15-11-13          Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada           Madhuban

No matter what situation arises, give that to the Father and continue to smile.

Seeing all the happy children, BapDada is very pleased. Wah! my fortunate children, my happy children, wah! BapDada is merged in everyone's heart. The fragrance of love is emerging from every child's face. All the children are souls who remain constantly happy and prosperous. Seeing the smiling faces of each and every child, BapDada is pleased. Constantly smile in the same way, dance in happiness and continue to move forward and enable others to move forward. BapDada is seeing a sparkling star on the forehead of each child. Achcha.

Today, the attraction of all the children's remembrance is reaching BapDada. You are constantly happy and will always remain happy. Whatever situation arises, hand it over to the Father and you continue to smile. Achcha. Inspite of the condition of the body, today, BapDada is celebrating a meeting because of the invocation of all the children. Achcha. Today, because of the condition of the body, it is a short meeting.

All the children everywhere are listening and also celebrating a meeting through the eyes. Seeing the meeting of the children, BapDada is so pleased! Each of you children can know this. Achcha.The group that has especially come for this meeting, today, raise your hands! (15,000 brothers and sisters including serviceable souls from the Karnataka Zone have arrived.) All those who have come this time, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations. Achcha.

BapDada is giving lots and lots of love and remembrance to all the children everywhere who are, like chatrak birds, listening and also seeing. All of you (sitting here) are receiving direct love and remembrance. However, all the children everywhere sit with a lot of love, that is, with great hope. For all those children who have great hope, just as the children are seeing, BapDada is also seeing them. BapDada is celebrating a meeting through the eyes with everyone. Achcha.

All those who have become instruments, whether Shaktis or Pandavas, everyone is carrying out their task while being loving and co-operative and will continue to do so.

(Mohiniben and Munniben are going to Dubai for seven days.) The programme has been made and so you have to go. (We need Your help.) Baba is bound to give help. (Dadi Janki gave Baba remembrances of the sisters from abroad.) All those who have sent love and remembrance, BapDada is giving them love and remembrance while giving them drishti.

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