16-03-2011          Om Shanti            Avyakt Bapdada            Madhuban

Do the service of making the elements pure (satoguni) by serving through your mind. Have good wishes and pure feelings and perform the dance of harmonising your sanskars. Burn your old sanskars and, by colouring yourself with the colour of God's company, celebrate the true Holi.

Today, the Holiest Father has come to celebrate Holi with His children. All of you have also come to celebrate Holi. All the children everywhere, who are sitting far away, are also sitting down to celebrate Holi. Which colour Holi have you come to celebrate? You know that the most elevated colour is the colour of God's company. This colour makes you constantly the most elevated of all. Just as the Father is the Highest on High, in the same way, God's company also makes you the highest on high. He is seeing a star of fortune sparkling on the forehead of each child. Throughout the whole cycle, this star of fortune is attained by no one except you fortunate children. The elevated fortune is that it is only you children who become double pure, that is, holy. There are also religious souls but their bodies are not pure. In the future, you Brahmin souls will be pure and you will have pure bodies. The sign of being double pure is that you receive a double crown. In the whole cycle, only you become double crowned. At the confluence age, by having the colour of the Father's company, you become double pure. God's colour of the confluence age makes you double pure. Because of staying with the Father and because of being combined with the Father, you become double pure on this Holi. You constantly have the Father's company in your heart. This colour is so elevated that it makes you as elevated. People celebrate Holi with physical colour, whereas you become holy with the colour of the Father's company. This too is double holy. Your Holi is unique in the world and it is loved by the Father. You have the intoxication that, because your Holi is coloured with the colour of God's company, it makes you pure for half a cycle in such a way that, even now, your images are worshipped with discipline. No one else's images are worshipped with so much love. You yourself can see your own images. Others are also worshipped, but they are not worshipped for this duration nor are they worshipped in this disciplined way. You constantly maintain your zeal and enthusiasm. You do maintain it, do you not? Do you stay in zeal and enthusiasm? In that case, raise your hands! Do you maintain it sometimes or all the time? Those who say that they constantly stay in zeal and enthusiasm and also give zeal and enthusiasm to others, raise your hands! Not those who do this only sometimes, but all the time!

You have underlined the word "constantly", have you not? However, whatever has been your stage, your devotees celebrate it in the form of a festival. You coloured yourselves with the colour of God's company and so they also apply colour, but, because they are body conscious, they apply a physical colour, which costs a lot of money, and its result is that some things are good whereas other things are not so good; they celebrate this way. They definitely celebrate the memorial of your enthusiasm. In order to belong to God, you first of all burn your old sanskars and then, because of being coloured with the colour of God's company, you celebrate all the time. They too first burn something and then celebrate, but there is the difference of day and night in the way that you celebrate and the way they celebrate. They are body conscious, whereas you are soul conscious. They have the awareness of the body and you are aware of the soul.

You have BapDada's direction that Holi means to let the past be the past. They also speak of "ho li" (it has happened already) but they do not put the meaning of it into a practical form. All of you let everything be "ho li", that is, you let the past be the past. You do this, do you not? Or, do you only do it sometimes?

When you remember the past, you have many waste thoughts. Your time is also wasted. Since your sanskars over a long period of time continue to work, even against your conscious wish, then every minute of this confluence age, which help to create a reward for 21 births, every thought and every minute are so valuable! That is not just one second that has gone by, but it creates a difference in the reward of many births. BapDada has told you earlier too that you must not waste any time or thoughts of the period of the confluence age. If you are constantly coloured with God's colour, that is, if you constantly keep the Father as your Companion, you are then able to make every thought and every moment, that is, every minute of the confluence age, worthwhile. So check whether your every minute and every thought are worthwhile. Or do they go to waste? Because it is not just one minute, but every minute and every thought have a connection with 21 births; they have this much value! So, think about whether you constantly keep this much value in your heart. It is said for the period of the confluence age: "If not now then never." Always have this value in your awareness. So, all of you celebrated Holi today, that is, you coloured yourself with the colour of the Father's constant company. So, did you check throughout the whole day whether you remained coloured with the Father's colour? Did you stay in God's company or did your time and thoughts also go somewhere else? Did you check this? Nod in agreement. Do not wave your hands, but nod.

