Avyakt    BapDada    Om Shanti    31/12/2019


Beloved Avyakt Image, the Mother, Father, BapDada’s beloved instrument teachers, brothers and sisters of this land and abroad, who are the decoration of the Brahmin clan, the ones who constantly change the negative into positive with the power of transformation, ones who like the Father, remain stable in the stage of Brahmins who are to become angels, together with God’s love filled with sweet remembrance, please accept many, many greetings for the coming of the New Year.

Tomorrow is the beginning of the New Year 2020. Beloved Baba says: Children, in the New Year, do service with such newness that the revelation of the Father quickly takes place. On one side are the cries of victory and on the other side are cries of distress. Such are the times that are now visible as coming close. In the avyakt month, there is a very good wave of tapasya everywhere. Yoga tapasya bhatthis are taking place everywhere. Each one has the aim to make effort to become equal to the Father, is remaining double light and flying in the flying stage. Everyone is racing very well working with the points that have been sent from Madhuban. Now, Baba’s desire is that the children use their every second, every breath and every treasure in a worthwhile way and become an embodiment of success. While keeping the lesson of suddenly in your awareness, remain ever-ready. Become full with all treasures and donating these to the souls who come in connection and relationship with you, become a donor and a bestower of blessings. Constantly continue to give everyone one gift or another. Tell me, this is your aim and you are moving along making such intense efforts, are you not? In this New Year, each one has to make effort with one or another type of newness and also do service with newness. Everyone is also experiencing very well the subtle and incorporeal sustenance from BapDada when they come to Madhuban, the land of blessings and they all go with beautiful experiences. Everyone is filled with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. Today, it is the turn of the Punjab Zone to serve, and many other groups have also arrived in Madhuban to celebrate the New Year. Of course, there is always the splendor of Baba’s double foreign children. Look, on 1st January, all of us will be celebrating with a lot of splendor the 104th birthday of our very sweet, deeply

beloved Dadi Janki, one who sustains all of us with so much love and the blessings we give her are that Dadi will always be with us while there is the confluence age, and that continues to donate to everyone the donation of virtues and the donation of knowledge. May you always remain healthy! Tell me, this is the pure thought that all of you have in your mind too, do you not? Achcha. Lots of love and remembrance to all. Om Shanti.

31/12/2019     Avyakt BapDada     31/12/2008

In this New Year, with the blessing of the power of transformation, transform the negative into positive ; use your thoughts, breath and time in a worthwhile way and become an embodiment of success.

Today, the Father who gives new life is pleased to see His children everywhere who adopt a new life. This new life is to create the new age. People celebrate the New Year whereas all of you children with a new life give greetings to all souls and, together with that, you also give the good news that the new age is about to come. The Father has already given all of you children the gift of the golden world as an inheritance. In this golden world, there are already many golden gifts. All of you have the intoxication that the gift of the golden world is your birthright, do you not? In today’s world, even if someone gives another person the biggest gift of all, what would he give that is the biggest of all? A crown or a throne. However, what is that compared to the gift of the golden world that you have? Is it anything great? In your heart you have the happiness that your Father has given you the highest gift of all - the new age. You have faith and it is fixed. No one can prevent this destiny. You have this unshakeable faith in your awareness constantly. Do you have it all the time or does it become a little less sometimes? It is your birthright and so your birthright can never be taken away.

Today, all of you have come here from different places to celebrate the New Year. You are celebrating the New Year and so what is the aim you have kept for this New Year? What special thing are you going to do in this New Year? The speciality of this New Year is that you definitely have to become complete and perfect, equal to the Father. No matter what effort you have to make, it is fixed that you definitely have to become equal to the Father. Speak! All of you have this firm thought in your mind, do you not? You may nod in agreement. The Father also wants each child to become equal to the Father. The Father is the Father, but the children are higher than the Father. So, in order to fulfil the aim of becoming equal to the

Father, you have to follow the Father. Just think about it: How did Father Brahma become perfect? What was his speciality? What was the special basis for his perfection? Father Brahma used his every moment in a worthwhile way. He used every breath and every second in a worthwhile way. So, in order to become equal to the Father, what aim will you keep for this year?

