31/12/2017                        Avyakt BapDada           Om Shanti                                31/12/2017

Celebrate this New Year as the Year for Completion,
the Elevated Year and the Year for Awakening the World

Om Shanti. All those who are sitting here are all one family. Did you ever hear of such a family or did you see such a family? No. It is only now that you see such an alokik family, and all are now getting ready for the future. So, everyone will celebrate the New Year. Now, your new world is coming and it is so beautiful. All of you members of the future family are seen to be ready. So, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations to everyone for the New Year.

In the New Year, you have to show something new, but show something such that its reward is with you for birth after birth.

Nirvairbhai and Brijmohanbhai asked about special inspirations for the New Year. What should be the name of the New Year?  What special attention should we pay?  What effort should we make?

Consider the New Year to be the Year for Completion, the Elevated Year and the Year for Awakeneing everyone and see how this year shows these wonders.

All the Brahmins are enthusiastic about what is going to happen in the future, and they know what is going to happen. Right now everyone is dreaming of the new world, and everything is now changing; the New Year, the new systems, the new love. Just as the age is changing, in the same way, together with the age, all the systems and customs, all the laws etc. will be according to that. So, today, in order to go to your new world, have this thought: I definitely have to pass. There are two types of pass, one type of pass is paas of coming close, and the other pass, of passing an exam. You are going to receive that pass too. You will definitely receive a pass, but together with your passing, Baba also wants each of you children to definitely make yourself pass in any way. This is the time to pass. For this, now check yourself and pay attention to the future. To pass means that while having everything, in order to pass the future, make so much effort that this future stays with you and the sound emerges from everyone’s lips: Pass, pass, pass. Everyone’s faces are revealing whatever effort each one has made until now, whether you have done anything previously or not is a different matter, but now, you have the aim of passing fully and it is the Brahmins only who will pass. You are Brahmins and so this is the first gift for the Brahmins. And the whole gathering has only this enthusiasm to pass quickly, and then everyone will be so happy. You are all happy that we are now going to transform.

(Nirwairbhai and Brijmohanbhai asked Baba: What are Your inspirations for the New Year for the brothers and sisters in this land and abroad? Everyone wants to hear these.)

What do all of you consider yourselves? Do you think that it is your right or do you think that you don’t know what is going to happen or how it will happen? You may have ideas about this, but do not be fixed on them. It is not good to get stuck in this way. You now have to claim the fortune of your kingdom. First, we have to rule ourselves, and later we rule over others anyway. It is becoming well known that the kingdom of the self is so huge! Are all of the questions about this topic or is there another topic in front of you? As is the kingdom of now, similarly, the kingdom of yours that is coming will be even stronger than this. On seeing this future, each one is feeling happy and taking inspirations for the future. BapDada is also pleased to see the children and feels that you have received a lot and that you are going to receive even more.

It is the turn of Maharashtra, Mumbai, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana to serve. 15,000 servers have come and in total, 25,000 have come: 
There are 600 double-foreign brothers and sisters. All have zeal and enthusiasm. BapDada is pleased to see the children and that each child is making effort and revealing his or her own name and the Father’s name.
Today, the Father was seeing where each one has reached. You have reached this and have made good effort and victory is in front of you. Baba has seen that all of you have kept an aim and will show it by doing it practically. Everyone has this enthusiasm. This group continues to move forward with this enthusiasm. Victory is guaranteed for each child. There is victory, and this victory increases confidence in the self and faith in the family.  These two things will be useful in your kingdom.


(Nirwairbhai and Brijmohanbhai said to Baba) Everyone makes a lot of effort for harmonising sanskars, but nevertheless, they are not yet successful. How can they be successful? How can we take our intellects into the unlimited so that we are able to go beyond all these things?)

All of you have an aim and a plan. Let there now be a little more attention paid to that plan and let everyone feel it. In order to have that feeling, pay a little attention because the love that we have for the family is only experienced more at the confluence age.  Then it will be natural.