BapDada constantly signals to you: With the pure satoguni thoughts of your mind, continue to make matter (the elements) satoguni (pure). Do you remember that service of the mind? Because the elements are now going to carry out their work in a big way. This was just a small matter, but human souls have troubled the elements a lot and so they will also begin to cause trouble, and this is why the Father says: Just as you are paying attention to become conquerors of Maya - you do pay attention to this, do you not? You have promised Maya: It is your duty to come and our duty to attain victory over you. All of you have promised this, have you not? Have you? You want to become a conqueror of Maya, do you not? Similarly, you also have to become a conqueror of the elements, because you want to rule the kingdom, do you not? Your kingdom is coming, is it not? Do you have this intoxication? People are wondering about what will happen and they are afraid, whereas you all know that it is now the amrit vela, the confluence age, and what comes after amrit vela? Morning. "Our kingdom is going to come in that morning." You have this intoxication, do you not? Is it "our kingdom" or just the kingdom for the maharathis? It is the kingdom of all of you.

You are not worried about what will happen. You know that the best of all will happen. In your kingdom, even matter has to be satopradhan. Who is going to make the impure matter pure? Or will it be OK for matter to be as it is? Will it do in your kingdom? Will it? Say "yes" or "no"! Will it do? So, who will make matter pure? You will do this, will you not? That is why the first scene of "suddenly", just a small one, has just begun. Now, more and bigger scenes are yet to come, and they will come suddenly. What you never even thought of is going to happen.

BapDada has been teaching you the lesson of "suddenly" for a long time. However, now, seeing this in a practical form, you have to begin your work and not be afraid. You tell the story of how there was fire all around and yet God's children remained safe. So, even now, the children are safe, are they not? Test papers will definitely come, but you have to carry out double work. First, you have to face everything while being fearless. Second, who is going to serve your devotees and your unhappy brothers and sisters? You are coloured with the colour of God's company and, so, whatever you have attained by being coloured with the colour of God's company you have to distribute that to your brothers, sisters and devotees with a lot of love.

Who is remembered at a time of sorrow? Whether they consider Him to be God or not, even out of compulsion, they would definitely say, "Oh Father! Oh God!" So, you children of God now have to become supports for those who are in sorrow. Become their support with your good wishes, pure feelings and the rays that you have received from the Father. After all, they are your family, are they not? In a family, co-operation is given to one another. The very name is "sah yoga" (co-operation), elevated yoga.

This is the means of giving support. You were given a message to fix a time for yourself. Do not think: It will happen. You have fixed times for traffic control and amrit vela, have you not? In the same way, according to your task, now, according to the time, this service through the mind is extremely essential. So, make time for this. Be merciful! Be benevolent! What is your self-respect? World benefactors. So, do you feel mercy? Or, do you think, "It will happen"? You mustn't be careless in this, because whomever you give sakaash to will become your devotees. So, what must you do? Do you pay this attention? Those of you who feel that you are paying attention to this and that it will increase, raise your hands! You are putting your hands up and down. It is all visible on the TV. If so many of you put your self-respect into the practical form then, even now, at the confluence age, souls will sing songs of your praise: Wah God's children! Wah! You have given us so much support! For you, it is a matter of giving support at this time and they will continue to sing your songs for half the cycle. You will become their ancestors. You are ancestors. Where are Brahmins sitting in the picture of the tree? You are sitting under it, are you not? So, you are the ancestors, too, are you not? Can you hear the sound of the devotees? Caution yourself a little.

You have to become a support for those who are in sorrow. When you think that you have to become a support for those who are in sorrow, you will hear their sound.

So, did everyone celebrate Holi? For you, the whole confluence age is Holi. You remain constantly in the colour of God's company. The memorial is celebrated for one or two days, whereas you stay in God's company for the whole confluence age. You have this intoxication, do you not? The poor, helpless people are constantly begging: God, do this for us! Do that for us! However, you have received a guarantee for births that you will not have any scenes of sorrow, even in your dreams. No waves of sorrow will come, even in your thoughts. If each one of you wants to claim the kingdom for all time, then you can create your companions of the family of the golden age, the royal subjects and the ordinary subjects at this time. You have a guarantee for 21 births. Do a little service and make some time, because you have the power of thought, anyway. Simply, also give what you have received from the Father to your brothers and sisters.

BapDada had told you earlier too: Constantly check that you are performing the dance of harmonising sanskars in the midst of the Brahmin family. BapDada had asked you to fix a date for when you are going to perform that dance. Can it be fixed? Can it? Those in the first row, speak! Raise your hands! Can it happen? Even you Pandavas have to raise your hands. There cannot be salvation without the Pandavas.

