28-02-2010          Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada           Madhuban

Burn the Holi of the "I, I" of body consciousness and celebrate the Holi of the colour of God's company.

Today, the holiest Father has come to celebrate Holi with His holy children. Children from everywhere, from far, far away, are merging in His heart with love. BapDada is seeing the stars of fortune sparkling on the foreheads of all the children. Throughout the whole cycle, no one else can have such great fortune. On the basis of the attainment of this confluence age, only you children become so elevated and pure that, in the future, you become double pure: the soul is pure and the body is pure. Go around the whole cycle and look: not even a dharmatma (religious and righteous soul) has become double pure. You children become double pure and the sign of double purity is that you become double crowned.

Today, everyone is celebrating Holi, but it is the memorial of your becoming double pure at this time that is celebrated as the festival of Holi. The importance of every step of your life is celebrated as a festival. At this confluence age, you have zeal and enthusiasm every day at every moment, and so the memorial of your zeal and enthusiasm is celebrated in the form of this festival. Why do you have zeal and enthusiasm? Because you celebrate the Holi of the colour of God's company. So your every step is celebrated in the form of a festival. Now, at Holi, they first burn (jalana) something and then celebrate (manana). Now, at the confluence age, you too burn your old sanskars and nature in the fire of yoga because without first burning your old sanskars you cannot be coloured with the colour of God's company; a meeting with God cannot take place. You burnt your sanskars in the fire of yoga and then coloured yourself with the colour of God's company. So, nowadays, they burn something and then spray colours, but they have given your spiritual meaning a physical form. They burn a physical fire and spray colours physically because they have a body-conscious attitude. You become holy whereas they celebrate Holi. Throughout the whole cycle, no one has celebrated the spiritual Holi and become double holy. So, wherever all of you have come from, you have come to the Holi of God's company. You have come to celebrate Holi in God's company. For Holi, you say: It is "ho li" (already happened), and so it is now in the past. According to the drama, you say of whatever has happened that it has happened (ho li), and so the past is the past. You do not bring anything wasteful into your heart. It has already happened, and so you continue to celebrate Holi in this way, do you not? All of you made full effort to become holy, that is, to become pure and have adopted purity and this is why you are shown as double crowned which, in the future, symbolises your double purity.

