lamps of the Father's hopes who will definitely fulfill the Father's hopes.

What will Madhuban do? Those from Madhuban, raise your hands! Down below, up above, all of Madhuban. Those from up above (Pandav Bhavan), raise your hands high. Wave them. Achcha. Madhuban should claim a number. You should claim it, should you not? Everyone copies Madhuban very quickly. So, it is good. Achcha.

Those who have come for the first time, stand up. There are many. BapDada is giving a chance to those who have come for the first time: Go fast and come first. You are good. You have courage. The Father is combined with you. You can do what you want with the combined power. If anything comes in front of you, give it to the Father. You mustn't use it, like little children. You have seen little children, have you not? If they don't like something, what do they do? "Mummy, Papa, take this. I don't want this." So, the Father is your Helper and He will always be this. So, multimillionfold congratulations, congratulations, congratulations for coming here for the first time to those who have come here for the first time. This land and the foreign lands are seeing the applause for you. It is a wonder of the scientists. BapDada is congratulating those who have become instruments because when you have a need for these facilities at this time, they are inventing new facilities. BapDada also feels a lot of pity for the devotees. They work very hard. You stay in love whereas they make a lot of effort. You must not work hard, but just stay in love. Achcha. Sit down!

Use the mantra of "Om Shanti" as a weapon. Those who have weapons consider themselves to be courageous, just as military people have courage. Achcha.

All the children everywhere who remain combined are seeing and also listening, and those who are not hearing it now will definitely hear it through the murli anyway. BapDada is giving multi, multimillionfold greetings and congratulations to all the sweetest and loveliest children everywhere who are loving and co-operative with the Father. As well as this, Baba is also giving you the thought to hoist the flag of revelation as quickly as possible. Do not depend on the time. Do not make time your teacher, since the Father is your Father, Teacher and Satguru. Be just like your mother Jagadamba- she claimed the number with just two things. The Father spoke and mother Jagadamba did. She made such intense effort and claimed the number. All of you believe that, do you not? So, follow mother Jagadamba. Achcha. Everyone, please accept love and remembrance and many, many blessings from the heart. Together with this, seeing the children as masters, Baba is saying namaste (saluting) to you.

It is the turn of Bhopal to serve: Achcha. Very good. Bhopal's name is Bhupal. What is "bhu"? It is the earth. You are those who sustain it. You become the stars of the earth and make souls fly; you do not make them walk, but you make them fly. The easiest facility is to fly and make others fly. So, the residents of Bhopal are those who themselves fly and make others fly. Is that right? Is it like that? Or are you still trying? No, you are that and you will remain that. BapDada has deep love for every zone. BapDada told you earlier too that the zone that has the most number of heirs will become the number one zone. Ordinary ones will continue to come, but the heir-quality are ones who are verified. It should not be that you just send a list. Those who have been verified. The zone that has the maximum number of heir-quality souls will be given a number. All of you are having programmes; you are doing that even now. BapDada continues to receive all the news, because heir-quality souls will have a right to the sovereignty in their kingdom. If all those who have a right to the kingdom become ready at the same time, then it will not take long for that kingdom to come. So, Bhopal will claim the number, will you not? Those who are heirs themselves can give the course of force and quickly make others heirs. Not an ordinary course, but the course of force. When BapDada began the establishment, when it began in Sindh, they used to say in Sindhi "jat pat kulfi ek paisa" (get a kulfi very cheaply - 64 kulfis with one rupee). So, the words spoken at the beginning will become practical now. Time also has this blessing. You just have to have this determined thought: You have to make them fly, not make them walk, but make them fly. It is good that Bhopal took this chance. This was very good. Now claim a number. Achcha.

BapDada has asked all the zones to send a list of heirs and mikes, influential mikes, so that on hearing their experiences, others can be inspired to become that too: mikes who are able to satisfy anyone. All the zones should send their list. Today, BapDada saw that Delhi has sent a list. BapDada is congratulating you. If all the zones send this list, you will be given the result of how many heirs are ready. It will be checked. It isn't that if a list is sent, it will be believed. It will be checked secretly. Achcha. You received congratulations and greetings in the beginning and, even now, BapDada is taking the name of each child in His heart and giving you multi, multimillionfold congratulations. The Father has a picture in the subtle region of all the children who have emerged. BapDada celebrated the birthday of the children and the children celebrated the Father's birthday. Congratulations to both. Achcha.

