Avyakt    BapDada    Om Shanti    15/11/2019


Beloved Avyakt BapDada’s extremely loving teachers, ones who become complete and equal through their constant intense effort and move with the Father, ones who always maintain their spiritual intoxication and experience the stage of being a carefree emperor, all brothers and sisters who are the decoration of the Brahmin clan, please accept sweet love and remembrance with God’s love.

Today is the second turn of the incarnation of our beloved Avyakt BapDada this season and it is the turn of Indore (Chattisgadh – Kamlaben) to look after this turn. Approximately 15-16 thousand brothers and sisters have arrived in Madhuban to celebrate an auspicious meeting with our Beloved BapDada and to fill their aprons with blessings. Along with this group, Baba’s double-foreign children always have a special lottery in every group anyway. For them, there is always a special retreat for a few days or deep classes on gyan and yoga. On the day of BapDada’s incarnation, everyone gathers in the Diamond Hall and has special yoga tapasya in the evening and invokes BapDada and then when we listen to Avyakt elevated versions spoken by BapDada through the video, then everyone’s experience is as though Baba is personally present in front of us, and according to the time, He is catching our thoughts and giving us special blessings fills us with power.

Baba’s smiling face and His spiritual drishti takes every child beyond with just a glance. It feels as though a direct meeting of the avyakt form is taking place through the subtle and corporeal meeting. Everyone goes away feeling fully satisfied and full. This is also the magic of our Beloved Magician Baba – though He doesn’t come in the physical form – He is sustaining His children from the subtle region. Together with this, there are also classes conducted by the experienced brothers and sisters. Each one has an opportunity of having deep yoga and tapasya. At atmosphere on Baba’s days of incarnation becomes very powerful. Our sweet Dadi Jankiji meets everyone who has come every evening and fills everyone with zeal and enthusiasm. At the confluence age, the sustenance we receive from these Dadis is very elevated and powerful, which all fortunate souls are receiving. Everyone is also giving lots of blessings from their hearts to our lovely Dadi Gularzji and appreciating how Baba has given all of us such an elevated treasure of invaluable jewels through Dadiji. Even though Dadiji is still in Mumbai now, her subtle sakaash and good wishes are spreading in the atmosphere all over Shantivan.

Below, we have attached the elevated versions that we heard through the video. Please refresh the whole class with these. Achcha.

Lots of love and remembrance to all.

15/11/2019     Avyakt BapDada      15/12/11

Constantly maintain your intoxication and become a carefree emperor. Become complete and equal through intense effort and make preparations to return home with the Father.

Today, BapDada is seeing the gathering of carefree emperors. This gathering is held at only this time because all the children have given their worries (fikar) to the Father and have taken intoxication (fakhur) from Him. This gathering is held at only this time. From the moment that each one of you wakes up in the morning and perform actions, you remain carefree and move along as an emperor, do you not? This carefree life is so lovely! What are the visible signs of being carefree? The light of the sparkling soul is visible on the forehead of each one. How did you make your life carefree? The Father took worry away from all the children’s lives and gave them intoxication. Those who do not have intoxication in their lives, that is, those who have worries, do not have a light shining on their forehead. Instead lines of burden are visible on their forehead. So, tell me, what do you prefer? Do you prefer light or burden? Even if there is some burden - burden means worry – you can give that worry to the Father and take intoxication from Him. All of you do like a carefree life, do you not? All those who are seeing you also prefer a carefree life.

So, today, BapDada is seeing the sparkling lights on the foreheads of all the children everywhere - whether you are sitting in front here or wherever you are sitting. So, do you remain constantly carefree or do you sometimes worry? Do you have any worries? Since the Father has made you a conqueror of matter and a conqueror of vices, how can you have any worry? So, raise your hand if you have become carefree. Have you become this forever? Have you become this forever or only sometimes? There are still those who are carefree only sometimes. You are not raising your hands. BapDada does not want to see hands for this. BapDada wants to see every child as a carefree emperor. If you sometimes have a worry, then a very easy method when there is a little worry is to change “mine” (mera) into “Yours” (Tera). To change this limited “mine”, to change “mine” into “Yours” is a very easy method. You say, “My Baba”, and so what is “mine”? So, the limited mine has finished, has it not? It is now “My Baba”. All of you say from your heart, “My Baba, lovely Baba, sweet Baba”, do you not? So, is it difficult to merge the “mine” with “Yours”? What is the difference? Just “m” and “T” – it is such a small difference! You had the thought “Everything is Yours”, so what remains mine? My Baba.