So, on this day, what will each of you children burn before you go? The Father had given you homework on your birthday: Give anger away as your birthday gift on your birthday. Some children's result of that has reached BapDada today. BapDada saw that, in some cases, children have paid attention. All of you must have seen your result, and, all of you sitting here must have seen your result. Those who managed to control anger and experienced success, raise your hands! You attained success! Raise your hands high! Teachers, raise your hands! Foreigners, raise your hands! (All raised their hands.) Achcha. Congratulations. All of you maintained courage in yourselves for this and you experienced it being possible to receive the fruit of courage. So, if you keep this aim for the future and continue to repeatedly check yourselves and wish to move forward in this, do you think it is possible? Is it possible? Can you do this in the future? Those who think so, raise your hands! Is it possible? Teachers, is it possible? Pandavas, is it possible? Achcha. Not that it is possible, but that it has to happen. You may applaud for this. Achcha. It hasn't been that many days, but, are you able to pay attention from today for three months and finish the tension of anger? Are you able to do this? Those who think so, raise your hands! Achcha. This is very good news. Why? What is the reason for anger? What is the seed of anger? Constantly keep your future form in front of you. Your future form is so beautifully decorated and cheerful. Look at BapDada, and, in that too, bring Father Brahma in front of you. Why? Father Shiva is incorporeal anyway, but Father Brahma was a corporeal being like you. Like you, he also had the crown of responsibility and yet he constantly had a smiling and cheerful face because he conquered these vices and became an example while having a body and doing everything. Is your responsibility greater than that of Father Brahma's? In front of the responsibility of Father Brahma's, your responsibility is nothing! And, you saw him till the end: with the vibrations of the karmateet stage, he became an avyakt angel. So, you will now not take back from BapDada the gift you have given Him, will you? BapDada understands that, while engaged in activities, there are sometimes such circumstances. Some have even written in their result that their voice becomes a little loud; sometimes, their mood becomes a little forceful. However, it is only when such situations come in front of you that you have the chance to become victorious. It is the duty of the situations to come but you have the knowledge to overcome the situations and become victorious. So, do you like this? Will you bid farewell to anger forever or for three months? For how much time do you have courage for this? Those who think that it is not difficult to become free from anger forever, that you have to become that, raise your hands! It has to happen. Achcha. BapDada is pleased. Why? Even in your last birth, what praise is sung of you? In front of your deity form, your praise is: Full of all virtues, completely viceless. People sing this song. That praise is of your part of becoming this at the confluence age. Should BapDada tell you what the special hope is in His heart? Nod if you want Baba to tell you. BapDada wants to see each and every child like a rose in blossom for all time from now; fortunate and cheerful. Understand that it is the duty of the situations to come. Situations will come but you have to develop the qualifications of your aim. Do not be afraid. Just as people now say that the Brahma Kumaris teach them the lesson of purity a lot, in the same way, become well known as the Brahma Kumaris who make everyone free from anger, because everyone wants to become free from anger. There is stress, isn't there? It is because there is stress that everyone wants to become free, but they don't know the method. They used to think that it was impossible to become pure, but now, on the basis of the experience of all of you, they think that it is possible. In the same way, this year, spread this wave of it being possible to become victorious over anger, that it is not difficult. Bring such examples of those who have the practical experience onto the stage. BapDada has seen that many children have become victorious over anger while engaged in activity. There are such examples in your family, in your Brahmin family. So, what will you do this year? You have come to celebrate Holi, have you not? So, what do you do at Holi? Something is burnt, is it not? So, what will you burn in today's Holi? You have already done this for anger; you will now make it firm. However, BapDada has seen that the reason for there being stress is the word "I" of body consciousness. It is the "I" of body consciousness. One is "I am a soul" - this too is an "I", but the word "I" of body consciousness can be of ego or insult. The "I, I" of being disheartened also makes you fall. So, today, in order to move forward in becoming victorious over anger, burn the "I" of body consciousness in the fire of yoga. Burn the many forms of "I, I" and make the one "I" of "I am a soul" firm. Burn all the rest of the forms of "I" in the fire of yoga today before you go from here. There are many types of "I", are there not? So, today, you will celebrate the Holi of burning something. The reason for anger is that there is a lot of stress. In order to finish this "I", have this determined thought for yourself today. You have to burn it, because that too is a burden, is it not? Whether you go back by train or plane, go from here having burnt this burden. You can burn it, can you not? Those who think that when you maintain courage, the Father helps and is with You, and victory is therefore also with you, those who think that you definitely have to become victorious, raise your hands! You have to become that. Achcha.

The VIPs that have come today are also raising their hands. The VIPs who have come today, stand up! You are also raising your hands. Applaud them. Will you become victorious? Look. BapDada is garlanding each one of you who is to become victorious. Congratulations. Congratulations. Achcha. You are courageous. All the VIPs who have come now are courageous and this is why BapDada is giving you a blessing. At this time you may have become VIPs because of your work, you have become that for one birth, so BapDada will not call you courageous children "VIPs" now; He will call you children (bachche). BapDada is giving you this blessing and the guarantee that you will all be VIPs for 21 births. There won't be this election and selection there. So all of you: just do not stop doing one thing. Just as you have come into relationship and connection now, in the same way, never let go of your connection with this Brahmin family. The more you stay in connection, the stronger your relationship will become and you will definitely claim the Father's blessing. So, do you agree? Do you agree to maintain the connection? Raise your hands. Achcha. (BapDada picked up the garland of flowers around the bhog and raised it in front of everyone.) All of you wear this garland. All of you new children and the real gold children, all of you are obedient to the Father, are you not? So, today, burn this "I" before you go.

Those who have come for the first time, stand up! Achcha. BapDada is giving multimillionfold congratulations to the children who have come here for the first time. You have come here for the first time and although the first number is fixed, fix the first number in the first division. Do you have this courage? Those who have this courage, raise your hands! Consider it carefully before raising your hand. Achcha. So, keep the aim: Though you have come last, you will go fast because there is no guarantee of time. Whatever you want to do, be a fast effort-maker and do that now because you have to make effort of a long period in a short time. So, do you have this courage? Do you have courage? Raise your hands! Look, your photo is being taken. BapDada is congratulating those who have courage: When you maintain courage, the Father will help; but never lose courage. Constantly let the star of your fortune sparkle because the intense effort of this birth - not effort but intense effort - will create your fortune for many births. Therefore, never lose courage. Situations will come, but a situation is not a mahavir. You are the children of the Almighty Authority. What are the situations in front of you? Situations come and they go away. Do not lose your fortune by chasing after something that is going to go away anyway. Achcha. Sit down!

