Avyakt    BapDada    Om Shanti    18/01/2020


Beloved Avyakt BapDada’s deeply loving instrument teachers, and all brothers and sisters who are the decoration of the Brahmin clan, ones who always remain lost in God’s love, souls who are experienced in receiving sustenance from the sakar and the avyakt, please accept God’s love-filled sweet remembrance .

Every year, all Brahmin children celebrate the Day of Remembrance and so the Day of Power of our beloved Pita Shri Brahma Baba with a lot of love and devotion. It is now 51 years completed since Baba became avyakt. This Day of Remembrance of our senior mother who gave all of us this alokik birth and one who remained combined with Shiv Baba in the avyakt form and gave us such high and elevated sustenance brings to life all his divine activities. All of us are experiencing how this alokik journey of 84 years of the confluence age has been free from obstacles and is now coming close to its destination. Being under his canopy of protection, thousands of children have become conquerors of Maya and matter and are coming close to their destination of perfection. The intense effort-making children of the confluence age, with the help of their body, mind and wealth and the souls of the advance party with their life filled with divine inculcations are making preparations for beating the drums of God’s revelation. That day is also now appearing close when the sound will echo everywhere “This is the One, this is the One, this is the One!” There will be cries of victory everywhere and all souls will take a drop of something or another and go to their home, the land of liberation. Then our new golden-aged world will come. Tell me, this scene is coming in front of you, is it not? Since the last two years, our sweet Baba has been keeping His eye on the activities of all of us children and been helping us with His subtle and incorporeal forms and enabling us to do world service.

In Madhuban, in Pandav Bhawan, as it happens every year, on this Day of Remembrance, the brothers and sisters from Calcutta decorated all the four pilgrimage places beautifully with a variety of flowers. From amrit vela, all brothers and sisters were merged in that love and celebrated the avyakt meeting and continued to tour around the subtle regions. Then bhog was offered to our beloved Baba. After that, there was yoga- tapasya at all three places. In Shantivan, Nirwairbhai and Amirchandbhai, both of whom took sustenance from Sakar Baba, shared their experiences of being with Baba in such close company. Bhog was especially offered to Baba in all places and then there was Brahma Bhojan. In the evening, being merged in love for Father Brahma, everyone heard the elevated versions in the Diamond Hall, and these versions (the murli) are being sent to you. Now, about 20,000 brothers and sisters from Gujarat and many others places from this land and abroad have come to Baba’s home and it is the turn of the Gujarat Zone to serve. Every evening, Dadi Jankiji conducts yoga especially and also refreshes everyone with her words of blessings and elevated versions. Beloved Dadi Gulzarji is still in Gamdevi centre in Mumbai and all the vibrations of the pure thoughts of everyone is reaching her. We hope that after the cold season, Dadi will come to our home in Madhuban. The good wishes of all brothers and sisters are reaching BapDada, and Baba will definitely fulfill the hopes of the children. Achcha. Lots of love and remembrance. Om shanti.

18/01/2020     Avyakt BapDada     18/01/2007

Now liberate yourself, become a master bestower of liberation and become an instrument to liberate everyone.

Today, BapDada, the Ocean of Love, is looking at all the loving children everywhere. He is pleased to see two types of children. One are the children who are merged in love (loveleen) and the other are the children who are lovely. The waves of love of both types of children were reaching BapDada even before amrit vela. In every child’s heart, the song “My Baba” was playing automatically. The same song was playing in BapDada’s heart: “My children, My beloved children, the children who are the crown on BapDada’s head.”