You have to use everything in a worthwhile way and definitely become an embodiment of success. Success is the garland around your neck. Success is your Father’s inheritance. So, with this aim, check. Every day you have to check yourself: Did I become an embodiment of success and use my time, breath, treasures, powers and virtues in a worthwhile way? With the success of the present time, I also accumulate for the future. Whatever I use in a worthwhile way now, I will accumulate for the future 21 births. You know, and you were also told earlier, that if you use your time in a worthwhile way, then, in the future too, you will have the attainment of the fortune of the kingdom for the full duration. When you use your breath in a worthwhile way, you will remain healthy for 21 births. There won’t be anything lacking in your health. Together with that, the treasures that you accumulate - and the greatest treasure is that of knowledge and knowledge means understanding – by using the treasure of knowledge in a worthwhile way, you become so sensible in the future that you don’t need to seek advice from any adviser. You yourself rule the kingdom that is unshakeable and unbreakable and there are no obstacles in your kingdom; it is free from obstacles, unshakeable and unbreakable. That is the fruit of accumulating the treasure of knowledge. You use it in a worthwhile way for one birth and you eat the fruit of success for many births. In the same way, by using for yourself and for others the powers you have received you will have all powers in your future kingdom; no power will be any less; there won’t be any power lacking. Similarly, if you are donating virtues, then, what is the praise that they sing to the images of your final, 84th birth till the final moment? That you are full of all virtues. So, by using each and every attainment in

a worthwhile way you claim a right to them for many births. So, what are you going to do this year? You have to keep the aim that not a single breath or a single second goes to waste. You have to accumulate. The time for accumulation is a very short birth whereas the period for receiving the fruit is 21 births. So, this year, do you have the aim of becoming equal to the Father? Do all of you have the aim that you definitely have to become equal to the Father? Not that you will become, but that you definitely do have to become. Underline: I do have to become that. Achcha.

So, you kept the aim for this year, and, together with that, the mantra to follow the Father is to use everything in a worthwhile way and to become an embodiment of success. BapDada is not giving you children the difficulty of working hard for this. He is showing you a very easy method. What is that easy method? Whatever thought you have, first of all check: Was this the Father’s thought? When you say anything, check it. You want to become equal to the Father, do you not? So, first of all think about your thoughts, words, deeds, relationships and connections: check them to see if they are the same as the Father’s and become the embodiment of that. Follow Father Brahma! It is remembered: Follow the Father . Some children show very good games. Do you know what games they show? They don’t follow the Father, but what do they say? I didn’t want it to happen, but it happened. Do not just think about something first, but become the form. If you become the form, you will not then say: I didn’t think about it, but it just happened. The ones who are doing, the ones who are thinking are you elevated souls, the masters. To say, “It happened” means that you don’t have control over your physical organs. So, this year, remember the slogan : I have to do everything that is the same as the Father, I definitely have to become equal to the Father. That is not difficult, is it? All you have to do is what the Father did. It is easy to copy, is it not? There is no need to think at all. And it is guaranteed for all of you that just as Father Brahma became an angel and so it is guaranteed that he will definitely become a deity from an angel, so, you too will definitely become deities from angels. Some children say that, while moving along, they face a lot of opposition, and because of the opposition, they come down from their position . However, just remember that you have to become equal to the Father. At the beginning of establishment, how much opposition did Father Brahma transform into his position ? Everything was new, a challenge. Now, the world has changed so much but how much did Father Brahma sit alone on the seat of self- respect and with his position face all opposition? Where there is position, opposition cannot do anything. What did people say before? That you used to create chaos. And what do they say now? That you are performing wonders. There is so much difference. What is the reason? Father Brahma himself finished all opposition with his seat of self-respect and the weapons of determined faith. So what will you do this year? You have to become equal, do you not? So, if you have to face constant opposition, then sit on the seat of self-respect and opposition will change into position . Do you have this courage? You raised your hand for definitely becoming equal to Father Brahma, but do you have that much courage? First there is self-transformation, then there are the many souls who come into relationship and connection, and then there are souls of the world. You have to transform all of them with the good wishes and pure feelings in your mind and with your determined thoughts.