BapDada is congratulating everyone with love. For what? It is because you have maintained courage and BapDada is pleased with each child's thought filled with courage. So, did you celebrate Holi? You celebrated the Holi of burning something, and you also celebrated the Holi of colouring yourself in the colour of God's company. You burnt something and you also celebrated.

BapDada now wishes to make all the children perform a drill. That drill is: There are adverse situations everywhere - one situation in one place, another situation in another place. While in the midst of all the adverse situations everywhere, can you stabilise yourself in a second? Do you experience yourself to have such a practice? For instance, whenever you are experiencing a storm of waste thoughts for one reason or another, can you stabilise your mind and intellect at that time? Have you ever tried the drill of the power of concentration at such a time? You have to use the power of concentration in a second at that time, because as you move further, such situations will come again and again. Today, BapDada wishes to draw your attention to putting a full-stop in a second, that is, to the practice of the stage of concentration, because the elements have begun to show their different colours. All of you know better what is happening everywhere. Such things that will make your mind and intellect wander will definitely come, and so practise this now. Are you able to stabilise your mind and intellect in the supreme abode in a second? Now, stabilise yourself in the angelic form. Now, stabilise yourself in the stage of being a Brahmin, a master almighty authority. Stabilise yourself in the stage of being a master almighty authority. (BapDada conducted drill of the three stages.) Whenever you have time throughout the day, practise this drill. Repeatedly stabilise your mind. Stabilise your mind whenever you want on whatever you want. It may take you a minute to make effort, but put a full-stop in a second because time is now making preparations for upheaval; therefore, let there be mind control: It is my mind, I am not the mind, I own the mind and so, do I have control on that which is mine? This drill is very essential.

All those who have come, BapDada loves each and every child. Why? No matter what the soul is like, BapDada sees each child as one in a million. Even if you are weak in effort, you are loved by the Father. You say with your heart "My Baba" and this is why you are deeply loved by the Father. BapDada is reminding you of one thing once again: Your face should always be cheerful and sparkling with happiness. Situations may go, but your happiness should never go. The happiness of the confluence age is a Godly gift. Holi means that whenever any such situation comes, remember that you have come back having celebrated Holi, the Holi in which the past is the past, so your happiness should never disappear. Happiness is your Godly gift and treasure.

BapDada always says: Always remember this slogan: Remain happy and share happiness. The more happiness you share, the more it will increase, and a cheerful face as you move along will automatically continue to do service. Whoever sees you will then think: What has this one received? So, today's Dilkhush toli on Holi is happiness. Did all of you eat it? Always continue to eat this. There won't be any illness through this. Achcha.

It is the turn of Delhi and Agra zone to serve: Those from Delhi are those with big hearts because Delhi is the capital. It is the capital now and also in the future. The hopes of BapDada's heart are also in Delhi and you have also fulfilled the hopes. In terms of service, service is taking place in Delhi and BapDada is pleased with the result of the service that the children have done with enthusiasm in the small and big cities. Baba is pleased with those from Delhi. Those from Delhi should also show some wonder. Should Baba tell you? From the beginning, BapDada has been saying that this thing still remains. So, those from Delhi or it can be anyone else, but today it is the turn of those from Delhi and so Baba is telling you - to prove who is the God of the Gita? Now, for this, make such a group, in whatever way possible, so that people themselves say that the Supreme Soul is the God of the Gita. First of all, a small group should prepare something. Do not announce anything, for there are many in connection. Some judges even come, some eminent people in connection come; so explain to them and prepare them. Form a group who can prove who the true God is. Is this possible? Is it possible? Demonstrate this by doing something new. First of all, prepare a group in which you have people of position: let there be people of different positions and also religious people, judges, lawyers and also people of an ordinary position. Form such a group because this aspect has to become well known. Who the God of the Gita is has to be revealed. There are all types of people in Delhi and if someone emerges from a religious place, they too can do this. Form such a group.

