31-03-2010          Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada           Madhuban

Stay in the self-respect of being an ancestor and a worship-worthy soul and sustain everyone with your mind, and give sakaash to the whole tree.

Today, BapDada is looking at all His souls everywhere who are the ancestors and worship-worthy souls. You consider yourselves to be ancestor souls, do you not? Where do worship-worthy souls live? Bring your tree in front of you and look at where your place is in that. You know that the place of you ancestors is at the roots. You are in the roots of the tree and also in the trunk. So, the whole tree receives sustenance through the roots. You are the ancestors who sustain and give sakaash to all the branches, twigs and leaves of the whole tree. Together with being ancestors, you are also worthy of worship. Even the last leaf receives sakaash through the trunk. Do you experience yourselves to be those who give sakaash to the whole tree? Do you have the intoxication of being the ancestors who give sakaash to all souls who are the branches, twigs and leaves? Just as Father Brahma is said to be the great-great-grandfather, so you, his children, his companions are also master great-great-grandfather. Souls of the whole tree are attracted to you ancestor souls. You ancestor souls sustain them with your powers. The Father sustained all of you ancestor souls; how did He do that? With all the powers. Similarly, in terms of you being the ancestors, you are the ones who sustain them with the powers. Nowadays, you can see that all souls are unhappy; they are calling out to their own special deities: Come and protect us! Give us peace! Give us power! O ocean of forgiveness ancestors, sustain us! Can you ancestor souls hear this sound in your ears? Do you have the experience of being the ancestors? Look at the whole tree: Because all the souls of other religions are the branches and twigs of the tree, they too look at you with that vision. You are their ancestors too. Whenever you meet souls of any religion, do you consider them to be the branches and twigs of your own tree? When they meet you, they consider you to belong to them. Those souls have the feeling of you belonging to them and they should have that feeling. Do you have that much intoxication and the feeling of mercy within you? They are crying out in distress: Have mercy! So, now, according to the time, all of you ancestor souls have to sustain them through the mind with the powers. They need this now. To the extent that you maintain the intoxication of being an ancestor, to that extent those souls will be sustained by you. Generally, in lokik life too, one is sustained by one's elders. They are the ones who provide and make arrangements for food and drink for one's body and study which is a source of income. Just as the Father has sustained all of you children with different powers, in the same way, it is your duty to sustain all the branches, twigs and leaves of the whole tree. Do you ancestor souls have such enthusiasm? Do you have the intoxication that you are also the worthy of worship souls? Look within the whole drama, no great soul or founder of religion is worshipped with discipline in the same way as you souls are. Your worship is according to discipline: doing your aarati (form of worship with deepaks on a plate) and offering bhog; no one else is worshipped in this way. The way you are remembered and the way your praise is sung are also according to discipline. No one else is remembered in this way. So, as well as being ancestors, you are also worthy of worship. No one else in the whole drama is worshipped or remembered in the same way as you are.

So, seeing you worship-worthy and ancestor souls, BapDada is so pleased. The song is repeatedly being played in the Father's heart: Wah My ancestors of the whole tree and worship-worthy souls! Wah! Nowadays, BapDada wants to see all of you children in the form of your self-respect, of being equal to the Father, complete and perfect. For that, you children have to keep one thing in your attention. BapDada has seen that, although all of you children are making very good effort, each one of you has to add the word "sada" (constantly) to that effort. You have to pay attention to this. BapDada is asking you children: Just as BapDada sees all of you children in the form of your elevated self-respect, in the same way, do you also consider yourselves to have such elevated self-respect? What do you say in response? "We do stay in that stage. This is our aim." You even raise your hands! However, then, slowly, you say, "It is sometimes". So, BapDada now wants you to finish the word "sometimes" because the time of completion is now coming close; and who is going to bring that close? Children ask the Father: Baba, tell us the time of "How long". How many more years remain - 20 years, 16 years, 10 years? The Father then asks the children: Who is going to bring the time close? Will the Father alone do that? The Father carried out establishment: did He do that alone? He created the sacrificial fire - did He do that without you Brahmins? The Father is with the children. Children also say: Baba, we are with You now and we will return home with You. The Father is telling you children: Children, the ones who are going to bring the time close, you yourselves have to fix the date. Who is going to fix the date? The Father, or both, you and the Father?

