Avyakt    BapDada    Om Shanti    30/11/2019


Beloved Avyakt Image, the Mother and Father, BapDada’s deeply loving instrument teachers, sisters and brothers who are the decoration of the Brahmin clan, ones who have avyakt experiences through your avyakt stage, ones who stay in the spiritual intoxication of your highest and elevated self-respect and who make the impossible possible, all carefree emperors of the land that is free from sorrow, please accept Godly love-filled sweet remembrance.

With the subtle strings of love, all of you must have reached Madhuban from your own places and must be having beautiful experiences of the alokik, avyakt meeting. At present, with the facilities of science, each one is receiving beautiful experiences. Together with the power of silence, Baba has also given each one of us the plane of the divine intellect with which we can travel through the three worlds whenever we want.

The splendor of our home in Madhuban is unique and lovely this time. It is the turn of Karnattak zone to serve. Many sages and great souls who have been in loving connection for a long time have also come and are all having very beautiful experiences. Of course, the double foreign brothers and sisters also take their golden chance in every group. Every evening in the class, everyone receives the alokik sustenance and the loving drishti from Dadi Janki. This time, on 29 November, the brothers and sisters of Karnattak honoured and celebrated with great splendor a ceremony with the senior brothers – Nirwairbhai, Brijmohanbhai, Karunabhai and Amirchandbhai in the Diamond Hall. A gathering of about 17-18 thousand brothers and sisters are having very good alokik experiences in Madhuban. It is a wonder of our sweet beloved BapDada who, through His subtle and incorporeal form, is making all the children full. Listening to the avyakt elevated versions through the video, each one feels as though they are personally taking drishti from BapDada and celebrating a meeting with Him. Each one is experiencing the presence of BapDada. All of you will also experience this personal meeting according to your own turn. Achcha.

Lots of love and remembrances to all.

Om shanti.

30/11/19       Avyakt BapDada       31/10/07

Staying in the spiritual intoxication of your elevated self-respect, making the impossible possible, become a carefree emperor.

Today, BapDada is seeing all His special children from everywhere who have elevated self-respect. The self-respect of every child is so special that no other soul in the world has that. For the souls of the world, all of you are ancestors and worthy of worship. You are the images of support in the roots of the tree of the whole world. You are the first creation, the ancestors of the whole world. BapDada is pleased to see the speciality of every child. Whether they are little children, old mothers or householders, each one has their individual speciality. Nowadays, no matter how great scientists are, and, according to the world they may be very special, they have conquered matter; they have reached the moon, but they have not been able to recognise such a tiny soul, the form of light, whereas here, even a small child knows, “I am a soul”, and he knows the point of light. He says with intoxication: I am a soul. However great the mahatmas may be here there are the Brahmin mothers who speak with spiritual intoxication: we have attained God. You have attained Him, have you not? And what do the mahatmas say? To attain God is very difficult. Householders issue a challenge: All of us live together in a household and lead a pure life because we have the Father between us. This is why even when the two of us are living together we can easily remain pure because purity is our original religion. To adopt another religion is difficult, but to adopt one’s original religion is easy. And what do people say? Fire and cotton wool cannot stay together; it is very difficult, whereas what do all of you say? It is very easy. All of you had a song in the beginning: No matter how much of a businessman or a lord etc. someone may be, he does not know the one Alpha. They don’t know the tiny point of light, the soul. However, all of you children have recognised it and also attained it. You speak with so much faith and spiritual intoxication: The impossible is possible. BapDada sees each child as a victorious jewel and is pleased because when you children have courage, the Father helps. This is why things that are impossible for the world have become easy and possible for you. You have the spiritual intoxication that you are the direct children of God. Because of this intoxication and faith, because of being God’s children, you are safe from Maya. To become a child (bachcha) means to be easily saved (bachna). All of you are the children and are safe from all obstacles and problems.

So, you know all this elevated self-respect of yours, do you not? Why is it easy? Because with the power of silence you use the power of transformation. You transform the negative into positive . No matter in how many types of problem Maya comes, with the power of transformation and the power of silence, you change the problem into a form of solution. You change the reason into a solution. You have this much power, do you not? You also give courses, do you not? You teach them the method to transform the negative into positive . You have received this power of transformation as an inheritance from the Father. It is not just one power, but you have received all the powers as your Godly inheritance and this is why BapDada speaks to you every day. You listen to the murli every day, do you not? So, BapDada tells you every day: Remember the Father and remember the inheritance. Why do you remember the Father so easily? When you remember the attainment of the inheritance, you easily remember the Father because of that attainment. Each child has this spiritual intoxication. In your heart, you sing the song: I have attained that which I wanted to attain. This song is naturally playing in everyone’s heart, is it not? You have this spiritual intoxication, do you not? The extent to which you maintain this spiritual intoxication (fakhur), the sign of it is that you will remain free from worry (befikar). If there is any worry in your thoughts, words, relationships or connections there cannot be spiritual intoxication. BapDada has made you into carefree emperors. Speak, are you carefree emperors? Are you this? Those who are carefree emperors, raise your hands! Or, do you sometimes have some worry? Do you sometimes worry? It is good. Since the Father is carefree, what should the children worry about?