Today, because of the Day of Remembrance, there were greater waves of love in everyone’s mind. The garlands of the pearls of love of the many children were being garlanded around BapDada’s neck. The Father was also putting the garland of His loving arms around His children. You are all merged in the unlimited arms of unlimited BapDada. Today, everyone has especially reached here in the flying vehicle of love, and from far, far away, too, children have reached here in their avyakt (subtle) form, in their angelic form, with the flying vehicle of their mind. Today, BapDada is giving all the children multimillionfold remembrance for the Day of Remembrance and so the Day of Power. This day reminds you of so many types of awareness (memories), and each type of awareness makes you powerful in a second. The list of memories comes into your awareness in a second, does it not? As soon as that awareness comes in front of you, you have the intoxication of being powerful. Do you remember the first form of awareness? When you belonged to the Father, what awareness did He remind you of? That you are a fortunate soul of the previous cycle. Do you remember what transformation took place with this first form of awareness? By being soul conscious, you became intoxicated with the love of God the Father. Why were you intoxicated? What were the first words of love that emerged from your heart? “My sweet Baba.” And what was the intoxication you had when these golden words emerged? By saying, knowing and accepting “My Baba” all the Godly attainments became your attainments. You have this experience, have you not? By saying “My Baba” so many attainments became yours! Where there is attainment, you don’t need to make effort for remembrance, but there is automatic and easy remembrance, since that attainment is yours. The Father’s treasures became your treasures. Where you have the consciousness of “mine”, you don’t have to make effort to remember; there is natural remembrance. Something that is “mine” is difficult to forget, not difficult to remember. You have the experience that the body belongs to you, so are you able to forget it? You have to make effort to forget it. Why? It is “mine”. So, where there is the consciousness of “mine”, remembrance is easy. So, your awareness made you into a powerful soul. The one phrase “My Baba” did this. You made the Bestower of Fortune, the Bestower of Limitless Treasures belong to you. You are the children who perform such wonders, are you not? You have claimed a right to sustenance from God. This direct sustenance from God is only received once in the whole cycle. You receive sustenance from souls and deity souls all the time, but sustenance from God is received only for one birth.

So, on this day of Remembrance and so the Day of Power, there was easily the intoxication and happiness of God’s sustenance, was there not? Because today the atmosphere was of easy remembrance. So, on this day, did you remain an easy yogi or did you have to battle to have remembrance on this day too? Because today is said to be the Day of Love, is it not? So, love makes you finish making effort. Love makes everything easy. So, on this day, did you especially remain an easy yogi or were there any difficulties? Those who faced difficulties on this day, raise your hands! No one had any difficulties? All of you remained easy yogis? Achcha, those who remained easy yogis, raise your hands! Achcha, all of you remained easy yogis? Today, you bade farewell to Maya. Did Maya not come today? Did you bid farewell to Maya for today? OK, you bade farewell for today. Congratulations for that! If you remain merged in remembrance in the same way, then you will have bad farewell to Maya for all time

BapDada wants to celebrate this year as the Unique Year, the year of being loving to all, the year that is free from effort and the year that is free from problems. Do all of you like this? Do you? Will you celebrate the Year of Liberation? You want to go to the land of liberation, so you have to enable the many peaceless souls who are experiencing sorrow to receive liberation by becoming companions of the Father, the Bestower of Liberation. Only when you master bestowers of liberation become free yourselves will you be able to celebrate the Year of Liberation. You Brahmin souls are yourselves instruments to become free and give liberation to many others. One type of language that ties you in bondage, instead of making you free, that makes you dependent on problems is: “It is not like this, it is like that. It is not like that, it is like this.” When problems come, you say, “Baba, it was not like this, it was like that. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been like that.” These are the games of making excuses.

BapDada has seen everyone’s file . So what did He see in the file ? For the majority, the file was full of paper on which promises were written. At the time of making a promise, you make it with your heart, you even think about it, but up to now, it has been seen that the file is continuing to become bigger, and it has not become final . For a firm promise, it has been said: Even if you have to die, you will not break your promise. So, today, BapDada saw everyone’s file . You have all made many very good promises. You have made them in your mind and also written them down. So, what will you do this year? Will you increase your file or will you make the promise final ? What will you do? Those sitting in the front line, Pandavas, speak! Teachers, speak! This year, will you make the file that is getting bigger with BapDada final ? Or, will you add another paper this year too? What will you do? Speak Pandavas! Will you make it final ? Those who feel that even if you have to bow down, if you have to change, even if you have to tolerate or listen to other everyone’s photo . There are 2, 3, 4 TVs (cameras). Take a photo from all sides! Keep this record! Take this photo and give it to the Father! Where is the TV person? BapDada should also take benefit from the file . Congratulations! Congratulations! You may applaud yourselves.