Today is the last meeting of this season. BapDada saw that even the children now want to go to their kingdom. You continue to sing the song in your mind: We now have to return home. We now have to return home. We now have to make the return journey. For this, BapDada has also told you earlier: Keep yourself busy in one or another service all the time. BapDada has seen that all the children even now have the interest and the zeal and enthusiasm in service. BapDada hears very good service news. However, in order for you to move forward at a fast speed, BapDada is specially drawing the attention of you children: Do not serve just through words. When you are doing service, do three types of service at the same time: give sakaash through your mind, give knowledge with words and in deeds, that is, in connection and relationship: do such service through your face that that also creates an impact in service at the same time. Do three types of service at the same time because souls now want there to be some difference in service; that something should change. So, can you do three types of service at the same time? Can you do it? Do you check that when you are serving through words, service is also taking place through your mind and through your deeds? That is, is service taking place through your relationship and connection? Does it take place at the same time? Those who feel that they are doing all three types of service at the same time, raise your hands! You do all three types of service? Achcha. Very few in the first row are raising your hands. Why? Are those in the first row still thinking? Do those from Madhuban do this? Those from Madhuban, raise your hands! If you do this (three types of service at the same time), then raise your hands! All three types of service at the same time? So, now, attention please! Not sometimes. What happens? You do do service, but there should also be contentment within the self and with your companions because the fruit of service is contentment and happiness. Therefore, check: you did service, but as you were told earlier, there is happiness in service when you, yourself, your companions and the atmosphere are in the vibrations of contentment. You have been told of three things in particular for success in service. You must be remembering them. Firstly, service means the consciousness of being an instrument (nimit bhav). Secondly, feelings of humility (bhavna). Thirdly, pure and sweet words. Consciousness (intentions - bhav), feelings (bhavna) and nature (swabhav). When there are these all together in service, then you yourself will be content, your companions will be content and those whom you serve will also continue to move forward. Those who have the consciousness of being an instrument will forge their relationship with the Father. If there isn't the consciousness of being an instrument they won't come close to the Father. So, whenever you do service, check whether your intentions, feelings and nature were accurate. Nowadays, BapDada has seen that the main thing is... Wherever each one of you goes for service, check whether your companions remained content. Success in service is to receive the fruit of contentment and happiness. Together with this, BapDada is giving a signal for one thing: while walking and moving along, and while being in a gathering, there is always someone or another with you in service, and so look at one another in the form of a soul. You do look at one another in the form of a soul, you practise that too, but when you look at the soul, do you look at the soul in the form of his original sanskars? Or, do you also see the mixed sanskars of the soul? You have passed in seeing others as souls, but with which sanskars do you see those souls? Do you come in connection with those souls with their original sanskars? Or, do the present sanskars also come in front of you? So, the Father says: From today, firstly look at anyone in the form of a soul, but look at that soul with the form of his original sanskars. Then all the things that sometimes happen among yourselves will not happen. At present, you look at the soul, but whatever the present sanskars of the soul are, they also come in front. Therefore, there is a gap in the perfect stage that there should be with one another. So, look at the soul with his original sanskars. Then this obstruction that comes in the gathering will finish.

This Brahmin family is an elevated family. There is great praise of the family. You will not find this Godly family again and again. You find this Godly family only once in the whole cycle. Throughout the whole cycle, you will not find such a huge family. To know the speciality of the family, and to move along with the family is also a huge subject. You have been told earlier too that the foundation of this knowledge is faith, and that there are four things in this faith. The Father - Dada is included in that then faith in the knowledge, faith in the drama and faith in the family. You are those who have faith in the intellect, and so you become easy effort-makers. Just as you have faith in BapDada, so it is essential to have faith in the family. What do you do when you are packing something? You make it tight on all four sides. If you do not make it tight on even one side, it would rattle. In the same way, the Father, the knowledge, and within the knowledge, the drama in particular, and the family. If all four things are not strong, there will then be obstacles. You will then have to pay attention to overcoming the obstacles. Therefore, recognition of the family, love for the family, to understand one another - these are absolutely essential.