BapDada has already said: Hand over all your worries or any type of burden to BapDada. The Father is the Ocean, is He not? So, all the burdens will be accommodated in that. Sometimes, BapDada hears one song of the children and is amused. Do you know which song that is? “What can I do? How can I do this?” Sometimes, you do sing this; BapDada keeps hearing it. However, BapDada says to all the children: O My sweet children, My beloved children, set yourself on the seat of the stage of a detached observer and watch the games while set on the seat. You will really enjoy yourselves very much. Or, stabilise yourself in the trikaldarshi (knower of three aspects of time) stage. It is because you leave your seat that you become upset. If you remain set, you won’t get upset. Three things trouble the children. What are these three things? A mischievous mind. A wandering intellect. What else do you say? Old sanskars. On hearing one thing of the children, BapDada is amused. Do you know what that is? Children say: Baba, what can I do? These are my old sanskars. BapDada smiles. Since you yourself are saying, “These are my sanskars,” it means you have made them “mine”, and when they are “mine” there is a right over them. Since you have made the old sanskars belong to you, then that which is yours will take some space, will they not? Can Brahmin souls ever say, “my sanskars”? You have said “They are mine” and so that “mine” has made its own space. You Brahmins cannot say “they are mine”. These are the sanskars of your past life. They are the sanskars of the shudra life, not of the Brahmin life. So, because you have said “mine, mine” they have settled with that right of belonging to you. You know the elevated sanskars of Brahmin life, do you not? However, these sanskars, which you call old sanskars, are not really old. The oldest of all sanskars of you elevated souls are the original and eternal sanskars. These sanskars are the sanskars of the middle period, of the copper age. So, now finish the sanskars of the middle period; with the Father’s help it is not difficult. However, what happens instead? According to the time, the Father is combined with you, and you do know Him to be combined. ‘Combined’ means that He becomes co-operative at a time of need. However, because of your not taking that help at the time of need, the sanskars of the middle period become prominent.

BapDada wants… All of you are worthy-of-worship souls. So, the special qualification of worthy-of- worship souls is definitely to give blessings. So, do all of you know that you are worthy-of-worship souls? So, give these blessings. To give blessings means it is understood that it also means to receive blessings. The one you give blessings to repeatedly and automatically lets blessings emerge from their heart for those who give those blessings. O worthy of worship souls, it is your natural sanskar to give blessings. It is your eternal sanskar to give blessings. When your non-living images are giving blessings, then, for you worthy- of-worship souls in the living form, it should be a natural sanskar to give blessings. For this, you can say, “my sanskar”. The sanskars of the middle period, of the copper age, have become natural. They have become your nature. In fact, the sanskar of giving blessings is your natural nature. When you give blessings to someone, that soul becomes so happy. That atmosphere of happiness gives so much happiness. So, whoever has done their homework - whether you have come here or not, you are in front of BapDada – congratulations! BapDada is congratulating those children. You have done your homework, and are making it your natural nature, continue to do it and inspire others to do the same. Those who have done their homework a little or not done it at all - all of you should always have the awareness “I am a worthy-of- worship soul.” “I am a special soul who is the following the Father’s shrimat.” Repeatedly bring this awareness into your consciousness and your form because when each one of you is asked what you are going to become, all of you say: I will become Lakshmi and Narayan. None of you raises your hand for becoming Rama and Sita. Since you have the aim of becoming sixteen celestial degrees full, then sixteen celestial degrees means supremely worthy of worship. The duty of a worthy-of-worship soul is to give blessings. While walking and moving around, make this your sanskar easily and constantly. You are worthy of worship. You are sixteen celestial degrees full; this is your aim, is it not?

So, now have a determined thought: Out of love for the Father, no matter how many storms Maya brings in front of you, in front of you master almighty authority souls, even the storms (toofan) become a gift (tohfa). Always remember such a blessing. No matter how big the mountain may be, it will turn into cotton wool. Now, according to the closeness of time, experience the blessings at every moment. Become an authority of experience.