Achcha. It is now the last turn. One more meeting still remains. For that, each one of you has to fix and write down the determined thought that you are going to have for yourself. How long will it take for the whole Brahmin family to stop using their old sanskars? "Whether it is my own sanskar or the sanskars of others, these should not influence me." Can this date be fixed? Can it? Raise your hands! Achcha. Take everyone's photo, because, just as you saw that scene of "suddenly", in the same way, everything is going to happen suddenly and this is why BapDada wants to see the preparations. You give good wishes and have pure feelings for others - BapDada saw that you made a programme to serve others. So, if you have good wishes and pure feelings constantly for every soul...... it has to be numberwise, anyway. In the memorial of your rosary, is everyone number one? They are numberwise and yet they are threaded in the rosary, are they not? Why did they get a number? They have different sanskars but, instead of seeing their sanskars, you have to have good wishes and pure feelings. Ultimately, they are also part of the Brahmin family. "It does not matter what they are like, they are my family, are they not?" Just as you say "Mera Baba" (My Baba), in the same way, it is also my family. It is good that the majority of you have raised your hands. So, all of you have this zeal and enthusiasm and that is why you raised your hands. So, be co-operative with one another and, by having a vision, attitude and awareness of good wishes and pure feelings, it will not be a big thing to perform this dance. Whoever claims a good number in this and carries this out practically by the date will receive a unique and lovely prize. Baba will not tell you what the prize is now, but He will give a prize.

Why? You have to make time to do service, do you not? The complication of sanskars takes away your time and this is why there is a need for your time. Is this OK? All of these are residents of Madhuban, are they not? Do you like it? Because those from Madhuban are special. BapDada also has a lot of love in His heart for the residents of Madhuban, and those from Madhuban also have love for Baba. Baba even says: You have love for the Father and it will always be there; it cannot be erased. You are immortal in this. This is why you have become residents of Madhuban. Wherever people from Madhuban go, with what vision do people see them? That they are from Madhuban; they are from Madhuban! Therefore, pay attention to this and, before the last turn, fix a place in Madhuban where everyone can put their notes. However, this has to be before the last turn.

Did everyone celebrate Holi? You have Holi every day. Even now, this is just something you have to celebrate externally. Where will you go to celebrate it? You will celebrate it here, will you not? However, that is according to the custom and system. All BapDada's deeply loving, beloved children everywhere, the long-lost and now-found ones, who maintain their self-respect, BapDada is giving multimillionfold love and remembrance to every child, as well as love and affection from His heart.

BapDada is seeing that those who are seeing and listening to Baba everywhere are happy. Achcha.

Who has come for the first time today? Stand up! All of these have come for the first time. Achcha.

You have received the fortune of becoming residents of Madhuban for the first time. All your brothers and sisters and BapDada are all congratulating you for coming here for the first time. Now, BapDada will see that even now you still have a chance, because although you have come a little late, if you want to, even though you have come last, you can go fast and claim the first number and come in the first division. This is BapDada's blessing for all those children who have come today. If you simply continue to follow the shrimat as per the Father's elevated versions, then shrimat can and will take you into the elevated division.

You have received the Father's blessing in such a huge family, and there are the good wishes and pure feelings that you can move forward as much as you want. They will all give you blessings from their hearts.

Wherever you go, you will continue to receive blessings, and these blessings will make you intense effort-makers and make you go ahead; have this faith! Achcha.

It is the turn of Punjab zone to serve (Punjab, Himachal, Hariyana, Jammu Kashmir and Utaranchal). Punjab is the lioness. So Punjab will make the lions, that is the heirs, emerge. Every centre has to send a list of their heir- quality souls. From the beginning until now, how many heir- quality souls have emerged from every centre? Heir- quality souls can never remain hidden anywhere. In fact, even today, BapDada wants to see how many loud "mikes" there are. Hearing the sound of their hearts, the hearts of others also become attracted to the Comforter of Hearts. However, BapDada has heard that many wings are to meet and so He will ask the wings. How many heir- quality souls are there in all the small and big centres of Punjab? Since when did they come? Punjab is also one of the first zones. A lot of mahavirs and maharathis have claimed a right to service and have received sustenance. Even some ancestors have done service there. BapDada has love for Punjab. Why? Why does He have love? Because there are many rivers in Punjab. Therefore, just as the rivers of Punjab are well known, in the same way, the servers of Punjab, who have been sent by BapDada, are well known. They are clever in renouncing and inspiring renunciation and this is why it is easy to make heir- quality souls emerge. BapDada wishes to give every zone number one. BapDada has seen that in all the zones that have come so far, there hasn't been a small number for any of the zones. They are all ahead of one another and this is why those who have emerged from Punjab through service, have to do special service and make them heir quality. You can bring them. If you pay attention, they will emerge. Simply understand "quality" and make a little special effort over them with your good wishes and pure feelings. You will have to make a little special effort, because there is that quality. Now, there is a little disinterest at this time; there is temporary disinterest everywhere. At such a time, every zone can understand the quality of souls and easily make them move forward. You can make them have love for the yagya and they can become protectors of the yagya. There is now fresh disinterest.