You are ancestors, you are worthy of worship and so you have to put these things into yourself and your companions. No matter what you are, you are numberwise. However, the special task of the Brahmin family is to give blessings and to receive blessings. Some children say: Others get angry. How would they take blessings? They would not take blessings; they would get angry. BapDada says: OK, if, because of their sanskars, they are giving bad wishes, and you wish to give them blessings, but because they are giving bad wishes.., if they are giving bad wishes, who is the one who is taking them? Is it you or the other person who is taking them? They are the ones who are giving and you are the one who is taking. So why did you accept their bad wishes? If you look at souls in the form of their original sanskars, you will have mercy. Keep yourself safe! Do not accept their bad wishes because you are the one who takes. Do not give and do not take those.

BapDada is now giving you homework for today and for the time until Baba comes next. Whenever you look at another soul in the form of a soul, do not look at the soul in the form of the present sanskars. When you say "soul", then look at the soul in the form of his original sanskars. When you come in relationship with that soul or look at that soul, then look at the soul with that vision. Then these obstacles that come, which do not allow your effort to become intense, will not come. If you change your attitude and vision now, then the situations will all finish. Whatever situations you see of souls, BapDada has told you earlier too, it is also the constant duty of each one of you in the Brahmin family to give good wishes and pure feelings and also to take good wishes and pure feelings. Look at souls with those sanskars and move along in that way. Baba is telling you one more thing. You have been told it earlier too. Sometimes, in a gathering, you become attracted to par-darshan (looking at others), par-chintan (thinking about others) and par-mat (following the dictates of others). Now cut out these three "pars" and keep one "par", and that is "par-upkar" (to uplift others). You have to uplift others. You are those who uplift others. The nature of Brahmins is to uplift others. Do not look at others, cut out that "par". All of those three cause a loss. This is why you must always remember your self-respect "The self-respect of myself, the Brahmin soul, is to uplift others." In the next season, BapDada wants to see this transformation in each of you children. Is this possible? Is it possible? Raise your hands! You are all good in raising your hands! So, what are you going to do? It is good. BapDada is giving congratulations. Continue to draw the attention of one another. What are you going to do? Every night, before going to sleep, before saying "Good night" to BapDada, give Baba your whole chart of whether you did anything good or bad. Give your chart of whatever you did, empty your intellect and then say "Good night". Say "Good night" to the Father and go to sleep in remembrance of the Father. You will then sleep very well. First empty yourself, do not keep anything in your intellect. When you give your whole chart to the Father, you will not need to go to the land of Dharamraj. The Lord becomes pleased with an honest heart. So, you have been given the homework. Firstly, you can do service while walking and moving around in your form of an ancestor and being worthy of worship. The Father saw that daughter Janak, even though her health was not good, gave sakaash with her mind to the service in Karachi. Whoever may be instrumental for that, but this one did it practically. Souls there received sakaash, and they are moving forward with enthusiasm. So BapDada saw such a practical example, and so all of you can also do that. You can enable waves of happiness to reach those who are unhappy, to those who are crying out. Your devotees are calling out to you: When will our deities come and have mercy? You are not able to hear it but the Father can hear it a lot. They are calling out to all the special deities. You don't know who your devotees are, but the devotees know. They are calling out. Each of you Brahmin souls has devotees. Some may be a little slack or clever, you also have devotees. You are sitting at the roots and so you have the part of giving sakaash. So, now, increase service through the mind. The busier you remain, the more you will remain free from obstacles. You can do this, can you not? You know how to serve through your mind, do you not? Do you know? Those who know, raise your hands! OK, put your hands down! You know it. OK, those who continue to do it practically every now and again, raise your hands! You continue to do it? OK. Do you do it regularly as a discipline, or only sometimes? If you are only doing it sometimes, then make it regular, and if you are doing it a little, then increase it because the basis of the whole cycle is the fruit of the service of the present time. Whether you become worshippers or those who claim a kingdom, the basis of both is the service of the present time, the stage of the present time, the words of the present time and the relationships and connections of the present time. This is why BapDada wants that, next time, when come for the first meeting.... You must be thinking that the Father has asked, "Until when will this continue?" This means that you have to remain ever-ready. This is why everyone's result will be taken on the first meeting. The percentage should increase from what it is now. In fact, BapDada has been saying from the beginning: If you are going to do it, do it now. Not at some point. You sing a lot of songs of "sometimes" to BapDada. You sing many very good songs, but BapDada does not like songs of "sometimes". He likes songs of "abhi abhi" (right now). An instant donation brings great charity. So, do you understand what you have to do for next year? Achcha.