So, this year, BapDada is giving the blessing of one particular power. When you say “My Baba” from your heart, then one power will become present. You mustn’t say “My Baba” just like that, but if you say it from your heart and if you have a right that it is “My Baba” then the power will become present in front of you. What power is that? The power of transformation. With the power of transformation, especially change the negative into positive . While seeing negative thoughts and negative behaviour, change them into positive . Just see, speak and do everything positive . Simply with your good wishes and pure feelings, it will become easy because this opposition will come, but your power of transformation will easily bring you success. So, did you understand the special blessing for this year? Use the power of transformation with determined thoughts. You can bring about transformation, can you not? This is your challenge. You do remember it, do you not? You are world transformers, are you not? Since your title is a world transformer, then, is it difficult to transform yourself? When anything difficult arises in your heart – in fact, nothing is difficult but you make it difficult; what can be difficult in front of a master almighty authority? However, you make one mistake and make it difficult. For instance, if it suddenly becomes dark here, and then, by mistake, someone tries to chase away the darkness, will the darkness go away? The correct method is for you to switch the light on and the darkness will go away in a second. So, you also make the mistake that when something has happened, you go into the queue of questions such as, “Why?”, “What?”, “When?”, “How?” etc. You make a small thing big and something big is difficult. If you make it into a small thing, it will become easy. The Father has shown you an easy method to use any particular power. Sit on the seat of the awareness of being a master almighty authority. If you sit on this seat, you won’t become upset. Without a seat you become upset, but if you have your seat you won’t become upset. Your sanskars of 63 births will emerge. What were your sanskars for 63 births? One minute you would be set and the next minute you would become upset. So, always remain set on the seat of your self-respect. And what will you do this year? You will give everyone a gift in the New Year, will you not? So, what gift will you give them? You will give greetings and what gift will you give with that? You have many gifts . You can give as many as you want. The physical gifts will only last for a temporary period, but you who are becoming equal to the eternal Father should give an imperishable gift . Through your mind give the gift of powers, through your words give the gift of knowledge and through your actions give the gift of virtues. All of you have these, do you not? If you do, nod! You have many treasures, do you not? They are not any less, are they? Whenever you interact with anyone, and you will have to interact, then, this year, give them lots of gifts . However, give them imperishable gifts. You were told that you mustn’t let anyone go away empty-handed, whether you give them the gifts of your mind, of words or of actions. For this, you will always have to pay attention to one thing. At every moment, you will have to keep a stock of powers in an emerged form. How many powers do you have? You have a list, do you not? Because of having to speak, you always have churning power in your mind. You will have to keep the power to churn knowledge in your awareness. In your behaviour, through your face and in your actions, you will have to become an embodiment of virtues. You will always have to keep yourself as an embodiment of virtues, an embodiment of knowledge and an embodiment of powers in an emerged form. Do not think that you have the powers anyway, that you have knowledge anyway, but you will have to become the embodiment. You will have to look at everyone with the vision and attitude of them being part of Godly family. Since you have to become equal this year and you have raised your hands for that, everyone’s hand will be visible in BapDada’s subtle region. It isn’t this small TV there; it is a very big one there. Baba can see the results of all the centres in one second. BapDada is pleased to see your enthusiasm of definitely having to become equal to the Father. You have the fortune of happiness. You have a happy face, so never let your face become bossy. Always happy. No matter how busy you may be doing something, even if you are rectifying a mistake, or if you are explaining to someone, your face and your words should not be bossy. This year, demonstrate this by bringing about this transformation. A prize will be given to those who are always smiling throughout the whole year no matter what situations come. Some brothers and sisters say – all of you have heart-to-heart conversations – that if you don’t explain with bossiness, they won’t understand or they won’t change. You have already kept the feeling that the other person is not going to change, so that person has already received your vibrations. Therefore, this year, bid farewell to anger and its progeny. Is this possible? Not even to have bossiness. The Father is asking those who become angry from time to time in order for something to be done or in order to rectify something, but does the other person reform through that? Has anyone reformed by you getting angry with them? Show Baba that list! In fact, they become even more irritated; they don’t reform themselves. They create opposition in their mind. If they are older, they create opposition in their mind because they can’t say anything and if they are young, they begin to cry. So, Baba is telling you all the things that you have to do this year. Do you like it? Are you going to do it? You may now raise your hands! Are you going to do it? Those with the TV camera, take their photograph ! Raise your hands! Keep them high! The cameramen are taking a picture. (Whatever BapDada has said, each one has to do that this year. Achcha.