BapDada saw the children's effort and their courage of how, when the Father said something the children created the splendour of service everywhere. BapDada is giving blessings from His heart for this; the children have zeal and enthusiasm and this will continue to increase in the future. BapDada also heard the news that various programmes are now taking place in Delhi. The children have received a gift from the Father: the place that you have received (Om Shanti Retreat Centre) - that is being used. Baba is giving special congratulations for this. Children have zeal and enthusiasm, but you take a little time to do it.

Both the father and Jagadamba served in Delhi. Father Brahma did service there and Jagadamba also did service there, and the banks of the River Jamuna are in Delhi. Your capital is also going to be on the banks of the River Jamuna. So, those from Delhi will have to give everyone a place. You have a big heart, do you not? A big heart. BapDada praises the children of every place: Wah My children, wah! As it is the turn of the children from Delhi, BapDada is giving special congratulations to you for the cooperation in service and for making everyone loving. Congratulations. Now, do this and show everyone. Prepare such a group. Any zone can maintain the courage and bring such a group here that will become an instrument to spread the sound. So now show by doing practically these points that still remain. It is good. BapDada sees the service of the children, so service is taking place and together with service, you also have good enthusiasm for moving forward in your self-progress. It is good.

Double Foreigners: BapDada heard that children from 90 countries have come here. BapDada says: Wah double foreigners! Wah! All of you are flying in happiness, are you not? You become co-operative with one another and continue to give enthusiasm for service and also for intense effort. BapDada likes it very much when you come to Madhuban and refresh every group and also give them encouragement. Nowadays, the special wave that has spread of having special bhatthis and of being in solitude is very good. This wave is very good. General programmes continue to take place anyway, but it is a very good method when you have small groups doing programmes for self-progress. Teachers have also done this. It is good. Pandavas too have done it. This specially draws your attention to the self. BapDada likes it very much when you come to Madhuban with a lot of enthusiasm to have refreshment. You take time out to come and you also take benefit of the time here before you leave. There is the benefit of the general programmes, the benefit of meeting BapDada, and also the benefit of special programs for self-progress. In fact, BapDada is giving this suggestion to everyone everywhere to give this chance for self progress by creating small groups in your own places and increasing your experiences. If it is a small centre, you can form a group of even five people. Nowadays, special attention is first for self-progress: controlling power. So, pay attention to the drill of the power of concentration. BapDada is pleased to know that the children from this land and abroad pay attention to both service and self-progress, but now continue to increase this further because BapDada has repeatedly drawn your attention to two things: "Suddenly" and "the accumulation of effort over a long period of time". Not that it will happen, or that it is happening but is it fast? In imbibing anything, now, it should not be that you are fast or that you are bringing about transformation. You have to do this right now. Not that it will happen at some point. Not at some time, but now! Seeing the growth of the double foreigners, BapDada is pleased. Everyone is trying to serve the areas that still remain to be served abroad too. This complaint should not remain abroad either. It is happening and BapDada is pleased. However, if any corner still remains to be served, then pay attention to finish that complaint too. Never say, "Sometime", but say "Now". BapDada is pleased with each one. At amrit vela, BapDada tours around abroad too. It isn't that He simply tours around Madhuban or Bharat. How much time does BapDada need to tour around abroad? BapDada tours around and continues to see each one's chart. He has love too. The children have love and the Father too has love, so what would He do? He would tour around everywhere, would He not? He goes to all the places. It isn't that He goes to just London or America. No; He tours around everywhere. BapDada likes it that those from abroad do not miss out on any turn in the season. This system that has been created is good. It has splendour. BapDada always says that the children are the decoration of Madhuban. Madhuban becomes decorated when the double-foreign children come here. Yes, you may applaud. All of you also like it, do you not? Double-foreign children come in every turn; they maintain courage. Today, children have come from 90 countries. No matter what happens, BapDada doesn't see the circumstances, but He sees the love of the children. So, with what have you all come from the 90 countries? With love. You are specially called "double foreigners" and so BapDada is giving you one hundredfold congratulations and blessings. OK, you may sit down.