It is the turn of Maharashtra Zone to do service: Achcha, show this scene to everyone. Look, three-quarters of the class is the Maharashtra zone. Whether they are old or new, they are from Maharashtra. OK, out of those of who standing, those who are regular students, those who do service and those who are looking after centres, you may sit down. Even then, look how many new ones there are! Achcha, those who are new, stand up! Everyone else can sit down. Achcha. The number of the new ones is also large. BapDada is pleased that you have come before it is too late. Therefore, congratulations to all of you who have come. To all those who have come, BapDada is giving you the blessing: You can make fast effort in a short time and move forward. If you continue to pay attention at every moment to bringing about transformation and if you continue to study and accumulate your attainment throughout the whole day, then, too you can move forward. You have a chance. It is not too late yet. It is only late and therefore, as much as possible, continue to pay attention to all four subjects and also your study. The Father also continues to see which ones of those who have come last go fast. It is not that they are not going fast, they do go fast. So, the Father has this hope in each of you children: Each of you goes ahead the furthest of all and claims your self-sovereignty and also BapDada's heart-throne. Achcha.

The very name Maharashtra is great. First, it is maha (great). So you are great souls and great souls have the aim and also the qualities for that aim of constantly putting the Father's hopes into a practical form with a great deal of zeal, enthusiasm and intense effort. You have both, do you not? You have the aim and also its qualifications. Are they equal or is there a difference? To the extent that the aim is great, do you also have the speed of your qualifications or is there a difference? Those who feel that they have a high aim and that they also pay just as much attention to developing the qualities for that aim, raise your hands! Do you have the aim and its qualities? Only a few of you have now raised your hands. Now, each and every soul of Maharashtra, after celebrating a meeting with BapDada at amrit vela, should pay this attention: Today, you are going to make your aim and its qualifications equal. You can check this, can you not? And at night, give BapDada your news as to whether your aim and its qualifications were equal or whether there was a difference. Then, the next day, pay special attention and fill the gap that there is. On the third day, finish that weakness for all time. In this way, continue to move forward. So, Maharashtra will become number one, will it not? In everything? In all four subjects. Knowledge, yoga, dharna. Keep the subject of dharna as number one. You can become number one in the subject of dharna, can you not? Is this possible? Teachers, is it possible? Raise your hands! You will have to do it, do not just raise your hands! Those who are going to do it, raise your hands! It is good. To the extent that the numbers are great, teachers have also raised their hands and so BapDada is giving you a blessing: The Father will also give you extra help because this is Maharashtra. Show wonders! As soon as you say, "Baba", you will experience extra strength. Say "Baba" from your heart and you will experience receiving extra help. BapDada's attention will be on you. It is good. When you do it practically, everyone will have enthusiasm. If any situation comes up, when you are not able to do it, if you lack courage, then whatever it is that is making you lose your courage, give that to the Father, "Baba, I am not able to do this. You take it. I will not bring this even into my thoughts." Do not allow that thought to come at all. Just give it to the Father. If that comes back, do not keep it in your heart. Return it to the Father again. BapDada wants each of His children to demonstrate this practically by doing whatever he has thought. All of you think very well, and so you have to do it. Pandavas will also do it, will you not? Pandavas, raise your hands if you are going to do it! Achcha. Then BapDada will tell you something very good, after you have done this. Achcha. You are doing very good service. What certificate did you give them? Very good service is taking place.