Have the aim that it has to happen. Everyone is thinking: Why is this one thinking about this situation? Our study is going well and those who are teaching are teaching well, so this question need not arise. Now have the aim that you are definitely going to become this. In this, your part is not just of being co-operative, but you have to make yourself worthy. You have to pay attention to yourself; this is essential. Baba has seen that you are all concerned that you have to become this. You are becoming this and will claim your number according to the efforts you make but, first, pay attention to this. Just as Baba is being asked, in the same way, you can have a conversation among yourselves and you will definitely claim a seat in the kingdom. Now think about which seat you will claim in the kingdom.

(Baba spoke looking at Brijmohanbhai) You now sit in the capital, Delhi, but now, along with paying attention to the capital, Delhi, you now also have to pay attention to the capital of the future. (Baba, the sisters claim a number ahead in this.) It has always been seen that whenever there is a race, the mothers and kumaris claim a number ahead. When it is finalised, this is the result that will be announced, but you also have the aim that you are going to claim a number and pass.  So BapDada and drama take care of both.

(How can we follow the Father?) If you have the attention to follow the Father, then everything has to be visible in a practical way in your practical life. Everything is now happening as Baba wants it to happen. Everything works out fine at the right time, but let it be like this all the time. That is happening and it will happen. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about. Everyone is making effort and it is now in all of your intellects that you will definitely claim a number. It will happen. All the preparations are made. This is already accomplished, but, every now and then, the form changes a little and with that changing form, something happens in one form or another and it then becomes all right. This is why BapDada cannot say much, because the form of effort is visible. It is not that it cannot be seen. It can be seen, but it cannot be seen all the time. It is sometimes like this and sometimes like that. So now make this effort firm in you and show all your force - that all of you are now ready to take the paper. Ask everyone: Is everyone ready to take the paper? If you are ready to take the paper and you have the hope, you will then have just as much attainment. That intoxication isn’t there all the time. It stays for a little time every now and then, because you are making effort. You must let this intoxication stay all the time; you need to practise this now. You will have to pay a little attention. This is a study, it is not? One has to pay attention to one’s study. So, congratulations to everyone for the New Year, and you have now received the blessing to keep moving forward in this New Year.

Keep yourself full and always ready, like the Father. Whatever time you have, make yourself ready in such a way that the Father wants. Just as the Father is full of all virtues, has the crown and is seated on the throne, similarly, let each child experience this in the self. There is still time, so whatever is still lacking, imbibe that and give a vision of the embodiment of that dharna. Do not say: What can I do now?  How will it happen? No. There is no need to ask these questions. The Father has now given everyone courage and enthusiasm. Therefore, by keeping both courage and enthusiasm with you, everyone can now quickly move forward. Achcha.

Avyakt BapDada              Madhuban   Om Shanti                  31/12/07

In the New Year, become an endless great donor, endlessly free from obstacles,
an endless yogi and an embodiment of success for all time.

Today, BapDada is seeing a double gathering in front of Him. One is of those who are personally sitting in front of Him in the corporeal form and the other is of those who are sitting far away but who are visible as close to His heart.  A light of the soul (atam-deep) is sparkling on each forehead of the elevated souls of both gatherings. It is such a beautiful sparkling scene. All of you, who are absorbed in love for God while stable in one thought and one constant stage, are lost in His love with a concentrated intellect and are looking so beautiful. All of you have also arrived here especially to celebrate the New Year. On seeing the zeal and enthusiasm of all of you sparkling lamps, BapDada is pleased to see the atam-deep (flame of the souls).

Today is the day of the confluence: it is farewell to the old year and there are to be greetings for the New Year. The New Year means new zeal and enthusiasm. You have enthusiasm for self-transformation. Seeing that you yourself have attained all attainments, you have enthusiasm in your heart. People of the world also celebrate this festival. For them, it is a festival of just one day, whereas for you lucky and lovely children, every day of the confluence age is a festival because you have the enthusiasm of happiness. People of the world light the extinguished lamps and celebrate the New Year whereas you and BapDada and all the awakened lamps have come here from everywhere to celebrate the festival of the New Year. This custom and system of celebrating is just in name because all of you are in fact the awakened lamps. You are able to see your sparkling lamp, are you not?  You are the imperishable lamps.