Today, it is the turn of Punjab and so Punjab should claim this number one. It is good. BapDada is seeing everyone's face. Even though you may be far away, you are close through the TV. Baba is seeing you. Achcha.

Eight Wings have come today. (Social Service, Transport, Media, Administration, Science & Engineering, Medical, Security and IT. All brothers and sisters of the different Wings were made to stand up.) The majority visible are those of the different Wings. All the Wings that have come and are doing service, BapDada has seen that the result of their service is becoming the best of all because you had become separated by doing service everywhere. However, each of you is now progressing day by day in your own wing and bringing souls closer. This is why BapDada is pleased with each wing and their service. You may clap.

What do you have to do in the future now? Service is growing, but every wing should now gather together all those who have come close through service and enable them to have love for the yagya. If they have come to the yagya (Madhuban) once, that is a different matter, but tell them about what the yagya is and what the love is that they receive from the yagya and bring them close. Make them a little more at home.

They listen to the lectures and give lectures - you have passed in that - but they should now become companions of the family. Now make that list. How many have come into contact with the yagya through each wing? BapDada was told that some souls have even started coming for the murli. That is also good.

Just as they have started to listen to the murli, in the same way, now make them understand what it means to have love for the yagya and what an instrument soul who has love for the yagya can do. They can make themselves move forward. Now, make such instrument souls emerge. They have become helpers in giving lectures and in becoming instruments to give the introduction to others, and BapDada has given you congratulations for that. Enable those who have reached the murli to move forward so that they consider themselves to be not just co-operative souls, but also those who have love: one who has love for the yagya, one who co-operates with the yagya and with a member of the family." Even if they are VIPs, they are members of the family; they are close to the family. Just as you are instruments and are doing service, in the same way, they should also gradually consider themselves to be responsible. There has been growth in service since the Wings were created. Many souls who didn't know anything about this organisation have come to know. They have come to know what the Brahma Kumaris do; they now know about your work.

Now, move forward in this. One is for them to have a regular present mark. Even if they are not able to come to you every day, they should have their present mark through the phone or any other method. If they are members of the family, they have to have their present mark. BapDada had asked you all earlier to make a list of such souls, create their gathering, and put zeal and enthusiasm into them. In every zone, do not do this just at your own centre, but the Head of the Wing should prepare such souls from every zone. They should make a gathering of such souls. There is enthusiasm created on seeing one another. Baba has not yet received the news that you had a gathering of this wing from all zones and this was the quality of souls that came. BapDada is pleased that your attention has been drawn in a common way. You are paying attention and doing this, so now prepare this gathering. Whoever has come into connection (VIP or IP) with you, how much service have they done? How many have they given a message to? You will have to get this information. Their interest will also grow because their result is being sent to Madhuban. BapDada has already told you earlier that you have enthusiasm for service. BapDada has already congratulated you for the service that you are doing. Achcha.

Just as each Wing has got up one by one, similarly, each wing has to understand that all the wings are in front of BapDada and, even if you are at the back, you are in front of Baba. BapDada is seeing all of you from each of the wings as being close to Him. Therefore, multimillionfold congratulations! Congratulations!

600 brothers and sisters from 50 countries have come: BapDada especially remembers those from abroad. He remembers all the children, but when the names of those from abroad are heard there is this enthusiasm in the people of Bharat: When those from abroad know God and claim a right to their inheritance they have the enthusiasm that they should not remain deprived. This is why those from abroad and the people of Bharat have begun to have programmes together. They have this enthusiasm: Since those from abroad have come to recognise God, we should not be left behind. So, you are instrument souls to make the people of Bharat move forward and to give them enthusiasm. This is why each wing is also making effort, just as there was the programme in Delhi. Whether it is a small programme or a big one, if even one or two people from abroad share their experiences from their hearts with enthusiasm or they speak on a topic, then people who hear it become happy, because BapDada has already told you earlier that those from abroad will become instruments to awaken the people of Bharat. It has been seen that, day by day, souls from abroad are doing this service and the people of Bharat are trying to work with them. Whenever there is a big programme then, just as in the early days there used to be a special VIP from somewhere or other from abroad who would come, try to do this even now, that wherever there is a programme, a VIP should definitely be invited to come. In the beginning, this was a very good part. Even now, one is the experience of Brahmin souls and the other is that a VIP should have a special part, and so Bharat and the countries abroad - the foreign lands will awaken Bharat and Bharat will awaken the foreign lands. As this service takes place, it will eventually become known who from abroad is going to come into your kingdom because, when special souls come, this sound reaches the Government. They have to look after the guests, and so this is put in the newspapers. This is an easy method of increasing service. The foreign lands are doing service - BapDada has this record and now those of all the wings want someone from abroad to take part in their programmes and awaken Bharat. Then, seeing such a big gathering of the people of Bharat, those from abroad should also awaken. BapDada is pleased that those from abroad are ever-ready in every respect.