Lachchu Dadi: You are doing well. You decorate this well.

To the Dadis: You are in love. If you don't stay in love, then how would others receive vibrations?

Mohiniben: You are fine. You will remain fine. You will be fine. You have power in your thoughts. You are fulfilling your thoughts. You have the Father's help too. You have the Father's help, and, because there is love, you receive help from others too. It is good.

Par Dadi: Together with the Father, birthday greetings are for you, the saligram, too. Congratulations. Congratulations.

Shantamani Dadi: You have love. You have love for the Father. Everyone will give congratulations. Very good.

Rameshbhai: It is good that you are moving ahead. You have kept the aim and so everyone is co-operative with one another and will continue to fly ahead. Now, fly and make others fly. The time for walking has now finished. You will fly to the extent that you remain light, and you will also enable others to fly. It is now the season to make others fly. Very good.

(Nirwairbhai gave everyone's remembrance.) Give remembrance to everyone. Love and remembrance to all those who have sent these cards. In fact, they would have seen this, but still send special love and remembrance to all and write telling them that it is now the season to fly and make others fly. Therefore, remain double light.

Speaking to Bhopalbhai: Everything is functioning well everywhere, is it not?

(Remembrance from Uncle, Aunty and Murli Dada was given to Baba.) BapDada has received theirs too. Both have been instruments. According to their own tasks, both are special.

Mohiniben's doctor: Don't just do service, but also give them courage and enthusiasm with your Father's love. You are a double doctor and so do double work.

BapDada hoisted the flag: Today, on Shiv Jayanti, this flag is hoisted as a memorial of the birthday of you and the Father. The flag is hoisted for all of you too; you are saligrams, are you not? Each saligram is with the Father. Just as the Father is worshipped, so too are the saligrams. The symbol of all of them is a point. At Shiv Ratri, the point is specially praised. Today, this flag was raised, but the day is soon to come when the flag of love of the Father for all will be hoisted. Just now, the Father gave a signal and if you do that, then revelation will take place very quickly; it is about to come. That scene will be in front of you. The sound that will emerge through everyone's lips is: Our Baba has come. Now make intense effort and bring that time close as quickly as possible. It has to come. It has to happen and everyone definitely has to say this. Achcha.

BapDada is specially garlanding all of you with the garland of love. Continue to move ahead, continue to fly and make others fly. Achcha.

International Kumaris Retreat: Kumaris are worshipped because they are pure (shudh, pavitra). Purity is worshipped. You consider yourselves to be souls who are worthy of worship, do you not? They don't understand the language. (Took some time for the translation to come through.) A kumari is one who gives others the teachings to remain pure and makes them pure and this is why you have to continue to move forward. Do not get tired. Do not look at others. Follow the Father and, by following the Father and taking the blessing of many powers from the Father, make souls fly because kumaris are light. You do not have any burdens and so continue to make others fly. BapDada is pleased to see all of you and how each of you kumaris is greater than 100 Brahmins. Consider your self-respect to be this elevated. You have done well. You took the training. Now become ready and give the training to others. Give this result. Baba will receive the news. Continue to give your news and it will reach the Father. It is good. You have courage. Now, fly with zeal and enthusiasm. Achcha.

Please accept hearty greetings with a lot of love for the 74th Trimurti Shiv Jayanti from your unlimited home, Madhuban, as well as from the Dadis and all of us brothers and sisters who are residents of Madhuban.

All of us celebrated with our beloved BapDada with a lot of happiness. BapDada Himself hoisted the flag with His hands. He gave and received a birthday gift. All of us will fulfil BapDada's hopes and definitely give our result to Baba on Holi. We will renounce the language of "k-k", become free from anger and give the practical proof of complete purity. Millions of greetings to everyone with this pure thought.

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