Look, on one side there is science, on another side there is corruption, on another side there is sin and all of these are continuing to grow in their own way. Many new plans are continually being made. But you are the children of the Creator. You are the children of the World Creator. So this year, adopt an instrument of such newness that your promise becomes firm, because everyone wants revelation to take place. So much expense is being incurred. Big, big programmes are being held in many places. Each professional wing is working very well, but now, this year, make this addition: Whatever service you do - for instance, you may be doing verbal service, then don’t let it just be service through your mouth, but let there be service through your thoughts, words and deeds filled with love and co-operation – let all three types of service take place at the same time. They should not be separate. BapDada sees that, in one type of service, there isn’t the result that there should be. You also want revelation to take place, and so far this result has been good. It is a very good result compared to earlier. Everyone who attends goes away saying, “This is good, this is good, it is very good.” However, to become good means for revelation to take place. So, now make this addition, that at the same time you have to be loving and co-operative in your thoughts, words and deeds. Give this to every companion – whether it is a Brahmin companion or an outsider who is an instrument for service. To give love and co-operation means to claim number one in the service through deeds. Do not speak the language, “This happened like this and this is why I had to do it like that.” Instead of giving love, you sometimes have other things to say and Baba is not using those words. “I have to do this, I have to say this, I have to consider all these things.” Let it not be like that. For so many years it has been seen, BapDada has allowed it to happen. For how much longer will it continue to be “Not like this, but like that.”? In their heart-to-heart conversation with BapDada, the majority say, “Baba, when will You open the curtain finally? For how much longer will this continue?” BapDada is asking you: For how much longer will this old language, these old ways of carelessness and bitterness continue? BapDada also has a question: How much longer? If you reply, then BapDada will also reply about when destruction will take place. BapDada could open the curtain of destruction even now, at this second. But, first, those who are going to rule there should be ready. So, only when you make preparations from now will you bring completion close. In terms of any weaknesses, do not make any excuses or give reasons, find a solution. You say, “Because of this reason….” BapDada watches the games of the children throughout the day. He has love for you children, and so He repeatedly continues to watch the games. BapDada’s TV is very big. The world can be seen on it at the same moment. The children from everywhere can be seen. Whether it is America or Gurgaon, everything is visible. So BapDada sees many games. The language of ‘putting off’ is very good, “There was this reason, Baba; it wasn’t my mistake, that one did that...” OK, that one did it, but did you find a solution? Did you let the excuse remain an excuse or did you change the excuse into a solution? Everyone asks, “Baba, what are Your hopes?” So BapDada is telling you His hopes: BapDada has only one hope - that solutions should be visible and reasons and excuses finish. Problems should finish and things should continue to be resolved. Is this possible? Those in the first line, is it possible? At least nod! Those sitting at the back, is it possible? Is it possible? Achcha. So, if BapDada opens His TV tomorrow...... He will definitely watch the TV, will He not? So, if BapDada watches the TV tomorrow, then, whether it is abroad or in India, whether it is a small village or a big State, there won’t be any reasons or excuses visible anywhere, will there? Are you sure? You are not saying “yes” for this! Will there be any reasons or excuses? Raise your hands! You raised your hands very well. BapDada is pleased. It is the wonder of getting you to raise your hands. You children know how to please Baba. BapDada sees and thinks that a handful out of multimillions, and a few out of that handful, have become instruments, so who apart from you children will do something? You are the ones who have to do it. BapDada has hopes in you children. All the others who are to come will be all right on seeing your stage. They will not have to make effort. You just become this because all of you promised the Father the moment you took birth: You will stay together, you will become companions and return home together and return to the kingdom with Father Brahma. You promised this, did you not? Since you will stay together and return together, then you are also service companions together, are you not?