Speaking to the double foreigners: BapDada is giving many many congratulations to the double foreigners for one thing. For what? BapDada saw one speciality in the double foreigners. Earlier, you used to find it difficult to change your culture. You used to find the Indian culture difficult, but this problem has now finished for the majority of you. Now, many souls, who are foreigners are good in their efforts, they feel that they used to belong to Baba and that they have just taken this birth abroad only for service. Seeing this change, BapDada is pleased. Out of all of you, those who feel that you belong to this place and that you have taken this birth just for doing service everywhere, raise your hands! You belonged here and you will remain belonging here because you have promised that you will remain with Brahma Baba at this time and you will return home with BapDada. This is firm. You will return home? Then nod. And you will also come down to the golden age together? Nod! Achcha. And, in the copper age, you will be with him in performing devotion? You will remain together, will you not? Those others will be few. Throughout the whole cycle, you will be in connection with someone or another of the Brahmin family. This eternal relationship will remain in many, whether they are a little distant or in close connection. So, the double foreigners have this special wonder. If you understand something, then those who have understood do not fluctuate; they remain firm. Once you understand something, you don't fluctuate as much. Until you understand something, there will be questions and a little fluctuation, but once you have understood something, you will continue to move forward very strongly. There are many such children who are merged in Baba's eyes who never fluctuate. They are ones who fly. BapDada constantly tours abroad. He also comes at amrit vela. So what does He see? In the result, there is a little bit missing, whereas others make a lot of effort. They don't leave it alone. They sit while making effort, and in-between of making their effort, they do achieve some success. The majority of you have a good result in the disciplines. BapDada is pleased. And, have you done the homework you were given? Those who have done it, raise your hands! Have you renounced anger? Have you let go of anger? Raise your hands! You didn't get angry in your mind? Raise your hands! There are a few. Now, continue with this homework and claim pass marks. Children do pay attention to this. BapDada saw in the total result that, when you get angry, half way through, you remember that. And yes, you do check yourself: No, no, I mustn't get angry now. However, it does enter in your mind a little. You are able to control your mouth, but it enters your mind. However, you definitely have to do this. You are going to do it, are you not? It is firm, is it not? BapDada has given all of you this result of everyone, whether from India or of those from abroad. However, if you are going to return home together, you will definitely have to become equal to the Father. Situations will come, they do come and they go away, but you should never let go of your promise. BapDada has seen that there is good expansion abroad too. You also do good programmes. Those who have become instruments draw everyone's attention to making effort. They do work hard. Achcha. Those who remain constantly happy, raise your hands! Constantly remain happy? You do have happiness, do you not? Your happiness doesn't disappear, does it? Your happiness should not disappear, because happiness is a Godly gift. You should look after the Godly gift very carefully. Any situation that arises, why should your happiness disappear? Is that situation powerful or is the Godly gift of happiness? So, now try not to let your happiness disappear. Your face should always be happy and sparkling. Happy and sparkling. Are you able to keep this happiness? Is it able to remain? Nod if so! It can stay; if you pay attention, it will happen. Will it happen? Those at the back? BapDada is telling everyone that after one month, Baba will ask all of you for your chart as to whether you remained happy for one month. Remember today's date. (31st March). Baba is telling everyone, not just the foreigners. Try it for one month. When any situation comes, do not merge it in your heart. Understand whether that situation is right or wrong, and what you have to do, but do not merge it in your heart. When it merges in your heart, your happiness disappears. Those who understand will remain happy and finish the situation by understanding it. So, this is a paper of one month. You have to remain happy. Is this possible? All of you raise your hands! Is this possible? BapDada is giving you congratulations for one month at the same time because you definitely have to do it. Do not do the lesson of "It will happen", but you definitely do have to do this. Ultimately, whether you are new ones who have come or the old ones, you belong to the Brahmin family. The Brahmin family are those who are world transformers for the world. If the transformers do not bring about transformation, how would world transformation take place? Consider it to be your responsibility. Let go of carelessness. Not that it will happen, it will happen, but you have to do it. BapDada knows that time is waiting for you Brahmins. You are the ones who will bring time close. So, make intense effort! Have determined thoughts and it will happen. Every day, remember this song: We now have to return home. Is this all right? Achcha.