Whenever you want, continue to perform the exercise of becoming bodiless, of becoming an angelic form. One moment a Brahmin, one moment an angel, one moment bodiless. While walking and moving around, even while doing your work, take one or two minutes to practise this. Check: Whatever thought I had, did I experience being that form? Achcha.

To all the children from everywhere who are always in their elevated self-respect, to those who always experience themselves to be supremely worthy of worship and ancestors, to those who always make themselves an embodiment of experience in every subject, to those who are always seated on the Father’s heart-throne and on the throne of the forehead, to those who are always stable in the experience of the elevated stage, to all the children from everywhere, love, remembrance and namaste.

Baba has received many letters, e-mails, and news from everywhere. All the serviceable souls have received the fruit and power of service and will continue to receive it. Baba receives so many letters of love and of their transformation. To those who have the power of transformation, BapDada is giving them the blessing “May you be immortal!” To the serviceable souls who have followed shrimat very well, to such children who have followed the Father, BapDada is giving them the blessing, “Wah My obedient children! wah!” And to those who have love for Baba, who have merged the Father in their heart with a lot of love, Baba is giving them the blessing: “May you be extremely lovely and detached from the obstacles of Maya.” Achcha.

This time, Karnataka Zone served everyone: It is good. All those who have taken the chance for service are content and have made everyone content, and by doing so you have accumulated very well in your account of accumulation. The numbers from Karnataka are not small. You are a good number and just as you have shown the record of doing service that is free from obstacles by all of you working together, in the same way, in the future too, Karnataka can perform many wonders. BapDada has the plan; you can perform wonders. Therefore, show the splendour in a collective way. You have done well now. The whole family is happy with Karnataka. Achcha. BapDada gave those from Karnataka something to do. Do you remember what Baba asked you to do? You claimed a good number in service. Now, make so many heirs emerge that you claim number one. Achcha.

Double foreigners: BapDada has seen that enthusiasm for service is now also increasing in the foreign lands. Earlier, you used to tell Baba that it was very difficult for the people abroad to become students. And what is it now? Now, is it difficult or easy? Is it easy?

BapDada has seen that just as every year you create expansion and bring souls in front of the Father, in the Father and yourselves. It is a good group . All of you are those who have an intellect filled with faith, ones who have Godly intoxication and who fly. Do not become those who walk; become those who fly. Those who walk will not be able to reach their destination on time. Therefore, become those who fly. Double light. BapDada is pleased. Whatever you did was successful. So, who are all of you? Stars of success. It is good. Very good.

All teachers, stand up: The teachers are no less. BapDada sees all the teachers as ‘guru-bhais’. The meaning of ‘guru-bhai’ is to be equal to the Father. So, teachers specially have to perform every action the same as the Father. Not that you will do it at some point in time, but that you definitely have to do it because you do it on behalf of the Father. Teachers are instruments for being equal to the Father in the corporeal form for the students. Every action of a teacher should be visible as being equal to the Father in front of the students. Let it emerge from everyone’s lips that this one is following the Father and has become equal to the Father. You have such an aim, do you not? This is your aim, is it not? Nod your head. Teachers are instruments. So those who are instruments have a responsibility. So, you are doing this, are you not? However, you have to do even more in the future. You have kept a good aim. And the good wishes that the Father has for every teacher is that you have to become equal to the Father. Achcha.

Dadi Janki:

Om shanti. The whole world knows what is happening in the Diamond Hall. How to live this life, and if you have to die, then how to die. Just one Baba, and secondly, I, the soul. Wah re wah, Baba! Not Why? Why? Some like to ask “Why?” Wah, children of sweet Baba, wah! Baba’s children have received supersensous happiness. Do not give anyone sorrow and do not take sorrow from anyone. Do not just speak about this, but do it practically also. Even if someone gives me sorrow, let me not take it. That one is helpless. All Baba’s children have seated Him on their heart-throne. We have to go beyond sound, into the stage of retirement. Baba is Dilaram, the Comforter of Hearts, and His three children – happiness, peace and love – are doing very good service. Seeing such a big gathering, the heart says “Thank You, Baba!” You call everyone, You feed everyone. Everyone is receiving food well, are you not? You also have a good place to sleep in, do you not?

Gulzar Dadi is Baba’s chariot. We have to definitely do what Baba tells us. Dadi Gulzar is listening there now. Listen Dadi, look how big this Diamond Hall in Shantivan is, and the whole hall is full. Everyone is remembering you. Achcha. Om shanti.

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