06/03/2020        Om Shanti        Madhuban


Beloved Avyakt BapDada’s deeply loving instrument teachers, and brothers and sisters of this land and abroad who are the decoration of the Brahmin clan, ones who are always world benefactors and creating a world of happiness and peace, ones who are instruments to establish one kingdom and one religion, together with God’s love and sweet remembrance, please accept hearty greetings for the pure festival of Holi.

Now, the festival of Holi is coming in front of us and sweet Baba has made the lives of all of us holy. Each one has stabilised in the meaning of the word “Ho li” (It has already happened, it is the past), that is, let the past be the past, and now belong to just the One. Burning the holi of old sanskars, you have now become holy. Then, celebrating an auspicious meeting with one another, performing the dance of harmonising of sanskars, colouring each one with the colour of your elevated company, you are all doing the service of bring about the golden world. Congratulations, congratulations to all of you for such a beautiful festival.

Today, it is the avyakt day for the divine incarnation of our beloved Avyakt BapDada. About 20 – 21 thousand brothers and sisters have arrived from the Eastern Zone (Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Assam), Nepal and Tamil Nadu. Each one is merged in the Ocean of Love and with your avyakt stage, are experiencing the avyakt meeting. There is also a very good splendour of the double-foreign brothers and sisters. This time, brothers and sisters from more than a hundred countries have come to Baba’s home. The main brother or sister from each country has also arrived in Madhuban. Each one has had very good heart-to-heart conversations for self-progress and service and made new plans for service.

Beloved Dadi Jankiji (Ahmedabad) and Dadi Gulzarji (Mumbai) are giving us the feeling of their presence in a sutble form through their powerful vibrations. From the subtle regions, beloved BapDada is decorating His children with divine blessings and subtle powers. All brothers and sisters who have come to Baba’s home are very well refreshed, fully content and giving blessings from the heart to BapDada and the divine family. It is a wonder of our sweet BapDada that while being in the subtle region, He is giving children the real feeling of His presence and also sustaining us. Even through the video, each one feels that BapDada is present amidst all of us and giving us a solution to each of our questions. Now, the circumstances of delicate times are coming in front of us in their fearsome forms. Baba says: Children, the destiny of the drama is always benevolent. According to the time, we have to increase the power of yoga and with our pure and clean vibrations, give souls who are afraid the sakaash of the power of peace. Achcha. Lots of love and remembrance to all. Om shanti.

06/03/2020     Avyakt BapDada     31/03/2007

Be worthy and show the Father’s face through your face; together with being constructive (nirman) in service, also maintain the balance of speaking pure (nirmal) words and a humble (nirmaan) stage.

Today, BapDada is pleased to see the lines of fortune of the children everywhere. The lines of sparkling light are shining on the forehead of all the children. The line of the fortune of spirituality is visible in their eyes. The line of the fortune of elevated words is visible through their mouth. On their lips, Baba is seeing the spiritual smile. On their hands, the lines of all Godly treasures are visible. In every step of remembrance, Baba is seeing the line of multimillions. In each one’s heart, Baba is seeing the line of being absorbed in the Father’s love. Each of you children is experiencing such elevated fortune, are you not? The Father Himself has drawn these lines of fortune with each one’s pen of elevated action. It is such elevated fortune that it is imperishable; it is not just for this birth, but these are the imperishable lines of fortune for many births. The Father is imperishable and the lines of fortune are imperishable. At this time, all lines are attained on the basis of the elevated actions. The effort of this time creates the reward for many births.