IT Group: BapDada has seen that children have benefitted through the IT group so that even those who are far away are able to see everything in front of them; and, in service too, everyone has been receiving the message through the TV very well. This department has to give such zeal and enthusiasm to all the TV groups in every country to serve that country, just as service is happening everywhere here through one studio (Om Shanti studio in Delhi). Similarly, in every zone and in every big place, wherever the message is able to be given, you should take the benefit of this there. Wherever there are programmes taking place, that can be shown in your own areas. You should check whether or not all the countries are using the facilities that are available to them in their own areas for spreading the good news. The facilities are good and you are doing it, but now increase it. Create attractive programmes and continue to send them everywhere so that it continues to spread everywhere. BapDada is pleased that this department is also becoming systematic and it will continue to progress. BapDada is pleased about this. It is good. You had meetings among yourselves, you increased zeal and enthusiasm, and so continue to increase enthusiasm in this way. Continue to increase sharing news among yourselves. It is good. Congratulations. Achcha.

BapDada is once again giving a signal for effort for the self. Continue to pay attention to both selfprogress and service. Continue to move forward, constantly fly and make others fly. Achcha.

To all the children everywhere who are merged in BapDada's love, to those who move forward in remembrance and service and who make others move forward, to those who make amrit vela the best and powerful, to those who serve through their minds by becoming merciful, kind and compassionate and give souls a drop of one thing or another, continue to increase serving with this method. BapDada sees that every child has zeal and enthusiasm, but what addition should you make? Add the word "always" (sada). Remove the word "Sometimes" from your dictionary. So, all the children everywhere celebrated Holi, by burning, colouring yourself with the company and letting the past be the past. This is why BapDada is seeing all the children everywhere personally in front of Him in His heart. Multi, multimillionfold love, remembrance and namaste.

To the Dadis: You are tied in bondage to Baba and to the drama. It is good that you discuss amongst yourselves and by saying, "Ha ji, ha ji", you yourselves continue to fly and also continue to make others fly. Achcha.

Mohiniben: You continue to move forward with love. (Every now and then my health gets spoilt.) It happens because of the mistake of not doing things at the proper time, but BapDada is your Helper. It takes a little time to put right whatever has happened. After all, it is an old body! You will be fine. Simply pay attention to the timetable, and take medicine at the right time because you will have to take the support of medicine for some time. It will be fine then.

Baba's hand is on everyone's head. Baba has physically placed it on this one's head, but the Father's hand is on the head of all of you.

ParDadi: You have the gift in Brahmin life of remaining constantly cheerful. No matter what happens, you remain cheerful. You continue to fly and dance. You are not a patient, but one who is in the flying stage.

Nirwairbhai: Congratulations to you for all time and for every moment.

Brijmohanbhai: It is good that you remain busy in service.

Rameshbhai: It is good. The laws of the Government continue to change, but whatever you can do easily for the Brahmin family, continue to do that easily. Just continue to move along. Continue to make things easy in your department so that everyone happily becomes co-operative with you because the activities of the yagya depend on your department. So, make things easy. Even though it may be difficult, and the Government will make it difficult, find a way to make the difficult things easy and continue to move along in that way. The Government will do its own work and you do your own work. It is good. (A new budget had come out a few days ago.) That will come. They will do their work and we have to do our work. They are right in their work. That is their problem. It is not the problem of the Pandav Government. Do everything happily.

Bhopalbhai: Is everything OK? (There is a shortage of water.) Increase the number of water-carrying trucks, for this season, but otherwise, stock water, increase the stock of water. By increasing the capacity (for stocking water) and the number of trucks, it will become easy. So, increase the capacity and also the trucks. Increase the stock.

Meeting the Senior Sisters from Abroad: You have made a very good group and are moving forward in your efforts. BapDada likes the season of Madhuban very much. You receive a dose for one year. The experience of the bhattis was also very good. It is good that you have created a group among yourselves. Continue to do something new every year. (Very good service is taking place in Bahrain.) The more you draw the attention of people to silence, the better it will be. (To Jayantiben). You did well there, congratulations.

BapDada inaugurated the new auditorium in Hyderabad Shanti Sarovar by pressing a remote control button: Service will increase at that place and many people will receive the message from there. Continue to have frequent meetings among yourselves for what has to be done next. Continue to make plans for this and continue to put them into a practical form. Pandavas and Shaktis should make plans together for what needs to be done in the future. When one thing finishes, do something else, and that place will then be very useful.

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