BapDada is pleased seeing all the children from everywhere because BapDada alone does not want to do anything without you children. This is why He continues to invoke the children every day. Fast effort-making children, sweet children, lovely children, now let us return! Achcha.

All the children from everywhere, whether you are sitting personally in front of BapDada or wherever you may be sitting, all of you are remembering the Father. And, who is the Father remembering? He is remembering all the children from everywhere because, for every child, the Father has the hope that each child definitely has to become equal to the Father. The Father has the hope in each child, though He knows that you are numberwise, yet all of you have to become complete according to your number, do you not? Baba also sees the effort of each one as to what each one of you is doing. The Father feels a lot of love. When you make effort, He feels a lot of love that you should become free from labouring. Become lost in love. The more you become lost in love, the less effort you will have to make, and, when BapDada asks you to raise your hands for having love for the Father, all of you raise your hands very high. The Father accepts that you have love for Him, and the majority of you have passed in the subject of love, but when you get caught up in situations, you forget the Father.

Multi, multimillionfold love and remembrance and affection from the heart of BapDada to all the children everywhere. To everyone, to all the children who are masters, the Father is giving hundreds and thousands of greetings. Fly and continue to make others fly. Achcha.

Speaking to Neeluben: You serve with your heart. To do service means to climb onto the heart. So, you are seated on the Father's heart. Your service does not go to waste. It gives multimillionfold greater benefit. It is good. BapDada is congratulating you.

Dadi Janki: You are doing double service. You have the responsibility of the land abroad and also of India. (You have kept me in your vision.) Let alone in the vision, but also in the heart. It is good. You have to pay attention.

Dadis: BapDada has seen that whoever the instruments are, whether the brothers, the Pandavas or the Shaktis, all those who are instruments are doing their duties very well. BapDada is pleased when He sees that each one of you is looking after your responsibility very well. Working together, one speaks and ten others give their co-opereation. It is continuing and it will continue. The yagya is successful. You are embodiments of success. All of you are well. BapDada cannot see anyone who is not OK. All of you are good. Whatever each of you is responsible for you are looking after that as an instrument. BapDada is speaking about perfection, but the work otherwise is going on well.

Mohiniben: (She has not been well for some time and thought she would not make it to come in front of Baba.) You at least arrived here on the wheelchair. You will not miss out on meeting BapDada. The completion has to happen.

Par Dadi: It is good. You have become an idol and have become a good image that grants visions. Everyone becomes happy on seeing your face.

Nirwairbhai: All the Pandavas and Shaktis who are carrying out their tasks as instruments are doing it well. You have to do it well and move forward as much as possible. The praise of the yagya, the growth of service in the yagya, and revelation of the Father, you are making plans for that. Now keep the aim of revealing the Father. Everyone should say: Who is the One who is carrying out this task? God has come, our Father has come. They should now have this feeling. Now try to do this. They have reached as far as recognising the Brahma Kumaris. The Brahma Kumars and Kumaris are good, but revelation has to take place. So, now do such tapasya and make plans for service through which this will be proved. Whatever you are continuing with, all of that is going well. Each one of you is doing your service well, and everyone is paying attention to the transformation that you have to bring about.

Rameshbhai: BapDada gives a blessing at every step. It is good that both of you are looking after your health. That is good. (The accounting New Year begins tomorrow.) It is good. Congratulations for the New Year.

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