Even at this time, BapDada wishes to see the reward that all of you children are to receive for many births, that attainment of the reward for the effort of this time, now. Not just in the future, but all these lines should be experienced constantly even now, because these divine sanskars of the present time are creating your new world. Check! Do you know how to check? You have to become your own checker. Are you experiencing the lines of all fortune even now? You do not think, do you, that this reward will be visible at the end? The attainment is at this time, and the reward also has to be experienced at this time. The sanskars for the future world (sansar) have to be experienced in your life in a practical way now. What should you check? You praise the sanskars of the future world - that in the future world there will be one kingdom. You remember that world, do you not? Do you remember how many times you have ruled in that world? Or, is it that you remember it only when Baba reminds you of it? Do you remember what it was? It is in your awareness, is it not? Are those sanskars in your practical life at this time? Check: In your mind, in your intellect, in your relationships and connections, in your life – do you have one kingdom? Or, is it that sometimes, together with the soul’s rule, there is also the rule of Maya? In your future reward, there is just one kingdom, not two; so too, now also, there aren’t two kingdoms, are there? Just as in the future kingdom, together with the one kingdom, there is one religion. What religion is that? It is the religion of the dharna of complete purity. So, now check: Is there complete purity? There should be no name or trace of impurity even in your dreams. Purity means to have just the one dharna of complete purity in your thoughts, words, deeds and relationships and connections. You should be Brahmachari. Do you know how to check yourself? Those of you who know how to check yourselves, raise your hands? You know how to check yourself, and do you also check yourself? Do you? Do the teachers know how to check? Do the double foreigners know? Why? Because of the purity of the present time, even today people ask for purity from your non-living images. Purity means one religion, which is established at this time and also continues in the future. Similarly, what is the praise of the future? One kingdom, one religion and, together with that, constant happiness, peace and wealth. Akhand (continuous, unbroken) happiness, akhand peace and akhand wealth. So, in your life of self-sovereignty – the other is the kingdom of the world – but, at this time, you have self-sovereignty. Check yourself! Imperishable happiness, Godly happiness: do you experience it to be imperishable? It should not be that you are experiencing happiness on the basis of any means or facilities. No wave of sorrow should be experienced at any time, for any reason. You are not experiencing happiness on the basis of name, fame or honour, are you? Why? Because name, fame, honour, means, facilities etc. are themselves perishable and temporary. You cannot receive imperishable happiness on the basis of perishable supports. Continue to check yourself. Even now, continue to listen and also check yourself and you will know how much difference there is between the sanskars of the present time and the reward of the future world. All of you promised BapDada as soon as you took birth. Do you remember your promise? Do you? Or, have you forgotten it? You promised that all of you will become the Father’s companions, be world benefactors and become the makers of the new world of peace and happiness. Do you remember it? Do you remember your promise? Raise your hands! Even those sitting at the back are raising their hands. On this side too, they are raising their hands. Is it a firm promise? Or, is there sometimes something mixed in? You are the ones who are creating the new world on the basis of Godly sanskars. It is not a question of making effort only at this time, but you must also experience at this time the reward of the effort. Together with happiness, also check about peace. Peaceless circumstances, peaceless atmosphere, and, in that too, you are children of the Ocean of Peace! You are always like lotus flowers. So, can you not transform peacelessness into an atmosphere of peace? If the atmosphere is peaceful, and you experience peace, that is not a big thing. However, your promise is that you are the ones who transform peacelessness into peace. So check. You are checking yourself, are you not? Are you the transformers? You are not influenced by anything, are you? You are transformers. Those who are transformers can never be influenced by anything. In this way - wealth, limitless wealth - what is the wealth of someone who is the master of the self? Knowledge, virtues and powers – these are the types of wealth of someone who is a self-sovereign, the master of the self. So check! You now clearly know the essence of the whole expansion of knowledge, do you not? Knowledge does not mean that you gave courses and lectures, but knowledge means understanding. So, every thought, every deed, every word – knowledge means sensible. Do you do everything while being knowledge-full? Do all virtues remain emerged in your practical life? Do you have all virtues, or only according to your capacity? In this way, all the powers - your title is master with all powers, not just one with some powers. So, do you have all the powers to the fullest extent? Secondly, do all the powers work at the right time? Are they present at the right time? Or, do you remember them when the time for using them has gone by? So, check all these three things. One kingdom, one religion and imperishable happiness, peace and prosperity. All these things that you experience now at the time of self-sovereignty will not be experienced in the new world. All these things can be experienced at this time. Only when these sanskars emerge from now will they continue in the form of the reward. You do not think, do you, that you are still imbibing them, that it will happen, that it will definitely happen by the end?”

BapDada has already given you a signal in advance that the practice over a long period of time at the present time is the basis of the attainment over a long period of time. Do not think that it will happen by the end, that it will happen then. No. It has to happen now. Why? To have a right to being the master of the self, you need the practice over a long period of time now. If you are not able to have a right in one birth and you become dependent, then how can you have rights for many births? This is why BapDada is repeatedly signalling to all the children everywhere that the speed of time is now moving very fast. Therefore, all the children mustn’t just become effort-makers, but must become intense effort-makers and experience the reward of effort over a long period of time now. BapDada has already told you earlier the signs of intense effort. An intense effort-maker will always be a master bestower. He will not be one who takes (levta) , but a deity (devta), one who gives. Not that you say, “If I have this, I can make effort. If this one does it, then I will also do it. If this one changes, then I will also change. This one should change; this one should do it.” These are not signs of a bestower. Whether someone does that or not, I should continue to do it, the same as BapDada, like Brahma Baba. You also saw the sakar form; he never said: If the children do it, then I will do it. It was always: I will do it and then make the children do it. The second sign of intense effort is: To remain constantly humble, even while carrying out a constructive task. There has to be the balance of both – being constructive and humble. Why? When you carry out a task with humility, you receive love and blessings from everyone’s heart. BapDada has seen that in being constructive, that is, on the field of service, nowadays everyone is making new plans with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. For this, BapDada is congratulating all the children everywhere.