Should Baba give you further news of today? On this day, even the advance party emerges in front of BapDada. The advance party is remembering all of you: When will you open the gates of liberation with the Father? Today, the whole advance party was telling Baba: Give us a date! What reply should Baba give? Speak! What reply should Baba give? Who is clever at giving an answer? BapDada gives the answer that it will happen very quickly. However, the Father needs the co-operation of you children for this. All of you will return home with the Father, will you not? Are you those who are going to return home with the Father or those who will halt every now and then as you go? You are those who will return with the Father, are you not? You would like to return home together, would you not? Then you will have to become equal, will you not? If you want to return home together, you will have to become equal. What is the saying? “Hand in hand, both together as companions.” So ‘hand in hand’ means equal. So, Dadis, speak! Will the preparations be made? Dadis, speak! Dadis, raise your hands! Dadas, raise your hands. You are called the Senior Dadas, are you not? So Dadis, Dadas, speak! Do you have a date? (If not now then never.) What does that mean – if not now then never? You are ready now, are you not? You gave a good reply. This has to be completed. Each one should consider the self to be responsible. Young, old – do not be small in this. Even a 7-day-old child is responsible. You are going to return home together, are you not? If the Father wants to go alone, He can do that, but He will not go alone; you have to go with Him. It is a promise between the Father and you children. You are going to fulfil your promise, are you not? Those from Madhuban are sitting here, are you not?

All those who are heads, those in-charges – there are many in Shantivan, Gyan Sarovar and Pandav Bhavan, everywhere. Give a list of the names of those who are in-charge to BapDada. BapDada will take an account from them. And the teachers who are in-charge - whether of a centre or a zone - we will have a gathering of them one day. Baba will ask for all the accounts, will He not? This is because the sound of a lot of sorrow and peacelessness reaches BapDada. Sounds of distress come to BapDada. Can you people not hear it? There would be your devotees too, would there not? So can you, the specially beloved deities, not hear the call of the devotees? Can the teachers hear the sound of the devotees? Achcha.

It is the turn of Gujarat to serve (6,500 BKs have come): Gujarat is on the doorstep. 6,500 have come from Gujarat. It is good. Welcome. BapDada has seen that in Gujarat, firstly, there are many Gita pathshalas, and there are also many hands that run the Gita pathshalas. And there is also a lot of service in Gujarat. There are many serviceable hands too. What will Gujarat do now? There are many servers and there is a lot of service to be done. So, what new service will you do now?

Show this by becoming number one in serving through the mind. This applies to everyone, but because it is the turn of Gujarat, Baba is telling Gujarat. However, now, when your mind is powerful , the result of serving through your mind will then come in front of you. There wasn’t that result of serving through words earlier, but that result is now coming in front of you. You have worked well. BapDada is giving congratulations for your hard work, which was just for the sake of it. However, time is moving fast , and even now, time is moving very fast . Achcha. Congratulations! Gujarat has the title of being physically close in terms of the land. Similarly, you are also close to the Father’s heart. There are good ones that have emerged from the beginning. Good Pandavas and Shaktis have emerged. Now prepare such speakers. You give them sakaash and they give the lectures. Achcha. Very good. Multimillionfold congratulations.

BapDada meeting Double Foreigners: BapDada has also said earlier that when the double foreigners come, Madhuban becomes beautifully decorated. Everyone has a lot of love for the double foreigners. Whenever anyone sees your group they become happy because you are also the handful out of multimillions and a few out of that handful that have emerged. And nowadays there is good news of the service abroad. You were told just now: do not do just one type of service at one time; let all three types of service take place simultaneously and this will create an impact quickly. You can serve through your face and your activity. You are mobile museums. Just as there is a variety of pictures in a museum or an exhibition, in the same way, your eyes, your forehead and your smiling lips – you can serve with all these different means. You are good. BapDada feels that you have courage. Now, just a little bit of subtle realization is needed. You do realize, but now have realization in a subtle way and become number one. Win and become one, not the second number, but one. Is this all right? You are number one, are you not? You are not number two, are you? Are you number one? At least nod! Achcha. BapDada likes it when the groups of double