You are playing a good part of being ever-ready. You do not say "no". The wings of Bharat should also make such programmes. Those of the different zones should have such programmes in which both (Bharat and foreign lands) come together. BapDada has seen that those from abroad are ever-ready. The people of Bharat are also ready. Now make such a programme. Seeing the children from abroad, BapDada is pleased: My children had become separated and gone to so many different places. BapDada still found all of you, did He not? You have come from so many countries. The Father found all His children in all the countries, did He not? You are happy, are you not? You were not able to find the Father, but the Father found you in the different corners because you are those who have a right every cycle. BapDada continues to find you every cycle. You cannot be missed. The Father's children have to come to Him. The Father is pleased to see the children who had become separated. Wah My children! Wah! You also continue to decorate Madhuban. BapDada has seen that He has received a lot of co-operation from the children abroad, through their body, mind, wealth. They have love for the yagya in every way and they also have love for BapDada.

You are continuing to move forward and will continue to do so. Achcha. BapDada is giving each one of you love and affection from His heart. Achcha.

Dadi Janki: Achcha. Everyone is happy. You have two means of making everyone happy. Classes and toli. You are playing a good part. BapDada is pleased.

Mohiniben: In the yagya, each and every one's individual part is necessary. If any instrument actor were missing, then it isn't that you would not know that. Each one's part has its own importance. If anyone's part is missed out, it creates a difference. This is BapDada's blessing for each and every common actor.

Like those in the kitchen. It is a common part, but you would not be able to continue if those people were not there. Nothing could continue if those who do the cleaning were not present. If those who conduct classes were not there, things would not continue. Each actor should understand the part he or she has received according to the drama and understand: I am a special instrument. Even if someone has a small part in the drama, it is still essential. There are five fingers and if even one finger were missing it would make a difference. This is the speciality of the yagya: whatever part each one has received, that is very, very, very essential. Achcha. Would you be able to go if the doctors were not there? That is also necessary.

Each actor is an instrument in the yagya. Each soul is needed in the yagya. Would you all have liked to sit here if those who did the cleaning didn't come today? It is necessary.

Par Dadi: Your part is also essential. Whether you do anything or not, seeing your face, everyone becomes happy. (Holi is the birthday of Par Dadi.) Wah! It is Par Dadi's birthday. Congratulations. Congratulations. Congratulations.

(All three senior brothers congratulated BapDada for Holi as they presented their bouquets.) Congratulations for Holi to all the holy souls. Congratulations.

Four senior sisters from abroad (Mohiniben, Dr. Nirmala, Sudeshben, Jayantiben): The Father gives many, many thanks to the children for revealing the Father. (Karankaravanhar made it happen.) However, it was the children who did it. So, thanks to the children. What would the Father do without the children?

(Baba made us do it.) Both are companions of one another. Achcha. (BapDada presented a bouquet to all of the sisters). All four of you, take it. Put your hand on it. (Baba gave a bouquet to Dadi Janki) This one's part is also continuing. It is a special part. BapDada has seen that you have your attention on Bharat. You are ever-ready to help in any way. Bharat helps those abroad and the lands abroad help Bharat. Continue to give this co-operation and do everything together; this aim is good.

(Jayantiben is going to Karachi for one week.) The result is now good. It is increasing. Now, some quality souls should emerge.

(The radioactive gas from Japan is now moving towards the Philippines and America.) The gas that emerges has to go somewhere, but you have to look after yourselves. Continue to observe the directions that the Government gives. Do not think: It is nothing, it is nothing. Pay attention to the directions they give.

BapDada played Holi with the children and gave everyone greetings for Holi: All of you celebrated Holi. You have Holi all the time, that is, you stay with the Father and you are being sustained by Him. You wake up with the Father, you converse with the Father, you take blessings from the Father and then give blessings. You took a blessing today for Holi: never become alone or separated from the Father. You are with Him, you will go back with Him, and then come and rule in the kingdom with Father Brahma. So fulfil the responsibility of that companionship. Do not leave His company for even a second. You will stay with Him and go back with Him. Now, always have this in your awareness. Achcha.

Now, BapDada is saying a very wonderful and beautiful good night to everyone. Achcha.

* O M S H A N T I *