Baba has given you a lot of work, but BapDada is your Companion. Whenever you feel something is difficult, say with your heart, “Baba, My Baba, My Companion, come and help me”, and Baba is then bound to help. You have to say it with your heart though, because you have to see the time and the self. Time is challenging and you have to challenge Maya. What can she do then? So, BapDada was seeing that according to the time, the speed of time is fast at present. So, who is going to oppose the time? You are going to do that. BapDada has seen that that you are not hearing the call of unhappy souls, the call of devotees and the call of time that much. The poor things do not have any courage, so give them wings so that at least they can fly. Give them wings of courage and zeal and enthusiasm. Achcha.

This time it is the turn of Punjab Zone to serve: BapDada also has love for Punjab. Why does He have love? You have made Jammu Kashmir belong to you, but only to a small extent. Jammu Kashmir is well known in Pakistan and in America. Everyone’s vision is on Jammu Kashmir. So, show some splendour there. Do not think that the sisters of that place should do it. You should give some co-operation, and show it by doing something wonderful. Give a little attention and the name will be glorified. The place where there is fighting should now have a flag of peace hoisted there. Is that OK? It is a large number. Firstly, become free from obstacles and secondly, hoist the flag of peace in service. Everyone should be able to see the flag: that “Yes, the flag of peace is flying in the place of peacelessness.” Is that OK?

Double foreigners: Double intense effort-makers. You are not double foreigners now, but double intense effort-makers. The speciality of the double foreigners is that they generally like to walk hand in hand. So, have all of you put your hand very firmly in BapDada’s hand, that is, have you made Him your Companion, your Friend, your lovely Friend? So have you made Him your Friend? You remember the relationship with a friend very quickly. When any difficulty arises, you would not share it with your father, but you would share it with your friend . So, you have made God your Friend. God is your Friend, is He not? It is good. BapDada is pleased to see the foreigners . What is the reason for that? Those from abroad have proved one name of the Father. That of the World Father and World Benefactor. Previously, He was just the Benefactor of Bharat, but those from abroad have revealed the Father’s name as being the World Benefactor. Previously, you used to do world service just with your mind, but you have now become instruments to serve the world in all directions. And, just see how wonderful the children that have emerged from all corners of the world are! So, you would have the intoxication that you are the companions of every cycle. You were, you are and you will be. You are that, are you not? Do you have that intoxication? Look, the Father ’s vision recognised you even though you were in different corners. The Father recognised you and you also recognised Him. The poor people keep on saying that He will come, He will come, whereas what do you say? That He has come. You sing, do you not, “My Baba has come?” So, it is very good. The Father is especially giving everyone love and affection, remembrance and blessings from His heart. All the children everywhere will now do practically the homework that BapDada has given and give the proof of it and show its impact by becoming worthy children. So, lots and lots of love and affection from the heart to all the children everywhere, and also accept multimillionfold love and remembrance. BapDada’s namaste to such worthy and elevated children.

Dadi Janki:

Wonderful Baba. My Baba. Sweet Baba, Lovely Baba, Thank You Baba. Tomorrow, the New Year will begin. What do we have to do in the New Year? Finish all the things of the past. My desire is that all of us always remain happy, remain prosperous and forget all the things of the past. Today, Baba has given us such good homework. I wish everyone to do that homework and show Baba. Many, many greetings for the New Year to all.

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