So, have you made some new plans in your heart for the New Year for yourself and for the souls of the world? After midnight the New Year will begin. So, how will you especially celebrate this year? Just as the old year will bid you farewell, in the same way, have all of you had the thought of bidding farewell to the old thoughts and old sanskars? Together with the old year you will also bid farewell to the old and will put into a practical form the thoughts filled with new zeal and enthusiasm, will you not? So, think about it, what newness will you bring about in yourself? What wave of new zeal and enthusiasm will you spread? Of what special thoughts will you spread the vibrations? Have you thought about it? For the souls of the whole world, all of you Brahmins are the instruments for transformation. You are the foundation of the world; you are the ancestors and are worthy-of-worship. So, this year, what vibrations will you spread through your elevated attitude? Just as matter is able to spread vibrations of winter, summer or spring, in the same way, what vibrations will you, who are the conquerors and masters of matter, spread through which souls will be able to experience happiness and comfort for even a short time? For this, BapDada is signalling to you: whatever treasures you have received, use those treasures in a worthwhile way and become an embodiment of success. In particular, the treasure of time should never go to waste. Even one second should be put to use and not wasted. Use time in a worthwhile way, use your every breath in a worthwhile way, use your every thought in a worthwhile way, use your every power in a worthwhile way and use your every virtue in a worthwhile way. Celebrate this year as the ‘Year for Becoming an Embodiment of Success’ because success is your birthright. Use that birthright and become an embodiment of success because the success of the present time will remain with you for many births. The reward of you using your present time in a worthwhile way is that you will receive the fruit of success for half the cycle. The reward for using the present time in a worthwhile way will be received for all time. Use your breath in a worthwhile way; look, as a result of your breath being used in a worthwhile way, all you souls will remain healthy for all time in the future. There will be no mention of any illness. There will be no departments of doctors. What will the doctors have become? They will have become kings.  They will become the masters of the world. However, at this time you use your breath in a worthwhile way and all souls receive the reward of remaining healthy. In the same way, as a result of the treasure of knowledge being used in a worthwhile way, everyone becomes so sensible and powerful in your own kingdom that there is no need to take any advice from any adviser there. You yourself are sensible and powerful. As a reward for using all your powers in a worthwhile way you receive two special powers: the two authorities of religion and of ruling the kingdom. You use your treasure of virtues in a worthwhile way and the result of that is a deity status, which means one who has imbibed divine virtues. Together with that, in this last birth, when they worship your non-living images, what praise do they sing? You are full of all virtues. So, you automatically receive the reward of success at this time. Therefore, check: you have received the treasures, you have become full of the treasures, but to what extent have you used them in a worthwhile way for yourself and for the world? You will bid farewell to the old year and so, what treasures that you have accumulated have you used in a worthwhile way in the old year and to what extent? Check this and, in the coming year, instead of wasting these treasures you definitely have to use these treasures in a worthwhile way. No treasure should go to waste for even a second. You have been told earlier that a second of the confluence age is not a second, but it is equivalent to a year. Do not think that you have just wasted one second or one minute. To allow anything to be wasted is called carelessness.  The aim of all of you is to become complete and perfect, the same as Father Brahma. So, Father Brahma used all his treasures in a worthwhile way from the beginning until the last day. You saw the practical proof of that; he became a perfect angel. You also saw your lovely Dadi. She used everything in a worthwhile way and she constantly increased the zeal and enthusiasm of everyone to inspire them to use everything in a worthwhile way. So, according to the drama, she became a special instrument to play an alokik part for world service.