BapDada has received many very good plans for constructive service. However, BapDada saw that the constructive tasks are very good, but, to the extent that you have zeal and enthusiasm for service, if you are just as much balanced in the stage of humility, then, in the construction, that is, in the task of service, there will be greater success in a more visible form. BapDada has also told you earlier to have a humble nature, to have humility in your words and your stage when you come into relationship and connection with others. This is the praise of the deities, but in fact, it is the praise of Brahmins. It is said of the deities that the words that emerge through their lips are like diamonds and pearls – invaluable. Pure and gentle words, pure and gentle nature. BapDada is now examining you and so He should give you the result, should He not? Because this is the last turn of this season. BapDada saw that, in having pure words and humility in your stage, more attention is needed.

BapDada has already told you to accumulate in your three accounts of treasures. What did Baba see as a result? What are the three accounts? You would have remembered them, would you not? Nevertheless, Baba is now revising them. 1. With your effort, increase your account of accumulation. 2. Always remain content yourself and make others content too. Remain content and make others content while knowing the different sanskars, for through this you are able to accumulate in your account of blessings. If, due to any reason, there is something lacking in making others content, it doesn’t accumulate in the account of charity. Contentment is the key to charity, whether it is to remain content yourself or make others content. 3. In service, too, always be altruistic: not have the consciousness of “I” – “I did this”, or “My name should be mentioned.” Where there is the consciousness of “I” and “mine” in service you are not able to accumulate in the account of charity. You are experienced in the consciousness of “mine”. There is a lot of consciousness of “mine” even in a royal way. The list of the royal consciousness of “mine” is even longer than the list of the consciousness of “mine” in an ordinary way. Whenever there is the selfish motive of “I” or “mine” and you are not altruistic, very little charity is accumulated in your account. Baba will tell you about the list of “mine” some other time. It is very long and very subtle. So, BapDada has seen that, in your efforts, you are all accumulating in your account according to your own capacity. However, there is now a need to increase the account of blessings and the account of charity. This is why there now has to be attention paid to accumulate in the three accounts. The variety of sanskars will be visible even now. No one’s sanskars have become complete yet. However, now, I should not be influenced by the weak nature or weak sanskars of others. I am a master with all powers, a master almighty authority. Weak sanskars are not powerful. Weak sanskars cannot influence me, a master almighty authority, one with all powers. The means of safety is to stay under BapDada’s canopy of protection. Remain combined with BapDada. Shrimat is the canopy of protection.

It is the turn of the Eastern Zone to serve: (Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Assam, Nepal and Tamil Nadu): This is very good. Those of all the zones have created a good method to take a chance. BapDada is seeing Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Assam, Nepal and Tamil Nadu – there are so many kingdoms. There are many of you. In service, you have taken the chance of doing miraculous service. Have any of you created a new invention for service? Have you thought of a new type of service? Special teachers of all the different zones, raise your hands! The head of each of the places, not just of the zone, raise your hands! Achcha, so what plan of newness in service have you created? Have the teachers in the front made any plans? Or, are you making plans? Because your zone has a lot of expansion. There are so many souls, so many states and so many villages; so make such a plan . BapDada has seen in the countries abroad that those of Africa didn’t just make a plan , but also covered the whole area practically. So, on your side too, there are many areas. So many people will be left deprived if the time comes to an end. So all of you make a plan together.

Look, BapDada has given all the children an equal blessing of courage, zeal and enthusiasm. It is not that BapDada has given more to some and less to others. So, where there is zeal and enthusiasm, there is courage and so what can not be achieved? Even the impossible becomes possible.