BapDada also received the love and remembrance of the group that came to Madhuban to decorate Madhuban with flowers (brothers and sisters from Calcutta). This group, stand up! Where are they? Look, everyone loved the decoration of flowers. Decoration of flowers is a common thing and others also do it but there is a difference between the decorations that you do and those that people do – you decorated everything being embodiments of love. People do it considering it to be a duty, whereas you have done it with love. So where there is love, the fragrance and decoration of those flowers becomes even more beautiful.

Even your brothers and sisters who come become very happy. “Wah! It is a wonder! It is a wonder!” So BapDada is giving you multimillion-fold greater love than the love with which all of you have decorated everything. Congratulations. Achcha.

Baba has received many letters - letters of remembrance by e-mails and phones from everywhere. They have reached here, in Madhuban, as well as in the subtle region. Very loving remembrance in the minds of the mothers who are in bondage also reached BapDada. BapDada remembers very much such loving children and is also giving them blessings.

Nowadays, BapDada sees that everyone happily has very good experiences of being close while being far away. However, to come to Madhuban in person, to fill your aprons, to meet such a big family – this family is no less. In whatever way you might be watching Baba (Internet or TV), to meet the family in person brings so much happiness, because you have met after 5000 years. So that experience is its own, but the golden chance to be a resident of Madhuban also brings co-operation. Everyone also experiences that. However, BapDada is happy that everyone has love for the murli, and to have love for the murli means to have love for Murlidhar (the one who is playing the murli flute). If someone says that they have love for Murlidhar but he only hears the murli sometimes, BapDada would say: BapDada does not consider that love to be love. To fulfil the responsibility of love is different from just loving. Those who have love for the murli are the ones who fulfil the responsibility of love, and those who don’t have love for the murli are in the list of those who just have love; they are not in the list of those who fulfil the responsibility of love. The memorial of Madhuban is that the murli is played in Madhuban. The land of Madhuban has importance. Achcha.

So, to all the loving children from everywhere, to both the lovely and loveleen children, to the knowledge- full and powerful children who accumulate multimillions at every step, according to the Father’s shrimat, to the children who are always loving and who always maintain their self-respect and give respect to others – to such victorious children who always follow the Father’s shrimat, to the easy yogi children who always take every step, placing their foot in BapDada’s footsteps, BapDada’s love….. However, today, each one of the children of the advance party in the subtle region also said: Give all the children everywhere love and remembrances on our behalf. And give them our message: We are waiting for you. Make your preparations as quickly as possible. Especially, the loving Mother of all of you and Didi, Dada Vishwa Kishor, and all your companions who have gone, all of them have given all of you love and remembrance. And, together with that, your sweet Mother said: Now, become victorious, remove the sorrow and pain and become the Father’s companions to quickly open the gates to the land of liberation. Those who have not seen Father Brahma in the corporeal form, Father Brahma is also giving all of you special love and remembrance from his heart. So, love, remembrance and namaste.

Dadi Janki:

Om shanti three times. Wonderful Baba, wonderful Baba’s children. Baba gives such good drishti, and with that drishti, which world do we go into? The subtle region and the incorporeal world. Both the worlds are very good. Baba comes in the subtle region and then He pulls us into the incorporeal world. So, we are Baba’s children, are we not? Children say, “Baba!” and Baba says, “Children!” “Baba” emerges from our hearts in this way. The heart says, “Thank you, Baba! You are very good. We are also good.” According to the time, Baba has to be present, Baba comes. We don’t have to make any effort, but there is love. Who am I? Who is mine? Each one has their own part.

Those from Calcutta always decorate everywhere with flowers. Each one has their own part. Seeing everyone’s parts, I am happy. My duty is to stay happy and make everyone happy. Be happy and share happiness. The system of meeting here is very lovely. Om shanti.