BapDada saw that the majority of you children have made the limited “mine” into “Yours”, and so what have you become? Carefree emperors! So, today, BapDada is seeing all of you children as carefree emperors. Look, even on the path of devotion when they create your images, they are created with a double- crown. There is firstly the crown of light because the sign of a carefree soul is the sparkling light on the forehead and the second crown is shown for becoming victorious over the vices. Therefore, since BapDada has taken away your worries and given you intoxication, pay attention to what you have become. You have become a carefree emperor. Since you have become an emperor you also need a throne. So, BapDada has made you a master of three thrones. Do you know which three thrones they are? One is the throne of the centre of your forehead, which everyone has. The second throne is BapDada’s heart-throne and the third throne is the throne of the world – the throne of sovereignty. All of you have these three thrones, do you not? The most elevated throne is BapDada’s heart-throne. Therefore, check whether you remain seated on that throne. Who can sit on BapDada’s heart-throne? Those who have made BapDada sit constantly on their heart-throne, those who are always in their elevated stage of a master almighty authority. So, check whether you are always seated on the heart-throne or whether you sometimes go into the mud. This body consciousness is the mud. As you have been in the mud for a long time, you don’t go back into the mud sometimes, do you?

So, BapDada is giving all the children a signal of the time. He is making you make the lesson of “suddenly” very firm. This is why you have to give a lot of importance to the time of the confluence age because in this one birth you have to create a reward of many births. This is why BapDada had given you a signal that you have to pay attention at the confluence age to two things at every moment. You must have remembered these two things? Time and thoughts. All the children have remained courageous to give up their waste thoughts to BapDada through their thoughts. So, check whether you have maintained that courage for ever. Because when you children keep courage once, the Father gives a thousand-fold help. So, what do you think? Is the determined thought you have placed in front of the Father with courage that you will not have any waste thoughts for ever? Because a lot of time goes into waste thoughts and, according to the present time, your task is to give the message to the souls of the world. So, you have to finish all your waste thoughts for only then will you be able to give the experience of peace and happiness to unhappy souls. BapDada feels compassion on seeing the unhappy souls. You also feel compassion when you see your unhappy sisters and brothers, do you not?

BapDada saw that, at present, everyone has the interest, has made plans and has also done it practically for celebrating the Jubilee of 75 years. This is what BapDada wants. All the programmes you have done were very good and BapDada is congratulating you for those. However, now, according to the time, you have to make them into heirs quickly so that they can claim at least a right to some inheritance. Many of them say that this is very good. BapDada has also seen this result from the service of you children and the Father is also pleased with you children. You are doing everything from your heart and now, according to the time, everyone is listening to you with interest. There is at least this much difference. They find it all very good, but now make them good and enable them to claim a right to the inheritance in whatever way possible. BapDada has already signaled to you earlier about this: Now, according to the time you need to become an intense effort-maker. In order to become an intense effort-maker, the main effort you need is to put a full stop in one second. One second and putting a full stop should both be simultaneous. So, now BapDada is seeing the carefree emperor form of you children. You have to experience this form all the time. When anything or anyone comes in front of you, just merge “mine” into “Yours”.

BapDada has promised all of you children to take you back home with Him. So, what preparations do you have to make in order to return home with Him? The Father will become bodiless in a second. However, you have made a promise and the Father has also promised that you will return together, and so, check whether you have made preparations for that: Put a full stop in a second, become complete and perfect and off you go! Have you made such preparations? You all want to return with Baba, do you not? Nod if you want to return with Baba. You want to return. Achcha. Are you sure? To put your hand in His hand means to become equal. So, check, because that time will come suddenly. So, have you made such preparations that you can return home with Baba?

The Father loves you children and so the Father does not want to leave any one of you behind. We are together and will remain together; we will go back together and come into the royal family in the kingdom together. Do you agree with this? Do you? Are you ready? When you are asked whether you agree, you raise your hands. But don’t raise your physical hands for this. Raise your hands if you have made your preparations! Raise your hands high! Achcha. Would you be ready if destruction were to take place tomorrow? However, have you finished your service? There is still service left to be done. Or have you completed your service? Has everyone received the message? Just check in your own area: have you given everyone the message that the Father has come and that they should claim their inheritance? BapDada would like this complaint of every home to finish: “The Father came and we did not even know that the Father had come and He went away and we were deprived.” You all have enthusiasm, do you not? Do you all have enthusiasm? You have to do service and finish that complaint. When you have enthusiasm you also receive BapDada’s help. Achcha.