Everyone is asking: What is to happen in the future? BapDada’s thought is: Now, at the most, take a chance on a ready-made stage. Make them co-operative, and you just give them sakaash. For 70 years, you have done everything with your courage. Now create the fortune of others. Give them a chance to create their fortune. In order for them to create their fortune, what sakaash must you yourself give them? Firstly, be very merciful. Be the Father’s companions in being forgiving. With your powerful attitude, create such an atmosphere that they themselves make you an offer. Such offers should be received from everywhere. Every zone should receive an offer: Come here! Come here! Come here! Only then will the sound, “This is the One, this is the One”, become well known. Now, give them a chance to be loving and co-operative. Give them a chance. BapDada has seen that, in every zone, there are those who are loving and co-operative according to their capacity, but make them companions in service. Give them wings of zeal and enthusiasm. Everywhere, there are such people, because BapDada does tour around. So, He sees His own children and also sees all the co-operative souls. They are in BapDada’s vision, but they haven’t been given a chance; they haven’t taken a practical chance. So, this year, make them instruments; make the loving and co- operative souls enthusiastic. You have to make them enthusiastic. Otherwise, they too will complain that you didn’t tell them that they could do that. Therefore, now become those who give them a chance.

Double foreigners: BapDada always says: Double foreigners are the special decoration of Madhuban. Just as this land is moving forward with its own zeal and enthusiasm, the lands abroad are no less. The foreign lands have also brought about good expansion in a short time. Now, the foreign lands have to take one prize. Should Baba tell you which prize you should take? Specially the double foreigners? Everywhere, you have to take the prize of keeping the balance of self and service. Do you like this? Those from abroad, do you like it? Do you wish to claim it? Then raise your hands! Welcome! In advance congratulations!

Now, do you remember the drill that BapDada taught you? Throughout the whole day, you have to perform this drill for 5 minutes many times. Have you done it? Those who performed this drill, raise your hand! Only a few of you have raised your hand! Why? You have only done it for a short time, is that why? You have not done it for a long time? So, what shall we do now? At the very least, as a minimum, can you do it 8 times in the whole day? Can you do this? Raise your hands for this! Will you do it? It is good. Then, when the next season begins, BapDada will ask for everyone’s result. Baba will tell you one more thing later, not now. He will tell you about it later. Those of you from Madhuban will do this, will you not? You will take the first number, will you not? So, this year, the homework from the end of this season until the next season : definitely perform this drill 8 times every day. You definitely have to do it. Not that you will see about it; you definitely do have to do it. If you miss it, then do it many times in one hour and complete it. Sleep later. Go to sleep afterwards. First perform the drill eight times, and then go to sleep. Is this all right, teachers? You have got fans in your hands. You must be feeling hot. Very good. The atmosphere of the teachers will automatically spread everywhere.

Today, BapDada wants to see everyone, now, in one second, if you are able to be seated on the seat of self- sovereignty with the sanskars of controlling power and ruling power in an emerged form. In one second, for 2 to 3 minutes, be seated on the seat of a self-sovereign. (Baba conducted drill.) Achcha.

Baba received love and remembrance through letters and all the facilities of science from all the children everywhere. Their love and remembrance have reached BapDada. Many children write and also tell the news of their heart to BapDada in their heart-to-heart conversations. BapDada is responding to all those children: The Lord is always pleased with a true heart. BapDada’s love from His heart and blessings from His heart are especially for those souls. All those who give the news from everywhere, and all the plans that you have made with very good zeal and enthusiasm, BapDada is congratulating you for those and is also giving you a blessing: Continue to move forward and make others move forward.

To all BapDada’s children who are the handful out of multimillions, and to the few most elevated fortunate children of that handful, BapDada’s special love and remembrance. BapDada is giving congratulations to all the children for their courage and zeal and enthusiasm. For the future too, Baba is giving multimillionfold blessings for becoming an intense effort-maker and keeping a balance. Baba is also giving you the blessing that the star of everyone’s fortune always remains sparkling and that you continue to increase the fortune of others. All the children everywhere, at their own places, are listening and seeing too, and BapDada is also seeing all the children everywhere, even those sitting far away, and is pleased with them. Continue to see and always continue to increase the beauty of Madhuban. To all the children, namaste with blessings from the heart.

Dadi Jankiji has sent lots of love and remembrances from the hospital in Ahmedabad.

Dadi Ratanmohiniji: All of us listened peacefully for so long so many very good things from Baba. Now, we have to churn all that we have heard, and while churning, we have to continue to move forward. Baba has given all of us very good teachings, and now we have to churn and bring those teachings into ourselves and awaken that power in ourselves and continue to give everyone happiness. We have to imbibe in our lives what Baba has told us and enable Baba’s message to reach everyone.

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