So, this year, from tomorrow, you should all keep your chart every day. What and how much was used in a worthwhile way and how much was wasted? At amrit vela have the determined thought; become an embodiment of the awareness: Success is my birthright. Success is the garland around my neck. To be an embodiment of success is to become equal. You have love for Father Brahma, do you not? So, what did Father Brahma love the most? Do you know what he loved? The murli. Even on the last day he did not miss the lesson of the murli. In becoming equal, check: Whatever Father Brahma loved, the proof of having love for Father Brahma is that I should also easily and naturally have love for everything that the father loved. What was the other speciality of Father Brahma? He was always alert; he didn’t have any carelessness. Even on the last day he played his part of service with such alertness. Even though the body was weak he remained very alert and did not sit with any support and he even made everyone else alert. He departed having given you the mantra of three things. You all remember those, do you not? So, to the extent that you remain alert and follow him, accordingly carelessness will finish. BapDada keeps hearing words of carelessness in particular. You know them, do you not? If you constantly revise and realise these three words (incorporeal, egoless & viceless) in your mind, you will automatically become equal easily and naturally.

So, did you hear what you have to do? An embodiment of success, an embodiment of success who uses everything in a worthwhile way, an endless donor. Then Maya will not have the courage to come to you. When you become endless great donors, when you remain constant servers, when you remain busy, when your mind and intellect are servers, then, where would Maya go? So, what are you going to become this year? The same sound should emerge from everyone’s heart. This is what BapDada wants, and what is that sound? No problem, complete. There are no problems, but you have to become complete. Have determined faith in the intellect that you have to become a close bead in the rosary of victory. Is that all right? You have to become that, do you not? Those from Madhuban, you have to become that, do you not? No problem? No complaints? Those who have this courage, raise your hands! No problem.  Wah! Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!

Look, the practical proof of faith is spiritual intoxication. If there isn’t spiritual intoxication, there isn’t faith either. It means that there isn’t full faith, but that there is only a little faith. So, have intoxication. What is the big deal? Do you remember in how many cycles that it is you who have become equal to the Father? You have become that countless times. So, have the intoxication: I became that, I am that and I will continue to become that again and again. This intoxication should always be visible in your actions, not in your thoughts, not in your words, but in your actions. ‘Actions’ means it should be visible in your behaviour and on your face. So, you have now received your homework, have you not? You have, have you not? Now, we shall see whether you become numberwise or claim number one.  Achcha.

18-02-2008 It is the turn of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Mumbai to serve: The very name is Maharashtra. According to the drama, Maharashtra has received a golden gift. What is that? Maharashtra received sustenance directly from Father Brahma and Mama. Delhi and UP also received it, but Maharashtra received it to a greater extent. Now, Maharashtra is great anyway. What do you have to do now?  Maharashtra all together, you have to make such a plan and have such a meeting in which everyone has the same nature, sanskars, and the same aim for service which is how to spread the power of silence. Make plans for this. You will make these plans, will you not?  You will make them, will you not?  Achcha.

31-12-2007 Double foreigners – Achcha, BapDada had said that you are not double foreigners, you are now double effort-makers; so are you double? BapDada remembers that, in earlier times, BapDada used to say that sometimes the double foreigners would say, “Why?” “Why?” a lot instead of saying, “Wah!” “Wah!” You are not those who say, “Why?” and “I”, are you? Are you those who say, “Why?” or those who say, “Wah!” “Wah!”? Wah! Wah! Always? Always “Wah!” “Wah!” Never say “Why?” in any situation. “Why?” means “Hai” (cry of distress).  So, no more cries of distress.  Not “why?”, but “Wah!” “Wah!”  Whatever is happening is very good, whatever happened was even better than that and whatever is to happen is supremely good.  This is a sign of a double effort-maker. You are those who have “No problem”, are you not? Is it “no problem” or a little problem? Achcha, leave your problems here when you go. Do not take them with you on the plane. Because you have come to the Father, you will show some wonders to the Father, will you not? So, show this wonder.  

******Om Shanti*******