All of you know what BapDada’s wishes are. For you to become equal and perfect. Always check these words: Am I fulfilling the Father’s hopes? BapDada considers every child to be the star of His hopes. Every child has love for the Father. BapDada knows this. What is it that brings all of you to Madhuban? All of you come in the train of love or the plane of love. So, the Father is pleased with the children in the subject of children’s love for the Father. However, you also have to become complete in the two words that Baba wants: Equal and perfect. So, today, BapDada is seeing all the children everywhere with so much love in His heart and is congratulating every child with love from His heart. Achcha.

It is the turn of Indore and Bhopal Zones for service: Congratulations! You like this chance to serve, do you not? You receive the treasure of service easily. BapDada is pleased. In this chance, you receive the fruit of service and also the strength of service. Where is everyone’s vision drawn to? They always look out for which zone is going to serve. To serve in Madhuban means to receive the fruit and strength of service. So, you have done very well. You served by being free from obstacles and gave everyone the fruit of contentment. BapDada is pleased because you get a special chance, and so you children come to Madhuban. To come to Madhuban, to meet such a big family and to become an instrument to serve such a big family – this too becomes a very big fortune. It is good that the vision of BapDada and the family falls on each one of you. You souls receive happiness in a practical way. You receive happiness and you make others happy, and so congratulations.

To Double Foreigners: BapDada has seen that the double foreigners have the sanskar that whatever they do, they do it with zeal and enthusiasm and they complete it; and they also pay attention to their efforts. All of you raise your hand if you are all intense effort makers! Intense effort-makers? Achcha. Also, many, many congratulations on behalf of everyone. Why? An intense effort-maker means one who fulfils BapDada’s hopes in a practical way. So, BapDada is congratulating you for your intense efforts. You are intense effort-makers and will always be intense effort-makers and also make others into intense effort- makers. So, all the lands abroad have come into the list of those who are intense effort makers. You have this record to some extent but you still have to show this. However, BapDada is congratulating you for your efforts.

To those who have come for the first time: BapDada is happy to see you children. You are welcome. So now make intense effort, move ahead and have the determined thought to go ahead of all. Determination is the key to success. BapDada is giving a special gift of the key of determination to all the children who have come here today. Never let your determination become slack. Determination will constantly and easily enable you to move forward. BapDada is pleased: Welcome! You have come to claim your inheritance. Many, many congratulations for this. Achcha.

BapDada is giving love from His heart and the elevated thought to move constantly forward to the whole Brahmin family. The Father is seeing each of you children and is also merging you in His heart on seeing you. Those who are sitting close are seeing BapDada in front of them, and the rest are seeing the Father in front of you through the facilities. Wherever you are sitting, BapDada is also seeing you as though you are in front of Him and is giving each of you love from His heart. Continue to move forward. Make intense effort and continue to move ahead of all. Achcha.

To all those who are sitting in front of BapDada, love and remembrance and congratulations for constantly moving forward. Congratulations ! Congratulations! Achcha!

Dadi Janki

Today, everyone took a beautiful feeling (bhaasna). Wonderful Baba and the elevated versions that we heard through Baba’s lips, and now “Mera Baba” (My Baba) emerges from the heart. Sweet Baba… Baba is mine and I am Baba’s. Yours has merged into mine and mine has merged into Yours. Wonderful drama, wonderful Baba. Everyone had a very good experience. The elevated versions that we heard today, I feel that not a single word was missed out. We are Baba’s beloved children, are we not? Baba has made us light and given us might. Baba says: Children, always remain light. Take might and everything will be right. I am seeing everything as a detached observer and you all are experiencing it. Previously, we all took sustenance from the sakar form very well and then we took sustenance from the avyakt form. The elevated versions we heard today touched our hearts. Baba conquered our hearts and nothing else remains. Baba says: Children, always stay in the heart. Make Dilaram, the Comforter of Hearts, your Companion and observing every scene of the drama as a detached observer, let the mercury of happiness remain high. If any situation arises, just put a full stop. There is no effort in putting a full stop. When you have the experience of love, you can put a full stop in a second. The question mark is long, but there are no questions, and you don’t have to stand in a queue. Baba has shown us such easy effort to move along with Him. Achcha.

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